HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 5538 P 485 t; h BORl( III B. Y. DBBD-l!'uIl CoveD&Dt (IA'IInIOfDlr, (Ihap.lIlIl, Sat;QWrT lIWmA) TUTSL,IlNX IlKG.Sl'UED U,S,"A'r.O~~'<::.. 7Uft/elawPrint.Publisher.$.1i'uIIilnd.W: -.j< 1.:'\ .wl!i~ Jnattnt.u:~8 PIGE485 ~': M (6 \ .Made the .Nineteen Hundred and 21st day of October Sixty-three iS~Jt Cedric H. Wickham of Mattituck. Southold Town, Suffolk County. New York. . " .. pa;rl;y of the first pa;rl;, and Cilo Lopex and Constance Lopez, his wife, of 2384 27th Street, Astoria, Long Island, New York part i e s of the second part, -"~_that the party of the first part, in oonsideration of One Dollar and other considerations ~l~r ;) lawful money of the United States, paid by tke part i 8 S of the second pari, does k8relJg Arant and, releaae unto the pari; tas of the second part, (11.00 their heirs and a8,ilfUJ forever, all that piece or parcel of land situate at Laughing Water, near Southold, Southold Town, County of Suffolk, New York, bounded and described as follows: EGINNING at a corner stone at the point of intersection of the South- erly line of Higwathas Path and the Westerly line of No~omis Road and running South 5 !.~5' East by and along Nokomts Road 113 feet to a point, thence Westerly along property of Oedrie H. Wickham 116 feet to a point. thence Nortfu 3005' West 130 feet more or less to a concrete stone in the Southerly line of,Hlawatbas Path, thence South 85050' East 111.95 feet by and along the Southerly Hne of Hla",athas Path to- the potnt and place of beginninu;. TOGETHER witb_gl'lrJgt1.~..__Ut18arld interest of the party of the first a