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HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG-05/08/2007
Town Hall, 53095 Main Road
PO Box 1179
Southold, NY 11971
MARRIAGE OFFICER Telephone: (631) 765 - 1800
May 8, 2007
7:30 PM
Attendee Name Present Absent Late Arrival
Councilman Albert Krupski Jr.
Councilman William P. Edwards
Councilman Daniel C. Ross
Councilman Thomas H. Wickham
Justice Louisa P. Evans
Supervisor Scott Russell
Town Clerk Elizabeth A Neville
Town Attorney Patricia A Finnegan
At scheduled Town Board meetings, the attending public is encouraged to briefly
address the Town Board relating to agenda resolutions prior to their enactment; the public will
also be given time at the conclusion of the regularly scheduled business agenda to address the
Board on any given topic.
Call to Order.
Pledge of Allegiance.
1. Land Tracking
1st Quarter of 2007
2. Program for the Disabled
April 2007 Events
1. Notice of Complete Application
Laskos Property
2. Suffolk County Industrial Development Agency
Southold Town Meeting Agenda - May 8, 2007
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Public Hearing May 29, 2007 at 10:00 AM at ELIH conference room in connection with Eastern
Long Island Hospital Association Bond
3. Army Corp of Engineers
Notice of application by Fishers Island Utility Company to remove dilapidated bulkhead and
dock and construct dock, ramp and float. West Harbor, Fishers Island
4. Suffolk County Department of Health Services
Public Health Hearing on Tuesday, May 15, 2007 from 3:00PM to 5:00PM at 225 Rabro Dr
East., Hauppauge, to allow residents to voice opinions and concerns with regard to the quality of
Suffolk County's health care delivery system and how it services their needs.
1. Letter to Highway Superintendent and His Staff
Bill and Kathy Fibkins thanks Highway Department for facilitating the cleanup of boat ramp and
effort to pave lower part of Indian Neck.
1. 9:00 A.M. - Setback From Bluffs - ZBA & Waltz Decision
Mike Verity
2. 9:30 A.M. - New Suffolk Drainage Project
Jamie Richter
3. 10:00 A.M. - Horton Point Lighthouse
Josh Horton, Gordon Moore
4. 10:30 A.M. - Media Traq Video Streaming Webcasting
Daryl Blowes
5. 11:00 A.M. - Police Advisory Committee
Gunther Geiss, Henry Flinter
6. Wind Energy Local Law
7. Vehicle & Traffic Local Law
8. Set Up Code Committee Meeting
- Merger & Waiver
- Animals, Livestock in residential areas
- Recreational Uses as Special Exceptions
- Other?
9. Orient by the Sea Roads
Southold Town Meeting Agenda - May 8, 2007
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10. Property Tax Council Update
Supervisor Russell
11. Mooring Code Update
12. Architectural Review Committee
Mission Statement
13. Peconic School
14. Parking by Mattituck & Greenport Schools
15. Executive Session
16. 12:30 P.M. Executive Session
Property Acquisition - Melissa Spiro
17. 12:45 P.M. - Executive Session
Litigation - Lori Montefusco, Eric Bressler
18. Executive Session
1. 7:30 P.M. - Arbor Day Poster Presentation
Approve 5/8/07 Audit
RESOLVED approves the audit dated
that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
May 8, 2007.
Vote Record - Resolution RES-2007-427
Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
? ? ? ?
Albert Krupski Jr.
??William P. Edwards
Adopted as Amended
Defeated Daniel C. Ross
Thomas H. Wickham
Louisa P. Evans
Scott Russell
Southold Town Meeting Agenda - May 8, 2007
Page 4
CATEGORY: Set Meeting
Set Next TB Meeting for May 22, 2007 At 4:30 PM
RESOLVED next Regular Town Board Meeting
that the of the Southold Town Board be held,
May 22, 20074:30 P. M
Tuesday, , at the Southold Town Hall, Southold, New York at .
Vote Record - Resolution RES-2007-428
Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
? ? ? ?
Albert Krupski Jr.
William P. Edwards
Adopted as Amended
Defeated Daniel C. Ross
Thomas H. Wickham
Louisa P. Evans
Scott Russell
Tabled 4/10/2007 7:30 PM, 4/24/2007 4:30 PM
CATEGORY: Enact Local Law
Enact LL for Vehicle & Traffic Updates
there has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk
“A Local Law in
County, New York, on the 13th day of March, 2007 a Local Law entitled
relation to Amendments to the Vehicle and Traffic Law in the Town of Southold”
, the Town Board of the Town of Southold finds that this Local Law is consistent
with the LWRP; and
the Town Board of the Town of Southold held a public hearing on the aforesaid
Local Law at which time all interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard, NOW
Southold Town Meeting Agenda - May 8, 2007
Page 5
that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby the proposed
“A Local Law in relation to Amendments to the Vehicle and Traffic
Local Law entitled,
Law in the Town of Southold”
reads as follows:
“A Local Law in relation to Amendments to the Vehicle and Traffic
A Local Law entitled,
Law in the Town of Southold”
by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows:
I. Purpose –
In order to provide for the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of
the Town, it is necessary for the Town Board to make amendments to the Town’s vehicle and
traffic regulations, including regulations regarding parking in fire lanes, handicapped spaces, and
other areas, as well as updating and consolidating the fines for various infractions.
Chapter 189 of the Code of the Town of Southold is hereby amended as follows:
§189-8. Penalties for offenses.[Amended 7-31-1973 by L.L. No. 1-1973]
Any person committing an offense against any provision of this article shall, upon
conviction thereof, be guilty of a violation punishable by a fine as set forth below not exceeding
$250 or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding 15 days, or by both such fine and
imprisonment. The continuation of an offense against the provisions of this article shall
constitute, for each day the offense is continued, a separate and distinct offense hereunder.
Penalty Schedule
Fine Penalty at 30 days Penalty at 60 days Penalty at 90 days
$50$75 $100 $150 $170
Chapter 193 of the Code of the Town of Southold is hereby amended as follows:
§193-3. Regulations concerning motor vehicles.
A. No person in a recreational area shall:
(6) Park a vehicle in other than an established or designated parking area, and such use shall
be in accordance with the posted instructions thereat and with the instructions of any attendant
who may be present.
Chapter 260 of the Code of the Town of Southold is hereby amended, as follows:
Southold Town Meeting Agenda - May 8, 2007
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§260-8. Parking prohibited at all times.
The parking of vehicles is hereby prohibited at all times in any of the following
locations and at any other location where signage indicates “No Parking”:
§260-12. Public parking lots.
