HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 5491 P 583 party of the second part, I WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part. in consideration of ten dollars and otbeT valuable consideration I paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part. the hein or successors and assigns (If the party of the second part forever, AU. that certain plot, piece Of pa.rce1 of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon eucted, situate. Iyi""",d ....nLlltl<... at Southold. in the Town of Southold CounJ:y of suffolk, ~tate of New Yor~. more particulLarLY bounaeo and described as follows: ' COMMENCING at a stake in the Southerly line of a private road 50 feet in width at a point distant 140 feet Westerly as measured along said Southerly line of said private road from an angle 1n said road where ~ the same turns and where the South-easterl y line thereof then runs in \ a ~VYMWV~J~ Northeasterly direction .."".'....".,:'\...:.~ along the Southeasterly line of land of Georgette Campbell and connects . t with a right of way over a strip of land 50 feet in width extending over the land of Mary L. Dayton and Howard A. Toedter, Inc. to Main Bay View Road as defined and established by agreement dated October 6. 1949 recorded October 13, 1949, in Suffolk County Clerk's office in 1iber 3004 of deeds page 580, made between Mary L. Dayton. Howard A. Toedter, Inc. and Benedict ~nasek and Mary Manasek, his wife; from said point " of beginning, iRUNNING THENCE South 26 degrees 32 minutes 20 seconds West along land lof Georgette Campbell, 136 feet to a point in the ordinary high water 11ine of Little Peconic Bayj THENCE RUNNING along said ord. inary high water line of Little Peconic Bay, North 66 degrees 08 minutes ~ W8st ~ 75.08 feet; THENCE RUNNING along lan~Ri ~~orgette Campbell, North 26 degrees 32 minutes 20 seconds.EastJ~6~t to a stake' set 'in the Southerly line of said private road S~ feet in width first above mantioned; !THENCE RUNNING along said Southerly line of said private road, South 63 degrees 27 minutes 40 seconds East 75 feet to the point or place of beginning. TOGETHER with a right of way 'in common with others for ingress and I' egress to and from the above .described premises over said private road 50 feet in width and together with. a ri~ht of way over a strip *** TOGETHER witb all right. title and interest, if any,of.the party of tIle first part in ~ to any streets and I roads a b.UttingthO above described premises to the center ii.'nes. t.hereo. f; TOGE. THER. M. tb the a-l?':1rtenances I and all the esta~ and ri~hts of the p~~ty..of the firs! ~ in ant! t1:I sai~ premises: T0_ H" A '!"_ ..A\.Tn ,,"r'>. I J-IOLn th.. n.............~ ~--- --~---' ..-'.. --- f ~: Dr.... .,;/ t.'~ ?f\lv It :;..:;. ~ -.....1. - -' ~.~ \:~ '0 i~ 'I!lol (f.l ~. .. . -':' lPP~4 . .~, 'S""dord N. Y.B. T. U. Form SOOI'!.6G-l.lM-B.rgain ...dS.Je Deed, wirbGu< Coverunropins< G..ntor', Acu-lndlViduiJ no CaoPO.nriOD (S. ShaI) . CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BDORE SIGNING THIS INST.,-ENf-THIS INSTRUMINT SHOULD BI US~Y LAWYIRI 01&9- d. S. lR S. _a~-,-~~__ u8ER54lJl P4GE583 THIS INDENTURE, made the 20th day of December, ninetcelJ. hundred and sixty-three B~ EILEENL. STRAUSS, residing at 2400 Webb Avenue, Bronx, New York, party of the first part, and SANTO IMMORDINO and AIDA MARIA IMMORDINO, his wife, both residing at 107 Cox Avenue, Yonkers, New York, " r \' """ 00 "' lI'"' ~? -' o;i ... >n S ~/~9.;20 ". -II DESCRIPTION CONTINUED from deed E1~ilen L. Strsns15 to Santo Immordino and A1da Maria Immordino, h1swif'e, dated Deceaber 20, 196, . *** IOf land 50 feet in width extending from the Northeasterly terminus of said private road over the land of Mary L. Dayton and land of Ii Howard A. Toedter, Inc. to Main Bay View Road as defined and established by agreement d.8ted October 6, .1949, recorded October 13, I 1949 in Suffolk County Clerk's Office in Liber 3004 of deeds, page 580, made between Mary L. Dayton, Howard A. Toedter, Inc., Benedic [MaOaSek and Mary Manasek, his wife. I SUBJECT TO an easement agreement with Long Island Lighting Company Irecorded in liber 3091cp 139. ISUBJECT TO a $14,000.00 purchase money mortgage this day given by Ithe grantees to Southold Savings Bank and intended to be recorded simultaneously herewith. I I _t.'> ;-Z::A,_ <' A<:J"-~ EILEEN L. STRAUSS