HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 5176 P 183 r ' ( .. ,;` i x5176 PAG483 "THIS INDENTURE made thea/�- day ofw 1962 between ETHEL EMERSON WORTIS,: residing at 145 East 6:+ ''74th Street, RUTH.E. COONS, residing at 432 East 87th Street, both in the City, County and State of New York, ' J. HAVEN EMEHSON, residing at 44 Hopkins Road, Arlington, .m Mass., and RALVH EMERSON, residing at 454 Beloit Avenue, Berkeley,..California and CLATR2 G a;v.'ERSON, individually and as Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Robert Emerson deceased, residing at Winter Street, South Lincoln Mass.,:Parties of the First Part, and S. BERNARD .XRTIS :.andETHEL EMERSON WOR'PIS, his wife, both residing at 145 E. 74th Street, City, County and State of New York, Fartle of the Second part: WITNESSETH, That the Parties of the First Part i consideration of. Ten Dollars ($10.00) lawful money of the United States and other good and valuable consideration Da d by the Parties of the Second Part to the Parties of the First Partdo hereby remise, release and quit claim unto the Parties of the Second Part their heirs, successors and assigns forever: PROPDR'1'Y #1 ALL that certain piece or parcel of land together with the buildings and improvements thereon, lying at South Harbor in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, Hew York, described as follows: BEGINNING at a point where a fence between the lands herein described and the land now or late of Martin Lehr (formerly of Eutchinson) intersects richmond (or Iutchinson) Creek; running thence southeasterly and along said creek to a ditch or gutter known as Richmond Ditch; running thence northerly along said Ditch and thence in adirection generally southeasterly and easterly along meadow lands now or late of David's estate, of Goodale, of Squire's estate, of C. Conklin, of Hutchinson, and of Corey and. C,00d, to the northeasterly point of intersection of said Corey IISER9176 RnsE184 and Mood's lands with said Creek; thence T?ortheasterlg and easterly and again alon, said Creekto a stake marked R. Ido. ]., *.o lands now or late of Lewis Case, formerly of Hutchinson; thence North thirty-rive (55) decrees east along said lands about one and seventy-five one-hundredths (1-75/1CC) chains to a stake marked R. T?o. 2; thence North sixty (60) degrees 'Nest along Huntting's lands about one end four one-hundredths (1-4800) chains to a stake marked R. No. 3; thence ITorth twenty-five (25) degrees, fifteen (15) minutes West along lands now or late of Gaffga and luntting about eighteen and ninety-one one- hundredths (16-91/1CG) chains to a stake marked R. No. 4; thence North fifty-two (52) degrees, thirty-five (35) minutes Best along lands now or late of Huatting about ten (10) chains to a stake marked R. Pio. Sat the Masterly line of South Harbor Lane; thence Northerly along said line about one and twenty-five one-hundredths (1-25/1CO) chains to a stake marked R. F?o. 6; thence South fifty-two (52) degrees, thirty-five (35) minutes Best along lands now or late of Charles Corey about sixteen and ninety-one one- hundredths (16-91/100) chains to a stake marked R. No. 7; thence North thirty-two (32) dei,-rees I West along, a fence and lands now or late of Corey and Lehr about eieht and five one-hundredths (8-5/1C0) chains to a stake marked R. No. S; thence South Nifty-four (54) degrees, thirty (3C) minutes West along land now or late of M.artin Lehr (formerly of Hutchinson) about twenty- seven and thirty-two one-hundredths (27-32/10C) chains to the point of beginninc, be the said distances and courses more or less. Containing in all as estimated about eighty-five (65) acres more or less. And also the permanent right of way between the said South Harbor Road and said lands as granted by daed from Codfrey Hahn to Warren Richmond recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office in Liber 64 of Deede, page 312, and also the Northeasterly point of the peninsula (con- taining one acre and thirty-five rods more or less) and the adjacent meadow island (containing one acre and forty-six rods more or less) lying at the mouth of said creek at the Bay. Excepting, however, from the said lands above described that portion of South Harbor Lane above mentioned which runs across said lands near the Easterly end thereof. i ALSO ALL that certain piece of meadow land, beach and strand situate at S,uth Harbor in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, lying near the mouth of Hutchinson's Creek.and Bounded and described on the North and East by the channel; on the South by the Bay and on LRP5176 pm,485 the West by the meadow and beach formerly of S. Bailey Corey; containing about two acres. ALSO ALL that certain