[Added 7-7-1981 by L.L. No. 4-1981]
The parking of vehicles in the a public parking lot located in Southold on the south
side of New York Route 25, approximately 170 feet east of Wells Avenue, is hereby
prohibited for a period longer than two hours. for a period of more than two hours is
hereby prohibited at the following locations:
Name of Street Side Location
New York Route 25 South In Southold, approximately 170
feet east of Wells Avenue
New York Route 25 North In Cutchogue, east of Griffing
Street, in rear of Shopping Center
(except in those spaces designated
by signage authorizing parking in
excess of two hours)
§260-13. Stopping prohibited at all times.
[Added 8-12-1980 by L.L. No. 4-1980]
The stopping of vehicles is hereby prohibited at all times in any of the following
locations and at any other location where signage indicates “No Stopping”:
§260-14. Fire zones, fire lanes, fire hydrants, fire wells.[Added 8-12-1980 by
L.L. No. 4-1980]
A. The parking of vehicles is hereby prohibited at all times in the following
fire lane locations zones:
A1. At the shopping center located on the north side of New York
Route 25, approximately 1,400 feet west of Cox Lane in the
Hamlet of Cutchogue, commonly known as the “Key Food
Shopping Center,” such fire lane to be 30 feet in width from the
southerly sidewalk curbline on the south side (front) of the
building and extending for the entire length of the store building.
B.2. At the shopping center located on the north side of New York
Route 25, having ingress and egress on both Route 25 and Factory
Southold Town Meeting Agenda - May 8, 2007
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Avenue in the Hamlet of Mattituck, commonly known as the “A &
P Shopping Center,” such fire lane to be 24 feet in width, from the
southerly and westerly sidewalk curbline on the south and west
(front) side of the building and extending the entire length of the L-
shaped store building; i.e., 466 feet along the southerly face of the
building and 222 feet along the westerly face.[Added 4-25-1989 by
L.L. No. 5-1989]
B. The stopping, standing or parking of vehicles within 15 feet in either
direction of a fire hydrant is hereby prohibited.
C. The stopping, standing or parking of vehicles within 15 feet in either
direction of a fire well is hereby prohibited.
D. The stopping, standing or parking of vehicles is prohibited at all times in
the areas designated and marked as fire lanes.
§260-17. Handicapped parking.
[Added 12-23-1997 by L.L. No. 29-1997]
No person shall The stopping, standing or parking of park or stand a motor vehicles in
any parking space designated for the parking of motor vehicles by individuals
with handicapped license plates or permits as set forth below, as handicapped parking by
blue markings and/or handicapped signage is prohibited unless said the vehicle displays
such a valid handicapped license plate, or a valid handicapped parking permit displayed in the
manner and location as designated by New York State or Local law. or regulation,
in any located listed below:
Name of Street Side Location
Orchard Street [Added 10-12-1999 East From the northeast corner of Village
by L.L. No. 12-1999] Lane and Orchard Street easterly
along Orchard Street adjacent to the
United Methodist Church
Sound Avenue South From the Presbyterian Church
Driveway entrance easterly for a
Distance of 95 feet
§260-18. Additional parking regulations.[Added 3-26-2002 by L.L. No. 2-2002]
A. No person shall park a vehicle so as to obstruct a fire hydrant.
B.A. No person shall double park a vehicle on any Town highway or roadway.
C.B. No person shall park a vehicle in whole or part on a sidewalk located adjacent
Southold Town Meeting Agenda - May 8, 2007
Page 8
to a highway.
D.C. No vehicle shall be parked upon any public highway or roadway without first being
registered and inspected pursuant to the Vehicle and Traffic Law of the State of New York.
E.D. On a one-way roadway vehicles shall be parked facing in the direction of
authorized traffic movement; on a two-way roadway such motor vehicle shall
be facing in the direction of authorized traffic movement on that portion of the
roadway on which the vehicle rests.
F.E. No person shall park a vehicle so as to obstruct any driveway except with
express permission of the owner.
G. No person shall park a vehicle overtime in a time restricted parking space.
F. In an established or designated parking area, a vehicle is to be wholly within
the markings or signage where established or designated lines and markings
are indicated.
§260-27. Penalties for offenses.
Every person convicted of a traffic infraction for a violation of any provision of this chapter,
which is not a violation of any provision of the Vehicle and Traffic Law of the State of New York, and
said traffic infraction is not covered by Subsection B below, shall, for a first conviction thereof, be
punished by a fine of not more than $50 not to exceed $110 or by imprisonment for not more than 15
days, or by both such fine and imprisonment.; for a second such conviction within 18 months
thereafter, such person shall be punished by a fine of not more than $100 or by imprisonment for not
more than 45 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment; upon a third or subsequent conviction
within 18 months after the first conviction, such person shall be punished by a fine of not more than
such person shall be punished by a fine of not more than $250 or by imprisonment for not more than
90 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
B. All persons cited on a Town parking summons for violation of this chapter, permit parking or
parking related violations shall be subject to a fine as set forth below and shall answer on or before
30 days after the issuance of the summons. Persons failing to answer before the expiration of 30
days after issuance of the summons shall be subject to the penalties set forth in the penalty schedule
below, in addition to the prescribed fines:
Fine Schedule
Section Description Amount
260-8 Parking prohibited at all times $35 $75
260-9A Parking prohibited certain hours $35 $50
260-9B Between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. $35 $50
260-9C Night fishing permit $50
260-10 Parking prohibited certain months $35 $75
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260-11 Parking limited time $35 $50
260-12 Parking public lots $35 $50
260-13 Stopping prohibited at all times $75
260-14A Fire lanes $75
260-14B Fire hydrant $75
260-14C Fire wells $75
260-14D Fire zone $75
260-15 Parking or standing prohibited certain $35 $50
Fine Schedule
Section Description Amount
260-17 Handicapped parking only $110*
193-A(6)260-18F Parking a vehicle in other than established $50 $75
or designated area
189-2A189-2F Parking by Southold Town permit only $50 $75
189-3A(3) Resident parking permit Permit properly $50 $75
260-18A Fire hydrant $75
260-18BA Double parked $35 $75
260-18CB On sidewalk $35 $75
260-18DC Expired registration $35$50
Over 60 days $50$75
260-18DC Expired inspection $35$50
Over 60 days $50$75
260-18ED Wrong side to curb $35 $75
260-18FE Obstructed driveway $35 $75
260-18F Designated parking space $75
260-18G Overtime parking $35 $50
260-19 No stopping zone $35 $75
260-20 Fire zone $75
260-21 Bus stop $35 $75
260-22 Loading zone $35 $75
* Includes NYS mandatory surcharge of $35.
