HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 6491 P 566 Cedar Beach -TCCow[[�n of Southold - For County Purposes - Parcel No, XVIII LIBER64_91 PACE566 aK u •. SUPREME aCOURT, SUFFOLK COUNTY. in the Matter of the Petition of the COUNTY OF SUFFOLK for the purpose of acquiring the real properties for FILE NO. 118306 County Purposes at Cedar Beach, in - the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, RECEIPT AND RELEASE New York. -Re: MAP No. XVIII Upland WHEREAS, polsuent to the provisions of the Suffolk County Improvement Act the above entitled proceeding was duly instituted by an Order of the Supreme Court which was duly filed in the Office of the County Clerk of Suffolk County on the 18th day of Fel ruary , 196$ and that thereupon title in fee simple to the property to be acquired in said.proceeding became vested in the County of Suffolk, New York, and the proceeding continued for the purpose of determining the compensation to be made to the owners of the real property to be acquired in this proceeding is to be ascertained by the Court without a jury, and _.WHEREAS, immediately prior to the vesting of title as aforesaid in the said County of Suffolk ARTHUR E. & AUDRE E. SMI'T'H of 3658 Woodbine Avenue, Wantagh, New York 00 00 owned the parcel of property acquired as aforesaid and designated in said proceeding as Map No.XVIII which said parcel of property is more particularly described as r= follows; ALL that piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements I w thereon, situate in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, for County Purposes, and described as follows: a BEGINNING at a point on the existingsoutherly boundary of Sunrise Way, a private road, at its intersection with the division line between a hereinafter 'described sub-division Lot No. 169 on the east and the lands of Unknown Owner on west; thence easterly and northerly alone the said road boundary, on a curve deflecting to the left andhaving a radius of 92.0 feet, an arc distance of 55.26 feet to the Point of intersection of the existing easterly boundary of Surrise Yfay, with the sub-division line between Lot No. 170 on the north 2nd Lot No. 159 on the south; thence S 610 54' 10" U. alone the last mentioned division line, 139.00 feet to the westerly boundary a dreaded canal, Unknown Owner; thence^.S 080 25' 30" W, along the last mentioned boundary, 100.89 feet to its intersection with the sub-division li,a between Lot No. 169 on the.north and Lot No. 168 on the south; thence N 610 54' 10" W along the last mentioned division line, 139.0 feet, to its intersection with the division line between sub-division hot 7Po. 169 on the east and the lands of an 'Unknown Owner on the west; thence N 210 14' 40" W, along the lest mentioned division line, 66.0 feet to the point of beginning; being; all of sub-division Lot No. 169 as shown on a map entitled "Map of Cedar Beach Park", and filed in the office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on December 20, 1957 under Pile ;do. 90, and being 0.338 acre, more or less, as shown on a map on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Norks of Suffolk County. and W3®tF.d*, the said yers. or se—who owned mid passel of yroperty Wtnr to Its eMWettlon as afore- said by the Conner of Suffolk deaths,to compromLe and settle me Helm for romcenastlon therefor at the man a*13,$00.00 . widen the sold Ometv agreed to pay.' NOW. •'#M_RE, In onnetierethm of the preemes and of the earsof*16,500,Qaa fnl money a the UNted flmtm In hand pale W the undertlgved, It whereof Is hereby ecknowled¢ed,the undersigned hereby meant,sold man hi full CWnprovdae and settlement a aid and all Halms for rompeaatlon or damage by reawn .a the ecquWttoh of mid parcel of property M mid County, and the ucerlalnment of compmWlon or damages W the Wd(bore U hereby waived and the sold County of 9uQolk is hereby released from any ether or further claim for the amulsltion of said parcel of property. and the undersigned hereby ratty and endrin Ne title to said neral of property aaalret by sold County u aforesaid M an inducemant to mid meepromlae and settlement It Is repreaented and gnameless b, the underslgaed Met at Ne time title to sold parcel of properly vested In said County the undersigned had fee simple site thereto free of any incumbrances or liens or claims a any nature and that so amignment hes been made of the romperuc tion to be pale be, said Couny be sold propery. M RIfifI98 WIIDtFk)F, this instrument Is amended this�11 t/?dv of Jar /u/ars( Igg o, Arthur ZSmitYy." Andre E. Smith s =Or Ncld YORK 1 (l an: COUNTY 08.QUEENS -