piece and tract of meadow and beach situate at Indian Neck Point near South Harbor, in the Town of Southold, County_of Suffolk, and State of New York, Bounded Southeasterly by Peconic Bay; Northeasterly by meadow and beach land now or formerly belonging to the heirs of Henry C. Richmond, deceased; Northwesterly by the channel of Richmond or Hutchinson's creek; and Southwesterly by beach and meadow land formerly belonging to Henry Tillinghast, deceased, supposed to contain about one-half acre of beach and meadow be the same more or less; and also ALL that certain tract or. Parcel of beach and meadow situate at Indian Neck Point aforesaid, and bounded Northwesterly by the channel of Richmond or Hutchinson'a creek; Northeasterly by the beach and meadow formerly of Jonah Halsey and now or late.of Franklin W. Richmond; Southeasterly by Peconic Bay; and Southwesterly by the beach and meadow formerly of William Terry, Jonah Halsey and Giles Wells and now or late of Fannie Wood, S. Bailey Corey and George C. Wells, or Charles M.Higgins their grantee. ALSO ALL that tract or parcel of Salt Meadow situate at Indian Neck Point near South Harbor, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. Bounded Northwesterly by the channel or Hutchinson's Creek; .Northeasterly by the beach and meadow late of Henry S. Tillinghast, deceased, formerly of Marian Mott; and Southwesterly, Westerly and Northwesterly by beach and meadow late of Fannie B. Wood and S. Bailey Corey, now or late of Higgins, intended to be the same premises allotted to Giles Bfells by Abljah Corey, John Drake and Benjamin Horton, Jr., Commissioners in Partition by report dated January 1, 1795, approved March 31, 1795, and recorded April 25, 1795, in Book of Partition Deedsin Suffolk County Clerk's Office at page 69. ALSO ALL that certain tract of cleared land situate at South Harbor near the Village of Southold and Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York. Bounded Southeasterly by South Harbor Lane; Westerly by woodland of Henry Gaffga; and Northerly by other land formerly of the said 'P.arian Mott, being triangular in shape and supposed to contain about one acre and one-half be the same more or less. ALSO Atu, that certain niece or parcel of beach and meadow in Indian Neck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York. Bounded North by the beach of Charles Higgins, East and South by Peconic Bay; West partly by beach 3 - ��a�5176 0���186 of Henry D. Horton and partly by meadow of y William Courtland Case and containing by estimation two and one-half acres be the same more or less. ALSO ALL those certain two plots, pieces and parcels of land, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: First Parcel- ALL that certain piece of meadow situated at South Harbor in said town, and known as Squaw Meadow and bounded Northerly by other lands formerly of the said Marian ?Lott; Easterly partly by her lands and partly by meadow now or late of James A. Squires; Southerly partly by channel leading to Hutchinson's Creek and partly by meadow now or lace of Charles G. Corey; and Westerly by a gutter leading from a salt hole to the Creek; and containing by estimation two acres be the same more or less. Together with a right of way through the property then of said Marian 11ott and one Henry Ga£fga to said meadow. Second Parcel: ALL that tract or parcel of meadow at Indian Neck, near Peconic in the Town of Southold,. County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded Northerly by land formerly of Warren Richmond now deceased; Easterly by land formerly of S. Bailey Corey, now deceased, and land formerly of Semael Davids, now deceased; South by land formerly of Hutchinson H. Case, now deceased; and Westerly by land of Henrietta, wife of Gilder S. Conklin, supposed to contain one acre, more or less. PROPERTY #2 All that piece of salt meadow land lying at South Harbor, near the Village of Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded Northerly by land formerly of warren Richmond, subsequently of Haven Emerson, now deceased, Easterly by land formerly of the heirs of Elijah Hutchinson, deceased, subsequently of Haven Emerson, now deceased; Southerly by land formerly of Hutchinson H. Case; and :Vosterly by land now or formerly belonging to the heirs of Benjamin Hutchinson, deceased, containing one acre, be the same more or less. PROPER-x7 #3 ALL that certain piece, parcel or lot of woodland, situate, lying and being at a place called South Harbor, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and bounded Southwesterly and Northwesterly by woodland fomerly of Warren Richmond, deceased; 4 - !19ER5176 RxE187 Northeasterly partly by woodland formerly of William L. Glover