HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12494 P 921TAX MAP DF.~ilGNA'IlC tN St:g. BIk. 2 Fonn ~04' 8-85 Qultcla~n Deed-lndividusi ~ Coq)omllon. (=gle d~eet) ;OlfULT YOUll LAIflIR IEFOB EGIENG TI~I INIll~IIAT - liES ~ITRUMINT Ii~ULD Il UIEO IV LAWI~II OflLY, THIS INDF, NTU~E, nmde the 8th DAY OF JANUARY. TWO THOUSAND SEVEN BETWEEN -. KAREN MARIE TYERS AND RONAI,D WII.I.IAM BUSClt, '[RUSTEES, UNDER TFIE i usc I.tVINO'rRus DA'rED JUNE IS, I ')S WEST ,SLIP, NEW YOR : t ?9S . ;..g..;..o. .o?., party of'the first ~ and KAREN MARIE TYERS AND RONALD WILLIAM BUSCH, TRUSTEF. S, OR THEIR SUCCESSORS IN TRUST, UNDER TI IE BUSCII I.IVING TRUST FAMII.Y SHARE I)ATED JUNE I$, 1995 of 85 IIORTON STREET, WEST ISl.IP, NEW YORK' 11795 pony of.lhe second part, '.~.:...,~;. '"".~. WiTNIry,.qI~TII, 11101 the patty of, the first pan. m cons~deralmn at .I on.Dollars and other, valuable,cons~deratmn paid hy the party of'lhe second purl. does ~n'cby rcm se ~.leas~:~ qu tca I umo the nam, of,.the seco d pan, the ,e rs or successurs and nss,ges ortho party oftbe second pan threver..,,~: Dg~0 r.'4 ¥ ", AL~u tim certain plot, piece or parcel of, land, with lite buildings and improvemums thereon etect,.'d, situate, lying aM being in th-' SEE SCHEDULE A ATTACHED Being and intended to be the sam,: premisas described in a certain deed dated July 30, 2002 attd recorded Scptefltber 19, .00= in the SUFI.'OLK County Clerk s Oflicc in I.iber 12209 Page 980. TOGETHER with all right title and interest, if any, et' the parly of the first pan in and to any streets and roads abutting the above dcscrihed [~"enlises tO Ih~ center lines Ihereuf,; TOGETIIER with Ibc appurtenanc~ and ltl:~ all thc estate and rilOtts of the pony of the first pan in and lo said prentises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein b~dnlnd unto Iht pm'ly of.the s~cond part, thc heirs or successurs and assigns of.thc pafly of.the s~cund pan forever. AND thc pnfly of.the first part, in compliance with Sectiun 13 of lbo Lien I.nw. I~.'n.~y eovcoants thai tie party ur.the first part will receive the consideratiou Ibr this eom,'eyanee and will hold the fight lo n~:eive such consideration as a tmra rand to be applied tim for the purpose el'paying the cost of the improventent and will apply the smite first to the payment of the cora of Ibc irapmvement before using any part of the Iotal of.the same fro' any other purpose. 'll~e word -party" shall be constrtu~.d ns if it rend "pa~ief' whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. thc party of the first pan ha~ duly executed this d~'d the day and y~.'dr fir~t above IN WITNE88 WHERE~ written. // / IN PRES~ Exldbit A. 1575 Reydon Drive, Southold. New York 11971 ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the'buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in flat Town ot.'Sou, thold. Suffolk County, New York,. 'known and desiff~nated as and by the lots Nurabem SLxl~en (16), Seventeen (17) and Eighteen (18~ in Block E as shown on a certain map entitled "Map of Reydon Shoi~ Inc., Bayview. L.I., N.Y., in the town of Southold. Suffolk County, N.Y." and filed in the Oftiee of the Clerk of Sufl'olk County: Rivethead. New York. on July' is~, 1931, as Map No. 63 I. TOGETHER with the right of use for boating, bathing and fishing all that portion of Beach lying in front of Sections A and B, as shown on said map. in common with Reydon Shores, inc. and with others who now have or ma)' hereafter a~quirc fights in the .same. subject, however, to