HomeMy WebLinkAbout100 Years of Community Service /?l?7 - /9' TI J"iuA<!oe OF ~""A:>,("T -,..,( it.- VILLAGE -d"- <GJEEENPOR1t' ELECTRIC e... '\NATER.. DEPARTMENTS II, ~~ fl'/ 1;1 f I .~ lij{) YJEARS '.' f I I I c I COMMUNITY SERVICE PubUc. lYL6pec..:ti.on 6 TouM OdoblVL 4, 1987 VILLAGE OF GREENPORT 100 YEARS OF COMMUNITY SERVICE OFFICIAL INSPECTION 1887 - 1987 MAYOR Geoltg e W. HubbaJtd TRUSTEES Stephen L. CiaJt~e Jeanne M. COopeA Vav-<-d S. ColtW-<-n Gail F. HofGton 100 YEAR COMMITTEE Gail F. HofGton Geoltge W. HubbaJtd ]ac.qu~ne MolUeU Jame6 1. MolUeU Edna Quavwc.he V-<-nc.ent J. Q~oc.he LUtian WWe RobefGt WWe JamU 1. MOMelX Supt. 01\ Pubuc. ~u Malty E. ThotmlUll T tteM [(/teJt Nanc.y W. COOR Village CfeJtR Willi.am GillooLy Community V~ec.:tott Nathatie L. Rac.Re.:t:t Village Attottney Ac:lnUYJJ.J.,tttative M ;,.u.,tant John J. Munzu UTILITY COMMITTEE Willi.am L.{ebLun RobeJt:t While Attth[(/t Lev.{ne BeJtnaltd Heaney Stephen CfaltRe JamU 1. MOMelX Lynn K. MontgomeJty Ruth Ouva Co-c.h~man Co-c.h~man Supwntendent CfeJtR M;,oUate Me.mbeJt GREENPORT \JA TER SUPPLY R -..;; -"_t -~ --._--> ~ ", L ~~~"_ '~~ ~/l'~'.," ':" ~ ~." .L ^, ~ t. "?0~ ^," 'y.. '\""'" ._' , "0<'1' , ,,-:P..:0'i#:Tm ",- ", .~.." ,r ..ii,1 .'. 'r.r... ',:I". ~.;. mtJi.-,' ,.."..... .__~~t-:~a'!'~ _.~ . View of the Municipal Light and Power Plant GREENPORT WATER SUPPLY The G~eenpo~ WaX~ Company waa ~~ed ~n 1887 by a g~oup 06 men headed by V~. Hoagland 06 Shett~ I~Land. A6t~ ;t~ung ~n ~ev~ plac.~ neM ;the Village 06 G~eenpo~ 6M waX~, ~ waa 6~ally deuded :to Loc.aXe ;the pump~ng pLant on ;the W~am H. Moo~e F~, w~;t 06 ;the Village. MOM~ Lane now ~UM ~n 6~on;t 06 ;tw p~opeUy. G~eenpo~ waa a ~ap~dLtj gMw~ng c.omm~y d~ng ;the fcue 1800' ~, pubuc. waX~ ~uppLy w~h 6~e pM- ;tec.;t[on woufd ~p~ove ;the quaU;ttj 06 u6e 06 ;the "~~~denM . The G~eenpo~ WaX~ Compantj ~emuned a p~vaXe waX~ c.ompantj 6M 1 2 tje~. A:t ;the V~fage Efec.uon on MMc.h 21, 1899, ;the ~~,>~den:t6 vo;ted :to puJtc.haae ;the G~eenpo~ WaX~ Compantj, ;the ef~e p~opeUlj and ;the Manc.we 60~ $22,000.00 cmd 6~ll~ vo:ted ;to ~~ue bon~ ~n ;the amount 06 $36,000.00 w~c.h woufd c.ov~ ;the puJtc.haae p~c.e, pfM ;tIle ne.eded impMvemenM. The CommwU:ty ~nded ~~aefl:t6 06 G~eeflpo~ cou.R.d noW maRe :the flec.~~Mlj impMvemenM ;to ;thw waX~ J.,lj~:tem 6M a ouppflj 06 c.feM, good quaU;ttj ~eUabLe waX~ pLM adequaXe 6~e pM;teC-tion. Act ;the :time 06 puJtc.haae, ;the WaX~ WO~N c.oM~;ted 06 5 fMge dug w~ aX :the pfant, 2 WO~~flg;tbfl VupLex Pump~, a 233,000 gallon s;tandp~pe - 100 6ee:t ~gh, a 1 0" waX~ mun on FMnt S~ee:t, 1,000.00 galloM a datj c.apab~Wlj, ;toM 06 9 ~~ 06 waX~ m~, ~y~:tem p~~~uJte 45 fb~./Sq.