Penalty Schedule
Penalty at Penalty at Penalty at
Section Description Fine 30 Days 60 Days 90 Days
260-8 Parking prohibited $35$75 $70$100 $105$150 $125$170
at all times
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260-9A Parking prohibited $35$50 $70$75 $105$100 $125$150
certain hours
260-9B Between 10:00 p.m. $35$50 $70$75 $105$100 $125$150
and 6:00 a.m.
260-9C Night fishing permit $50 $100 $150 $170
260-10 Parking prohibited $35$75 $70$100 $105$150 $125$170
certain months
260-11 Parking limited time $35$50 $70$75 $105$100 $125$150
260-12 Parking public lots $35$50 $70$75 $105$100 $125$150
260-13 Stopping prohibited $75 $100 $150 $170
at all times
260-14A Fire lanes $75 $150 $225 $245
260-14B Fire hydrant $75 $150 $225 $245
260-14C Fire wells $75 $150 $225 $245
260-14D Fire zone $75 $150 $225 $245
260-15 Parking or standing $35$50 $70$100 $105$150 $125$170
prohibited certain times
260-16 Fire wells $75 $150 $225 $245
260-17 Handicapped parking $110* $185 $260 $280
* Includes NYS mandatory surcharge of $35.
Penalty Schedule
Penalty at Penalty at Penalty at
Section Description Fine 30 Days 60 Days 90 Days
193-3A(6) Parking a vehicle in $50$75 $100 $150 $170
260-18F other than established
or designated area
189-2A2F Parking by Southold $50$75 $100 $150 $170
Town permit only
189-3A(3) Resident parking $50$75 $100 $150 $170
Permit Permit properly
260-18A Fire hydrant $75 $150 $225 $245
260-18BA Double parked $35$75 $70$100 $105$150 $125$170
260-18CB On sidewalk $35$75 $70$100 $105$150 $125$170
260-18DC Expired registration $35$50 $70$75 $105$125 $125$150
Over 60 days $50$75 $100$125 $150$175 $170$200
260-18DC Expired inspection $35$50 $70$75 $105$125 $125$150
Over 60 days $50$75 $100$125 $150$175 $170$200
260-18ED Wrong side to curb $35$75 $70$100 $105$150 $125$170
260-18FE Obstructed driveway $35$75 $70$100 $105$150 $125$170
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260-18F Designated parking $75 $100 $150 $170
260-19 No stopping zone $35$75 $70$100 $105$150 $125$170
260-20 Fire zone $75 $150 $225 $245
Penalty Schedule
Penalty at Penalty at Penalty at
Section Description Fine 30 Days 60 Days 90 Days
260-21 Bus stop $35$75 $70$100 $105$150 $125$170
260-22 Loading zone $35$75 $70$100 $105$150 $125$170
If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section, or part of this Local Law shall be adjudged by any
court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the judgment shall not affect the validity of this law
as a whole or any part thereof other than the part so decided to be unconstitutional or invalid.
This Local Law shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State as
provided by law.
Vote Record - Resolution RES-2007-388
Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
? ? ? ?
Albert Krupski Jr.
??William P. Edwards
Adopted as Amended
Defeated Daniel C. Ross
Thomas H. Wickham
Louisa P. Evans
Scott Russell
Tabled 4/24/2007 4:30 PM
CATEGORY: Budget Modification
Budget Modification Park & Playground
RESOLVEDmodifies the General Fund
that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
Whole Town 2007 budget as follows, in accordance with the Town Attorney:
A.2025.00 Special Recreation Facilities
Park & Playground $30,500.00
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A.1620.2.500.350 Beach Improvements 58,500.00
A.1620.2.500.825 Cochran Park 4,000.00
A.1620.2.500.375 Boat Ramp Improvements 32,000.00
Vote Record - Resolution RES-2007-403
Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
? ? ? ?
Albert Krupski Jr.
William P. Edwards
Adopted as Amended
Defeated ????????
Daniel C. Ross
Thomas H. Wickham
Louisa P. Evans
Scott Russell
CATEGORY: Contracts, Lease & Agreements
Copywatch Audit and Review Agreement
RESOLVEDauthorizes and directs
that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
Supervisor Scott A. Russell to execute an agreement between CopyWatch, Inc., Document
Expense Auditors, 48 River Road, Barryville, New York 12719 and the Town of Southold
in connection with providing services for the audit and review of costs in relation to town copy
machines, all in accordance with the approval of the Town Attorney.
Vote Record - Resolution RES-2007-429
Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
? ? ? ?
Albert Krupski Jr.
??William P. Edwards
Adopted as Amended
Defeated Daniel C. Ross
Thomas H. Wickham
Louisa P. Evans
Scott Russell
CATEGORY: Contracts, Lease & Agreements
DEPARTMENT: Town Attorney
Amendment to Agreement #M051096
RESOLVEDauthorizes and directs
that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
Supervisor Scott A. Russell to execute an Amendment to Agreement #M-051096 in
Southold Town Meeting Agenda - May 8, 2007
Page 13
connection with the agreement pertaining to the installation of a flashing beacon light on
State Route 25 at the Greenport School, which Amendment extends the funding for this
Agreement to July 31, 2008
, subject to the approval of the Town Attorney.
Vote Record - Resolution RES-2007-430
Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
? ? ? ?
Albert Krupski Jr.
??William P. Edwards
Adopted as Amended
Defeated Daniel C. Ross
Thomas H. Wickham
Louisa P. Evans
Scott Russell
CATEGORY: Employment - Town
DEPARTMENT: Accounting
Reappoint Amy Thiel to Provisional Senior Planner
that the Town Board of the Town of Southold, having exhausted the Civil Service
appoints Amy Thiel to the position of a provisional
list of eligibles for Senior Planner, hereby
Senior Planner
for the Planning Board, effective immediately, rate of pay to remain the same.
Vote Record - Resolution RES-2007-431
Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
? ? ? ?
Albert Krupski Jr.
??William P. Edwards
Adopted as Amended
Defeated Daniel C. Ross
Thomas H. Wickham
Louisa P. Evans
Scott Russell
CATEGORY: Employment - Town
DEPARTMENT: Accounting
Reappoint Anthony Trezza
that the Town Board of the Town of Southold, having exhausted the Civil Service
appoints Anthony Trezza to the position of a Provisional Senior
list of eligibles, hereby
for the Planning Board, effective immediately, at the current rate of pay.
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Vote Record - Resolution RES-2007-432
Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
? ? ? ?
