HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 5429 P 438 #J.~"-:-"^ U. S. I. R. S. .~J'<.~r........_ I -......T.>T....... __...__ _,......... "'" ~_, __'C_~. __m..'o" w c.~__. {~..._ N-IB57 -j j j~ ~ 1 ."., 1 ~" "j .1 l 1 .1 I ;. .i .1 :I '1 1 .1 1 .1 :.t 01 ~ I I J , I'j ~tJ1.T YOUR LAWYEB.IIEFOBE lJIGKING T.B1S INSTRUMENT-THIS INSTRUMENT SBOUI.D BE USED BY LAWYEIlS ONLY. U8ER5429 I~GE438 THIS IND~ made '!he. 3rd day of Octobor , nineteen hundred and sixty-thro a JlE'fW!'Pf JOSEPH R. NAHOJ.~, rosiding' at 17 Charlton Street, City, County and State of No\'! York, if': ;; 21- C\ party or the first part. and I1ILLIAN DANSKER rosiding at 148-25 89th Avonuo, Jamaica, Queens County, Now York, party of the second pari, WITNESSETH, thai the porly of the first part, in consideration of Ten Dollccrs and other valuable ron. sideration paid by the party 01 the second p=t, does hereby grant and release unto the party of Iha second part, the heirs or successors and assign~ 01 the pccrly of the second part forever, ALL thai certain piot, pieca or pccrcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erecled situate, lying and being iHiWfH at Poconic, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and Stato of New York, and more particularly bounded and described as folloVls:- BEGn~NING at a point on the curved southeastGrly line of i1ells Road, distant 3605.08 feot southerly and southwestorly along said Nolls Road from tho I.1ain Road, said point of beginning being tho nortlH1Osterly corner of land of \'1illiam Danakor; from said point of boginning running thencQ along land of Dansker South 510 44' oon East a distanco of 175 feet to tho ordinary high water mark of Richmond Creok; thence southVlestorly along said high water mark 150 feet, more or less, to an iron pipe wb.lch is South 600 051 SO" Wost a distance of 149.64 feot from the last described point; thence along land noVl or formerly of Kathryn N.Wolls, Herbert W. Wells, Gladys \1. I.lorVlin, Carol E. Hells, Alice B. vlells and Elizabeth l1ells Ward, l'-iorth 310 081 001t 'dest a distance of 144.2 feet to an iron pipe on said southeasterly line of Wells Road; thence northoasterly along said southeasterly line of 1.1011s Road on a curve to the loft having a radius at: 256.6 feet a distanco of 90 foet to the point of begin- ning. BEING AND INTE}IDED to bo the samo premises convoyed to the party of tho first part by deed from Kathryn N. Wells, Herbert W. wolls, Gladys W. Merwin, Carol E. Wells, Alice B. Wells and Elizaboth Wells Ward, dated Docomber 10, 1959 and rccorded in tho Suffolk County Clerk's Office at Rivorhoad, NOH York, on December 14, 1959 in Liber 4740 cp 261, and subject to the covenants and restrictions therein contained. ._~..__.~, ~~--~----~--~:--_.~.--,._-~ ~-_._~" ~.~~~""-"--"~~-,,-,-~-=::::::::::-~~.:_--.~:.:.:=.----"-.,. .~==:.:~,: I. I: c