~n., av~age d~y Load 06 75,000 galloM. Btj Latj~ng new waX~ mUM, ~ng new w~, bw&ng new pump~ng ~;tatioM ~uc.h aa S;taUon No. 2 ~n 1919 and S:tation No. 3 ~n 1931 on a 16 a~e ~c.;t 06 Land aX ;the c.o~n~ 06 Moo~~ Lane and ;the No~h Road, ~pMvemenM w~e ~;tea~y made ~n ;the WaX~ VepMtment. ..~ \ , I \ ,.' .", :) . '"' {:-pi. . ~ . ,','S ,:~. c, ~ . .. '}.:.. ~ '\ ~ . .", ~.- . ~ \-;. , w_~'." ;.-.\ -:.,.....:41\ '/ -"If:,'1 \\, GREENPORT WATER PLANT 1900 FoUow.i.ng Me .6Ome 06 the .{.mpoJLta.n.t diLtu 06 the pJtogJtu~ 06 the pubuc. wiLte.Jt ~uppiy; 1887 - StAAt 06 the GJtee.npoJtt WiLte.Jt Company. 1899 - PLlJtc.h~ed by the V,{,Uage 06 GJteenpoJtt and 30% 06 the V,{,Uage had pubuc. wiLte.Jt wUh 6.{.Jte pJtotec.t.{.on ava.{,iabie. 1903 - We.U Mil.f.ed iLt the GJte.e.npoJtt WiLte.Jt WOJt/u. to a depth 06 690 6ee.t - 6Jtom the Jtec.oJtd, "One 06 the Mil.f.e.M JtepoJtU thiLt iLt 665 6ee.t 6Jtuh wiLte.Jt 6iowed ove.Jt the top 06 the c.~.i.ng .{.n a ~tJte.am about the .~.i.ze 06 a penU.f.; the ~uppiy howeve.Jt, ~ not deemed ~u6Mc..{.en.t 60Jt pump.i.ng. SitU wiLte.Jt w~ e.nc.oun.te.Jted between 225 and 555 6ee.t." 1921 - Pump StILt.{,on No.2, MoOJtu Lane. 1930 - 45% 06 the V,{,Uage c.ove.Jted with pubuc. wiLte.Jt ouppiy. 1931 - Pump StILt.{,on No.3, MooJtu Lane. 1940'~ - 95% 06 the Village c.ove.Jted with pubuc. wiLte.Jt ouppiy, pi~ with the help 06 the W. P. A. , M~ 06 the Town on the 6Jt.{.nge 06 GJteenpoJtt we.Jte ~uppued. 1943 - WiLte.Jt Pffin.t No. 4, E~t MaJr..{,on WOOM. PLANT 4-6 EAST MARION 1943 - New aVld LMgelt watelt mcUIL6 ~i1J.d_aUed ~Vl .the SIUPYMd MeM, due .to WM t:)JwduclioVl WOltQ. 1950.- AVl 066elt by .the Su660tQ COUJU:Y wa.telt Au.tholtdy -to plUlcJlMe .the GlteeVlpoJt.t Stjf.>.tem WM de6ea.ted by .the toeal peopte. 1953 - New 300,000 gak'loVl eteva.ted t([VlQ ~,l/.).taUed. 5,000 6eet 06 VletV equaUz~Vlg mcUlL6 welte ~1L6-taUed. 1 I 1958 - The VillQge pWtc.hMed .the piUvate wateJt c.ompany ~n Southold V~ge c.alled the Nolcth FOJtf< WateJt Company and at that time utabffihed a 6Mnc.we Mea 06 about 15 <lquMe milu 6ftOm Pec.o~c. Lane at .the wut to S~pYMd Lane, EMt MaiUon at eMt. The Company c.oM~ted 06 a pu.mp~ng plant, weU<l, futiUbution m~M and 21 0 <leJtv~c.e c.onnec.tioM. 1965 - 25,000 6eet 06 m~n WM l~d to c.onnect .the Gfleenpolct <lY<ltem to the Sou..thotd Plant. 