HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 6266 P 558 C.R..jj 27 -Ri4rhbad-Greenport Road(Middle Road Pr(Third Nosk"A"Map No. I50and "D"."." .SUPREME COURT, SUFFOLK COUNTY. In the Matter of the Petition of the COUNTY OF. SUFFOLK for the purpose o acquiring the real properties for the Reconstruction of a portion-of Riverhead- FileRECNoIPT AND RELEASE Greenport Road (Middle Road), C.R. 27, Re: MAP No. 150 (from 2200 x feet east of Bridge Lane to parcel Nos. "A", 'B", "C", and "D". Hovtons Lana) in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Suffolk County Improvement Act the above entitled proceeding was duly instituted by an Order of theSupreme Court which was duly Sled in the Office of the County Clerk of Suffolk County on the 3rd day of May , 1967 and that thereupon title in fee simple to the property to be acquired in said proceeding became vested in the County of Suffolk, New York, and the proceeding continued for the purpose of determining the compensation to be made to the owners of the real property to be acquired in this proceeding is to be ascertained by the Court without a jury, and WHEREAS, immediately prior to the vesting of title as aforesaid in the said County of Suffolk STANLEY & PHILOMENA SEPENOSKI of Middle Road, Peconic, New York owned the parcel of property acquired ae aforesaid and designated in said proceeding as Map No. 150 which said parcel of property is more particularly described ae follows: ALL those pieces or parcels of land situate in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, for the reconstruction of Riverhead-Greenport Road (Middle Road), County Road No. 27, as shown on Map No. 150 and described as follows: PARCEL "A" BEGINNING at a point on the northerly boundary of the existing Riverhead-Greenport Road (Middle Road) at the intersection of the said boundary with the division line between the lands of the County of Suffolk, reputed owner on the west, and the lands of Stanley Sepenoski and Philomena Sepenoski, reputed owners on the east, said point being 12 t feet distant southerly, measured at right angles, from Station 383 + 70 t of the hereinafter described survey center line of the proposed reconstruction of Riverhead-Greenport Road (Middle Road). County Road No. 27, thence northerly along said division line 73 t feet to a point 60.00 feet distant northerly, measured at right angles, from Station 383 + 57 t of said center line: thence easterly 969 f feet to a point on the division line between the lands of Stanley Sepenoski and Philomena Sepenoski, reputed owners on the west, and the lands of Theodore 0. Bittner, Jr., reputed owner on the east, the last mentioned point being 60.00 feet distant northerly, measured at right angles, from Station 393+ 26 t of the said center line; thence southerly along said division line 143 f feet to its intersection with the northerly boundary of said existing road, the last mentioned point being 83 t feet distant southerly, measured at right angles, from Station 393+ 46 t of the said center line; thence westerly along the last mentioned boundary of said existing road 977 t . feet to the point of beginning;being 103,785 2 s.f. or 2.383 acres more or less. PARCEL "B" - Fill Easement BEGINNING at a point on the division line between the lands of Suffolk County, reputed owner on the west, and the lands of Stanley Sepenoski and Philomena Sepenoski, reputed owners on the east, said point being 60.00 feet distant northerly, measured at right angles, from Station 383+ 57 3 of the hereinafter described survey (continued) C.11. 27 - Riverhead-Greenport Road(Middle Road) (Third Taking); Map No. I50 Cont. (m 86266 wT559 PARCEL "B" - continued center line of the proposed reconstruction of Riverhead-Greenport Road (Middle Road), County Road No. 27, thence northerly along said division line I0 t feet to a point 70.00 feet distant northerly, measured at right angles, from Station 383+ 56 t of said center line;thence easterly 344 t feet to a point 60.00 feet distant northerly, measured at right angles, from Station 387+ 00.00 of said center line;thence westerly 343 3 feet to the:point of beginning; being 1720 +s,f. or 0.039 acre more or lees. PARCEL "C" -Fill Easement BEGINNING at a point on the division line between the lands of Stanley Sepeusski and Philomena Sepenoski, reputed owners on the west, and the lands of Theodore O. Bittner, Jr., reputed owner on the east, said point being 65.00 feet distant northerly, measured at right angles, from Station 393 + 25 3 of the hereinafter described survey center line of the proposed reconstruction of Riverhead-Greenport 11,0401 (Middle Road), County Road No. 27, thence southerly along