HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 5438 P 433 ----_: -:7'"" ~ '11"'-""; , "I , ;. :"J ~ N- 1;:; ,0 ":' o ~~, ~w SmD4ard N.Y.B.T.U, F...aoot-. V41.tOM-BupiDuas.kDee41ril11eo-t......~.~1iiI0r~ CONSULT YOUR LAWYD 1111011 SleNIN.1HIIINSDQIiIIIII': THlLlNl1IUMIUO'SHOULDii_uUDiYUwyusO"-'t:' . v>- !!JU R. !!. .. r.;_"""..~ . 'IHISJNDENTURE,madethe 1.-). darof Ootober" Dineteenhuudred and .1rll-thr...i8 'llE'1WEEN Xiohard L. Gibbs and Oarol.. J[;Gibbs, his wifs, ba~h restat- ing at Southo1d, He.. York, I~ ~ ~ party of the first part. and William H. J1iedler residing at 5931 Linden Street, Ridgewood, New York, party of the second part. WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in c::onsi.det'ation of the Bum ot one " DO/lOa ($1.00). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . doDars; :$ " I lawful money of the Unitei:l States, and other good and valuable cOD81deratioDpaid. I by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part. the heirs or Iii . successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. II ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, "'- " l[IYing and being__ at u8hamomaque, Town of South01d, County of Suftollt F and state of New York, bounded and described as to110...: Ii 1'1 BEGINNING at a point on the southeasterly line of the NorthRoad, distant along said line in a northeasterly direction 49." feet from the northeasterly corner of land now or formerly ot Gerhard I and Eleanor Schubert (which point also marks the northwesterly cor- ner of land now or formerly of Valentine Rueh); runaiDg thence along the land of Valentine Ruch, south 31043'00" east, 100.21 teet to a I point marking the intersection of the southeasterly line of Old I Cove Boulevard with the southwesterly line of s8id land now or formerly of Ruch; running thence south 61059'10" west, 49.39 teet to I a point marking the intersection of the southeasterly line ot Old Cove Boulevard with the extension southeasterly of the northeasterly line of land of Schubert; thenoe along said extension, and land ot I Schubert, north 31040'50" west, 100.20 feet to the southeasterly line , of the North Road; thence aloDg said southeasterly line ot the North Road, north 610;9'10" east, 49.33 feet to the point or place of beginning. BEING and intended to be the same premises conveyed to the party of the first part by deed from Helmut Hass dated June 11, 1959, re- corded June 17, 1959, in liber 4642 of oonveyanoes, page 363, in the office of the clerk of Suffolk oounty. , I SUBJECT to the rights of others to pass and repass over the south- I erly 20 feetot said premises; to an agreem~nt dated J~ 15, 1957, 1 recorded in said county ,clerk' Boftice July.2'~ 1957, liber -433.' of !! conveyances, page 257, between Helmut Hass and 'another ,and the~' I) Long Island Lighting Company;, to an agreement> be,tweenthe, part1- Ii of the fdrat parot,- Helmut Hass, and the Borth]'ork Bank.-and, Tr\lst ii Comp~y dated July 27" 1962, reco;rdedin Baid :county clerk's: office I' August 9,.. 1962,. in 1iber 5211 of-conveyances,. _page 108_;,. Boiling il ordinance~ of. the TO.WD of Southold; any Iitate of f~ct8,. an l,lcc_U:I'ate i[ survey woUld show" and to condi tionB, covenants". J;'eservations, eaae- :, ments and restrictions of reoord, if any. II TOGETHER with the right, in common with others, and SUBJECT to their rights, to paBS and rjpasB over the 20 foot private rights I of way known as Old Cove Boulevard and Beverly Road in the develop- ~ ment known as Southold Town Beach OOlony., _ ~_ , ,', I;", I:', UBER5438 PAGE434 .~- This oonveyance is made-and accepted SUBJECT to an indebtedness s8cur.d bya mortg~eupon said, premises .held by North Pork Bank and Trust Co.pariy,,, ](atti,tuc;k:,,- New Yo.rk, which, Jaortgagews_sdated June 1.1,10959, _and r,eoorded -in the $utfolk county clerk1s, office on June 17, 1959,: in l.ib_er_ 3232 of, mortgages ,at page_ 369, in the original amount of_ $61'000, on,which there ie.an unpaid,principal balQoeof '47:59.01 .r ...1-thinterest from October llth, 196', at the rate of 5~ ~Qr annum; _~qloh 8ald mortgag:e debt the party of the second part ~ereby assumes and agrees to pay as part of the purohase price of ,--the-:abo.ve d ~8crlbed, premises j aDd the party of th, ,second part herebyexecut~8~daoknowledge8 th1s instrument for ,the purposeo! oomplytngw1th the provisions of Chapter 502 of the Lawa of 19'8.