Albert Krupski Jr.
William P. Edwards
Adopted as Amended
Defeated ????????
Daniel C. Ross
Thomas H. Wickham
Louisa P. Evans
Scott Russell
CATEGORY: Employment - Town
DEPARTMENT: Accounting
Reappoint Mark Terry Provisional Principal Planner
that the Town Board of the Town of Southold, after exhausting the Civil Service
appoints Mark Terry to the
list of eligibles for the position of Principal Planner, hereby
position of Provisional Principal Planner
for the Planning Department, effective immediately,
rate of pay to remain the same.
Vote Record - Resolution RES-2007-433
Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
? ? ? ?
Albert Krupski Jr.
William P. Edwards
Adopted as Amended
Defeated ????????
Daniel C. Ross
Thomas H. Wickham
Louisa P. Evans
Scott Russell
CATEGORY: Employment - Town
DEPARTMENT: Recreation
Establish Seasonal Employee Salaries
RESOLVEDestablishes the following
that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
seasonal employee salary schedule for 2007 summer employees of the recreation
department as follows:
1st year……………......………………………………………… $12.17/hour
2nd year……………......………………………………………… $12.44/hour
3rd year……………......………………………………………… $12.72/hour
4th year……………......………………………………………… $12.99/hour
5th year……………......………………………………………… $13.27/hour
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6th year……………......………………………………………… $13.54/hour
7th year……………......………………………………………… $13.82/hour
8th year……………......………………………………………… $14.09/hour
9th year+……………......………………………………………… $14.37/hour
1st year……………......……………………………………… $9.42/hour
2nd year……………......………………………………………… $9.58/hour
3rd year……………......………………………………………… $9.75/hour
4th year……………......………………………………………… $9.91/hour
5th year……………......………………………………………… $10.08/hour
6th year……………......………………………………………… $10.24/hour
7th year……………......………………………………………… $10.42/hour
8th year……………......………………………………………… $10.60/hour
9th year+……………......………………………………………… $10.78/hour
1st year……………......………………………………………… $16.57/hour
2nd year……………......………………………………………… $16.82/hour
3rd year……………......………………………………………… $17.07/hour
4th year……………......………………………………………… $17.32/hour
5th year……………......………………………………………… $17.57/hour
6th year……………......………………………………………… $17.82/hour
7th year……………......………………………………………… $18.07/hour
8th year……………......………………………………………… $18.32/hour
9th year+……………......………………………………………… $18.57/hour
1st year……………......………………………………………… $13.54/hour
2nd year……………......………………………………………… $13.84/hour
3rd year……………......………………………………………… $14.14/hour
4th year……………......………………………………………… $14.44/hour
5th year……………......………………………………………… $14.74/hour
6th year……………......………………………………………… $15.04/hour
7th year……………......………………………………………… $15.34/hour
8th year……………......………………………………………… $15.64/hour
9th year+……………......………………………………………… $15.94/hour
1st year……………......………………………………………… $11.34/hour
2nd year……………......………………………………………… $11.59/hour
3rd year……………......………………………………………… $11.84/hour
4th year……………......………………………………………… $12.09/hour
5th year……………......………………………………………… $12.34/hour
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6th year……………......………………………………………… $12.59/hour
7th year……………......………………………………………… $12.84/hour
8th year……………......………………………………………… $13.09/hour
9th year+……………......………………………………………… $13.34/hour
1st year……………......………………………………………… $15.74/hour
2nd year……………......………………………………………… $15.99/hour
3rd year……………......………………………………………… $16.24/hour
4th year……………......………………………………………… $16.49/hour
5th year……………......………………………………………… $16.74/hour
6th year……………......………………………………………… $16.99/hour
7th year……………......………………………………………… $17.24/hour
8th year……………......………………………………………… $17.49/hour
9th year+……………......………………………………………… $17.74/hour
Please note: This is the same salary structure that was used in 2006.
Vote Record - Resolution RES-2007-434
Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
? ? ? ?
Albert Krupski Jr.
William P. Edwards
Adopted as Amended
Defeated ????????
Daniel C. Ross
Thomas H. Wickham
Louisa P. Evans
Scott Russell
CATEGORY: Employment - Town
Request to Hire Rory Flatley, Jason Luhrs and Gregory Simmons As Seasonal Police Officers for the
2007 Season
RESOLVEDappoints the following
that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
individuals to the position of Part Time Seasonal Police Officers
for the Police Department,
effective April 28, 2007, at a rate of $17.87 per hour/20 hours per week for training purposes
appoints the same individuals to the position of Seasonal Police
and effective May 13, 2007,
at the same rate of pay:
Rory Flatley
Jason Luhrs
Gregory Simmons
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Vote Record - Resolution RES-2007-435
Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
? ? ? ?
Albert Krupski Jr.
William P. Edwards
Adopted as Amended
Defeated ????????
Daniel C. Ross
Thomas H. Wickham
Louisa P. Evans
Scott Russell
CATEGORY: Attend Seminar
DEPARTMENT: Data Processing
Long Island Emergency Management Conference 2007
RESOLVED grants permission to
that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
Supervisor Scott A. Russell, Network and Systems Administrator Lloyd Reisenberg, Chief
Carlisle Cochran, Lt. H. William Sawicki, and Code Enforcement Officer Edward
Forrester to attend a seminar on Long Island Emergency Management in Melville, NY , on
May 30 and 31 , 2007.
All expenses for registration, travel and lodging (if necessary) to be a
legal charge to the 2007 budget (meetings and seminars).
Vote Record - Resolution RES-2007-436
Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
? ? ? ?
Albert Krupski Jr.
William P. Edwards
Adopted as Amended
Defeated Daniel C. Ross
Thomas H. Wickham
Louisa P. Evans
Scott Russell
CATEGORY: Budget Modification
Budget Modification - Trustees
RESOLVEDmodifies the General Fund
that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
Whole Town 2007 budget as follows:
A.8090.2.200.400 Pump-Out Boat Equipment $1,500.00
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A.8090.4.400.840 Pump-Out Boat Waste Disposal $1,500.00
Vote Record - Resolution RES-2007-437
Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
? ? ? ?
Albert Krupski Jr.
??William P. Edwards
Adopted as Amended
Defeated Daniel C. Ross
Thomas H. Wickham
Louisa P. Evans
Scott Russell
CATEGORY: Employment - Town
Southold Town Pump Out Boat Operator Re Advertise
RESOLVEDauthorizes and directs the
that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
Town Clerk to advertise for two (2) consecutive weeks, beginning on May 17, 2007, for an
operator of the pump-out boat
under the supervision of the Town Trustees, on a seasonal basis
starting the weekend of May 26, 1007 through the weekend of October 6, 2007, at a salary of
$12.00 per hour.
