HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 5445 P 17 " 11-1868 S"ndml N. Y.B. T.U. Form 8007. 3-6210M_B"g;io .ad S.le Deed, wilF.2rl;.n, 'S.,o" Groma,', Acn_lndivldu,l or <rm5'445 17 .~; V. III R. 5.. ...,. ....e..R....._ C ~'\GE _ cONSULT YOUI- LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS.INSTRUMENf-THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD lIE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY. " PLEASE DO MH rmmstl THIS INDEN1URE, made the 1st day of liovembeJ.'" ,nineteen hundred and sixty-three BElWEEN LEO ROON and ANNl M. ROON, his w1f'e, both residi ng at Southol.d, Suffolk t:.ounty, New York, party of the first part, and J. FURMAN NEEFUS and MINNIE M. NEEFU'S" his wife, as tenants by the entirety, both residing at Laurel, Suffolk County, New , r 6 York, >'oc party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of _ -. - - - - - - - - TEN ($10.00) - - - - - - - -' - :- dollars, lawful money of the United States, and other good and valuable cons1derat1oD,paid by the party of the second part; does hereby grant and release unto the ,party of the second part, the heirs or Sllccessors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, AU. that certain plot, piece or parcel of iand, with the buildings' and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and beinglHPll at Bay View, near Sou.tho1.d, in the Town of Soutbo1.d. County of Bufto1.k and State of New York, bounaed and described as ro1.lows :- PARCEL (fiE: BEGINNING at a conorete monument set at the northwesterly corner of-premises to be described, at a point f"ormed by the inter- section of the southerly line of land now or formerly at C~ Dwight Baker, with the easterly line of land now or formerly of Paradiso Point, Inc~; running thence along the soutbei'l.y 1.108 of land now or f'ormerl'1 of C. DwigJl.t Eaker, on a course bearing South 66 degrees 57 minutes 1.0 seconds East, and through a con6rete mOnument, a distanoe of 560 feet to the mean highwatermark of Shelter Island Sound; thence along the wate:l"s of Shelter Island Sound, along a tie line on a_course bearing South' 36 degrees 26 minutes West, a distance of 432.24 feet to land now or formerly of Anne Currie-Bel1.i thence .Uong sa1d1ast_ men- tioned land, on a course bearing North 6b degrees 57 minutes 10 seconds West, and through a ooncrete monument, a distance of -670 feet to a : concrete monument on the easterly line of other lands of 'Anne Currie- Bel.1; thencEi along said l.ast mentioned 1and, on a ooUi'se bearing North 37 degrees 24 minutes 50 seconds East, a distance of .284.$0 feet to a concrete monument 'in the southerly line of land now or 1'oi"merly.et Paradise Point, Inc.; thence along said last.ment1oned land, tbe 1'olldw- ing two (2) courses and distances: (1) South 66 degrees 57 minutes 10 seconds East, 75.40 ".feet to a'con- orete monwaent; and (2) North 46 degrees 55 mmlltes So seconds 'East, 1.58.43 feet :to the point dr plaoe 01' beginning. TOGETHER with an open and unobstructed right or way f'ourtedn (14) feet in width from the "southwosterly corner of' said premises hereby. conveyed over the lands of Anne Currie-Bell to and frdm the .public highway leading from -Paradise 1"oint. . TOGETHER with other rights of' way, if' any, as may be appurtenant to the said premises and contained in fo~er deeds 01' record affecting the above described premises. TOGETHER with all tho right, title end interest, if any, of the parties of the first part in and to any lands and lands under water of' ~ ,,~:!f:;t~l!!!1\f;'!:~'";:{""" ;.