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CONSULT YOU~ ~WVSn nsmnE stamHa wes ms?uuMmt-Tm~ TH~ INDKNTURF~ made the ~d~ day of December , iii ~c year 2006 KAT~N Resicling at 587 n~l~uck ~oad, Tully, NY 13159 as cxeCl~tor of 34-06 Jorclah Street:,, New York patty., of the first part. and the last will and test~rnent of , late of , deceased, LiNDA ~ ~ l~sidin~ at 1235 Drive, laurel, NY 11948 ?3~ty~ of thc s~cond part, %VITN~H, that the party o~ the first l~rt, by virtue o[ the power and authority given in and by saki last will ~nd testamer,L and in consideration of .a. stoe~fic clev~se of ~ sub'Je~c ~ by 'A.Lbez~ ~ to ]~i. nda HarJ. e Z.c:~cjo~ no c~:sL~[~erat:l~l~ paic] ~'tBx*~[~ dollars, pai~ by the potty o[ the second pG~t, does hereby' grant and rel.~n~c unto the pGrty o[ the second part, the heirs or successors and assi~ls o! the party o( tl~e second part forev, er ' ~ thGt certain plot, piece or .parcel otr land, with the buildings and impro~'ements therenn erected, situate, lying and being in the '~O(~ETHER. with all right, t.itle and interest, If any, of the party of .the first part in and to .any streets and totals abutting the above de~rihed premises to the center lines thereof. T .OG, ETI-IER with the appurtenances. a ~.1 also all the. estate which the said decedent had at the time of decedent s death in said premise~, and also the e~tate therein, which the party of the first part has or hes power to convey or dispose of, whether individ- ually, or by virtue of sa~d will or otherwlso; TO HAVE AND TO ~OLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AN~ the party of the first part cov~'nta that the party of the first ixtrt has not done or' suffered anything .whereby the said premises have heen incumbered in any way whatever, except u aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in complfance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covamnts thet the party of the firsl R~'t-will receive the.consideration for this conveyance .and will hold the right ~o receive such. consld- ~.e..r. at'.~.~.T~, a trust fund to he applied first for the purpose of.paying the cost of the improvement and will apply b~l~thrat to the payment of the cost of the improvemant before using any IXlrt of the total of the same for .~;~e~..L~.~'~lx~ "party" sholl he con~trued ,ud' st' reid "pa. rt~es'" whenever the seflse of this indenture so requlre6. IN %vrr~ TVHERF. OF, the party of the first pan hea duly executed this deed the day and year first above wrltt, en. First American Title Insurance Company of New York Schedule A ALL fha certain plot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Town of Soathold. at Mattituck~ Suffolk Coun .ty, Ngw York. bounded nnd deseribgd ns follow~: BEGINNING at a point on the curved easterly line of AI6o Drive, 20.10 feet southerly along said curved enslerly line from the southerly end of that course of Albo Drive which runs Somh 38 degrees 46 minotes 50 seconds East; from said point of beginoing running along land now or formerly ofthe parties of the first part. Noah 70 degrees 13 minutes 10 seconds Ea.~ 190 feet. more or less, to Horton Creek; THENCE southeasterly along said Homm Ox-ek 80 feet, more or less; THENCE along other land now or formerly of said patties of~he first pan South 79 degrees 43 minutes 10 seconds West 205 feet. more or less. to said curved easterly llne of AIbo Drive; TI IENCE northerly along said curved easterly line of Albo Drive 48.12 feet to the point of BEGINNING. TOGETHER with all Ihe right, tille and inte~'at of the parties of the first part of. in nnd to roads, streets or avenues adjacent to said premises to the center lines thereof. TOGETHER with the privilege in common with others to use a fight of way lending from thc Boulevard, so coiled, to Peconic Bay. which said privilege is conlalned and re~ited in deed to George L Tuthill. et al.. from Frank Bray. et al., dated April 17. 1928, ond recorded August 13, 1928 in ~c Suffolk County Clerk's Office in Liber 1368 of deeds Page 24. * STATI~' OF NKW YORK} COUNTY OF ) On the q_..