HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 5425 P 457 ~~~.y.B.T.l1.Pormi007 .g.6i.JOV-&qWan4~DoedwlIbOmllalltaplnlf~'~ID~vid~or~0II0 . ~NIULTYOUI U.wnl.IPOII'~NIN. THIIINSTlUMINT. THIS INSTlUMINTSHOULD I. USID IT LAWYERS ONLY ,) D. S. I R .'d..a...:-"" 005425 PAGE457 TH"'lNDENnJRE,madetbe 18t dayof October . '""""" hund.-.d ",d Sixty-three BETWEEN Dill 't. COIIlUJ) alld NIIIGUlI'l' L. COllRlll, bla wite, realdlnc at SOIltloold, II.Y. (P.O.Box 958) party of the first part, and EUGED GlROF4LO snd DOROTHY GUlOFlLO, his wite, residing at Ro."921 - 69tll tveaue, RldCewood, 27, R.Y., .~~ ""...._...~).I II. % party 01 th, """,d part. e . . ~." WITNESSETH, that th, party 01 th, finot part. m """id=tion of r .' . f GlIB (11.00) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - dona". :....:...:.,...... ~.. J1A;"'.'.........:... I.wlul monO)' of th, U",tod S.."". aad other lood and val"" ble ccD81deraUo,,",d .. ....... by the party of the second part, does hereby grnnt and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot. piece or parcel of land,mtk~ Ii J .:.- JI ",Q.; iL.la.. --....a4. situate, I, ... '", ~ n ~ . " 0 " . .." lying and beingilatlK. at Ba)"v1ew, in the Town ot South01dt County ot Sufto1k: and State ot Hew York and mown and deslgnated as ot No.6 on a certain map entit1e4 lMap ot '1'err1 Waters at Bayview, Town ot Boutkold, Sutto1k Co. N.X." owned and deve10ped b;y Belen Cochran, Main Stree1o, Sonthold, II.Y., ma4e Joae 6 1956 b1 Otto W. Van Tarl & SODS, Llcenaed~ Lind SUrveyors, Gr..aport, A.x." and tiled in the'Ott1ce of the Clerk ot the Count, of SUftolk on Deeember 29, 19"8 a8 Map NO.2901. TOGETHER with all the right, 1011o1e and in10erestt 1f an7, ot 10he party ot the firs10 part ot, 10 and to the waters Ind land under the vaters ot Peoonic Bay 1y1111 1n tront ot and adjoining 10he above d'lcrlbed premises on the south. '1'OGETRER with all elsement. tor ,1na:ress and. egress aver and upon Wa10ersedge Way, LongYlew Lane and Ramb1er Road tor the1r entire d1s- 1oance, as shown. and .1aid out, "0 teet w1de throughout, on 8ald above .entioned filed map. SUbject, however, to the re8ervatioD. made b1 Helen O. CoChran to the title to the land 1n 8ald road8 an! the right to dedicate said rOld. aa 'public roads and to grant e.sements therein tor the coaatruotloD. and malntenance ot pub1ic utl11tlest and subject t\u'ther_:.'bo the reservation ud. by 88,ld Helen G. Cochran of the right to change the locat10n ot sa1.d Rambler .Road ,in aJ1Y reasonable manner, all a8 se't torthln'the de.d. by He1enG. Cochran to sald Edwln F. Conr~4UldMarlaret L. Conrad, his wi-te, here1natter untloaed. TOGETHER w1th the r11ht to use in commonw1th other lot owners the area know. as Lot-Ro.8 and the area. adjoining next8outherl~ thereto to, the extent ot 80 :teet more or less, of the no.rtberl1 89 teet aore or less of that parcel, designated on ~8id t1led map as "Community Park and Beach" (residents .only) as a basin for berthing ~b08t ,for said labov8described parcel, including an ;easementtor ingress and egress over, upo.n and t.hrough the waters of the eanal as it extends northerly, It-O feet .wide throughout, along the easterly boundery ot said mapped I deve~opment trom flec~n;lc Bay to said Besl~.' . I TOGETHER w1.th the right to use in common with other lot owners tor bathing end recreat1ona1 purposes, the southerly 300 feett more or lesa, of the parcel designated on the above mentioned filed map 8S "Community P~rk and Beach (residents only)". SUbjectt however, to the reservation made by Helen G. Cochran Inthe ,deed made by ber hereinatter laentloned of the right to ehaDge the 10cat10n of the northerly boundary ! i: j, . ....... ~T....o.:.."=1......r=no.~Ii"",....,,-,.,, ,;. +5425 PAGf458 If o:t'said_ part thereot _above mentioned, so as to either reduce or 1'1. enlarge- said recreation area _ot the bOat bas1n adjoining on the north thereot. ii 'SUBJECT also to the restrlotlo.Qs set forth 1na Declaration 'I made by Helen G. Cochran. dated lug. ust 23L~ 195'8 and recorded 1n the '1:1 SllUolkCounty Clerk'._ Of nee onlugu_t .<U, 1958 1n L1ber "'508 of , deeds at page 380. ". II SUBJEC'l' f'ur~8r .to the, ,rules, -regulatioDs.nd - chargeswhlch may be adopted :tromtlme tot:lme by the lot owners' 8ssoo1at:lon which 1s to be orcanized by HeleA G.C_och~an for the pUl'p098 .of' the oare, maintenance and repalr of the roads, basinst Qanals andtbe parcel designated "Community Park and Beach (resiaents only)~. BEING 4.ND'-INTENDED" oro BE the same' prEIDlses heretofore conveyed by Belen G. Cochr.an -to sald' Bdw.1n F. _ Conrad and. Margaret L. ConradJ_ his wife by deed dated December 11 1959 and recorded in the StttfoLk County cierk' _ Otf1ce on December 2, 1959 1n L1b_r "'73'" of de_d_ _t' page 01. SUBJECT, also, to;- . Zonlng regu:1atlons and ord1nen'css of the Town o~ Soa.thold, Suffolk cOunty, N. Y. 4.ay state of :racts an accurate survey might show.