said division line 05 t feet to a point.60.00 feet distant northerly, measured at right angles, from Station 393+ 26 t of said center line;thence westerly 376 3 feet to a point 60.00 feet distant northerly, measured at right angles, from Station 389+ 50.00 of said center line; thence easterly 51 t feet to a point 65.00 feet distant northerly, measured a0 richt angles, from Station 390 +00.00 of said center line; thence still easterly 325 t feet to the point of beginning; being 1753+ a.L or 0.040 acre more or lees. .PARCEL "D" - Temporary Construction Easement BEGINNING at a point on the northerly taking line of the previously described Parcel"A" Bald point being 60.00 feet distant northerly, measured at right angles, from Station 389+ 40.00 of the hereinafter described survey center line of the proposed reconstruction of Riverhead-Greenport Road(Middle Road), County Road No. 27 thence northerly 39.00 feet to a point 99.00 feet distant northerly, measured at right angles, from Station 389+40.00 of said center line;thence easterly 53.00 feet to a point 99,00 feet distant northerly, measured at right angles, from Station 389+ 93.00 of said center line;thence southerly 34 t feet to a point on the northerly easement line of the previously described Parcel "C", the last mentioned point being 65 t feet distant northerly, measured at right angles, from Station 389+93.00 - of the said center line; thence westerly along said northerly easement line of the previously described parcel "C", 43 t feet to a point on the northerly taking line of the previously described Parcel "A", the last mentioned point being 60.00 feet distant northerly, measured at right angles, from Station 389+ 50.00 of said center line;thence westerly along the last mentioned northerly taking line of the previously described parcel 19A" 10.00 feet to the point of beginning;being 1960 t a.I. or 0.045 acre more or lees. The above mentioned survgy center line is a portion,-6f the survey center line for the proposed reconstruction of Riverhead-Greenport Road (Middle Road), County Road No. 27, as shown on a map on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works of Suffolk County. C-.R.2'7 - Riverhead-Greenport -Koad (Middle Roed)(Third)Map Mo. 150 C and WHEREAS, the said person or persons who owned said parcel of proue.7y prior to its acquisition as aforesaid by the County of Suffolk desire to r.^mpromise and settle the claim for compensation therefor at the sem of$ 35,000.00, which -n -the said County agreed to pay, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the sum o£$ 35,000-00 , lawful money of the United States, in hand paid to the cndcr- 6C signed, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the undersigned hereby accepts said sum in full compromise and settlement of any and all claims for compensation or damage by reason of the acquisition of said parcel of property by said County, and the ascertainment of compensation or damages by the said Court is hereby waived and the said County of Suffolk is hereby released from any other or further claim for the acquisition of said parcel of property, and the undersigned hereby ratify and confirm the title to said parcel of property acquired by said County as aforesaid. As an inducement to said compromise and settlement it is represented and guaranteed by the undersigned that at the time title to said parcel of prope.^.y vested in said County the undersigned had fee simple title thereto free of any incumbrances or liens or claims of any nature and that no assignment has bean made of the compensation to be paid by said County for said property. %C ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument is excc-,tad this Z y rzy of'/gip-V-e.�.�<-�/ . 196 7. St a epeno kiina ,} ,dl. L. S.) Philomane Sepenos ' STATE OF NE1eI YOR$ I ) as: COUNT`_' OF�'�/() on the qday of�1-6 Pte*.,A, nineteen hundred and sicty-seven before me came STAIM Y & PHILOMENA SEPENOSEI = to me known and known to me to be the individuals describedia, and who execated, the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that It hey executed the same. Notary um z.( County MWIN s uV1v.M STATE OF ) sMARYo -tae mos win-e camnt as: (aaoMNm F+GIFe a`atN s0.14 Il'� COUNTY OF ) On the day of nineteen hundred and sixty before me personally came , to me known, who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides in and he is the Of the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knew the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument was such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by the order of the Board of Directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order.