Vote Record - Resolution RES-2007-438
Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
? ? ? ?
Albert Krupski Jr.
William P. Edwards
Adopted as Amended
Defeated ????????
Daniel C. Ross
Thomas H. Wickham
Louisa P. Evans
Scott Russell
CATEGORY: Close/Use Town Roads
Grant Permission to the North Fork Country Club’s “Two Day Member Guest Golf Tournament” In
Cutchogue for a Limited Closure Moore’s Lane
RESOLVEDgrants permission to the
that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
North Fork Country Club’s “Two Day Member Guest Golf Tournament” in Cutchogue for
a limited closure Moore’s Lane, from the Main Road to the southerly line of the “Country
Club Estates” subdivision, total closure from that southerly point south to the northern line
Southold Town Meeting Agenda - May 8, 2007
Page 19
of the William Tyree land parcel, and limited closure from that point south to the
intersection of Moores Lane and New Suffolk Avenue (closures would permit access to
residents of Moores Lane and “Country Club Estates”), beginning on Friday, July 20 and
continuing through Saturday, July 21, 2007
provided they file with the Town Clerk a One
Million Dollar Certificate of Insurance naming the Town of Southold as an additional insured
and notify Capt. Flatley within ten (10) days of the approval of this resolution to coordinate
traffic control.
Vote Record - Resolution RES-2007-439
Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
? ? ? ?
Albert Krupski Jr.
??William P. Edwards
Adopted as Amended
Defeated ????????
Daniel C. Ross
Thomas H. Wickham
Louisa P. Evans
Scott Russell
CATEGORY: Consulting
DEPARTMENT: Solid Waste Management District
Transfer Station Engineering
RESOLVEDauthorizes and directs
that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
Supervisor Scott A. Russell to execute a contract with L.K. McLean Associates, P.C.
provide engineering services to produce design and bid documents for the proposed installation
of overhead garage doors at the Cutchogue Transfer Station, in the amount of $13,500 all in
accordance with the approval of the Town Attorney.
Vote Record - Resolution RES-2007-440
Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
? ? ? ?
Albert Krupski Jr.
William P. Edwards
Adopted as Amended
Defeated ????????
Daniel C. Ross
Thomas H. Wickham
Louisa P. Evans
Scott Russell
CATEGORY: Bid Acceptance
Accept Item #1 Road Treatment Bid
Southold Town Meeting Agenda - May 8, 2007
Page 20
RESOLVEDaccepts the bid of
that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
Corazzini Asphalt, Inc., for furnishing and placing Bituminous Surface Treatment Liquid
Asphalt Grades 50% MC-250 and 50% RC-250 with Screened Sand (“Oil and Sand”)
within the Town of Southold, all in accordance with the bid specifications and Town Attorney,
and as follows:
TownFishers Island
Bituminous Surface Treatment $ 2.50 per sq. yd. $ 6.00 per sq. yd.
Schim Mix Asphalt Concrete $ 78.00 per ton $ 165.00 per ton
Fog Coat $ 2.00 per gallon $ 3.00 per gallon
Vote Record - Resolution RES-2007-441
Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
? ? ? ?
Albert Krupski Jr.
William P. Edwards
Adopted as Amended
Defeated ????????
Daniel C. Ross
Thomas H. Wickham
Louisa P. Evans
Scott Russell
CATEGORY: Bid Acceptance
Accept Item #2 Road Treatment Bid
RESOLVEDaccepts the bid of
that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
Corazzini Asphalt, Inc., for furnishing and placing Bituminous Surface Treatment
RC-250 Liquid Asphalt &1A Stone (“Oil and Stone”)
within the Town of Southold, all in
accordance with the bid specifications and Town Attorney, and as follows:
TownFishers Island
Bituminous Surface Treatment $ 2.50 per sq. yd. $ 7.00 per sq. yd.
Southold Town Meeting Agenda - May 8, 2007
Page 21
Schim Mix Asphalt Concrete $ 72.00 per ton $ 160.00 per ton
Fog Coat: $ 2.00 per gallon $ 3.00 per gallon
Vote Record - Resolution RES-2007-442
Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
? ? ? ?
Albert Krupski Jr.
??William P. Edwards
Adopted as Amended
Defeated Daniel C. Ross
Thomas H. Wickham
Louisa P. Evans
Scott Russell
CATEGORY: Bid Acceptance
Accept Item #3 Road Treatment Bid
RESOLVEDaccepts the bid of
that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
Corazzini Asphalt, Inc., for furnishing and placing Liquid Asphalt Grades RC-250 & MC-
within the Town of Southold, all in accordance with the bid specifications and Town
Attorney, and as follows:
Town Fishers Island
Furnish and Place Within $5.00 per gallon $7.00 per gallon
Vote Record - Resolution RES-2007-443
Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
? ? ? ?
Albert Krupski Jr.
??William P. Edwards
Adopted as Amended
Defeated Daniel C. Ross
Thomas H. Wickham
Louisa P. Evans
Scott Russell
CATEGORY: Bid Acceptance
Accept Item #4 Road Treatment Bid
Southold Town Meeting Agenda - May 8, 2007
Page 22
RESOLVEDaccepts the bid of
that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
Corazzini Asphalt, Inc., for furnishing and placing Hot Mix Asphalt Concrete Pavement
“Type 5 Shim” Sand Mix Asphalt
within the Town of Southold, all in accordance with the bid
specifications and Town Attorney, and as follows:
Town Fishers Island
Hot Mix Asphalt Concrete Pavement
3X 500-1000 tons $59.00 per ton $159.00 per ton
4X Over 1000 tons $59.00 per ton $159.00 per ton
Vote Record - Resolution RES-2007-444
Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
? ? ? ?
Albert Krupski Jr.
William P. Edwards
Adopted as Amended
Defeated Daniel C. Ross
Thomas H. Wickham
Louisa P. Evans
Scott Russell
CATEGORY: Bid Acceptance
Accept Item #5 Road Treatment Bid
RESOLVEDaccepts the bid of
that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
Corazzini Brothers, Inc., for furnishing and placing Hot Mix Asphalt Concrete Pavement
“Type 6 Top”
within the Town of Southold, all in accordance with the bid specifications and
Town Attorney, and as follows:
Town Fishers Island
3X 500-1000 tons $61.90 per ton $160.00 per ton
4X Over 1000 tons $61.90 per ton $160.00 per ton
Southold Town Meeting Agenda - May 8, 2007
Page 23
Vote Record - Resolution RES-2007-445
Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
? ? ? ?
