HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 6226 P 508 LIAEAl1GfG+v RALEJUO. _. . ,. Ced'ly Beach - Town of Southold - For.Cour4y Purposes - Parcel XI , %SUPREME COURT, t SUFFOLK COUNTY. , In%the Matter of the Petition of the COUNTY OF SUFIOLK for the purpose of acquiring the real properties for FILE NO. 118306 County Purposes at Cedar Beach, RECEIPT AND RELEASE in the Town of Southold, Suffolk Re: MAP No. parcel No. XI , IIp1aIDd County, New York. Parcel No. XII land rmda0water i - WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Suffolk County Improvement Act the above entitled proceeding was duly instituted by an Order of the Supreme Court which was duly Sled in the Office of the County Clerk of Suffolk County on the 18th day of February , 196 5, and that thereupon title in fee simple to the property to be acquired in said proceeding became vested in the County of Suffolk, New York, and the proceeding continued for the purpose of determining the compensation to be made to the owners of the real property to be acquired in this proceeding is to be ascertained by the Court without a jury, and WHEREAS, immediately prior to the vesting of title as aforesaid In the said County of Suffolk ' NELLIE MILES, JEAN FRANCOLINI, & JOAN KUSTER of 225 Dover Street, Valley Stream, New York owned the parcel of property acquired as aforesaid and designated in said proceeding as Map No.Parcel XI which said parcel of property is more particularly described as follows: PARCEL NO. XI ALL that piece or parcel of land with the buildings and improvements thereon, situate in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, for County Purposes, and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the division line between the lands of Nelly Miles, reputed owner on the east, and the lands of Oak Beach Realty Corporation, reputed owner on the west, at its intersection with the southerly boundary of 60 foot wide Cedar Beach Road; thence S 760 44' 401' E, along the said southerly boundary, 175.00 feet to its intersection with the division line between the lands of Nelly Miles, reputed owner on the west, and other lands of Oak Beach Realty Corporation, reputed owner on the east; thence S 130 15' 201, W, along the last mentioned division line, I1L.00 feet to a point on the northerly boundary of a dredged canal; thence N 760 44' 40" W, along the last mentioned boundary, through the lands of Nelly Miles, reputed owner, 175.00 feet to a point on the first mentioned division line; thence N 13 0 15' 20e E, along the first mentioneddivision line 111.00 feet to the point of beginning; being 0.446 acres, more or less. PARCEL NO. XII ALL that piece or parcel of land situate in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, for County,,purposes, aid described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the division line between the lands of Nelly Miles, reputed owner on the east, and the lands of Oak Beach Realty Corporation, reputed owner on the west at its intersection with the northerl boundary of a dredged canal, said point bearing S 130 15' 20" W, 111.00 feet as measured along the said division line from its intersection with Continued - v ! UBER ftE,%9 r the southerly boundary of a dredged canal, said point bearing S 130 15 20 W, 111.00 feet as measured along the said division line from its intersection with the southerly boundary of 60 foot wide Cedar Beadh Road; thence S 760 44' 40e E, along the boundary of said canal, through the land, of Nelly Miles 175,00 feet to a point on the division line between the lands of Nelly Miles, reputed owner on the west, and other lends of Oak Beach Realty Corporation, reputed owner on the east; thence through the said dredged canal, the following three (3) courses and 175-00 distances: (1) ) 131 1151 20e W, 24.00 feet; (2) N 760 44' 40e W, S beginning; being 0.096 acre, more or less e s DO ea feeta hown on to the a Point tonffile in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works of Suffolk County. Ceder Beech -.Town of Southold - County Purposes - Parcel Nos. XI' & XII O . .� . _ . ... _ .... . may' 'and AVHEREAS.-the said person-or-persona who owned said parcel of property prig .to its acquisition as aforesaid by the County of Suffolk desire to'compromise d and settle the claim for compedsation therefor at the sum of$23,500.00, which CD the said County agreed to pay, CV a NOW, THEREFORE, in f theiUnited S of the premises and of the sum of�j.500-:00 lawful money of the United States, in hand paid to the under- 'signed, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the undersigned hereby accepts said sum in full compromise and settlement of any and all claims for compensation or damage by reason of the acquisition of said parcel of property by said County, and the ascertainment of compensation or damages by the said Court is hereby waived and the said County of Suffolk is hereby released from any other or further claim for the acquisition of said parcel of property, and the undersigned hereby ratify and confirm the title to said parcel of property acquired by said County as aforesaid. As an inducement to said compromise and settlement it is represented and guaranteed by the undersigned that at the time title to said parcel of property vested in said County the undersigned had fee simple title thereto free of any incumbrances or liens or claims of any nature and that no assignment has been made of the compensation to be paid by said County for said property.