1965 - Plant No. 6 ~MtaUed, nolcth 06 Southotd c.oM~ting 06 2 new weU<l. PLANT 6 SOUTHOLV 1968 - The WateJt VepMtment M<I~ted ~n the Su660lf< County Tut weu PftOgMm. The V~ge pWt- c.hMed 2 pMc.m 06 land: (I) No!l.th Southold and (2) Cutehogue. The Cutc.hogue weu WM diUUed to 550 6eet <leMc.~ng 60fl new leMU 06 6flUh wateJt. huh wateJt began to de- teiUoflate below 220 6eet. 1972 - W~h .the M<I~tanc.e 06 the Town 06 Southold, .the Wut WateJt Supply V~tiUct WM 60flmed, and ~MtaUed 31,000 6eet 06 wateJt m~n to a badly needed Mea. f; TEST WELL AT CUTCHOGUE - VRILLEV TO 550 FEET 1980 - Pita bLem!.l 06 A.f.cliCaJlb begal1 to appe.aJL .<.11 the WCLtelt !.>uppLy we.U!.>. Some we.U!.> welte !.>hut doWrl al1d welte 6.<.11aUy e.qu.<.pped wdh activated caJlbo 11 6ateJL6. 1982 - PLartU 7 & 8 welte pLaced 011 ul1e. P.f.art;t 8 had PH corttltoL tlte.atmertt. 1984 - Ve.mort/.)tJtat.<.ol1 PJtOgltam 011 the dua.e.<.rtat.<.ol1 06 !.>e.awatelt by paJLUa.f. 6lteez'<'l1g to potabLe 6ltuh watelt. 1986 - PLartt 6-3 wa!.> pLac.ed 011 ul1e, wdh a capac..<.ty 06 500 GPM. 1986 - Watelt QuaUty Repoltt al1d Ma!.>telt PLart welte /.)Ubmdted to the Village. The Glteel1poltt Watelt SuppLy ha!.> 11 we.U!.>, 6 pump- .<.I1g !.>;(;atiort/.), pump!.> 900,000 gaUort/.) pelt day, 2 mill.<.ol1 gaUort/.) 011 a peak. day, capabLe 06 pumP.<.l1g 3.1 mill.<.ol1 gaUort/.) pelt day, hM 55 milu 06 p.<.pe, !.>eltVU tw.<.ce a!.> martY peopLe .<.11 the ToWrl a!.> .<.11 the Village, al1d op- e.Jtatu 011 a budget 06 785.000 doUaJr./.). 111 the pa!.>t 8 Ye.aM, the V-<-Uage Watelt SuppLy hM bee.rt !.>e.Jt.<.oU!.>Ly pLagued wdh agJt.<.cuUulte puuUdu. The pltobLem!.l 06 pOolt WCLtelt quaUty hM Ml1delted the Village 6ltom 0 pert.<.rtg I1W !.>OUltcU 06 /.)Upp.f.y. The Village BOMd had taken -6VtOYlg teade;u,fUp ~Yl ~eque-6~Ylg the tate-6t teQhYlotogy to ~p~ove the qu~y 06 wateJL aYld to 6MtheJL -6eJLve the en~e 6~anQfU-6e Mea w.U:h aQQeptabte qu~y 06 good, ueM, ueaYl wateJL. .... I v ... :-"'~ "f ...."~ ~ ,-~ - ICE POND DESALINATION PROJECT - --- --- GREENPORT ELECTRIC SUPPLY . - - - ! \ 1903 ,~ ~ - I aNI. ,-dr:;::J ,-- -, -. " --! r 1979 A flISTORY OF THE GREENPORT ,',iUNICIPAL POWER PLANT - - The 6~'lb;t uecA/l~c cU/lftei,;{: nUiLYl-<;.,hed nOft P1LOUC uH_{J! GfteeJ!po't:t came nl10m a 9 e_'lf'Jt((;tOIt m Smilll & T~'UU!'b Sll~Plfaltd wluch became ;the Smilh Meal Yaltd, and 0; now know'l M ;the Glteenpolt:t Yadd & SlupblLilwlg Co. Smilh & TVrJu! had