and partly by woodland formerly of Henry Huntting, and Southeasterly by land formerly of Henry Hurtting, containing by estimation Seven (7) acres, be the same more or less. Subject, however, to the right or rights of way which any person or aersons have or may lawfully claim or hold, leading through or across the said premises, or any part thereof, and especially as to the Public Highway leading to Peconic Bay through the said lands hereby conveyed. PROPsRTY #4 ALL .those certain nieces or parcels of land more particularly described as follows: First Parcel All that certain piece or parcel of woodland situate, lying and being on the westerly side of the South Harbor Road in the town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and bounded as follows, viz. : Northerly by the land of Salem D. Goldsmith; masterly by the said South Harbor Road; Southerly by the land of Charles Corey, and Westerly by the land of the heirs of Henry Richmond; eon- taining by estimation two acres, be the same more or less. Second parcel All those certain parcels of beach and meadow land situate, lying and being at South Harbor Creek and the Little Peconic Bay in the said Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York and being all of the beach and meadow land situate on Indian Neck Point and also slthe meadow land situate on the northerly side l the Creek now known and called "Richmond's" (formerly sEut ch In songs Creek") which were conveyed by S. Batley Corey and Thomas H. 'doom and canny B. :food, his wife, to Charles T:. Higgins, by deed dated Tune 12, 1905 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office in Liber 570 of Deeds, page 207, on July 3, 1905, the said piece or Darcel of said beach or meadow land which is situate on the said Indian NocL Point being bounded as follows: Soat',erly by Little Peconic Bay; Northerly by the Channel of Hichrond's Creek aforesaid and meadow land formerly belonging to Ciles 'Hells, deceased; Eastsrl:,t by beach land now or formerly beloneing to Franklin V. Richnond; Westerly by beach land formerly belonging to Daniel ti. and Ezra L. - 5 - �JBERr11 :V ?AGEIHCS Goldsmith and meadow land now or formerly belonging to the David's estate, and the said niece or parcel of meadow land which is situate on the northerly side of said Creek tieing bounded as follows: Northerly by land now or formerly belonging to the heirs of Henry Richmond, deceased; Southerly by the Channel of the aforesaid creek; Easterly by land now or formerly belonging to the heirs of the said Richmond and westerly by land now or formerly belonging to Elijah HEtchi.nson. Being and intended to be the same properties #1 to #4, inclu»i ve, conveyed by Haven Emerson and Grace Parrish Emerson to Ethel Emerson Wortis, Robert Emerson, J. Haven Emerson, Ruth E. Cooke and Ralph Emerson by deed dated December 24, 1949 and recorded December 30, 1949 in the Suffolk Count,, Clerk's Office in Liber 3031 of Deeds, pale 514. Excepting from the above described properties 31 to !#4, inclusive, the following described land and premises and riht of way, if any, reserved unto Haven 7nerson and Grace Parrish Emerson by deed made by Haven Emerson and Grace Parrish Emerson to Ethel Emerson ISI Ylortis, Robert Emerson, J. Haven Emerson, Ruth E. Cooke and Ralph Emerson by deed dated December 24, 1949 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on December 30, 1949 at Liber 3031 of Deeds, page 514. ALL tt tract or parcel of land and premises with theba buildings and improvements erected thereon situated, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a post situate near the concrete bulkhead on the north side of "Richmond's Creek" and directly opposite a point in said bulkhead which is approximately 614 feet along said I. bulkhead southwest from the point where said bulkhead intersects the westerly side of South Harbor Road, and running thence (1) in a north- westerly direction in a straight line approxi- mately six hundred and fifty (650)feet, more or less, to a post; and running thence (2) in a southwesterly direction, in a straight line, approximately four hundred and twenty- five (425) feet, more or less, to a post at the edge of the Indian garden and dyke meadow; and running thence (3) in a southeasterly direction - 6 - ���F5176 �ace189 in a straight line through a oost distant -- acnroximately six hundred and thirty-one 0681) feet, more or less, situate on the upland bank of "Richmond's Creek" to the centre of the course of "Richmond's Creek"; and running thence (4) in a northeasterly direction £ollov:ing the center of the course of said "Richmond's Creo'k2t to a. point which is formed by the intersection of one center of the course of "Richmond's Creek" and