HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12501 P 346D~ CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BgFOP~ IIIGNING Tills IN~TRUMgNT - THIS INSTRUMENT $11OUL~ BE USEO BY LAWYERS ONLY TIllS INDENTURE, made thc ~ 4t~ day of BETWEEN , in tbeyear ~ ROBERT S. ~H1TE, residing at 1760 S. NacArthur Drive, Tracey, CA 95376 as exeutor o£ the Estate oi ROBERT J. l~ItITE under Surrogate*a Court File No. 439P2006 the iast will and testament of ROBERT J. ~;HITE, dated MaT 20,2000, late of 2a00 Ole Jule Lane, Hattituck, New York 11952, having died March 20, i~f~e first pan. and RIGI~RD L. O'TOOL~ :~J ........ ..' 2. :'~;;L:, residing at 55 Locust Street, Floral Park, New York 11001 pan'y of the seconal'pail, WITNESSETII, that thc pm.y ortho first part, by virtue of the power and authority given in and by said last will and ~es~unenL and inconsiderabonof Ten Dollars and other valuflble consideration ($10.00) dollar, paid by tho party of thc sacund part, doe~ hereby 8rant .and relea~ unto the pan'y oftha second pan, thc heirs or successors and assigns oftbe party of the second pan louver, ALL that cmtain pint,.piece or parcel ofland, with the buildings and improvements thereon c~cted, situate, lying and beingklr,~bR at tiattituck, To~n o£ Souchold, County of Su££olk and State of New York, being bounded and described as follows: SEE Schedule il attached here~X~d made a part hereof BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the BaBe premises conveyed to the part of the first part by deed da:ed 7/29/78 and recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the County o£ Su££ulk 8/~1/78 iu Liber of Deeds 8q78 at page 523, and by deed dated'8/ll/78 and filed in the O[£ice of the Clerk of the Oouuty o£ Suffolk 8/17/78 in Liber of Deeds 8a81 at page 602 (which second deed vas filed to amend description). TOGETHER with all fight, title amd interest, if any, of the pafly of tbs first part in und to any streets and roads abuttinS the above described premises to thc cent~ lines thereol% TOGETHER with the appuflanancm, and also all thq estate which the said decedent had at the tima of decedenfs dealh in said prances, and also the eslate therein, wMch the party oftha £~t pan has or has power to convey or dispcee of, whether individually, or by virtue ofsaid will or othenvisa; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the p~rnises herein granted unto the pan'y of the second part, the hairs or sueceseors and assigns oftbe pan'y ofthe second pan forever. AND the party of the f'tat part covenants that thc party ofthe tim part has not done or suffcr~d, anything whereby the mid !~ have berm incumbered in any way whalever, exeapt as aforesaid. AND the party of the fiat part, in compliance with 8eotlon 13 of the Lien Law, oovanants that the party of the ftat ~art will receive the consideration t'or this convayunce and will hold the right to receive such conside~lion aa a ~ fund to be applied ia, si for the p .ml~se' ofpaying the cost oftbe improvement and will apply the same lust to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any pan of the total of the