HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 6398 P 155 C.R. 27 - Riverhead-Greenport Road (Middle Road) (Third Taking); Map No. 7.65R 4, Parcel Nos, "A" and "B". - SUPREME COURT, pp I SUFFOLK COUNTY. I In the Matter of the Petition of the COUNTY OF SUFFOLK for the purpose of acquiring the real properties for the Reconstruction of a portion of Riverhead- File No. 14I46¢ j Greenport Road (Middle Road), C.R. Z7 RECEIPT AND RFT F`A$p' I (from 2200 2 feet east of Bridge Lane to Re: MAP No. 165R Hortons Lane) in the Town of Southold, Parcel Nos. "A" and "B". • .Suffolk County, New York. 1 WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Suffolk County Improvement Act the above entitled proceeding was duly instituted by an Order of the Supreme Court which was duly Sled in the Office of the County Clerk of Suffolk County on the 3rd day of May , 196 7 and that thereupon title in fee simple to the property to be acquired in said proceeding became vested in the County of Suffolk, New York, and the proceeding continued for the purpose of determining the compensation to be made to the owners of the real property to be acquired in this proceeding is to be ascertained by the Court without a jury, and WHEREAS, immediately prior to the vesting of title as aforesaid in the said County of �( Suffolk - �gEDWARD L. DONAHUE, CLEMENT B. DONAHUE, +�- ANN R. DONAHUE & ANASTASIA of Southold, New York a DONAHUE owned the parcel of property acquired m aforesaid and designated in said proceeding LL as Map No. 165R , which said parcel of property is more particularly described as follows: ALL those pieces or parcels of land situate in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, for the reconstruction of Riverhead-Greenport Road (Middle Road), County Road No. 27, as shown on Map No. 165R and described as follows: PARCEL "A" BEGINNING at a point on the northerly boundary of the existing Riverhead-Greenport Road (Middle Road) at the intersection of the said boundary with the division line between the lands of Raymond W. Donahue, reputed owner on the west, and the lands of the Estate of James J. Donahue, reputed owner on the east, said point being 41 t feet distant northerly, measured radially, from Station 437+ 67 2 of the hereinafter described survey center line of the proposed reconstruction of Riverhead-Greenport Road (Middle Road), County Road No. 27, thence northerly along said division line 07 2 feet to a point 48.00 feet distant northerly, measured radially, from Station 437 +672 of said center line; thence easterly on a curve to the right having a radius of 1957.86 feet, an arc distance of 57 2 feet to a point on the division line between the lands of the Estate of James J. Donahue, reputed owner on the west, and the lands of Gerald Hobson and Mary C. Hobson, reputed owners on the east, the last mentioned point being 48,00 feet distant northerly, measured radially, from Station 438+ 22 2 of the said center line; thence southerly along said division line II 2 feet to.lts intersection with the northerlyboundary of said existing road, the last mentioned - point being 37 t feet distant northerly, measured radially, from Station 438+ 22 2 of the said center line; thence westerly along the said boundary of said existing road 57 2 feet to the point of beginning; being 513 2 s,f. or 0.OI2 acre more or less, C.R. 27 - Riverhead-Greenport Road (Middle Road) (Third Taking); Map No. 165R cont. %i 6YI PARCEL "B" - Fill Easement J BEGINNING at a point on the division line between the lands of to er on the west, and the lands of the Estate of Raymond W. Donahue, reputed own James J. Donahue, reputed owner on the east, said point being 48.00 feet distant m Station 437 + 67 t of the hereinafter described northerly, measured radially, from reconstruction o£Riverhead-Greenport Road survey center line of the proposed (Middle Road), County Road No. 27, thence easterly 58 t feet to a point on the division line between the lands of the Estate of James J. Donahue, reputed owner on the west, and the lands of Gerald Hobson and Mary C. Hobson, reputed owners on the east, the last mentioned point being 51.00 feet distant northerly, measured radially, from Station 438+ 22 t of the said center line; tlence southerly along said division line 03 t feet to a point being 48.00 feet distant northerly, measured radially, from Station 438+ 22 t of the said tetter line; thence westerly along a curve to the left having a radius of 1957.86 feet, an arc distance of 57 t feet to the point of beginning; being 86 t s.f. or 0.002 acre more or less. The above mentioned survey center line is a portion of the survey center line for the proposed reconstruction of Riverhead-Greenport Road (Middle Road), County Road No. 27, as shown on a map on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works of Suffolk County. C.H. 27 :Riverhead-Greenport Road (Middle Road Third Taking) Map No. 165R ens wHEREns, the dela cemon or cemona who ..ad rata perttl o:property prior to Its amwaLion as aftte- CG eels by the County of Suffolk desire to compromise aid settle the claim for ammpemetion therefor at the sum a $ 225.00 , which the sena County agreaa to Pay NOW, THEREFOM, In coneideraeon of the pennies.end of Ne euro of$225.00 .lawful money ef the UNted State, N head paid to the undersigned, receipt whereof Is hereby erlmowledged,the undenlgned hereby eecepts said am In full compromise end settlement of any end at claims for compensatIon or demege by reason of the aMnW[lon of Bald evert of property by sold County,mtl the...rtamwmt of rnmpensetlon or demegee by the salt Court is hereby waived and the said county of SuffoR Is hereby released from any other or further claim for the acquleltlon of sad parcel of property. end the undersigned hereby rally end confirm the the to said parcel of property acquired by mid County as eforeseld. As on Inducement to said compromise and settlement it Is represented and guera de d by the undersigned Net at the tlme title to said parcel of property vested N said County the underaVed had fee simple title thereto free of any Incumbrances or liens or claims of say nature end that no swimment hes been made of the raccoons, tion to be paid by sold county for sold propttty. Us WITTIF55 WHEREOF, Nle Instrument Is exetvted thlsiday of 1% Be n'-""'d/''� merit D e_huo3DY <us.) Ann Q. $rl ahue Anastasia Donahue l STATE OF Nn:l YORK) C )ss: COUNTY OF.)t+N-o/,K) �}� On the day of 7�4-- , nineteen hundred and sixty-eight before me came EDWARD L. DON.A HUE, CLSMEN'T B. DONAHUE, ANN Q. DONAHUE AND ANASTASIA DONAHUE to me known and known to me to be the individuals da3crlb6d in, and who executed, the foregolnF instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. 111 VI)tri TGnnv, ]m '1 gUIn lUllr, '.In.rno.yyy; �p{ eee��� n n1p1nucomy ..... .. .......... ...... ....... . . b v lase Notary Public : County i AI.Cnm.,dexlan LSP„n 11-6 10,1969 STATE OF b: COUNIY OF On the day of Neeteen hundred aria sixty before m parwnamy came to me known,who being by ma duly inn,did depose and say that he raddes in end he Is Ne a the corporation descrarib1ed In end which executes the foregoing Instrument: that he knew al the seof eels co Wration:that the sd�r,mixed to said Instrumsennat�aue such corporate reel; that It was se,affixed by the order of Me Hoard of Dhs ora o[sadynrogrp�omtlovyyn$eVg&t he alined his name thereto by may miler. f�p��N . . AUG 12 IJpp salary Public --_ Campy 5M-8/67 PIAN E XIIPP W d rS111(OAI Comity