HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12498 P 490GONSULT YOUR L.&WYER BEFORE SIGNIHG THIS INSTRUMENT-II'IlS IHSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY THIS INDENTURE, made the ~ day of January, 2007 BETWEEN EDNA M. FRrrZE-HIGGINS, rexMing et229 ~ Street, Greeflport, New York 11944 party of the first part, and DAVID H. INERFELD and JACQUEUNE INERFELD, husl~, nd and wife WITNESSETH, that the patyof the first part, in consideration of ten (S10.00) dollars paid bythe partyofthe second part, does hereby Grant end release unto the party of the s~=m(I part, the heirs or successors end assigns of the ALL that cata~ pot, piece or parcelof land, sltu~to, lying ancI being n the Incorporated Village of Gmanpert, Town of Southold. Suffolk County, New York, known encl alex gneted on a ceftin map entitJed, 'Map of WIgg ns Estate', ~neb by Sidney L. Grif~ng, Nathanlol Convln and J. Wlokham .Case, Cornmlssloners in patit~n, and filed in the Office of the Clmt( of Surfak County as Lot No. 179 and fuKher described as fo{lows: BEGINNING at a point on the wastmty side of Sixth Street distant 250.00 feet southerly from the cumer formed by the intersection of the eeuthedy side of Uneet~ Street with the westerly side of Sixth Street; RUNNING THENCE South 7 degrees 1fi minutes 40 seconds Wext along the southerly side of Sixth Street 50.00 feet to land now or formerty of Taylor; THENCE along said land now or form~ly of TaySor, Noflh 82 degrees 41 minutes 20 seconds West 169.72 feet to the e~stor',y line of the Inc~poreteb Village of Gmenpmt; THENCE along said line, North 6 degrees 58 minutes 35 seconds East 50.00 feet to tsnd now or formedy of THENCE along said land now or formedy of DeDuck South 82 degrees 41 minutes 20 seoands East, 170.02 feet to the wast~y line of Sixth Street at the polot or place of BEGINNING. Being and Intended to I)e title ar, qulrnd by deed dated fi/2'//91 recorded 5/2S/95 In LIber 11726 Page 905 made by Thom~ J. Hlgglna and Edna M. Fr#ze-Hlgglna to Edna M. Frltze-Hlggins. TOGETHER with all right, fit]a and intorset, if any, of the party of the first pat in and to any streets and roads ebuttin9 the above described premises to the center Ilnex thereof;, TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and dghts of the party of the first p~t in and to said premises; TO HAVE AN D TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the paty of the second part, the heirs or succeseans and assigns of the party of the sa=and forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not dane or suffered anything whereby the said prembas have been encumbered in any way wh,~tever, except as ofor~asid. AND the party of the first pat, in compliance wire Sec'~n 13 of the Ltsn I.&v, covenants that the party of the first part wll receive the canslderettan for this conveyance and will hoid the right to receive such consideratJan as a ~ust fond to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement end will apflty the same first to the payment of the ceet of the improvement before u~ng any pat of the tolal of the same for any other purpose. The word 'party' eball be construed as if it read 'parties' ~ ever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above wnttan. IN THE PRESENCE OF: Branded N.Y.B.T.U. Fo~m 8Q02 - Ba~ Irtcl Sale Deecl. vdth C°venant ag~nst Gmntm's '~:ts - UnJlon~ Ac~ Fomt 3290 TO BE ;_~_;n ONLY ~'-% ;=,:; THE ACKNO'~---EDG-MFNT 18 .u_~__n_; IN NEW YORK STATE State of Hew Yo~, County of Suffofk ss: State of New York, County of Suffolk ss: O~l~e dsyof In tM yesr 200 Ont~e dayof IntheyMr b~;o,-~ me, the u~dera]gnad, personally appemed ba~ me, the under~igned, pe~ly appeared personally known Io me or proved to me on the baa~s of personally known to me or proved to me on the bas~s of aatisfacto~/ evidence ~o be Ih~ Individual whose name Is satisfac~ evidence to be the individual whose name Is subscribed to the within Instrument ~nd w~mowledged to me that sub~m~m~d to the wtthln instmmest and scknowl~d to me tltat a~e axe~Nted the ssme In hM capadty, and that bY her ~gr~tum heexecutadlim~amelnhb~oaclty, andthatbyhlss~gnature°n on the Ir-,,tmment, the ~vldusl, or the per~n upon behalf of the In~ the indMdual, or the person upon behslf of which whir, h the indMdual acted, executed the k~stmme~. the Individual acted, execu~ ~ ~strumenf. (aignalum and o~ce of ndividual taking ~,,-,~,~,~u,;~,:~ (signature and of~.e of Individual ta~lng T° BE ~ :m;n ONLY WHEN THE ACKNQ~ I=r~-"- FMT IS MADE OUt,P; N~ Y~K ;A~ SW~ (o~ ~ of ~lu~a, Te~, ot Fom~n ~) of FL~DA ~ ~, or ~ ~ u~ ~f of w~ ~ I~ ~. ~ ~ ~ 8n~ ~t s~ ~ ~e s~ SECTION 007.00 BLOCK 01.00 LOT 005.000 COUNTY Buffolk STREET ADDRESS 229 Sixth Strum Gmenporb NY 11944 onwealth Recorded at Request of COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY RETURN gM MAIL TO: law OtT~ces of Paul A, Cmainifi ~3345 Main Road at Feather Hill P.O. Box 846 ~oa~oid, NY ! 