~d~ay or~ ~ ~e ~ befo~ ~. the eyre to ~ ~e ~i~(e) wh~ ~s) ~ (~) ~d to pe~on u~n b~fof which ~e i~i~dua~s) ~, ~ut~ the * For tckn~l~m~U ~ken In STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss,: COUNTY OF ) On the__ day of in ~he y~ar before mc, the undersigned, personally appeared .... pen~nsily known to me or proved to me on the b4sis of satisfnctm3, evidence to be the individua]is) whos~ u~l~(~)'~s (arej subsuribed to the within instrument md ecknowledsed to me that be/sbe/th~ e:meutnd the same b~ hisSer/their cepocity(ies), nd that by his/her/their signature(s) on the insaumeflt, the individunl(s), m' the person upon bcha]f of which the individual(s) med, executed the instrurnect. · Sit. nature and Office ef Individual taking acknnwindgment State, District of Columbll. Tee'flinty, Possession, or Foreisn Country ) ss.: On the__dayof in the y~J' befor~ me. the undmignnd, penonally appean..d personally known to me'or Moved to me on the basis of satisfactory ~videnec to be the individual(s) whose name(E) is (n~) subscribed to the ' within instrument nd n~knowledsed to mc that he/she/tbey executed the mum in his/her/their eapocity(ies), that by h~,/her/tbeir signature(si on the instrument, the individual(s), or thc person upon bchaJf of which the individual(s) nc~l. executed the insm~mont, and that such individual made such appearance beforc the undersigned in the . tlnsert the city or other Folitscai subdivision and the s~ate or counW/or other place the acknowledgmect was tnkm). For aekno~tedsmenot taken outside of New York State. Signature and Omeeof Individual taklnB nrknowledRmont TITLE l~O. ~xetutor'f~ ]~ff~ TO First American 7~.fle Insurance Compa~. l of Yo k BLOCK LoT c'ouN~ Reco~led A1 Requ~sl of Fb's~ Ameflean Title Immaneo (~ ~' New Yo~k nHTUIN BY MAlL TO: Zip No. Numher of pages TORRENS Serial # Cemifica~c # Prior Ct(. id Deed. Mortgage [nsu'ument Dged I Moflpge Tax Stamp 3 Page / Filing Fee FEES Handling TP-584 Notation EA-5217 (County) EA-5217 (State) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. Affidavit Certified Copy Sub Total Reg. Copy Other 4 I District Real I~'nperly Tax Service Agency Verillc~.ion Sub 'l~tal Grand Tor, d [Sccdon [Bluck [Lot 07009047 1000 12600 0300 b13oo0 .~J Satisfacfion/Di~harges/ List Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: WHilnm T. Toohey, P.C. Recording I Filing Stamps ! Mortgage Amt. L. Basic Tax Sub Total Spec. I Aaall. or Spec. I Add. TOT. MTO. TAX Dual Town Dual County __ Held for Aplmintment Transfer Tax (r~/ ~,tansion Tax / I'he property covered by this motgage is or will he improved hy a one or two family dwelling only. YES __ orNO __ If NO. see appropriate tax clause on page #. nf ~his instrument. 5 Communit.v Preservation Fund Consideration Amount $ O CPF Tax Due S 0 Improved Vacant Land __ TD l TD 2911 Fortesque Avenue Oeeanslde~ New York i 1572 'ID 7 Title Company lnformnlion [ Co. Name 'l~tle # Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Pnge This page fi~rm.q pan of thc auached Exe~utor's Deed made by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) gnthFy, n ¥~ay. Ex--trix of the Estate of T~ ~mnisis ~in is situaled in Albert Longo SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO In the Town.drip of Southflld I.inde Made Lon_eo In the VILLAGE or IIAMLETof Laurd BOXES 6 THROUGH 8 MUSI' BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING (over) SUFFOLK COUNT~ CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Inetrumentz DEEDS/~DD N,~l~er of Pages: 4 Receipt ~--~er s 07-0027775 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 06-27281 Districts 1000 Deed Amount: Recorded= LIBER: PAGE: Section ~ Block ~ 126.00 03.00 $o. oo o3/21/2oo7 02:43~19 PM D00012497 372 013.000 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling COB $5.00 NO NYS BRCHQ EA-Cu~Y $5.00 NO FA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies RPT $30.00 NO SCTM Transfer tax $0.00 NO C~--,Pree FeeB Paid TRAHSFER TAX HUllER: 06-27281 THIS PA~E IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $o.oo $o.oo $0.00 $152.00 Exeml~t NO NO NO NO NO NO Judith A. Pascals County Clerk, Suf£olk County ....... PI'EASE TYPE OR'PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRmNG ON FORM ...... ' · INSTRUCTIONS: httpff/www, or PHONE (518) 473-7222 Ir-OR COUN'rY USE ONLY ~ · ItA trll A. ~TA~O~'WYO~X · .~' ~" " . RP - 5217 I 4. IndiUm the number ~ Asse~me.'~t 4i/L Pletming Board wllh SulxJMdon Au~ Exist~ [] 4B. Subdivl~ A~pro~ w~ ReClUb~ f~' Tr~n~' [] 4C. Parcel A~oroved b' ~,,hai~on with Mko Provided [] I I __1 I I~-/ /? i OC~i 8. O,*'ne-elp TV~ I. Cc,~omlnl~n U [] A B C D F {Full Salo PliaO ia tho tMaJ amount paad fQr 1tlo pro~ including perlonii pmpel'Ly. I 14.1nd~tet~vdueo~iw, onal ./"~. S S I ...... L.J..,.L..i I1t the MdI I I I I I I ' A-_q-_qK~qMENT INFORMATION- Data should reflect the lateM Final Aalessmant Roll and Tax Bill l&YM~dameMmeatR°llfr°m L0 .") I 1?. Tolal A#mmd Value (M aU pa,~is ln l, andMII , whir. h hlkfllmtiml tl~n Sl~t Charioo in Pmpmly Oetwoon Taxabb 6t~us and SMa DM~ Sale of Bullnein ia I~ In Sale Pflee Other Unumml Fact(x1& Alflctlng SaSe Price (S~ Belowl None ~0. TIx MIp Id141t&lle(M I Fa)Il hSmlfflll~s} Of mm1 1hah lout, Itlar, h sJr#4 w#h L'~L4m'''al ~(M) I I I I I CEI~'IMCATION I /A .T.f"" I fp.~'o BUYER'S A'II'ORREY I NEW YORK STATE COPY