HomeMy WebLinkAboutWater Supply Proposed Policy Statement ~. -.<--:->, . ~. , . \~\ PROPOSED POLICY STATEMENT RE: Applications for Inclusion in Village of Creenport Water System Report submitted by: Trustee 'Jeanne Cooper Dated: 12/12/85 / UTIL/7"t '1Z/i6 CQMM ?^ . Proposed Policy Statement Re: Applications for Inclusion in Village of Greenport Water System POLICY STATEMENT: To distinquish a~plicants. requesting hookup into the Greenport Water System who lie outside Village boundaries, and who are not minor subdivisions (4 or less), into two catagories. Category A - System Sustained Category B - Self Sustained Definitions to follow. PURPOSE - To create incentives for applicants requesting hookup into Greenport Water System to provide water into that system that is equal or in excess of their projected demand. JUSTI~ICATION - Governmental bodies have historically enticed private enterprises into co-operatively solving shared problems. MECHANISMS AND DE~INITIONS - A) Category A - System Sustained .- Any applicant not defined by B(l) or B(2) and 1M a') who endent on the Greenport Water S stem to rovide their water. Any applicant who provides wa er capac y equal or in excess of projected demand. Category B - Self Sustained mechanisms by which an applicant may fall into Self Sustained category. Mechanism B(l)- Onsite Program - Applicant is able to demonstrate to satisfaction of Village Board, under criteria set by Superintendent of Utilities, Village Board and consulting Engineers, for quantity and quality, on onsite capacity to provide water that equals or exceeds projected use of the project. - "II/U'" "..11.1"" olYtl',!!1I1 '001 I'\V . - 2 - Mechanism B(2) - Transfer of Water Resource Program _ Any applicant who is not able to provide onsite production, may, under this program, develop a well, off-site, or storage facility in accordance with criteria set by Village Board, Superintendent of Utilities, Consulting Engineering firms as to quantity and quality, which is at a location within reasonable inclusion into the Greenport Water System which would provide a capacity for water production equal to or in excess to projected demand . Utldolr the Transfer of Water Resource Program, the applicant would be considered equal to those providing onsite production. Incentives for applicants to fall into Self Sustained Category. A) Both B(l) and B(2) described applicants would have the cost of drilling the welles) and appertances deducted from upfront money, that deduction not to exceed the total upfront money assessed by the Village Board. However, the purchase price of any offsite location will not be deducted from the "upfront money". B) I t would be permissible under this TWR Program for, two or more applicants to provide a common offsite well, if that well was determined by the Village Board to have sufficient quantity and quality to cover projected water demand of the total of the participating applicants. C) Applicants that fall under the Self-Sustained category would be considered for inclusion into the Greenport Water System separate and aside from those falling under the System-Sustained Category. . . . . . . . Proposed Water System Policy - 3 - BENEFITS: A) Village Benefits - Applicant participation in finding and acquiring for the Greenport Water System, well sites which should assist Greenport in obtaining quantity and quality needed to serve its present francise. B) Applicant (Self-Sustained) - Since an applicant falling into the Self-Sustained Category will be considered separate and aside from those described as System Sustained, this may expedite "hook up into the system. C) Applicants (System-Sustained) - The hope is that there will be provided through the Self-Sustained mechanism, an over all excess which, combined with Greenport Water System's efforts to seek new wells, will facilitate faster inclusion of system sustained described applicants into the Greenport Water System.