1971 RE~EIWE 1~l..~ ~PACE FOR USS OF RECORDM~ OFFICE Number of pages ~ TORRENS Serial # Certificate # Prior Cfi. # Dccd/ Mortgage Instrument Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp Page I Filing Fee Handling TP-584 Notation EA-52 17 (County) EA-5217 IState) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. Affidavit Certified Copy NYS Surcharge Other This document will be publi0 record. Please remo~e all Social Securily Numbers prior to recording, Sub Total 15. 00 Sub Total Grand Total RECORDED 2007 ~r ~ 10:54:04 P21 ]udil~h R, Pa-~cele ~_E]~ ~ ~ C~TV L ~124~ P ~.93 DT~ ~-~14; Recording / F'ding Stamps Mortgage Amt. I. Ba.~ic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpeeJAssit or S[~.'c./Add. TOT. MT(}. TAX Dual Town __ Dual County H~'ld for Appointment Transfer Tax t -~-q'--~ ~ __ Mansion Tax The property covet~xl by this.mortgage is or will be improved.by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO. I ~ q' 00 If NO, see appropriam tax clause on 4 ]Di Real Pr. Tax Set Agem. Verification 6 :' 071~09929 ~ool oovoo o~oo oosbb'~ .... List Property Owncr~ Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: page.# of this instmmel~t. . TD · iD0/ Suffolk TD Title , Information Co. Name Title# ,,'~ ,~ & Endorsement ISPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK· made by: TO In the Township of ~ ' ~ ~ In thc VILLAGE - BOXF. S 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR 'lO RECORDING OR FILING. SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE T~pe of Instrumentz DEEDS/DDD ~,-~er of Pages~ 3 Receipt Number : 07-0030480 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 06-28141 Dietrictz 1001 Deed Amount: Recorded~ Atz LIBER: PAGE: Section; Block ~ 007.00 01.00 ~a~y~ AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $399,000.00 03/29/2007 10;54:04 AM D00012498 490 LOt: 005.000 Received the Followin~ Fees For Above Instrument Exe~t Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling COB $5.00 NO NYS BRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO E~-BT&TE ?P-584 $5.00 NO Cert. Cop~es RPT $30.00 NO SCTM Transfer tax $1,596.00 NO Co=m. Pres Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NUMBER~ 06-28141 THIS PAQE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT T~IS IS NOT A BILL $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $75.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $4,980.00 NO $6,725.00 Judith A. Pescale County Clerk, Suffolk County ............... pLEASE TY~E b~i~i4ESS FIRMLf WH~N-WRmY~NG INSTRUCrlONS: http:/! www.orp$.$tate.ny, us or PHONE [518) 473-7222 I -~'h¢(~re-td ...............i .. cCue. lin . 3. Teat Indi;~ where futura Tax Bille em to be Net · .'i I tlofP~nmll OR r--I pMtofaPamM ~ I Ixl Io~1 . I.ql ~l. Suixlivil~On ~pprovll Wll Requkld f=r Tmnd~ [] I I EntM~inment I Ainu#merit BL_J 2 or ~ F,mav ..Wn~,' C I~{ I~1 VaMm ~ INFORMATION I A B C D E F 12. DMt M BiM I TmaMer Slll BM~ Reillfvl~ Or FO~ nlllliVll SOlO Bo~ tlllllild Complnles or PiM in lluliflm One d the Buwrl I1 dlO i Seller Buye' a' {Mk,r k~ GMer~n~ml. A~ mr IJm~mg hmlltulion D#d TyPo nM Wlnamy o~ bqlain and Sale ~ Below) Sale of Fracdoflil o~ Lell than Feo Ir~rm ($pocllV IbkM) Side d Buldn#l B1 Indudld In Silo Prim O~hor UeususI FIclOfl Affeeting bio Prieo (Spm:ify BlkM) / 0'7 , TMI plymem rMy bl in tlm f. rm of MIh, Mher propeny M ~di. M tho #~Jmldon M 14, k.M.Mtlmv.keolimmmM I 'T-'-r ~ , ~ 0, 0 I l ASSESSMENT INFORMATION l Dltl mhO~,M rlfllCt tim ~ Rn.I Anellment R.li Ind ?Ix Bi, { l&YMrMAMM.am.tll.ilfrom ~ l?.TMdAMml~Vd.e(Mdlmm~i, blmiMd I ~ Tu MN) Mmtlllds} l RoB W ll ra~N Itma tlur. M iMM v~h MMJlkad W! I '~i~"l'ric..-{' |oOl I I .~Cl.'{"lO'n C30"~ l I ~c:clC ol ii Lo-I' 00..~ j C~imm-iCATION I IllllT Nbll I rllllT M idiqll lltlil) NllA ~l iNEW YORK STATE COPY