HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 6407 P 529 ` G.R.-27 Riverhead-Grdamport Road ,(Midpe Rodd Third Taking) Map Ho. 171. (Parcel A-2) 'SUPREME COURT, �.. SUFFOLK COUNTY. In the Matter of the Petition of the COUNTY OF SUFFOLK for the purpos N of acquiring the real properties for the Reconstruction of a portion FILE NO. 141h6h. of Riverhead-Greenport Road (Middle RECEIPT AND g ASE Road), C.R. 27 (from 2200 + feet Re: MAP No. 171 (Parcel A-2) east of Bridge Lane to Hortona Lane in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Suffolk County Improvement Act the above entitled proceeding was duly instituted by an Order of the Supreme Court which was duly Sled in the Office of the County Clerk of Suffolk County on the 3rd day of - May , 196 7, and that thereupon title in fee simple to the property to be acquired in maid proceeding became vested in the County of Suffolk, New York, and the Proceeding continued for the purpose of determining the compensation to be made to the owners of the real property to be acquired in this proceeding is to be ascertained by the Court without a jury, and WHEREAS, immediately prior to the vesting of title as aforesaid in the said County of _ Suffolk CLEMENT B. DONAHUE of Southold, New York it owned the parcel of property acquired as aforesaid and designated in said proceeding ." as Map No.171(A-2), which said parcel of property is more particularly described as follows: ALL those pieces or parcels of land situate in the Town of Southold, -_ County of Suffolk, State of New York for the reconstruction of the Riverhead- Greenport Road (Middle Road) County Road No. 27, as shown on Map No. 171 and _ described as follows: PARCEL "A"-2 - BEGINNING at a point on the southerly boundary of the existing Riverhead- Greenport Road (Middle Road) at the intersection of the said boundary with the division line between the lands of the Estate of James J. Donahue reputed owner on the east, and lands of Clement B. Donahue, reputed owner on the west, said point being 38 + feet distant southerly, measured at right angles, from station 443 + 10 + of the hereinafter described survey center line of the Proposed reconstruction of the Riverhead-Greenport Road (Middle Road) County Road No. 27; thence southerly along said division line 10 + feet to a point 48.00 feet distant southerly, measured at right angles, from station 443 + 09 + of said center line; thence westerly on a curve to the left having a radius of 1861.86 feet an arc distance of 130 + feet to a point 48.00 feet distant southerly, measured radially, from Station 441 + 75,OOof said center line; thence southwesterly 27 + feet to a point on the easterly boundary of m the existing Tuckers Lane the Last mentioned point being 64.00 feet distant southerly, measured radially, from station 441 + 54 + of the said center e,2 line; thence northerly along the last mentioned boundary line on a curve to the right having a radius of 29 + feet an are distance of. 30 + feet to a _ .� point on the southerly boundary of the first mentioned existing road,the lent mentioned point being 44 + feet distant southerly, measured radially, from Station 441 + 75,00 cC the said center line; thence easterly along the said southerly boundary of said existing road 132 + feet to the point of beginning; being 1133 + s.f, or 0.026 acre more or less.- ` The above mentioned survey center line is a portion of the survey center _ line for the poposed reconstruction of the Riverhead-Greenport Road (Middle Road) County Road No. 27 as shown on a map on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works of Suffolk County. SM-8/67 LIBEP.640 PKESJO and the said penin or penwu who owned said parcel of peopeely senor to Its aCgwstnen as atom avid by me county of stations desire to compromise and settle the claim for assassination therefor at the sum a $ 3,250,00 , whleh me said county .steed m pay, Now. xlilfrt hh duf, In .u..ho nuon of me prendes.and a me sum of a 3,250.001,nww mons,a the Called states, he bond paid to me undersigned, receipt whereof 1s hereby aclmownedg.d.me undenlryed hereby accepts s.id sum in full compromise and netti eamt,a any and all claims fur compeneatlon or daireQs by rnw Of me arquismon of said parses of property by sold County,and the a.cerrNnment a comperuation lir dem.pa by me cad court Is hereby wayM and the sold County of Suffolk 1.hereby released from any other or further claim for me acquisition of said purees of property, and the undersigned hereby ratty and mmrm me nut to said parrel of property aMunue by sold County as afo seadd. As an Inducement to said compromise and settlement It Is represented and guaranteed by me underalened Met at me time title to sad farces of property vested m sold County me undersigned bed far simple tltie thereto tree of any nnrumbrrnces or liens or claims of any nature and net ho assignment has been made of the conaNnew, tion to be pend by sad County for sold property. W Wt11Yy8st WHEREOF, this Instrument i. .w wa24dday a .ass 8. Clement B. Donahue if a.) II �—