HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12498 P 491Dist. !000 Section 10.00 Block 037.OO tot(s) 007.001 THIS INDENTURE. mmiethe ~ dayofMareb, intheyear 2007 BETWEEN SUSAN GAlL SCHONGAR, as Trustee of the SUSAN GAlL SCHONGAR TRUST, dated February 7, 1996, 1909 Lucim Court. Fort Meyers, Fl. 33908. party of the fast part, and SUSAN GAlL SCHONGAR. ns Trmtce UTD February 2, 2007 fFo/o SUSAN GAlL SCHONGAR, 1909 Lucina Court. Fort Meyers. FL 33908. WITNESSETH, that the party ot'the tim part, in consideration ofTcn Dollm and other valuable consideration paid by the party of'the second part, does hereby ~rant and releue unto the party of the second pm, the he~ or successors and assigns of the pray of'thc second pail forever, ALL first certain plo~ pJuce or parcel of land, with thc buildings and improvem~ts thereon erected, sl._,_~!e, lying and being at Fishers Ishnd, Town of Soathold, County of'Suffolk. State of New York, bounded and described as follows: Lots 39, 40 and 4 I, as shown on "Plan of Peninsula at Fisbe~ Island, owned by Charles W. Hedge and Frances G. Thorp, made by Chandler & Palmer Enn~. Norwich, Court. 19 lY' and filed in the Of~ce of the Clerk of the County of SuKolk on March !1, 1913, fileNo. 223, buunded on the South by Lot 042, onthe West byOreat Harbor, on the East by Private Road. BEING AND IN s ~,lqDED TO BE THE SAME premises as those conveyM to the pan'y ofthe f'ust part by Deed dated Febrmuy 2 I, 1996 nd reou~dad April 26, 1996 in Liber I 177 i at Pese 357. ~., ,%. .., I.j · . ~ ;: .~.~. ,. , ~ :.~, ~..~", ii TOG~-'f~'J~R with ~l ~ title ~ ~M~ iffy, of~ p~ ~ tim ~ ~ ~:~,~ ~ ~:a~h~ · e ~~ p~ ~ ~e c~ I~ ~mof; ~E~R ~ ~e app~n~m ~ all ~e ~ ~ ~ of~ ~ of~ ~ ~ h ~ to mid p~; TO ~ ~ TO HO~ ~ ~ h~in ~ unto ~e ~ of~e ~d ~ ~e he~ or s~ ~ ns~ of~ ~ of~e ~ ~ foyer. AND the pafly of the tim pail covenants that the party of thc first IXUt has not done oF suffazd anything wh~eby the said premisus have been encumbered in any way whateves, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the fu,at park in compliance ~ Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party ofthe fiat part will receive the consideration for this conveyance end will hold the right to receive such consideration as a bust fund to be applied lust for the purpose of paylnS the cost ofthe improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before usin8 any part of the total of the same for any othes pmlmse. The wm'd "party" shall be eortstnted as if it rend "paflJes" whenever the sense of this indenture so requi~s. XN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of'the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year fi~3t above written. IN PR~ENCE OF: SUSAN GAlL SCHONGAR. '~ ~ Trustee of the SUSAN GAlL SCIIONGAR TRUST, did, Suite of New Yot~, C. mm~ of'Suffolk Ontho de~o£ in ~e ~em- before me. the ,nde~Bn~ personally ,ppmed Pets(really known to me m- proved to me on the basin of minflK, to~. evidence to Ix: the individual(a) whose name(s) Es (ore) submntbed to t~ s~mo hi hJs/hcr/thcir cmpicit)F(ins), and that by hin/~r/r~ir s~BnL'ur~ on th~ ins~,umcn~ thc IorlivM~Ks), or ~ porson -pon bc~nlf of which individ~lis) ~ ~ ~¢ ;ns~ment. Public State of New Yoric, County of' }SLL Ontho duyof 'in the ~c~r bctom mc, thc unde~gned, personally qq0eored thc subsc~bing witness to tho for~soin8 instflJmcnt, with whom p~soflally acquainted, v~o. being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that be,'she/thcy ~sidc(s) in that ho/~e/they know(s) to be thc indi~lual described in and who uaecuted the f'orc~oin8 instrument; that said subsc~bin8 witocss was present nd saw, said e3meute the stone; and that said witness ~t the samc dine sub~bed his/her/their name(s) as a witness thereto. BARGAIN & SALE DEED with Covenan.t .Apinst G~ntor's Aets Titlo No, SUSAN GAlL SCHONGAR, as Trustee of*he SUSAN GAlL SCHONGAR TRUST dtd. 2/7/9~ TO SUSAN GAlL S~HONGAR, Trustee u/t/d 2/2/07 lbo Susan Call Sehousar, State of New York. Couaq,' or }ss.: Ontbe duyo( in the year before me, the undersigned, pmondly qq~*med pmonally Imown to me or proved .,, me on the