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HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12501 P 940 TAX MAP DIZSIG, "VATiO~ Dist.: 1000 Sec.: 006.00 B[k.: 05.00 Lot: F~.u 8002*5.89-20M--Bargain nnd Suit I~.'d. with Coren~n. t against Granttw's Acts-Individual ur Corporation. (single she~O .~,/'; -. CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT-'-THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BV LAWVEBS ONLY. THIS INDENTURE. made the ~ duy of March, 2007 BETWEEN THOMAS J. SIIILLO, ~esiding at Sappho Rood, Hsher's lslund. New York 06390 ELLEN MeCANCE PARKER. ~esidin$ at Suppho Rc~d. I-]sber's Island. New York 06390, Ix~,y of the mccord p~l. II WITNESgETll, that the party of tho first'putt, in consideration of Ten Dollurs and o~hct ~{ va uable ccmnM~mthm paid by thc'pa~y of'ond pon. ,Jo's hereby gnmt ',md ~Jense unto x~rty of thc second pan. the heirs or su,.',.',.'sson and assigns of thc pan). of the sectm:l pan forever, ~tLL that eerlain plot. picco or parcel of lard. with the buildings and improvements then,on erect,M, situate, lying ',md being at Fisher's Islnrd in the Town of Southold. County of Suffolk. Slate of New York. mon~ particulndy bounded ard described as follows: BEGINNING ut u point at the Southerly corner of lard now ~ formerly of Ellen McC'nnec Parker, .~id point being lu,.'ao.'d 4,012.{{7 feet North of u point which is 2,486,85 fcet west of n uonumunt mnrkint{ Ibe United Slate,: Coast and Geodetic Survuy Station "PRC~" urd FilENCE Running North 73'25'3{Y' -East 15.05 feet to a monument: TH ENCE North $4°16'00'' East 1~0,08 feet to a point; TIJENCE South 05056. lY' West 40.91 feet to a point: 'FHI-~'VCB South .'r,6'00'06" Wu. si 126.14 IV. et lo u point; THF. NCE Noah 54°53'4T' West 33.54 fo:t to the point of BEGINNING. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE u portion or same premises ~)nvey,.'d to Thomas J. Shillo by un E, tecuturs D~.:ed frurn thc United States Trust Compony of New York ns F~eeutor of the Lasl Will and Teslamem of Pauline D. Wehel, dated Junuu~, 4, 2006. ro.'ortK'd February IS. 2006. in IAher 12436. page 0~6 in the Suffolk County Clerk's Offiee. the (;motor herein bein~ the ~mc deser{ b.'d as the Grantee in mid F)~'d. TOGETHER with all right, title and internst, if any, of the party of the first pan in '.md to un)' sra.,ets und ro~ds abutting the n.!~. ye de~crthed premimc~ to the center lines thereof: 'FOOErHER w th the appurtenances ~ all the estate and fights of tM party of the fi~st part in and to said pmmigns; TO HAVE AND TO tlOLD thc premises be.,re, i.n, gmntrd unto the party of the ~ {matt, the heirs or sueeeasoe$ and assigns of thc party'of the .~cond [}lift forevur. , AND thc Ir.u'ty of tlme fit:it part covcnant~ that the part.v of th~ first {r,u't ham not done tx suffen:d anything whereby the said prcmi.~,$ have been eneumhenM in an)' wuy whatever, exeapt us AND the party of the first part. in compliunee with Section 13 of Ihe IAea I-'.w. coeemnts that the pattyof thc first port will n.,eeive the eonsldemtion for this c~v.~ and will hold the right to receive sneh .,'onsi~;k.,rution u~ u trust fund to he applied first for the purpomc of pul'inS the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of thc co~t of thc impn~vument before using any part of th~ total o{' th~ same for nny other puqaosc. The word 'potty' shall he constrned ns if it ~ "partie~' wbenever the sense of this irdente~ so ri:quires. IN WITNESS WIIEREOFo the party of the first po., Ires dui)' e.~eeu,,'d this c~,,! ycor fieit above wriuen. IN PRESENCE OF: State of New York, County of ~"lL~...E_~;(~ ]* ss: On~e,~dayof March. in the year 2007. before mc. thc" '~"'"~'undcrsisned. per,~onally appeared 'I'llOMAS J. SIIILLO. personally known to me o~ proved tu mc on thc basis of satisfactory, evidence to bc thc indh'iduul whose mtme is subscribed to the within imtrurnent ~ acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his ~r*tpacity. und that by his signu~ure on the instrument, the individual, nr the person upon hehaif of which the individual uct~J, execub.*d thc iactmmenl l/ NO. ~1.478~M - ~ State of New York, County of J. On thc day of , in thc y~.~u' Ix.fore me, thc unde~ignc, d. personally ap[lcurcd the subscribing wimcss to the fom~olng instrument with whom I am personally acquaint'd, who. helng me duly' sworn, did depose and say' that hc/sho/thoy inside{s) in (lithe place of residence is in a city. include the ~treet and street number, if any, thereoJ]; that he/sheh~' know(s) to he thc individu~ dc~dhed in and whu executed the foregoing iacCrumem: that s~d subscribing witness pti.sent and saw said cxccub: thc same; and t 'h'~. said wilnc~,~ at the same time subscrihed hJ~her/their name(s) ac a wittmss thezeto.. State of New York, County ofSuffolkJ. ~: On Ibe day of . in the year . before me. thc undersigned, per~nally appeared personally known to me ca' pmvL'd to mc on thc basis o~ satisfactory evidence to he t~ individual whose name is subserihecl to Ihe within iqslrument and uckrvawlcdgtd to mc that she exgt.'utt.M iht: .