HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 6407 P 534 66+.R. 27.-Riverboad-Greeapert Road(Middle Road) (Third Taking); Map.No, 163 LIBE kQ7r/ PAGES3 SUPREME COURT, { SUFFOLK COUNTY. In the Matter of the Petition of the COUNTY OF SUFFOLK for the purpose of acquiring the real properties for the Reconstruction of tpiertion of Riverhead- File No. 141464 Greenport Road(Middle Road), C.R. 27 RECEIPT AND RELEASE (from 2200 x feet east of Bridge Lane to Re: MAP No. 163 Horton Lane) In the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. I WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Suffolk County Improvement Act the above entitled proceeding was duly instituted by an Orde!of the Supreme Court which was duly filed in the Office of the County Clark of Suff6lk County on the 3rd day of May , 1967 , and that thereupon title in fee simple to the property to be acquired in said proceeding became vested in the County of Suffolk, New York, and the proceeding continued for the purpose of determining the compensation to be made to the owners of the real property to be acquired in this proceeding is to be ascertained by the Court without a jury, and i WHEREAS, immediately prior to the vesting of title m aforesaid in the said County of Suffolk EDWARD L. DONAiiIIE of Southold, New York owned the parcel of property acquired as aforesaid and designated in mid proceeding as Map No. 163 , which said parcel of property is more particularly described as - follows: r' ALL that piece or parcel of land situate: in the Town of Southold, - \ County of Suffolk, State of New York, for the reconstruction of Riverhead-Greenport L URoad(Middle Road), County Road No. 27, as shown on Map No. 163 and described as follows: f BEGINNING at a point on the northerly boundary of the existing Riverhead-Greenport Road (Middle Road) at the intersection of the said boundary with the division line between the lands of Edward Meyer, reputed owner on the west, and the lands of Edward L. Donahue, reputed owner on the east, said point being 27 t feet distant northerly, measured radially, from Station 436+ 09 t of the hereinafter described survey center line of the proposed reconstruction of Riverhead-Greenport Road (Middle Road), County Road No. 27, thence northerly along said division line 21 t feet to a point 48.00 feet distant northerly,measured radially, from Station 436+ 11 s of said center line; thence easterly on a curve to the right having a radius of 1957.86 feet, an are distance of 80 t feet to a point on the division line between the lands of Edward L. Donahue,.reputed owner on the west, and the lands of Raymond W. Donahue, reputed owner on the east, the last mentioned point being 48.00 feet distant northerly, measured radially, from Station 436+ 88 t of the said center line; thence southerly along said division line I0 t feet to its intersection with the northerly boundary of said existing road, the last mentioned point being 37 f feet distant northerly, measured radially, from Station 436+ 88 t of the said center line; thence westerly along the said boundary of said existing road 81 t feet to the point of beginning; being 1339 f s.f. or 0.03I acre more or less. The above mentioned survey center line is a portion of the survey center line for the proposed reconstruction of Riverhead-Greenport Road (Middle Road), County Road No. 27, as shown on a map on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works of Suffolk County. ppG V \96g - R �7 LIBER640 PACE535 and WliEfiF.AS, the sold pennu or peraom who owned and parral of propvty prior W Ib acgweluon as efom mid by the County of Suffolk desire to mropromiw and settle We clelm for ramceowtlon therefor at tee sum a IF 800.00 which the said fbunty agreed to pay. NOW, THER 'OAF, In roodderetion of the investors and of the sum of i 800.00 .kswNl IDoney of the OWtal state; In hand sold W Ne undemlaned, melpt whereof Is hereby acknowledged,the undeMgeed hereby accept,said aum W full romprornhe and settlement of any and all claimn for mmpemanun or disease be ream. of We aceewtiov of sold parrel of propetty by sold County.and Ne amertalnmrae of aw.pematlm or fammea by the sold C t is hereby walved and the sold County of Suffolk Is hereby mleeeed from am*Mu or furNar clalm for the acgalsltion of said parcel of promrty, and the undersigned hmeby ratify and confirm the title W - sold parrol of property eryalred by sold County as aforesaid. As m Indacem®t to said compromise and mtihoreat It is represented and guennteed by We andersignm Chet at We tune thin to said parol of property vested In said County Ne underelgaed had fee Masi.win thereto free of any Inuu nbranea or Ilene or elehns m asy nature and Nat an easigmnent hes bass made of the rosiness. then to be paid be sold Caunm far sNtl property. �s��II IN Wt1NFSq Wf3LraEOF, this Im[eument Is executed tN day of Edward L. Donahue fISJ