HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 5463 P 406 M-1681 II' , , <'-- .. ~ ~ ~ < ~ t~ g\ "" .. Po .. ~ ~ u ~ ~ .... Swuhrd N. Y.B. T.U. FOl1El8007 '1I..62-20M'-Borpln Ind s.re Deed, wi'" -Cov""",,, aga;o" 0""",,", Acu-Individu.l <>r CO""..';.n. CONIUL1' YOWl LAWYU .&011 SIGNING TIIIS.INJ"IlVMINT-THIIINS~ IHOIAD II US. BY LAWYIB OrAY. f,; ~5463 PAd06 " s. r. " S.E1.'9::::..;t:. . THIS INDEN'nJRE, made the 14th day of October . nineteen hWldred and Bixty-three, BETWEEN,_ GEORGE.W, SMITH &SONS~ INC., a corporation organized and existing under the Laws of the State of New Yorkj having its prin- cipal. 01'1'108 and place 01' business at Southold, Suff'olk County, .. New York, party of the first part. and ALBERT W. EICHORN and BErTY A. EICHORN, his wife, as tenants by the entirety, both residing at Southold.. Suffolk County, New York, party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of ------------------------TEN ($10.)--------------------------- dollars, lawful money of the United States, and other good and valuable consideration paid by the party of the seoond part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ~fd#' t,"J/4/"'"'",W.""" ", ,,,"""""'JW'., "'Id'!bJliW.::iNr:t'i<f#iikllf(,It/JII;II'''''''' "YJldYb!Yf I ,fiil . pRiJfj";Pleoe/arilpai'fiiLItII74am1vWitrrll11flilJIllilllIlgJ:> 'F" llfemtfdfitIrl1a1:6J " fltf,fI",?MI/I>i,fiif: fJ/fIIrjJ# PARCEL ONE: ALL that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being at Bay View, near Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being knotvn and designated as part of Lot numbered 74 and parts of Lots nunmered 62 to 67 as shown on a certain map entitled, IIEap of Goose Neck, situate at Bay View, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, N.Y., owned by G.W. Smith & Sons, U made by Otto W. Van Tuyl, Licensed Surveyor,Greenport, N.Y., and filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Orrice on November 22, 1948, as and by File No. 1663, said premises being and intended to be a portion of the premises heretofore conveyed to the party of the first part by George 1'1. Smith & ors., by deed dated. March 10, 1950, and filed in the office of the Registrar of Suffolk County under Land Title Registration Certificate N1.Unber 162!~l on Vtarch 12, 1951, and said premises being more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron pipe on the northeaster1yline of }ain Bay~ view Road 200.0 feet southeasterly along said nortdeaster1y line from Smith Drive South; said ~oint of beginning being the southerly corner of Lot 75 as shown on "Hap. of Goose Neck" flleu in the Suffolk County Clerk1s Office as Map No. 1663; from said Doint of beginning running a1on~ said Lot 75, two courses as follows: (1) North 39 uegrees 00 minutes East 150.0 feet to an iron pipe;thence (2) North 51 uegrees 00 minutes West 50.0 feet to the southerly corner of land of Harnilton; thence along said lanu of Ha~ilton and alon~ land of the party of the second part being through lots 67, 66, 65, & 64, North 39 degrees 00 minutes East a Jistance of 200.0 feet to an iron pipe and Lot 63; thence along said Lot 63 North 51 degrees 00 minutes West a distance of 75.0 feet to an iron pipe and land of Goose Neck Pro~erty Owners Association; thence along said land, North 39 degrees 00 minutes East a distance of 23 feet, ~~re or less, to the edge of a dredged canal; thence alons saiu canal north- ..Jester1y and then northeasterly (being t:!1rough Lots 63 R..-"'1U 62, abaut 100 feet to the southeasts?ly line of Lot 61; thence along said Lot 61 being partly throu,gh saiJ can a 1,. South 51 (lecrees 00 minutes East a distance of 1'-1.5 feet, more or less, to the. sautherl;T corner of said Lot 61; thence alons said Lots 62 to 67, South 29 uegrees 52 minutes 30 seconds West a rlistance of 303.84 feet; thence alons said lot 74, North 51 degrees 00 minutes West a distance of 24.03 feot to a monu- UBER5463 PAGE 407 <:: menti thence through said Lot 74, South 39 degree,s 00 minutes West a distanceo!' 150.0 .feet to a mOllument on ,Slaid northeasterly line . of Main Bayview Road; thence along saiqndrtheasterly line, North "51 degrees 00 minutes West a distance of 25.0 feet to the point of beginning. , SUBJECT to the right of' way granted to A~exander J.Ruskowski and Dorothy H. Ruskowski, his wife, approximately five (5) rest in width over that portion of Lot 63 o~ said map adjacent to thAw~ltHtlng canal and extending ~rom,premiaes of Goose Neck proper~~ aociation southerly and southeasterly to land of Alexander ~. Rus owski and wl~e for the purpose of ingres~ and_agress-by foot. c. PARCEL TWO: ALL that trac,t orp8.rcel of' land situate, lying and being at Bay ;View, neat' Southold. in the Town of Southold, County ofc.Suff'oJ:k rand...State or New York, bounded and described as follows: '. ,_ _no . "BEG~NNrNG at the southerly corner of Lot 61 ~d the easterly corner of. Lot 62, being the easterly corner of Parcel One herein- above described; from said 'point of beginning running along land conveyed or about to be conveyed by the party of the first part to Ruskowski on the direct extension southeasterly of the boundary between said Lots 61 and 62, South 51 degrees 00 minutes East a distance of 124.16 feet to land of Riley; thence along said land of Riley" South 39 degrees 00 minutes West a distance of 287.68 feet to a mo~ument on'the northeasterly line of Lot 72, thence . a10ng said Lot 72 and Lot 73 and said Lot, 74, North 60 degrees 39 minutes 50- seconds West a distance of 76.96 feet; thence- along said Lot ,74 and said Lots 67 to 62, North 29 degrees 52 minutes' 30 se- conds East a distance of 304.45 feet to the point' of beginning. The aforesaid premises are subject to the same covenants and restrictions as set forth in Land Title Registration Law Certificate No. 54333.