such reasonable rules and regulations with respect lo Ihe use thereof, as the said Reydon Shores. Inc., may from time to time put into effect. TOGETHER with a right of way over the roads, high. ways. streets o'r lanes shown on said map and over a road or highway known as Reydon Drive. which runs through other property of Reydun Shores. Inc.: and right to be in common with l~ydon Shores. Inc. and with others who now have or may hereafter acquire rights in the same: but it is expressly understood and agreed that Reydon Shores. Inc. reserves to itself, its successor and assigns the title to the land lying within the bed ofall of'said Road, called Reydon Drive. and the right to make improvements and to lay: erect and maintain water, gas, electric and telephone systems thereon and thereunder, in all of said roads, stre~ts, highways or lanes as shown on said map. TOGETHER with any right to the reasonable ase and enjoyment of that portion of the inland harbor owned by Reydon Shores, Inc. and to the use ora portion of the northerly line of the bulkhead and to such other portions of said bulkhead as my be set aside in common with the other plot owners to date and others who may hereafter acquire title to land from Rey~n Shores,. Inc., may fi'om time to tim~ put into effect, it being expressly understood that the party of the first pa~ herein and Reydon Shores, Inc. shall not be held liable in any way whatsoever tbr any accident or accidents that may occur in connection with the use nad enjoyment of said bulkhead and harbor from any cause whatsoever Being and intended to be the same premises described on a certain deed dated July 30, 2002 and recorded in thc Office of the Suffolk County Clerk on September 19, 2002 in Liber 12209 Page 980. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ,-,: On the January 8. 2007, before nm. the undersigned, personglly appeased KAREN MARIE TYERS TRUSTEE. personally kmtwn lo me ec proved te me on the basis of satisthclo~' evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that site executed the same in her capacity, nad that b_,y,.,.he~gnature on the instrumenL the individual or the.,laeffm~.~m beJlalf'of' which the individual actecL MARK 8. EGHRARI Notmy Public, State of New York No. 02EG4946819 Oualjfmd in Suffolk County STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK On thc Januar%.. II, 2007. before me. the undersigned, personally appeared RONALD WILLIAM HUSCII pet~ooally known to me or pm~'d lo me oft the basis oF salisfacto~/, evidence m be lite individual WilLie nmne is subscribed to Ihe within instrument and ncknowled~d lo me tirol he executed the same in his capacit)L and that hy his signature on person on hehalf ofw~ instrument. ~_. Mtenl, the individual, or the vidual acted, executed the MARK S. EGHRARI i,~'Puhl1~;, State _of~ ~N_ew M No. 02E(~,94aB'IU Oualiliod in SUffolK OOUflty,,,,IJ4 3 Commlon F.~es Fe~. 8, STATE OF HEW YORK, OUUN1 Y OF ' , au: On the day or 20 . hef'ore me personally came to me known to be the individual deserlhed in and who executed the fol~going inslfument, and ncknowledsed that executed the same. STATE OF NBN YORK, COUNTY OF JO: On the da.v of 20 , befme me petsonnlly came the subscribing witness to the foregoin8 in~lrumenL with whom I am personally ncqnainted, who. being by' me duly sworn. did depose nad say that he n.