-- ~'i .'".', ~~~;!~~";<i" ...... a",p~"Onl.BaY. adjos.n1ngth. promlli.. ,;:,.~,;:~it~:;~':lr~~~~f~~':b.~tb~'j,~~pr;xidses ,c<mvqedb~_~~~urit7 Trtl8t )'If:).e~'(~f;,,,,,,oitie~1;:''-;''~':S'~fJeut'01'',',:ot. ~d' Trustee .Wider. the last .Will.BDd ~.~~t>.~:;'(Jp8!1~'f]8:\:S'~Ji.-;;:t'O'rLeD':;RQon' andAnna"M.:Ro~, \his','w1fe, , :G'7J:_.~4"d~~f(4.a.:q.gus~.,5,,-1.955 and.":re_COl'decl' .~:th'e. S1ittQlk~ County Clerk'" Orth.:.....aga!lt,l~.:'1.'SS '1n'Llber '3951 or Deed. at :pago 241. PAR(Zli;i:TWO'~_i;--~Gijl~~ at:a:':po1nt R1Y'li:~d b~ a monument located at the ~~I1~~Y.'.-r ,a'rfth1ire~;eI'1)"061"11er- 01" 'the: prem1.-a~s: heloein,de'scribed (llhi41i-,p,,1nt"\f.j;Jtli.IiI~,tb:8J1n~el'.eetionof" ,the easterly line of" Parad1se f'o:1Q~;Re:ad:'With-th" southe1"J:.y::Uile of'-' :Land 01' NelsobB. Robiiison, t<ill'a81"ly orP,ara_d1sfJ"P01nt,;:rn'e-.rrw:ln~ thence along said southerly l:1ne:;~tlaM"of' Robins.a, '$outb/o6 degrees 13 minutes 00 seconds East. 'a'd1'stano'e,-or4J.,$.60t:_eetto a point marked by a monuent; running thence.. still- alADg-,.tbe; 8Ou.therlyline' ot land of BobfD.aob, South 66 a.greee$7', m1nute.8lO',- seconds East',: a dlstano 0 otl07-.22f"eet -to 'a .- po1nt marked"by'aaonument and',l8nd otLeo Roon and wite,f"ormerly of" Gen,vieve Searle; l'l1Im1ngthen_ce' ,along said' land, tormerly -of" Searle, 8ou:th:37degrees24m1nutes 50 seconds ,West, a distance 01'360.85 teet to ap()1J:1t'-marked ,by &:lllonu.aent'8Ild--land: or Byron; running thenoe alcmg said laJ1d'.ot;,B~on,. South.33 degrees181b1nu.tes50 l5eeonds.West, a d.iatano8i>of" 23,.-45--f"eettoa pointmarked'by'fi monllillelit:and land of" Bruce; 1'l1m1_1ng thence along;sald--land of" Bruoe,Jiorth76 degrees 54 1ll1nIi:te8 2Oseoonds ,Vest; a':distance of" 407.40 feet to a point marked b7',amonumeut.om the:, easterly' line -ot,P'a:radlse, Point -Road; rum1n.g thenoe 1na~northeaster17-;d1reoticm along the easterly liDe ot said Paradtse-,Po1:at Boad, North 19 degrees 30 minutes $0' seoondsEast, a dlste.nce of'449.34 f"eet to the monument, at the point or place of" bo.~"l"1!' TOGETlIER with all the right, title and interest, if" any, of' the partie' o1'the t1rstpart, in end to Paradise Point Road in f"ront of" and abut- t1Dg 'said p.~em_1~es__~0.1lh_e.'.center line thereof". SUBJECl', ,however, to' the tollowing: 1. Any_ state o:f.tacts an acourate survey of" the premises may show, provided the same doe s not render the title _thereto wunarketable. 2~ Restrictions and zoning laws, ord1nan09s or regulations adopted or imposed by any governmental authority, and to any mod1f'ications or amendments thereof. 3. Covenants, conditions and restrictions, if any, contained iD f"01'mer instruments of record, affecting said premises, so f"ar as the dame may'. now be 1n .toroe or etfect. _ 4.3ubjeot ,to the f'ollowing covenants arid restrictions: (a) That neither the parties of the second part, their heirs, exeo- utors, adm1nistrators or assigns, shall or will manufacture, or sell or cause or permit to be manufactured or sold; on any portion 01' the premi- ses, any goods or merchandise of" any kind, and will not carry on, or permit to be carried on; on any part of' said premises, any commercial trade or oommercial business, nor permit the sale ot any intoxioating liquors, nor shall they use the premises tor any unlaw1"ul or obnoxious purpo,se. (Prol'essional and scientit'1c researoh business shall be per- mitt.