a bmaLi' ",;team eng~ne wMch ;thelf Med ;to d~ve a t~ne ",haM, ;to wluch wM beUed wolt~ng ;toot0 ",uch M ",illO", and pian~. At ;the end On ;the WOIt~'lg dalf, ;the bu;/: wa", ",Mtl;ted nltom ;the une ",haM ;to a genvudolt WMch nUiLn~hed uecA/Uc cuMen;t ;to ;the Village and a nW "';tOltM on ;the tOWeIL paJt;t 06 Mun and Flton;t S;tIte~. In Feoltualtlf 1887 THE GREENPORT LIGHT & POWER COMPANY WM mcoltpolta:ted 601t ;the pultpo",e 06 6UiL~Mng ugh;t and pOWelL ;to Glteenpolt:t and v~unillf. A pOWelL pian:t WM btUU on ;the Sou;th S;tItee;t PItOPe/dlf aCltOM 61tOm -the pltMen:t A & P malthe:t -th((;t WM 60lttrieltiy F~e S~on #1. T~ "'-tock company opvuded unt-'i 1899 when il ",oid ou;t -to -the Village 06 Glteenpoa;t. The Village pUiLchMed a F~h~-Co~", "'-team engme and genl!Jl((;[olt and had il ~M;taLi'ed ~n -the w((;teIL Pian;t on Moolte I", Lane. The Glteenpolt:t w((;teIL Company, ano;theIL ",;tack company, had ",aid ou;t -to -the Village VI -the p~OIt lfeM. 111 1903 a View bJUcJl. eVlg.tVle. 11.00m (ind ({ new 75 6:t. c~l1ey and ano:theIL F~h~t-Co~h el1g~ne and gel1- efLCl:tOft welLe ~11h:taUed. In 1927 :the 6~:t V~M U El1g~e WM ~:taUed (400 HPI, :the .6ecol1d V~MU ~11 1929 (600 HPJ, :the :t~d ~n 1932 (1000 HPI, :the 60UJt:th ~ 1941 (1427 HP), :the 6~6:th ~11 1948 (900 HPI, :the ~~x:th ~ 1957 (1700 HPI, :the ~eveYL:th ~n 1965 (2630 HPI, ClI1d :the ~gh:th ~ 1971 (5363 HP). The 1000 HP u~ WM ftemoved ~ 1964 and :the 1427 HP u~ WiU ftemoved ~ 1970. In 1 922 a ~ ubmaJUi1e cable WiU .ta..i.d :to sheUeIL I~lCll1d and :the GfteenpofL:t P.f.aYL:t MPplied :the ftM~d~ 06 OM n~ghboft :town w~h exceU.eYL:t ue~c ~elLv~ce ~ June 1964. In 1899 :the I1.M~de~ 06 GfteenpofL:t appftoved $67,000.00 60ft :the pMchiUe and ~pftoveme~ 06 :the GfteenpofL:t Ugh:t & POWelL Compal1Y and :the GfteenpofL:t WCl:teIL CompCll1Y, w~ch WM pud by ;tax~on. No ad~ona)'_ ;tax money hiU been ~vM:ted ~n :the uec- :tJUc depafL:tmeYL:t ~~nce ~ WiU pMchiUed. AU ad~ol1h and ~pftovem~ bemg pUd 60ft out 06 :the eaJt~g~ 06 :the p.f.aYL:t. The ac.:tua..t PMchiUe pJUce 06 :the GfteenpofL:t L~gh:t & POWelL CompCll1Y WiU $5,000.00. Und~ the Mod~z~on P~09~am th(Lt the V~age BOMd 6:tiVLted ;'Vr 1956, the m06t ccompetent COlUuLting Eng.{.ne~ have been emptoyed. In 1957 an ad~on wc~ btUU on the no~h 6;'de 06 the POW~ Ptant; a 3 phMe 4160 voU duat 6ud gen~ng unil WM ;'n6~ed; a 3 pha6e gen~g 6w.{.tchboMd and a 3 phMe ~~bu- t.{.on 6w.