~sides at No. That he knows lc, be the individual described in and who execated the fos~'going inmru;nenl; that he, said subscribing witness, was presell and saw execute the same: and that he. said witness, at the stone time subscribed h name as witness thereto. QUITCLAIM DEED KARFN MARIE TYERS AND RONAI.I.} WILLIAM BUSCII, SUCCESSOR TRUSTEES, OR THEIR SUCCESSORS IN TRUST. UNDER TIlE BUSCH I.IVING TRUST I)A'I'EI) JUNE I$, IOO8 '1'0 KAREN MARIE TYERS AND RONALD WILl.lAM BIJSCII. SUCCESSOR TRUSTEES. OR THEIR SUCCESSORS IN TRUST, UNDER THE BUSCII LIVING TRUST FAMILY SIIARE L)A'I'EI) JUNE I$. seC'TlOr~ 80 III.f'~CK 2 t.,)r 19 c~,,~rY SUFFOI.K 'I'A.~ nll.l.INO AI}I}RF,.q.q RETURN BY MAIL TO: W~,I I,llp. New York-' [[7.95 J Nulnl'~r ~)1' pal~cu This document will be public record. Please remove all Social Security Numbers prior to recording. r~ed I Ml~rtgaee Instrument Pa§c / Filth§ Fee · Deed I Morlgage 'li(x Stamp I landling 5. U0 TP-584 Nnlalimt I':A 52 17 (Colillty} -r EA 5217 (State) R.P.T.S.A. C. nml..£ Ed. AfTidavil Cerlified C-py NYS Surcharge Uther R~aI' T.x L AgeHcy Verifieali.n Sub T()tul _ 5. 15. O(I Sub Tnlal (ir,,nd 'lblal .. 0700,41'87-zooo oeooo o2oo 029000 2007 Nar 05 02:4g:I0 Fl1 Judi~ Iq. Pascale CLERff OF SUFFOLK COL~' L 000012494 P 92t OT# 06-25408 R~'ording I Filing Stamps Moflgage Atilt. I. Basic Tax 2. Addilinn:tl Tax Sub '~ta] SpccJ~ssit. Spec./Add. T(YI'. MTG. TAX __ Dual 'lbwn Droll Cc)rally __ Held fi~r Appointment __. 'fransfcr 'lhx Mansinn Tax "lrlN: property cnvcrcd hy lifts i~r will be implxwed t~mily dwcllinE truly. YES__ ' .~ r,T N(.)~ If NC), sc~ appn~pdale tax clause page ~ .... vi' this inalnllnefll. Community Preset'va(loll FI]nd Cnnsider~tion AtttoutU $ . CPF 'ran Due $ Imprm'ed VaCalll Lal#l TD TI ) TI) ___ J Mail to: Judith A. Pascale, Suffolk County Clerk 7 'ritl_e Corn an Information · 310 Center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901 ICh. N-',me ~0~/ ~]~_,~>' This page fi. ms In,n of' lhu attached . ' __ ramie h'y: (SPECIFY 'rY?l~ OI, INSTRLIMENT) Thc premises herein is siluulcd in SUFFOI.K COU~r~: NEW YORK. . TC) hi tl~ TOWN of '.2_ . BOXES 6 THRU 8'~IUST JIF. TYPED OR PRINTI/D IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR Tf) RECORDING OR I"ll .INCl. SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD ~er O£ P&geB: 4 Receipt ~er : 07-0022129 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 06-25408 D~strictz 1000 Deed Amount= Recorded~ At~ LIBER: PAGE: Section: Block: 080.00 02.00 ZX a D AWD C GgD AS FOLLOWS $o.oo Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG · J~-CTY $5.00 NO ~A-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cmrt.Copimm RPT $30.00 NO SC'TM Transfer tax $0.00 NO Coma. Pres Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX ITO~BER: 06-25408 THIS PAGE IS A PART OFT HE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Judith A. Pasc&le County Clerk, Suf£olk County 03/05/2007 02:49:10 PM D00012494 921 Lot: 019.000 Exempt $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $75.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $152.00 PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http~/www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 Rogpan~,~tmmh~do~Jm~ml I , , /I #ofP~rcele Ol~ P=n~aPme~l ~,.,~ I Ixl IoRI .... J I 3 Fmldly Resldemlal dntial Vi~r4 Lind 12. Date d Sale I Trm~. f' I I I , /o7, C D E F 13. Furl ~I~PHgo I ........ b . O I s ~ I .~.,,E~..~.~,.o.. ~. ~ould ~ the ~ Final ~mem ~1 and Tax Bill I O~her U rmm~l Fm=~o~ ,~ec~n~ ~¢e Prlm (~'y Bek~v) ~0. Tm Map ~ I Rdl IdeKIIh~ld II ma~ tbn low, etmh d~el with edditla~ll Iden~ieds)l I t j LCOPY