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HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12496 P 9931~.00 Block 12 14.1 THISINDF..NTURE, madtthe Id~ dayuf ],~O~..~O,e~ ,intheyeer 2006 B F.'INV~F.N JOllN A. MAGUIRI~, residing at 6?$ Snells Bush Road, Little :ails, New York 13365, LISA A. H EIMINIC residingat 1032 Hoa$crburgh R6ad, Walikill, New ~'ork 12559 and CARL R. MAGUIRE, ~csiding at 324 East $$~s Street, Apartment I B, New (ork, New Yor.k..1002$~ as Trustees of the CilARLES F. AND CAROL A. MAGUIRE incor(e~'~h"'~lled as CAROL M. MAGUIRE) FAMILY TRUST dated July 21~ CAROL A. MAGUIRE, residing at 2500 Nassau Point Roa~, ' ~utchogue, New York 11935 puny of the second part. WITNESSETH, that the parly ofihe first part, in omsidemtion ofTen Dollm and other valuable con~idcruxh~n paid by tine party of the part. does hereby ~'uat and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or aucceasors and russians of the pa~y of the sectmd pm forever, ALL that cc~ain plot. p~ne or Iran'el of land. with the buildings md impsuvemem.~ thereon erected, situate, lyin~ .t Cutchogue, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and lesignated as Lots 177 and i 78 on a certain map entitled *'Amended Map A of Section A. Nassau oint Club Properties, Nassau Point**, filed in the Office of the Clerk ofihe County of Suffolk on ~ctober 21, 1920, as Map No. 753, and also shown on said map filed August 16, 1922 as Map 1o. 156. ;AID premises being known as 2500 Nassau Point Road, Cutchogue, New York 11935. iEING AND INTENDED TO BE THE same premises conveyed lo the party of the first part deed dated July 21, 2005, recorded in Liber12414 Page830 on October i 7. 2005, in the Office )fthe Clerk of the County of Suffolk. 'ro(;E'rH ER with all fight, lille and interesl, if an)'. of the Ixuty of the fiat pa~ of, in ami to uny streets and roads abofling the ulx,ve-described premises Io the center Ii n~s thin. of'- TOGETHER with the appm~enances and all the estate and fights of the mrty of the flint part in and to suid premiss: TO HAVE AND TO IIOLD Iht premises herein granted unto th~ party of the .,nec~nd p,~. the heirs or successur~ and a~slg, t~ of the party of the second ~ forever. AND the party of the firsl pan ,',,"o"*'enanL'~, that dne pray of the fi~ part has ~ol done or suffered anything whereby the said ~remiie.~ have been incumbered in any way whate%'n', except as nfuresuid. AND the petty of the first pan, in compliance with Seclion 1.1 of the Lien Law, covanants that the ir~xy of the first pan will receive the con.~icleration fur Ilti~ conveyance and will huld the right tu roreivn such cousidcradon u.s a trust fund to ~ applied fi~ for the porpo~ of ~y~ng the eo.~t uf thc improvement and will apply the suing first to the payment of the c~t of the smpmvement before using any part of the tOlal of the sume fur uny other pu~ Tim word "puny" shall he con-earned as if it read "parties" whenever the scn.~ of this indenture so requi~e,t. ~ wri,NE.c~s WHERF. OF. the IzaZY. of the first IN PRE.~KNCg OF: ptm has duly execu is ck~l e day and year first uboce wriue, fl. State o£ New ¥o=k, County o£ ~F~:~U(_ }~ss.: On the /~ day of weae~-r ~n the year 2006 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared CARL R. NAG~IXRE, personall~ khown to me or proved to me on the' basis of satisfactory evidence to be -' the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrumen~ ~nd %" acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity, and ' that .by hfs.signature, on the instrument, the individual, or the person upon-behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. ~,*;i':ACKAY)WIJ.3X;MgATFORMBEI. DWRTTIILVN~W)'OEA'.