{.tcchboMd w~e ;'n6~ed; one 1500 KW Conv~;'on TMn660~~ Wa/.) ptacced between the au 2400 voU 2 phMe 4 w~e 6w~hboMd and the new 3 pha6e 4160 voU 6w.{.tcchboMd. In the ye~ between 1957 and 1964 t~ee outgo;'ng 6eed~ panca w~e cconvwed ov~ to 3 phMe and t~ee 2 phMe Wcc~ have been ~.{.nated. In 1963 the V~age BOMd Wa6 6acced w.{.th the pMbtem 06 6u.ppty;'ng mMe and ccheap~ pow~ to the communily. The BOMd engaged Fo~d, Bacon & Vav~ to 6ubm.{.t a Pow~ Study, 60 ;'n 1964 the BOMd autho~zed the .{.n6~~on 06 a 1875 KW duat 6ud eng;'ne and gen~atM, ptM WMR. on the 900 KV 2 pha6e wut to be convwed to a 3 pha6e 4160 voU gen~o~. In the ye~ between 1964 and 1970 one mo~e 2 pha6e 6eed~ Wa/.) ~nated and aU 6~e6 6~eet ugltU have been ~eptacced w.{.th m~cc~y vapo~ muU.{.pte ught.{.ng. T~ee de~cc ~e 6~v;'cce da66;'Mcc~01U have been ~educced. I Yl 1 96 9 a POWeJL S.tudy I.lUbmUted .to .the V illag e Boana ~howed .the Yleed 6o~ mo~e 6~ POWeJL. V~Ylg 1970 - 1971 a 3840 KW, 3 p~e, 4160 volt, duel 6uel wu.t WM .{.M.taUed. NEW ENTERPRISE CENERATOR AT CREENPORT, N, Y. //,"ll.m~~ ,'-" , " "'~"=~" . l 1 c=> c::;l 2<+ , ... "- ..~ Q 1!~ ... ".. .. ..."... ~....'" ... " ....~o "'-<> : ~\t ,,-Ilo~ ~~, '" ..~ \o",t Q~ g OQto () Of.... 0 ~~O Cr :> ( ) c:::=) CJ ~ o Q c:::':) " c::> f ,.. \>> , ! ~, oj 012 rn tJYY<'f?.'f>i.M~ ' -, [;. \ "-I p;.I'Q ,E1 ,01 00 '''- .. !~ 0 0' S'<"il ~ ''l' ~'OJ O. I ~NtJld 'w.Js;f 0 ~~ 00 00 fJ-(( \If - 00 ~ ... ~ ~ .. ~ ~ ;: '= ~ CL <> VI lJoo!! Cl \:) 11.Jf 0107 <> ::> vr '" - --- dOH\; 1~\~JIdW P.A.SoNoY. - GREENPORT POWER TIE The. Village. BOMd 06 TlLw.,;te.e.6 -6e.e./Ung way~ 06 lLe.duvlng ;thw own IUgh-ccoM oM' 6Vte.d genelL- a;(:ion ~nquVte.d 06 ;the. avaM'ab~y 06 iow cco~;t hydlLo POWe.!L ;to GlLe.e.npolLt ~n Fe.blLUMY 1971; cLt ;tha;t .time. ;(:JLa~m~M~on 6a~e.6 We.!Le. no;t avaM'abie.. On MMcch 29, 1974 ;the. Village 06 GlLeenpoJL;t by lLe.6oi~on app~e.d ;to ;the. POWe.!L Au;(:ho~y 60lL POWe.!L ;thJLough ;the N~aglLa Re.de.veLopme.n;t Acc;t, Pub~cc Law 85-159 06 Augw.,;t 21, 1957. On Occ;tobe.!L 17, 1975;the. VM'iage p~hed a lLe.6oi~on ;to e.n;(:e.!L ~n;(:o a ccon;(:JLacc;t 6M POWe.!L Au;(:ho~y POWe.!L. On Ve.cce.mbe.!L 16, 1975 a pub~cc he.~g W~ heLd ~n ;the. POWe.!L Au;(:ho~y 06Mcce.6 ~ New YOlLR, N.Y. a;t wlUcch MayalL ]o~e.ph Tow~end e.n;(:e.!Le.d ~n;(:o ;the. lLe.ccoftd GlLe.e.npoJL;t' h neeM 06 cche.ap lL~bie. POWe.!L. Ne.gotia;(:io~ wdh ;the. Long Ihiand lighting Companlj We.!Le. heLd 6 M a phljh~ccai tie. betwe.en ;the. GlLe.enpoJL;t POWe.!L hljh;te.m and ;the. LoI.L.C.O. POWe.!L hljh;te.m. &M We.!Le. applLove.d blj ;the. Village. BOMd 06 T/Lw.,;te.e.6 and cco~;(:JLucction 06 ;the. phljh~ccai tie began. I n;(:e.!L!Luptibie. POWe.!L 6iowe.d ~n;(:o GlLe.e.npoJL;t on ApfLM' 8, 1978 and 6~ POWe.!L w~ made. avaM'- abie. on MMCCh 23, 19790 The ol.Ltl.