the continuation in a.southeasterly direction of the same straight line hereinbefore described as boundary (11; and ru-ning thence (5) in a northwesterly direction from said last mentioned point along the continuation of the same straight line which is hereinbefore described as boundary (1), to the point or place of beginning. Containing approximately 6.50 acres, more or less, of upland. TOGETHER with a right of way over the existing private road leading from South Harbor Road to and from the afore described excepted and reserved land and premises. Excepting and .reserving unto the Parties of the First Part, their heirs and assigns forever from the above described properties #1 to #4 .inclusive the follows described land and premises: ALL that certain pieceor parcel of land together with the buildings and improvements thereon, situate, lying and being it South Harbor in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point where the westerly side of South Harbor Road intersects the old high water mark of Peconic Bay forming part of the northerly boundary line of a filled in Sand Beach and running thence South 670 21' 10" West 212.58 feet; running thence North 430 45' 10" West and through a monument 280 feet to a monument; running thence N 440 30' East 246.74 feet to a monument; .thence North 44025' 10" East 264.20 feet to a monument; thence.North 470 44' 40" West 234.62 feet; thence North 290 28' 20" East 1052.94 feet; thence North 560 19' 109 East 176.89 feet; thence South 10 46' East along the westerly side of South Harbor Road 78 feet; thence South 140 38' 1011 West along South Harbor Road 301.02 feet; thence South 160 40f West and still along the Westerly side of South Harbor Road 1345 feet to the point or place of beginning. Together with the interest of the Parties of the First Part, if any, in and to the bed of South Harbor Road. U94176 PAGE190 .:Y Also excepting and reserving from the above des-cribed properties #1 to #4 inclusive the following des- scribed lands and premises; ALL that tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at South Harbor, Southhold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the westerly line of South Harbor Road at the southeasterly corner of land of Vincent Krupski, and running thence alon§ said westerly line of South Harbor Road, S. 4 00' E.- 72.2 feet; thence along land of C.C. Morton, S. 510 45' -W. - 200.0 feet; thence along other land of the parties of the first' part, N. 60 52' 30e N.- 78.28 feet; thence along said land of Vincent Krupski, N. 530 4B' E.- 200.0 feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT, however, to any and all zoning ordinances or amendments thereto, heretofore adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. TOGETHER with all the right, title and interest of the parties of the first part, if any, in and to South Harbor Road in front of and abutting said premises., to the center line thereof. Which said property was conveyed by some of the Parties of the First Part to Jack ID.. Clark and Imogene D. Clark, his wife, by deed dated the 3rd day of June, 1950, and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's C£fice on July 3, 1950 in Liber 3096 of Deeds, page 117. Subject to any right, title, and interest which the Park Commissioners of the Southold Park District of Southold, Suffolk County, PTew York, may have in the following lands and premises: ALL that tract or parcel of land situate at South Harbor, in the Town of Southold, County of .Suffolk and State of iaew York, bounded and described as follows: Commencing at a point on the Nortu Shore of Little Peconic Bay where the division line between the easterly side of the premises about to be conveyed and the westerly side of land of Frank C. Iiortor intersects said i 1 uwP,5176 PnMj Little Peconic Bay, running thence northerly one hundred fifty-four and 5/10 (154.5) feet, mare or lass, to a locust post setoin said boundary line; thence running North 23 421 one hundred seventy-nine and one-tenth (179.1) feet to another locust post; thence running North 23°591 ;seat one h•.mdred eighty-seven (187) feet to another locust coat set on the easterly line of the South Harbor Road; thence Southwesterly along the easterly side of said South Harbor Road to Little Peconic Bey; thence 5astGr17 along Little Peconic Bay to the point or solace of beginning# i es described in a deed made by Haven Rnerson and. r_race Parrish s]nerson to Joseph F. Marshall at ors. as Park Commissioners of the Southold Park District of Southold dated yovember 23, 1921 and recorded December 20, 1955 in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office in Liber 4042 of Deeds, page 225. TOGLTRRR with all the appurtenances and all