Albert Krupski Jr.
William P. Edwards
Adopted as Amended
Defeated ????????
Daniel C. Ross
Thomas H. Wickham
Louisa P. Evans
Scott Russell
CATEGORY: Bid Acceptance
Accept Item #6 Road Treatment
RESOLVEDaccepts thebid of
that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
Corazzini Asphalt, Inc., for furnishing and placing Bituminous Surface Treatment RC-250
Liquid Asphalt “Oil & Recycled Stone
” within the Town of Southold, all in accordance with
the bid specifications and Town Attorney, and as follows:
Bituminous Surface Treatment $ 1.95 per sq. yd.
Schim Mix Asphalt Concrete $ 78.00 per ton
Fog Coat $ 2.00 per gallon
Vote Record - Resolution RES-2007-446
Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
? ? ? ?
Albert Krupski Jr.
William P. Edwards
Adopted as Amended
Defeated ????????
Daniel C. Ross
Thomas H. Wickham
Louisa P. Evans
Scott Russell
CATEGORY: Bid Acceptance
Accept Item #7 Road Treatment Bid
RESOLVED thataccepts thebid of
the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
Thomas H. Gannon & Sons, Inc., for the application of Polymer Modified Emulsified
Asphalt Pavement, Type II Micro-Surfacing
within the Town of Southold, all in accordance
with the bid specifications and Town Attorney, and as follows:
Southold Town Meeting Agenda - May 8, 2007
Page 24
Type II Micro-Surfacing $ 1.82 per sq. yd.
Truing & Leveling (Type 5 – Shim) $95.00 per ton
Vote Record - Resolution RES-2007-447
Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
? ? ? ?
Albert Krupski Jr.
??William P. Edwards
Adopted as Amended
Defeated Daniel C. Ross
Thomas H. Wickham
Louisa P. Evans
Scott Russell
CATEGORY: Bid Acceptance
Accept Item #8 Road Treatment Bid
RESOLVEDaccepts thebid of East End
that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
Asphalt Corp., in the amount of $55.00 per ton, for the purchase of Type 6 Top Hot Mix
Asphalt to be picked up and used by the Southold Town Highway Department,
, all in
accordance with the bid specifications and Town Attorney.
Vote Record - Resolution RES-2007-448
Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
? ? ? ?
Albert Krupski Jr.
??William P. Edwards
Adopted as Amended
Defeated Daniel C. Ross
Thomas H. Wickham
Louisa P. Evans
Scott Russell
DEPARTMENT: Town Attorney
that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby finds that the proposed
Local Law in relation to an Agricultural Planned Development District”
is classified as an
Unlisted Action pursuant to SEQRA Rules and Regulations, 6 NYCRR Section 617, and that the
Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby establishes itself as lead agency for the
Southold Town Meeting Agenda - May 8, 2007
Page 25
uncoordinated review of this action and issues a Negative Declaration for the action in
accordance with the recommendation of Mark Terry dated May 4, 2007, and authorizes
Supervisor Scott A. Russell to sign the short form EAF in accordance therewith.
Vote Record - Resolution RES-2007-449
Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
? ? ? ?
Albert Krupski Jr.
??William P. Edwards
Adopted as Amended
Defeated Daniel C. Ross
Thomas H. Wickham
Louisa P. Evans
Scott Russell
CATEGORY: Contracts, Lease & Agreements
DEPARTMENT: Town Attorney
Authorizes and Directs Supervisor Scott A. Russell to Execute the Cost Plus Fixed Fee Consultant
Agreement for Airfield Lighting Between the Town of Southold and C&S Engineers, Inc. In the Sum of
RESOLVEDauthorizes and directs
that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
Supervisor Scott A. Russell to execute the Cost Plus Fixed Fee Consultant Agreement for
airfield lighting between the Town of Southold and C&S Engineers, Inc. in the sum of
in connection with Project No. 3-36-0029-14-07 for airfield lighting project a
Elizabeth Field Airport, Fishers Island, New York, subject to the approval of the Town Attorney.
Vote Record - Resolution RES-2007-450
Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
? ? ? ?
Albert Krupski Jr.
??William P. Edwards
Adopted as Amended
Defeated ????????
Daniel C. Ross
Thomas H. Wickham
Louisa P. Evans
Scott Russell
CATEGORY: Authorize to Bid
Bid for Elizabeth Field Airport Lighting
Southold Town Meeting Agenda - May 8, 2007
Page 26
RESOLVEDauthorizes and directs the
that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
Town Clerk to advertise for bids for the airport lighting for Elizabeth Field Airport
, on
Fishers Island.
Vote Record - Resolution RES-2007-451
Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
? ? ? ?
Albert Krupski Jr.
??William P. Edwards
Adopted as Amended
Defeated Daniel C. Ross
Thomas H. Wickham
Louisa P. Evans
Scott Russell
CATEGORY: Contracts, Lease & Agreements
DEPARTMENT: Town Attorney
Authorizes and Directs Supervisor Scott A. Russell to Execute a Service Agreement Between the Town of
Southold and Verizon Business Network Services Inc.
RESOLVEDauthorizes and directs
that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
Supervisor Scott A. Russell to execute a Service Agreement between the Town of Southold
and Verizon Business Network Services Inc.
regarding the upgrade of the network connection
from Town Hall to the Police Department, subject to the approval of the Town Attorney.
Vote Record - Resolution RES-2007-452
Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
? ? ? ?
Albert Krupski Jr.
??William P. Edwards
Adopted as Amended
Defeated Daniel C. Ross
Thomas H. Wickham
Louisa P. Evans
Scott Russell
CATEGORY: Property Acquisition Public Hearing
DEPARTMENT: Land Preservation
Tuthill Set Public Hearing 5/22/07 4:50 PM
that pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 17 (Community Preservation Fund) and
Chapter 70 (Agricultural Lands) of the Town Code, the Town Board of the Town of Southold
sets Tuesday, May 22, 2007, at 4:50 p.m., Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road,
Southold, New York as the time and place for a public hearing for the purchase of a
development rights easement on property owned by Hallock E. Tuthill.
Said property is
Southold Town Meeting Agenda - May 8, 2007
Page 27
identified as part of SCTM #1000-101-2-22. The address is 4508 Alvah’s Lane in the A-C
zoning district and located approximately 813 feet southeasterly from the intersection of County
Road 48 and Alvah’s Lane in Cutchogue, New York, sharing its northwesterly boundary with
LIRR. The proposed acquisition is for a development rights easement on a part of the property
consisting of approximately 5± acres (subject to survey) of the 7.1± acre parcel.