Imls of smisbcto~. evidence to be thc Individual[s} whose name(s) is (me) subscribed to tl~ within insmtrAeot and ~knowied~d to me ~tt he/~h~ ~ecumd the same in hisruor/thelr cepacity(ies), and that by his/hot/their s~natu~s m~ the insmm~e~ the individual(s), or the per3on upon bchal, f'of'which the individual(s) nctc~ executed the instrument State of iqarfda. Ceu.tv 9f On th;~/ay of Mareh in the yeti* 2007 before me, the nndenl~ned, penonal/y appesred SUSAN GAlL SCHONGAR Pereonall}' known to me or proved to me on the hsls of sntlsfocto'ry evidenee to be the Individual(s) whesu ntmL,(s) b (are) sabseflhod to the within Instrument and neknowledL, ed to me that he/she/they exeeuted the uame in hls/her/Yllefr capacity(les), thlt by his/her/their stlnature(s) on the Instrument, the iadlvldual(s), o~ the person upon behalf of whleh the indlvMgaKs} at'ted, executed the Instrument, and f/mt sueh IndMdual made sueh appeartnee before the undersisned in the city or I:T lv~J~ . LOT ' RETURN BY MAIL TO: WILLIAM F. BATES, ESQ.. 120 Court Street .~ Riverhead, NY i 1901 Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp Page / Filing Fee 'TP-$84 Nomgon EA-$2 17 (County) EA-5217 R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. Sub Total NY$ Surchnrge 15. 00 Sub Total RE~0~ED 2007 Nar 29 10~56-'23 RH Judith {l. Pa~cale CLF.~ OF SI~FOLK ~ L D__n00_ !2498 P 491 DT# 06=28142 Recording / Filing Stamps Mo~gage AmL 1. Basic Tax 2. Additional T~x Sub Total SpecJAssit. or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual County Held for Appointment M~sion T~ Ih~ proi~ny eov~ed blt tl~ mo~ i, o~ will ~ imi~oved by · one or two f~mily dw~in8 only. ~Ta8 ~ or NO Othg C, rand Tolal ~-~ ~ [ If NO, see appropfia~ ~a~ cla~r~ on 4 Commmdty Pms~va~ Agency Verification Improved Vacant Land ~J Safisfactions/Discharg~s/Relea~s List Property O.wners Mailing Address RECOnn & R~J't~RN TO. WIU.IAM E BARES, ESQ. 120 Court $treat Riverhead, NY 11901 ~ Corn l~ormatlon . Endorsement P_nEe This pa~ fora~ part of the attached HEEl} (SPEcit.Y TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) Susan Gail Schon~a=, as T=ustee of the SusanTh~premi~she~in~ ~tua~din Gail Schongar Trust, dtd. 2/7/96 SUFFOL~COUNTY, NEWYORK. mad~ by: TO ln theTowushipof Southold Susan Gail Schongar, as Trustee UTD 2/2/07 In thcVILLAGE f/bio Susan Gail Schongar or HAMLETof Fishers Island BOXES6THRU 8MUST BETYPEDOR PRINTED INBLACKINK ONLY PRIORTORECORDINO OR F1LING. (over) SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages: 3 Receipt l~--her : 07-0030402 TRANSFER TAX I~U~BER: 06-28142 District: 1000 Deed Amount .- Recorded: Ate LIBER: PAGE: Section; Block: 010.00 03.00 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $0.00 03/29/200? 10~56:23 ~M D00012498 491 007.001 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies RPT $30.00 NO SCTM Transfer tax $0.00 NO Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 06-28142 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL $5.00 $15.oo $75.00 $5.00 $o.oo $o.oo $154.00 Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO Judith A. Paecale County Clerk, Suffolk County F(~R COUNTY USE ONLY ~' ~ I Peninsu~a Road PLEASE~ TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM .... INSTRUCTIONS: http://www, orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT RP - 5217 (ROW off) [ Southold To~m Z B~v~ I SCRONGAR. I Fishers Island [06390 ]Susan Gail. as Trustee utd 2/2/07 f/b/o Su~"~il Schongar B. DdBINJ asl.l~. J SCHONCAR, · 5 I 4 I ~, Pen:el ARnold to~ SutxlivL~on wire Map Pm~ided [] [ Susan Cail, as Trustee of the Susan Gall] Sc~Sh~r Trust, did. 2/7/96 I 03 / / oTr A I~. ~ll eab I~.l~e I , I r , , , , ,0 , O , 0 I 14.~vd~p~l I , , , -, , 0 , 0 . 0 J p~ ~ In ~. ~ p ~ ' [ ~SE~MEN/IN~R~TiON - Oa~ ~ould mile= tho ~t~t Final ~sment Roll and Tax Bill I 7 7 0 0I I 1000-10-3-7.1 [ I I [ I l, I BUYER Susan Ca~l'~t'~'~gar, Trustee utd 2/2/07 f/b/o Susan Gail Schongar 1909 [ Lucina Court Fort Meyers FL 33908 I I BUYER'. ATTORNEY Bates I William 631 I 727-0050 INEW YORK STATE ] Susan Ca~'~gar, as Trustee o£ $~g~ G~Z~ $~8ON~K TRUST dca. 2/7/9g