HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 5467 P 432 ~L JJ"lo\..o> '/ I'" ,.rl " o ;-:FLi4,\f'" ;~"~:;~~~\~S,:~-=E:::.~:~~;3Ji'''!;~t~ Tu#leLawPr1nf.PilbIishi!rs.T1UfI<iiJd.n \'-- IOU lilR N. Y; D.IlD-FIill~t 5'67 _...,._.....~<uw~""=Al 'i PAGE'i"'r.., ~4i~ Jnbttntut1'tt ;Made the Sixty-three day of Ni1ietee;nH-und7ed and :)1:.11 18ttbJtttt CedrieR. Wickham of Mattituck, SoutboldTown, Suffolk County, New York pa;rl y of the flrstpa;rtJand Santal\) A. GOSCW7.(J and Adele Cosenzo, hlswlfe, of I.r050Ed13on Avenue, Br>orix 66, ,}Jew York mtdntMttl! ,that the parl y parti e S of the second Jiairls of -tM first part, in vunaideratUm - of one an.a 00/100 and other valuablecGl1siderl3.tion's Dollar ) lawful money of the United ~tates; flu1y paid by th,epartles oftheseco1id part, does hereby ga,nt U;nd rt;lea8eunto the pairl- ies of the second part. ($1.00 their t10irs and a8silM forever, all tbat piece arpareel of land Incat'30 at Laughing Hater, near Southald, Southald TOi<lTh, Suffolk County, NeH York,','boundea and cescr'ibarJ as follo'Ws: 3'2G-I'i'E"Il!G ,from 8. cOr'r!er ,8tona in the :J.:8.sterly Hila ,of Nokomis Road, North 5'-'LS', 1r788t; 1n0 faG}; along thG'EasterlyHna of Nok'.)\1lis Roaato t.,1C point aDd p19_c8 or bCG:tnniq;,1~b0nc.e North 50!!51Hest 115feGt 8..10'-;;-; the sal:',G li-ne to a lJoint,thGDCeNbrtb 81/'211-Eastl10 feet to :o.pclL.1':;, theD":; ~.cuth50~5t East 115 feet to .fj. point, thGDC0 South 84021' 1'163T; llOfeet botbe poi.nt and place of' 'beginning in the Ee.st'3vly 1.i.l;8 of I-Jokorais Road. nO: 'r_QGETHER~_w"it,h_~_"ll ~f:_~t-;:,..~, 1