The exact area of the acquisition is subject to a Town-provided survey acceptable to the Land
Preservation Committee and the property owner. The purchase price is $72,000 (seventy-two
thousand dollars) per buildable acre for the 5± acre easement plus acquisition costs. The
easement will be acquired using Community Preservation Funds.
The property is listed on the Town’s Community Preservation Project Plan as property that
should be preserved due to its agricultural value, and as an aquifer recharge area; and
FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that a more detailed description of the above mentioned
parcel of land is on file in Land Preservation Department, Southold Town Hall Annex, 54375
Route 25, Southold, New York, and may be examined by any interested person during business
Vote Record - Resolution RES-2007-453
Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
? ? ? ?
Albert Krupski Jr.
??William P. Edwards
Adopted as Amended
Defeated Daniel C. Ross
Thomas H. Wickham
Louisa P. Evans
Scott Russell
CATEGORY: Budget Modification
DEPARTMENT: Town Attorney
Budget Modification
RESOLVEDmodifies the 2007 General
that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
Fund Whole Town budget as follows
A.1910.4.300.700 Insurance Deductibles & Coinsurance +$2,500.00
A.1990.4.100.100 Contingencies -$2,500.00
Southold Town Meeting Agenda - May 8, 2007
Page 28
Vote Record - Resolution RES-2007-454
Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
? ? ? ?
Albert Krupski Jr.
William P. Edwards
Adopted as Amended
Defeated ????????
Daniel C. Ross
Thomas H. Wickham
Louisa P. Evans
Scott Russell
CATEGORY: Authorize to Bid
DEPARTMENT: Engineering
Bid for New Suffolk Drainage Improvement
RESOLVEDauthorizes and directs the
that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
Town Clerk to advertise for bids for the New Suffolk Drainage Improvement project
, all
according to the plans and specifications provided by L. K. McLean Associates, P.C..
Vote Record - Resolution RES-2007-455
Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
? ? ? ?
Albert Krupski Jr.
William P. Edwards
Adopted as Amended
Defeated ????????
Daniel C. Ross
Thomas H. Wickham
Louisa P. Evans
Scott Russell
CATEGORY: Close/Use Town Roads
Memorial Day Parade - Orient
RESOLVEDgrants permission to the
that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
Orient Fire Department to use the following roads for its Annual Memorial Day Parade in
Orient on Monday, May 28, 2007
beginning at 7:30 AM: Tabor Road, Orchard Street, Navy
Street and Village Lane, provided they file with the Town Clerk a One Million Dollar Certificate
of Insurance naming the Town of Southold as an additional insured and notify Capt. Flatley
within ten (10) days of the approval of this resolution to coordinate traffic control.
Southold Town Meeting Agenda - May 8, 2007
Page 29
Vote Record - Resolution RES-2007-456
Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
? ? ? ?
Albert Krupski Jr.
William P. Edwards
Adopted as Amended
Defeated ????????
Daniel C. Ross
Thomas H. Wickham
Louisa P. Evans
Scott Russell
CATEGORY: Misc. Public Hearing
Peconic School Public Hearing
RESOLVEDhold a public hearing on
that the Town Board of the Town of Southold will
Tuesday, May 29 at 7:00 p.m. to hear citizens views on the Town purchase of the Peconic
School (located on Peconic Lane, Peconic) from the Southold School District
, for use as a
community center, said hearing to be held at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, NY;
and be it further
that the Town Clerk is authorized to advertise this hearing in The Suffolk Times.
Vote Record - Resolution RES-2007-457
Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
? ? ? ?
Albert Krupski Jr.
William P. Edwards
Adopted as Amended
Defeated ????????
Daniel C. Ross
Thomas H. Wickham
Louisa P. Evans
Scott Russell
CATEGORY: Litigation
DEPARTMENT: Town Attorney
Authorizes and Directs the Town Attorney’s Office to Commence an Action In Supreme Court, Suffolk
County, Against Anthony Scarmato
RESOLVEDauthorizes and directs the
that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
Town Attorney’s Office to commence an action in Supreme Court, Suffolk County, against
Anthony Scarmato
to direct Mr. Scarmato to remove an illegal fence extending from his
property into Gardiners Bay.
Southold Town Meeting Agenda - May 8, 2007
Page 30
Vote Record - Resolution RES-2007-458
Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
? ? ? ?
Albert Krupski Jr.
??William P. Edwards
Adopted as Amended
Defeated Daniel C. Ross
Thomas H. Wickham
Louisa P. Evans
Scott Russell
CATEGORY: Contracts, Lease & Agreements
Media Traq Video Streaming
RESOLVEDauthorizes and directs
that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
Supervisor Scott A. Russell to execute a contract between the Town of Southold and IQM2
Intelligent Meeting Managment
in connection with providing services of Media Traq Video
Streaming of Town Board Meetings at a cost of a one time set-up fee of $350.00, and
monthly fee of $375.00, all in accordance with the approval of the Town Attorney.
Vote Record - Resolution RES-2007-459
Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
? ? ? ?
Albert Krupski Jr.
William P. Edwards
Adopted as Amended
Defeated ????????
Daniel C. Ross
Thomas H. Wickham
Louisa P. Evans
Scott Russell
CATEGORY: Misc. Public Hearing
Orient by the Sea Road Improvement Public Hearing
a written petition was duly filed on April 20, 2007 pursuant to New York State
Town Law Section 200 for the improvement of highways in the hamlet of Orient, Town of
Southold known as Ryder Farm Lane and Park View Lane and designated on a map known as
“Map of Orient by the Sea, Section 3” filed in the Suffolk County Clerk’s Office on the 16 day
of October, 1974 as Map No. 7703 and further designated as SCTM# 1000-15-5-25.3; and
Southold Town Meeting Agenda - May 8, 2007
Page 31
it appears that such petition has been duly signed by the owners of real estate
owning at least one-half of the entire frontage or bounds on both sides of said highways and it
further duly appears that the petition was also signed by resident owners owning not less than
one half of the frontage owned by resident owners residing in or along such highways; and
such petition was duly acknowledged by all the signers thereof in the same manner
as a deed to be recorded; and
the maximum amount proposed to be expended for the improvement of said
highways as stated in the petition is the sum of 180,000 to be paid as follows:
30,000 to be paid by Petitioners
60,000 to be paid by County of Suffolk
90,000 to be paid by Town of Southold
pursuant to the provisions of Section 200 of New York State Town Law, it is hereby
RESOLVEDhold a public hearing at the
that the Town Board of the Town of Southold will
Southold Town hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, N.Y. on the 5 day of June at 7:45 p.m
for the purposes of considering said petition and hearing all persons interested in the subject.