same for any other pmposa. The word "paW/shall ho construed RS if it .read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. mwrr zsSWHEeEOr, t or .first t du y. , BY:~ ~BERT S. ~HZTE;~J ~Ye~ Title Ho. 8~7842 BCHK.DULg A ALL 3~T ~eTA1N plot0 piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and lsprovementa thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Msttituck, Town o£ Southold, County of Suilolk and State of new YOrk, being bounded and described as iollows: BF~INNIN~ at a point on the northwesterly side o£ 01e Jule Lane distant 2371.41 [eec southerly from the corner £ormed by the intersection sE 'Cite northwest side si els Jule Lane with the southerly side of New Suifolk Avenue; RU~'NZN~ THENCE along the northwest .side of Ole Jule Lane the following Cwo courses and distances, south 49 degrees 19 minutes 40 seconds west 92,39 feet; and south 80 degrees.35 minutes 40 seconds west 32,61 feet to lands now or ~oremrly off Croon; RUNNING THENCE along' said last mentioned lands north 42 degrees 3s minutes west 165 Eeet to a point; ~UNNING THENCE north 40 degrees 34.~inutes east 75 feet to the lands now or formerly at Sntder; RUNNING THENCE along said last mentioned lands south 55 degrees 40 minutes 20 seconds east 200 feet to the northwesterly side o~ 0lc Jule Lane at the point or place o~ BEGINNING. For in[ormation only: Said premises are known aa 2400 els Jule Lane, Mattltuck, NY, and deslgnaced as District 1000 Section 122.00 Block 04.00 Lot 011.000 as shown on the Suffolk County Land and Tax Map. For conveyancing only. if intended to be conveyed, Together with all rights, title and' inter'st of, in and ~o any streets and roads abutting the above described premises, to the center line thereoE. State of New York, Couet~ of SUFFOLK ] ~.: Onthe/~'~of' ~../I..,~.~, indmyem' 2007 RORERT S. 101lITE, Executor for Estate of Rpb penm~ known to me ~' pro~d eo m~ m du bmis of stds~Mar,/ e~n:e to be dm individud(s) v.%-,.~ nn~s)'is (m~) p. bm'bed to the sane in IdsaxMamlr alBciq4'es), taxi em by ~ s~,h~'e(s) on Notary Public ELAINE. T, VILLANO State er Nm Yor~ Coun~ or } ~e ~o~ int~ the ~S ~s m ~= F~nK im~n~ wi~ ~m I am ~lly ~im~, w~, ~in~ by ~ duly sworn, did d~ ny thi ~sh~ ~id~s) in i~m~K that ~id ~bins wi~s w p~t ~d nw ~d ~Kute ~ ~ a~ ~nt nM wim~ at ~e s~ lime Stme orNew York, County of' (In.sen the c~. or otk~' polMcal .mbdl~lslo. and tk~ .state or co~nlry or otk~' plac~ rke aclo~r wa~ Mktn). . EXECUTOReS DEE.t) Estate of Robert J. ~hite. RiChard L. OVTo~le .... '-7. L __ FI oyal Abstract of Nt~, York, LLC ~ ~ ~S~,.0 Fifth Avenue, Suite IS,10 ; g New York, ATY 10110 ' (212) J76-0~00 - DtSva~Cr 1000 SEC'nON 122.00. B~'g 0i.00 LOT . 011.00 COUNTYORTOWN Suffolk R~CO~D£D Ar R£Ou~&'r OF Flddl~ National TRle Inmrnn~ Company of New York ItATURN Br M~ TO R~eha:d L. O~?oole, Eeq. 55 Locust Street Floral Park, Ne~ York 11001 Certilicate #. I'Jior Cfi. # Deed I Matlgnge I.sl~ uthe, I I'agc I Fill,l: Fcc .~ I hmdlill§ '1'P-554 ff __ ;I Deed I Moflgnge Tax SISlllJ! I;I!LL~; Nolntiua Ir.A-52 1'7 -ILA-6217 (Slate) R. IL'I:R.A. Cam.]