HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 5424 P 14 _, _n_____"_ S"nd"d N. Y,B. T.U. Form a007.7_61_20M_B"8.jn .nd S.le O<<d, ..j,h Co..n.n' "3.iUOl Gun'Ol" AClS_Indj,:j'du,l Ol Corp""d"n \ \ CONSULT VOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT-THIS INSTRUMlNT SHOULD BE USED BV LAWYEIlS ONLV. II:~ BER5424 PAGE 14 < J!.~.l. R. s).f.t..?,OlQ..._ \ '.-'" '-. I I:: THlSINOENlURE, made thc Yi dayof August ,runeteenhundredand sixty-three \ iN BETWEEN HERMAN HERING and RUTH C. HERING, his wit"e, both residing at "';, Southold, in the Town at" Southold, County ot" Sut"t"olk and State ot" ____ ~ New York, ..' - m " " m " :'PO:: I'~..'~ ...' ,-~ , ~~- , _. . " ' ,,~ \ -5'~1 I~.......... ------, ,- ; '-O""L_i .1tol1lll.'lI_", ~ ~; ~1 ~', ~:".~~t ""....-,.: ~. _' ~ -i ,""''l'" _,~ party of the first part, and HENRY W.. S.. BANGERT ahd BETTY BANGERT, his wit"e, both residing at 104 Gart"ield Street, Garden City, Nassau County, New York, and CLARENCE HANSEN and JANE HANSEN, his wife, both residing at High Falls, Ulster County, New York, party of the sL"<:oud part, WITNESSETH. that the party of the first part, in consideration of c _ _ _ _ _ - TEN - - - - - -' - - - - _ _ _ dollars, lawiulmoney of the United States, and other good and valuable consideration paid hy the party of the second part, docs hereby grant and release unto the party or the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second llart fbrever, AU. that certain plot, piece or part;e1 of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and beingJtlal]ex at Hortont s Point, Town or Southold, County ot" Sut"rolk, and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the Northerly corner of the premises about to be described, at the intersection of a twenty-five foot roadway running Northwesterly and Southeasterly and another roadway running Northwesterly and Southeasterly at an iron pipe, placed as a monument; running thence Southeasterly, by and with said roadway, a distance of One hundred and six-tenths (100.6) t"eet; thenCe Southwesterly, a distance of One hundred (100) t"eet to another iron pipe, placed as a monumentj thence Northwesterly One hundred and six-tenths (100.6) reet to a third iron pipe placed as a bound on the twenty-five root roadway; thence Northeasterly by and with said roadway One hundred (100) reet to the point orplace'or beginning, -the property being bounded on all sides by land now or formerly of Mina H. Edwards. TOGETHER with a Right of Way. over said roadways to the main highway leading from Horton's Point Light House to Southold. ALL that tract, piec& or parcel of land, situate, lying - and being at Hortonts Point, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk State of New ~ork, bounded and described as.follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the northerly boundary UBER5424 PAGE 15 of the l.and forfherly oinedby Elizabeth: B. Lack with the easterly ~ eo~dary of laild,nbwor formerly at' Robert G. Rockefelller, and extend- ing thence northerly; 'along the boundary of said land now or 1'ormerly of Rockefeller eighty (80) feet, more or less, to the southerly bound- aryotthe land now or formerly at ssldRocket'eller at its intersec- tion with land now or formerly of Henry W. S. Bangert, thence 'easterly along the southerly boundary of said lana now or formerly of Bangert, One hundred (100) feet, more or less, to a 25' Right of Way at the easterly corner of the land now or formerly of said Bangert; thence southerly along the westerly side of said Right of Way to the north- easterly corner of said land now or formerly of the said Elizabeth B. Lack eighty (80) feet~ more or less; thence westerly along the north- erly boundary of said land now or formerly of said ElizabethB. Lack One hundred (IOO)feet~ more or less:~ to the point or place of begin- ning. '.'" '. TOGETHER with a twenty-five (25) foot Right of Way along the southwesterly boundary of other land of the party of the first part adjoining the premises above described~ from land of Campbell N. 410 04' IOn W. along said boundary line to an existing twenty-five (25) foot roadway, and a Right of Way over said roadway~ which said roadway "runs along the northwesterly boundary of "said other land of the party of the first part N. 550 02'20" E. from the northeasterly boundary of the premises herein described to Light House Road. BEING and intended to be the same premises conveyed to RUTH 0-. -HERI-NG by HENRY W. '8. BANGERT; JR.~ individually and as Execu- tor under the Last Will and Testament of Henry W. S. Bangert~-l~t~ of- the County of Queens~ deceased~ and LOUISE E. JONES~ by deed dated the 31st day of July~ 1953~ and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office in liber 3557 at page 288 on the 4th day of August~ 1953.