~tle in her capacity, and t'hat ~, her signature on the instrument, the individual, or lb., peff, on upon behalf of which the individual acted, ext'cutcd iht: instrument. (Out ,)/State ,r I"ote~gn Cwneral ActhawlnlgmeM CetflfK'ale } .............................................................. f C~vn/~.u, V, ma' w/th 3tatv. Ctnmto'. pnn'~.'e or On the day of , in tbe ),car heforc mc. the undersigned, personally app~uted ~ly ~vn to me or ~v~ to mc on t~ ~is ~ ~tisfacto~' cvidens'o tO ~ the individ~l(s) w~ fl~(s) is (a~) su~fi~d to the within i~tmmcnt ~ ucknowledg~ to ~ t~t h~shclt~y cx~u~ I~ ~ in his/her/their cu~city(ies), thut by higher/their siS~tu~fs) ~ t~ instrument, tho individ~(s). ~ I~ ~r~n u~n behalf of which Ihe i~ividuults} ~ BARGAIN and SALE DEED. WITH COVENANTS AGAI N-~'I' GI~'~NTOR'$ ACI .'S Tid,' No. THOMAS J. SHII..[,O TO ELLEN MCCANCE PARKER DISTRICT: 1000 SECTION: 006.00 BLOCK: 05.00 LOT: p/o (XlT.0tR) COUNTY OR TOWN: Town of Sonlhold TAX BILLING ADDRESS: F-lien McCnnce Parker. P.O, Box *426. Fishcr's Island. NY 06390 RETURN BY MAIL TO: John F. Shea. Esq. Twomey, Lathnm, Shea, Kelley, Dubin & Qunrtamro. LLP West Second Street P.O. Box 9398 Rivethead, NY 11901 RESERVE THIS SPACE FOR USE OF RECORDING OFFICE Please be advised tltis document will be Public reeor,t Remove Social Security Number(s) prior to recording. J Numl~r of pages TORRENS Serial # Certificate # Prior Ctf. # Deed / Mortgage Xnstrmnent ~ge I Rling F~ Handling 5. 00 TP-584 Notation EA-$2 17 (County) EA-5217 (State) R.P.T.S.A. ~0 Comm. of Ed. 5. 00 Affidavit Certified Copy NYS Surchntge 15. 00 2(~? Rot 20 02~21~20 PH JUDITN ~1. P~I~LE CLERK OF SUFFOL~ CX3L~IT~ L 000012~ P 940 DT# Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp IF. ES SubTotal Sub TOtnl Grand Total Recording I Filing Slampa Mortgage Amt. I. Bnsic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpecJA~ait. or Spne./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual County Held for Appoinlment Transfer Tax /~.1~ . Man.sion Tax Thc propen'y covered by this mortgage is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO / If NO, se~ appropriate tax clause on page # of this inslmment. ,, .... lm~ John F. Shea, Esq. :TD ~ Twomey, Latham, Shea, TD Dubin & Quartararo, LLP i-- P.O. Box 9398 ~ ~ -- Suffolk Connt¥ Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms part of the attached Thomas J. Shillo Deed (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) 'Me premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. mado by: Southold TO tn the Township of Ellen McCa. nce Parker In thc VILLAGE Fishe~'s Island or HAMLET of BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (over) SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD ~,mher of Pagee: 3 Receipt ~,--~er : 07-0039351 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 06-30785 Dietrlot~ 1000 Deed Amountz Recorcled~ At: LIBER: PAGE: Se~ tion: Block ~ 006.00 05.00 ~zMEZI~gD ~ C~L%~G~D ~8 FOnLO~B $30,000.00 04/20/2007 02=21=20 PM D00012501 940 007.002 Received ~h~ Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Fage/Filing $9.00 NO l-Iandltng COS $5.00 NO NYB 8RCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO FA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copiee RPT $30.00 NO BCTM Transfer tax $120.00 NO Corm. Pres Fees Paid TRA.NSFERTAXHUHBERr 06-30785 THIS FAGE IS A PART OF THE INBTRUMENT THZB IS NOT A BILL $5.00 $15.00 $165.00 $o.oo $o.oo $0.00 $359.00 Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO ~umZTH A. PASCALE County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMI-y WHEN'WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: hep://www.orp$.State.ny.u$ or PHONE {518) 473-7222 IFOR COUNTY USE ONLY · z .-~ ~. / .<~ ~ I REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT RP 5217 1. er ap my No ! I Sappho Road I Ftsher*~ Island ~ / (not 1ne.) I I 0639O ~ [ Parker ] Ellen McEnnce I I 12. DMm of Sale l Tranahr l~.r-uahl.~.l.. [ [ , , i 3] 0, 0t 0. 0,0.Ol ! ! · (Full hk price El Ihl tot~ imoum plid ~3r 1hi I~ert¥ 'L~l'_ _'ain. g pe~onll pio~. [ 'fids p4ymmtt fMy be in the form cd cash, othw p, Gt,&~f or goods. Gr the eMumlXlon o; J l&lltdi~l~lhe~d~luee41~em~nal [ i [ , I I ' , 0 , 0 [ ~k'~'''a~ ~ ~ / ~ ~ · I ASSGSSMEHT INFOHMATION. Dl~ ihould reflect the bltes~ Final A~essment floll and TBX Bill Silo of Bmln4~ a, Included in S~b I~u OtMt Unulud FlCtOrLddhctlng Sde Pri~e {~dfv Be~qd I ~ 1000-006'00'05'00-(~7'000 I · t BUYER EllenKcCance Parker I P.O. ~gx &26 Fishers Island j I',P/ I 06390 BUItER~ ATTORNEY Shea [ John (631) 727-21.80 I I NEW YORK STATE COPY