~YA~ONI~: b~'o~ mc. a~e und~. I~'~.mll:,' ~ar~d John A. H~tsu/re , pc~mally kum~ m mn oF proved m mc (m flw b~qk ~' evidence to be ~c ind~viduul(s) wtmsc mine(s) i. (a~c) sub~b~d ~u d~ wiLhin imu~mem nd dnowl~ m mc dui hc/she/d~,T exe~ted (laserl the city or other political subdM.6on w~d :~ x~c er countO' or ~her ~ the ac~,~'ledgment ?YrLF. NO. BARC~IN & SAI.E DKEI) Carol A. l~lte FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCK OCOMPANY 0}' NEW YORK Dtgmg~' 1000 S r:cno.~ 10~ .00 BLoC~ 12.00 Lt~ 01/~.001 Suffolk Fidelity Nndmml Title I~,.m~ Comlmny of New %'(~k Davldow Davldow Siegel & Stern, LLP One Suffolk Square - Suite 330 1601 Yeterens Memorial Highway lslandla, New York 11749 (TC) ti] Number of pages · .. TORRENS Serial # · Ccrtificme ~" :' . P~or Cfi. # ]Deed ~ Mortgage Instrument ..~ TP-584 ' ..:: ~ EA-5217 (County) "" R;~.T.$.A. '"' Comm. of Ed. Certified Copy Deed I Mo.ngage ~ St~np' Sub Total ~ Oread Total '-' .Reg. Copy .Other'" ". ' Il000 Is,,tion 10~.00 12.00 · ~ '. 4- IDistdct . .Block " Rcnl ~'~-- '' .... ' ................. '.". ' ' ! 07008290 zo4oo z2oo o~.,sooz ;.. ;.. ' ?mperty.· , ~ !' .:;.',. ' Tax S~rvice ~(,~PMi S~/ I '[~'.'-.". :. A's'~hey.: ' ' · ... ! ~ : · ."~.'c .' "· '. .... ' RECORD & RgTIJRN TO: ' ....· " '!'.:' ",'[ :.-'"'~ D id Si ~ LLP : .. av owDnvidow egel&$te ,, · ,'·'~, ', ·'.' · 0ne,Suffolk ,'}' ~ .;...:'. -. ,;:? .. :. · · ~" ' ' - ' 1601"¥~t~'~b~ M~morhl lllgu.w~y · " .... ~.-~-' ' '. '."lihndh; l~I~..~orl~ 1 t74~ .?' '.5"' ' .... [ Co. Name · [ Tide#. .'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'~7 Nar 19 02:07:05 PN Svdi~h A. Pascale · 'SL~FOLK COUH~ L DO001~ DT# 06-26976 .Mofl[,ag~.AmL'" I. Bnsic Trix 2. Ad~itionnl Trix , Sub Total S~. I~i~. "' ~,~T~ . Dual Tow6 - Dual ~unty ' Held for ~p~i~tmunt ~ T~f~ ' ~ ~ ~c pm~y ~v~ by ~ motgage is or wH! ~ ~mpm~ by ~ ~ne or t~'o 'f~H[ dwelling only. "o~ NO ~fNO, ~ app~ ~ clau~ on . ~g~ 0 o[ t~ it~umunt. 5 Coa~tnunit~ P~ivnflon Fund · ... -. V~t~d T~ Title Compa'ny Information. :Silffolk' County,!Recording & Endorsement Page · · . .Th~ .page ~'or~. putt of thc attach, ed Deed made by: (SPECIPY TYPE bP INSTRUME&T) The premisis ~in ~ situn~ in SU~OLK count. NEW YORK· In ~c V~GE ~ HAML~ or ~ccho~e .-' BOXES 6 THROUGH g MUST BE TY~'~i},ORIPRINTED IN BLACK IIflK. ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING (over) SUFFOLK COUh~Y CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PA~E Type o£ Instrument: DEEDS/DDD ~--~er of Pages: 4 Receipt l~,--her : 07-0026748 TPa~NSFER TAX ~U~BER: 06-26976 District: 1000 Deed Recorded: LIBER: PAGE: Section: Block: 104.00 12.00 EXAMINED AND C~J~GED ~ FOLLOWS $o.00 03/19/2007 02107:05 P~ D00012496 993 Lot: 014.00l Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Pa~e/Filing $12.00 NO Handling COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHg EA-CTY $5.00 NO SA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert. Copies RPT $30.00 NO SCTM Transfer tax $0.00 NO C~.Pres Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 06-26976 THIS PAgE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 $o.oo $152.00 NO NO NO NO Judith A. Pascale County Clerk, Suffolk County ' ,' '" PLEASE TYPE 'OR PRESS FlflMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM "' INSTRUCTIONS: http:# www. orps.state.ny, us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 COUNTY USE ONLY ~,, I 02. Dm D~ed RKord~d rrA'~ BO~D OF REAL I~,OPERTY SEAVIOE8 I i,'iJq,3LT -' ', , ,I RP- 5217 2500 ]~BB~U PD~I: & DIId , I J #Mpa~ls OR [] PanolaPaf~ Io.I ~. z 6 I 13. ~11 S/Moo I , . ~ ; _, 0 , 0 I A B C D E F H I J ~Lbd"mthoM~dM I , ,n~q .... O , 0 I I A~SESSMENT INFORMAtiON - Da~ .houM reflecl ~e ~tmt Final A~esamant aoll Ind Tlx Bill I ~v...*~*-...---~.d~.-I 2~.5 I..T.a~nI~aV./I..a~...~/....a~l , , . ., 8.8 .0 ,0 I ~&P,w,,~,ch,, i2' 1, q-I I tL~dmdm.btaN, ml ~ttt~c~ re~ocat~o= o~ tzuet I L000 104 12 14:l I I J ~ER 324 I ~t 85eh Stzeet-~t. lB . Her York I NY I lO0~ CatI ia. BU~i ATTOflNEY 631 I 2~-30~ NEW YORK STATE COPY