HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 5462 P 77 ~~~~~~'~t~'~8:~~',~:~':~,1::~~, ""~w."AaI_~.~("~) :'~;,~#w~:~~..~a,'iIIis.TIIUMDIT-TMIS .tJlUMINlIHOULD .1 usm ~y ,LAWYIiIs ONLY~ /i . '<U.Il,.R.S~...7...:ZL:L- lI8fR5462 PAGE 77 TJjs'irm~lJI8dethe' 29t.h' ,:dayof November . nineteen hundred and sixty:"three ~ HERBERT H.VREELANDand ELLA MAE VREELAND, '. 'his 'wife, residing at 1435 Tfiird Street, West Babylon, New York, . I WALTER ANDERSON and MARIE G. ANDERSON! his wife, residing at l3g0 Potter Boulevard, Bay Shore, New York, \ I 1,1 ~ \ ~1 ~;~ , S'o~ ~ ." !8 ",U '.,'1:), party of the 'aeeond' put. WftlllESSE'l'H.tbIIt the party of the lint part!h1 coasideration of T_ Do11an and other = - ~ =: paidbythc pUty of the sicoad put. does he:reb)' crant aDd releue UDto the put)' of the put. or aaeceIIOI8 and lIIi1cu of the party of'the seCODd put foreve!', ALL i:lmteertain plot. piece or pan:el of iand, MIfIlr.........u..u.y....... . __ LJL L . Rtuate, lyingaadbeiacinthe Town, of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as Lots Nos. 127 and 12$ on a map entitled "Subdivision Map of Cedar Beach Park, situated at Bayview", filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of ,Suffolk on December 20, 1927 as Map No. 90, said lots being more particularly bounded and described as: Beginning at the corner formed by the intersection of the northerly side of West Lake Road with the easterly side of Private Road 33 feet in widt~; running thence along the easterly side of said Private Road North 10 44' 30" East 214 feet to the division line between Lots 128 and 129 on said map; thence along said division line South 670 25' 20" East 215 feet to West Lake; thence along the same South 30 05' 30" East 221.90 feet to. the northerly side of West Lake Road; thence along the northerly side of West Lake Road North 670 25' 201f livest 235 feet to the corner at the point or place of beginning. Together with a right of way over said 33 foot road, as shown on said map, from the southwesterly corner of the premises northerly about 32$ feet, more or less, to said Little Peconic Bay Lane, as shown on said mapj and thence over said Little Peconic Bay Lane to South Bayview Road. Being the same premises acquired by parties of the first by deed dated December 20, 1958 and recorded in Liber 4566 23. Subject to a purchase money mortgage in the amount of Thousand Dollars) on lot numbGred 128 only. part page Three