\!. ) (b) That said premi_ses shall be, used f"or res.idential and pr~ess... ional' purposes onl,.; tbat any house or houses erected on said premises shall be of" substantial oonstruction, and of" - go,od lines.. -; '(:e). The torego'ing covenants nambered a and b shall run with the land and expire on January 11 1968. SUBJECT to certain rights 01' way heretotore- granted to Nellie F. L. Byron by deed recorded in Llber 725 of' deeds at page 281, to Robert M.' Searle by deed recorded 1n Libel" 1032 01' deeds at page 313, and to Leonard E. BE>uce and wit'e. by deed recorded in Libel' 2712 of deeds at pago 377.' , HESERVING~ 'however, to -kme Hallock.'Curr1e:'Bell, her heirs, distribu"" teesl legal representatives and assign~, the right to the use of a right of way over the travelled roadway as it now exists as set torth on au.rve,. map attaohed to deed recorded in Libel" 3994 of De ads at page 227, said right of" way being tor the purpose or ingress an4' egr~Bs, to' and trom Paradise ~oint Road and to and trom other premises O:f,- Anne Hallock (Continued on SClIEOOLE "A" attached hereto) t {';. I lIuEu5445 PAGE 19 SCHEDULE n An Currie-Bell, and for the par-pas e or installation, erection, main- tenance, repair and replacement of public utilities {including gas, water J telephone and electric! tT} on the surface, above the surf'ace, and below theaur.t'ace ot said right of' way, the location or such installations to be consmted to in writing by the parties of the second part berein prior to any such installation. The road which 1s used for the private roadway shall now be known as "Old Hallock' Point Lane". BEING AND INTENDED to be the same premises conveyed by Ann Ha1.lock Currie-Bell to LeI) Boon and Anna M. Roon, his wi!'e, by deed dated October 1.0 Ii 1955 and recorded 1:1 the Sutt'olk County Clerkl s Ofrioe on Ootober 14, 1955 in Llber. 3994 of Deeds at page 227. ':~:d~'~~ra~::~~~ b:~o~:i~:n~n al~:1:1~hf~a ~ou~~~Ko~::e 8QU;:tb~:x,~e~,ee,81lP,l:ltllltes OO-~,~Qn,ds East, 0.36 foet along said '~.r.idart--:l.1,l1e,f}t~t\le north'er~7 t"Ormin1l8 ot tbe, easterly line 01' ;~az:'adl~:e ~o1nt ,,:RQa_d'r:trom',:Slddti1nt,~t' })8i:!:1Dn1ng ~1.UID1ng thence .1.,onga,'50,_,f'iO~,t,-"JtrlY;ate ~tlCil,; 1o,b. :tol];_ow1~___cou_rses: :( 11:_ no~~1i"a~terJ;J",Ol1:a o\U'....,t~,'-tl1e~ght, "he,rtng ~', radius of 125.0 : '\-1'ee,~_,::::a 'Cil;~.8.Diee ,'01' 196.35"teet;: :then~e t,?) _lS_OU~1:I.,,66 d8g1"~~S 13 minutes 00 seoonds East, 393.70 feet; thene :~p.)-_no'\t'J;1_.~IIil1ie~f1--(JD "ol1~e-'-t;o ~he'lett, having a radiu sof 200.0 _t~_,':, ,;-~~et,,-':a'dl'~1!~~:~ o1;':233~4'1! ,!:80tt'O ,land of Baker; l,te4:~:;t;~~~:t:lit:~~fs~_~~ja;:.t;~~ls:4~'~t;:;d t~f a R::~;:~h f~1ieJ3,C',:$t:~'11.:,a~e.Dg:',lilaf4-laIid,\o:t_'BO?D'- two cGlfrlil8 s,a s follows: '(:l)ll.,.~~:"Ii~~v~"P 5711d,n..~.eslOseoonds Wast, 162.95 feet to a monWlent,j"theJ1ce '''':, " ",,',",:.,', ", (2) North 66 degrees 13 minutes 00 seconds ~est, 415.54 teet to the point of beginning. TOGETHER with a right of way over said 50 toot private road ad- joining the premises, tor the purposes of ingress and egress to and from sa1dprem1sos and to and from the public highway kaown as Paradise FolntRoad. BEING AND INTENDED to be the s 8IIIe premises conveyed by Paradise 'Po1n1i...Corporation to..Leo-RooD..by deed dated February 20, 1962 and ~ecorded IntheSut'f'olkCotmt,. Clerk's Office on February 26, 1962 in Llber 5130 of Deeds at,page 524~ and subject to the covenants, ~8s1irl~tlons. ,and agresmentsthereln contained. .. ",- -~. "'--~,, ._::-::--'~----:_ft'--