>tancUng coope.Jt.a.tion I.>hown by aU. the Pow~ Authonity people wo~~ng in behal6 06 the ViUage Tie iI.> g~eafty app~ec.ia.te.d by aU. the ~eI.>- -<.dent!.> 06 the ViUage pow~ I.>Yl.>te.m. The Village Pow~ SYl.>te.m hctl.> a 6:vr.m aU.oca- tion 6~om the Pow~ Authonity 06 5,162 KW. The ViUage hctl.> an inl.>taUed I.>Ubl.>tctUon 06 5,000 KW and a bacR up gen~ctUon capability 06 6,600 KW. The co~act 6M pow~ with the Pow~ Authonity iI.> e66ective till June 30, 2001. In June 06 1985 the Village 06 G~eenpo~ and the Long Il.>mnd Lighting Company ent~ed into an e.m~gency pow~ exchange ag~eement. The Municipal Pow~ Plant hctl.> gen~ed pow~ to I.>UppO~ the Long Il.>land Lighting Company SYl.>te.m. The E,fe~c Vep~ent iI.> neM it!.> capability and the ViUage BOMd hctl.> autho~zed I.>tucUeI.> to up- g~ade the ele~cal tie to ~ng in mMe pow~ bl Md~ to I.>~ve the ~eI.>identl.> 06 G~eenpo~ in a v~y e6 Mcient mann~ at 6<LUr. ~atel.>. ,. III h I , , - -. - " i' , , I w . :~ .. J -I ~ .i ~e I~ ~i i. -. . B 1 i i! i I. ~.... f ;1:' "I' I' !., .. i :r i ~ lI' i .. 1:1 ..0 i "'.... I " , " '. I. " .. t ~ l. -, ..:1:.- ! f I _x . '. -i -i ,I . x II I ~t(""w~ I yy .. ~~ . .0 .. ., " . w . i -..............._ i . -- ,.....-......-....... i I ~ En " :t.... i=i -I' i..~ . J I , -' I .. YZ ~i : N . < . o . .! S -~ ! . i ; . is - .! " _! , 5..1 . , I I ,-" lie ,! J i il i i , I ' .... -5 I ; . . -, , .i .~ i~. :l I ell .. ,. .! t. 2~ e! . ,j, I II - ! i i 1913 1965 fJr.t.~~ ~ ~j- Cl ~ud ~1 1 tt, ~~4-1 . $,tf~;~~C!o~ /d,t ~~ ~ ~~~ ~- ~.~;td;tt N.a. ~. /!.~. t. ?r.~~.~1 ~la-d ~? fy~.b:,4~ ~ ~~ Lt~r ~ ~/t," tdR ~' ,,-t.. ~~, o&~~"~ (W'fi4 ~ M~ ~ d"1'-r::t ~4fAd L.~ A ~d t; 7t-. ~ t!:i6.:~.~ ~p " ~*~I II~. ~o;~ ~/2 ~~~- ---- - -- -- 1801 . ~'.f~~~JZ..~ [${~~j!-~ )... ;,r:~ l' .l... . ". '!2!!!!hh. 1971 TOURS FOR THE GENERAL PUBLIC AND STUVENTS OF THE TOWN SCHOOL VISTRICTS WILL BE CONVUCTEV BY THE UTI LITY VEPARTMENT o ~ ~ LOCALLY CONTROLLED/ o II ."~ I ~--r(/' '~/ /' . . I ,-/ _------- ~ "1 ~ .',.".,......,..........-. .-- . ", i ~> ____- / . . 1.... ...........~- -:::: 1\~qCAL PU. LL. --" .' i ~~ .-""-. ;:;>/ i i ':~--------- ~ I " " . ".....,.. , . .". ([) 811 / OWNER OPERAtED