HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 5455 P 425................................................... (~ 1.00 ) dollars of E~ffolk and State of New Y6~k, bounded aud described as follows: BEGINNING at a mohument set on the easterly line of a 33 foot private road leading southerly f~om Indian Reck. Road, said hon~ent Reck Road and 100 feet southerly ~long said easterly line from the northwesterly corne~ of Lot 34,' as shown on '~ap of Indian Neck Park", and filed in the Euffblk County Clerk, s' Office as Map No. 551; f~om s~/d point of beginning running slong~other lsnd of William E. Mo~ghn and Matilda E. Morgan, hi~ wife, being through said lot 34, fou~ l) ~ South 71~ 23~' East ~o70 feet; thence 2) No~th 59~ 04~ East 57.82 feet; thence 3) North 16z 53~ East 31.40 feet; thence 4) North t0© 23~'~W&~t 72:00 feet to lot no. 32 on said map; thenbe mzuning ~long said ~.ot No. 32, Rorth 79° 3~~ East 6% feet to a monument and'land of Ward;· running then'ce ~long sai~ land of Wa~d, South 12° as'shown on said map; thence' ~ong Lot C aud passing through a monument at the nomthwesterly 6o~nem there~£' ~u'd alone the northerly line of a right of way leading easterly From the aforesaid 33 foot private ~oad l) South ~4° 07~ West 169.~ Feet ~ a men, eh=; thence -2) South 79~ 45s West 20.75 feet to a mon~ent on s~id ~terly line of said ~3'fo~ ~vat~ ~6'ad; thence ~ong sai& easte~ly~line receded on June 16, 19~9 ~ Libe~ ~6~ cp 1~3 (~o~the~ly portion) ~, 19~9 ~d ~eco~ed on Septembe~ 8, 19~9 fn~ibe~ ~687 .eD. (Sou~e~ly portion).