. urEd. ^lllduvit Ce]61ied C.py Reg. Copy Uti]er __ S~b'l'oml Sub Total Gl[AND 'I'OT^ L Real I'n,pefly Tn.,t Service A~,mlcy Verification '"' 0701'1949 3.000'3.2200 6400 ozzobd Stliltlp ~ L)nie I,ilials Satis~cliun~Di~harges/Iteleases List I'mle]ly Owt~ts Mniliu& Addfum RECORD & R~I'URfl 1'0: Richard L. O'Toole, Esq. 5§'.Locust Street' ''.' Floral Park, New York 11001 2007 P~.r 17 11.'~:17 JudiSh fl, Pascale CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUHTV L 000012501 P~46 DT# 06-30309 Recmding/Filing Slastl)S Mt,I I t,.;ij;t: I. Ik~iu Tax 2. Adtliliuaal Tax Sub Total SpecdA.~il. Ur Slat./Add. 'I'UT. M'I'tL TAX I.hml 'l';)Wll I)u;d Ilcld rut Alq]t~ttitmmcnl ~ 'l'm,~l~r 'l'nx J~, ~ 'lbo properly uuvee~ by Ihb mmlsage is ur will be iml, uvcd by a u,c ur Iwo fnmily dwelli,g only. m NO Ir No, s~e approl~rinle lax clause off page Cmmnunity Pre~ervntion Fund Illlpruved Vacmtl Land · ru 40 TD 'I'D IS I Title Cra,p-'my Infi.'m.liop ce. a,s,, ~ ~~ Iq~ /~ . - Su'[folk County 'Recording & 'Endorsement Page 'lllis imge I'om~s pat~ or die attached Executor' s Deed (SPECIFY TYPIC. OF INb"ll~.UlVll;J'4'l' ) Estate o£ Robert J. iv3TlCe 'lhepremi~sl~cleillissittmtkxlifl SUFFUI,I¢ COUNI~'~ NEW YUIO(. made hy: R:l. ebard ~.. O"roole and [atb].een O. O'~oOl?n Ih~ ¥1LL~O~ or HAMLEI' of Southold I~attituck 13UX ;LLS ....... L'K INK ONI.Y I RIC)I{ 'R } RI:£TIIII~INI'; t')t~ l:ll Ihg': 25 11 IRU 9 MUEI Bh I YI~ED OK IqtlhrlEl) IN ltla~ ' SuwFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS 0FFZCE RECORDING PAQE Humber of P&ges: 4 Rece.ipt ]~,',,,her z 07-0037598 TRAHSFER TAX HOMBER: 06-30309 1000 Dsed Amou.ut: Recorded= L TBER: PAGE: Sec tion: Block: 122.00 04.00 $740,000.00 o4/17/2oo7 11:48z17 AM D00012501 346 Lot: 011.000 Received the Following Feel For Above P&ge/Ftltng $12.00 NO Handling COB $5.00 NO HYB BRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 HO EA-BTATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert. Copiee RI~ $30.00 NO SC'TM Trm-e£ez t~c $2,960.00 ~o C(:mu. Pres Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX H~NBER: 06-30309 THIB PAGE ZH A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IB NOT A BILL Exempt $5.00 HO $15.00 HO $75.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $11,800.00 NO $14,912.00 Judith A. Pascals County Clerk, Suffolk County ........... 'PLEASE TYPE~)~ F~'L~"~'~RML~WREIq~/R'ITIRG-ON'FORM INSTRUCTIONS: httpJ/www.orps..state, n.y. us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 I ~:OR COUNTY USE ONLY [.~ ,~1 '~ ~-~ ~ C~ REAL PROFERTY TRANSFER REPORT Icl. smsco~ I~,/,~..,~,v, O,/I I -- I LA .~...~ ~^'~ o; B vomc I C2. Date Dead Recorded IllllC/--I. I "" Year ~-- C.,~I/ RP - 5217 $outhold I Mat tituck I L J.952 I ~' ] · Of Parcels 0fl [----] PaR of a Parcel P.,p~y I Ixl I=l O. ~./ I I I I 2 m $ Fatally ~ /2007 I I /000 I I 122.00 I I 04.00 I I 0ti.00 I I CEr..CAT~N I d rely wgl~l bbe Mateme~ ar nmK'rbl bd heK'in v, Ul ~ubJed me lo Ihe Dro~blhll~ id' the ~ bw ~e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I~JYEH Richard L. O'Toole I Locust Street Floral Park I NY I ltOOl ' BUYER'S ATTORNEY O'Toole I Richard L. 516 [ 376-.5518 I NEW YORK STATE COPY