Vote Record - Resolution RES-2007-460
Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
? ? ? ?
Albert Krupski Jr.
William P. Edwards
Adopted as Amended
Defeated ????????
Daniel C. Ross
Thomas H. Wickham
Louisa P. Evans
Scott Russell
CATEGORY: Contracts, Lease & Agreements
DEPARTMENT: Town Attorney
Agreement with Employee Dated 4/10/07
RESOLVEDapproves an agreement
that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
with a Town employee dated April 10, 2007.
Southold Town Meeting Agenda - May 8, 2007
Page 32
Vote Record - Resolution RES-2007-461
Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
? ? ? ?
Albert Krupski Jr.
??William P. Edwards
Adopted as Amended
Defeated Daniel C. Ross
Thomas H. Wickham
Louisa P. Evans
Scott Russell
CATEGORY: Contracts, Lease & Agreements
DEPARTMENT: Town Attorney
Agreement with Employee 4/25/07
RESOLVEDapproves an agreement
that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
with a Town employee dated April 25, 2007.
Vote Record - Resolution RES-2007-462
Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
? ? ? ?
Albert Krupski Jr.
??William P. Edwards
Adopted as Amended
Defeated Daniel C. Ross
Thomas H. Wickham
Louisa P. Evans
Scott Russell
CATEGORY: Local Law Public Hearing
DEPARTMENT: Town Attorney
PH LL No Parking Mattituck School 6/5/07 7:45 Pm
there has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk
“A Local Law in relation
County, New York, on the 8 day of May, 2007 a Local Law entitled
to No Parking area on Mary’s Road, Pike Street and Maple Avenue in Mattituck During
School Hours”
now, therefore, be it
that the Town Board of the Town of Southold will hold a public hearing on the
aforesaid Local Law at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, on the
5 day of June, 2007 at 7:45 p.m.
at which time all interested persons will be given an
opportunity to be heard.
Southold Town Meeting Agenda - May 8, 2007
Page 33
“A Local Law in relation to No Parking area on Mary’s
The proposed Local Law entitled,
Road, Pike Street and Maple Avenue in Mattituck During School Hours”
reads as follows:
“A Local Law in relation to No Parking area on Mary’s Road, Pike
A Local Law entitled,
Street and Maple Avenue in Mattituck During School Hours”
by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows:
II. Purpose -
In order to provide for the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of
the Town of Southold, the Town Board finds it necessary to enact these limited parking
restrictions in this school zone.
Chapter 92 of the Vehicle and Traffic Code of the Town of Southold is hereby
amended as follows:
§ 92-42. Parking Prohibited during certain hours.
The parking of vehicles is hereby prohibited between the hours indicated in any of the following
Name of Street Side Between the Location
Hours of
Mary’s Road Both 7:00 a.m. and In Mattituck,
4:00 p.m., from the intersection of Mary’s
Mondays through Road and Pike Street northerly to
Fridays from and the intersection of the railroad
including Sep- tracks and Mary’s Road
tember through
and including
Pike Street Both 7:00 a.m. and In Mattituck,
4:00 p.m., from the intersection of Rte. 25
Mondays through and Pike Street to the intersection
Fridays from and of Pike Street and Wickham
including Septem- Avenue
ber through and
Southold Town Meeting Agenda - May 8, 2007
Page 34
including June
Maple Avenue Both 7:00 a.m. and In Mattituck,
4:00 p.m., from the intersection of Rte. 25
Mondays through and Maple Avenue to the
Fridays from and intersection of Maple Avenue
including Septem- and Pike Street
ber through and
including June
If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section, or part of this Local Law shall be adjudged by any
court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the judgment shall not affect the validity of this law
as a whole or any part thereof other than the part so decided to be unconstitutional or invalid.
This Local Law shall take effect on September 1, 2007, after filing with the Secretary of State as
provided by law.
Vote Record - Resolution RES-2007-463
Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
? ? ? ?
Albert Krupski Jr.
William P. Edwards
Adopted as Amended
Defeated Daniel C. Ross
Thomas H. Wickham
Louisa P. Evans
Scott Russell
CATEGORY: Local Law Public Hearing
DEPARTMENT: Town Attorney
PH LL No Parking Greenport School 6/5/07
there has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk
“A Local Law in relation
County, New York, on the 8 day of May, 2004 a Local Law entitled
to No Parking area on Oak Street and Maple Street in Greenport During School Hours”
now, therefore, be it
Southold Town Meeting Agenda - May 8, 2007
Page 35
that the Town Board of the Town of Southold will hold a public hearing on the
aforesaid Local Law at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, on the
5 day of June, 2007 at 7:50 p.m.
at which time all interested persons will be given an
opportunity to be heard.
“A Local Law in relation to No Parking area on Oak
The proposed Local Law entitled,
Street and Maple Street In Greenport During School Hours”
reads as follows:
“A Local Law in relation to No Parking area on Oak Street and
A Local Law entitled,
Maple Street in Greenport During School Hours”
by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows:
VI. Purpose -
In order to provide for the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of
the Town of Southold, the Town Board finds it necessary to enact these limited parking
restrictions in this school zone.
Chapter 92 of the Vehicle and Traffic Code of the Town of Southold is hereby
amended as follows:
§ 92-42. Parking Prohibited during certain hours.
The parking of vehicles is hereby prohibited between the hours indicated in any of the following
Name of Street Side Between the Location
Hours of
Oak Street Both 7:00 a.m. and In Greenport,
4:00 p.m., from the intersection of Sixth
Mondays through Avenue and Oak Street to
Fridays from and the terminus of Oak Street
including Sep-
tember through
and including
Southold Town Meeting Agenda - May 8, 2007
Page 36
Maple Street Both 7:00 a.m. and In Greenport,
4:00 p.m., from the intersection of Sixth
Mondays through Avenue and Maple Street to
Fridays from and the terminus of Maple Street
including Septem-
ber through and
including June
If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section, or part of this Local Law shall be adjudged by any
court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the judgment shall not affect the validity of this law
as a whole or any part thereof other than the part so decided to be unconstitutional or invalid.
This Local Law shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State as provided
by law.
Vote Record - Resolution RES-2007-464
Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
? ? ? ?
Albert Krupski Jr.
William P. Edwards
Adopted as Amended
Defeated Daniel C. Ross
Thomas H. Wickham
Louisa P. Evans
Scott Russell
1. 7:45PM on 5/8/07 PH LL Ag PDD