HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12495 P 222THIS INOENTURE, made the ,,'?,~' ~ day of FEBRUARY 2OO7 BET'IN~EN MARY ANN GIAMBRONE 185 SOUTH STREET $OUTHOLD. NY'd'rPgT'* NElL GIAMBRONE AND MARY ANNE GIAMBRONE, HIS WIFE 165 ~OU'11'1 STREET Sou'mcx.o. NY ,K-~e+- [~qqI party o~ the second part. WlTNESNETH, that the pmty of the flint pad, In conskleralion of TEN dollars paid by the pan~ d the .econd Ixet, dom hereby grad and releaae unlo Ibm pauly of Ihe second pa~t, the helm ALL that certain ploL piece or parcel of land. with the buildk~gs and knprovements thereon erected, situate. lying end being in the SEE SCHEDULE A ANNEXED HERETO. TOGETHER w#h "1 dDht, ~ and Interest, ~ any, of the patty ~ the r~t pan in and to any stmet~ and roads abutting ~te above deecribed premhms to the center Gne~ thereof;. TOGETHER Mth the appurtenances and aB the estale and rights of the party of b~e first part in and to ~,M premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the promises herein granted unto the party of the second parL the helm or sw'~'~_a_~ors and'assigns of the pa."fy of AND the party cd' the flint part covenants Ihat the party of the rnt pan has 'not done o~ aufferecl anything whereby the saki pmndaea have been enmmbeeed In any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND ~te pan'y M the flrat pm1. In oompliance with Section t3 of the Lien Law. covanants that the party of the flint prat MI re~lve the ;on~ideratlon for this conveyaflM and will hold Ihe right to re~ such coflsidemtJon as a I~ust fu~ to be appkd first for Ihe ~qx~se of paying the. cost ~ the Improvement and wia apply the same flrat to the payment of the cost d the Improvement before using any prat of lam total of the same for any other Pm. The wo~d 'party" shall be constn~KI as If it read 'parties" when ever the sans~ of th~ Indemum so mquims. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the palty ~ the first pert has duly executed this deed the day and year I~t above .I iN PRESENCE OF: -' .- ~ -, ' L /×" - 81anda~l N.Y.B.T.U. Fm~ __J~__ - Baqlaln end Sale Deed, wilh Covmtant against ~,aato~ Acta _ Unlfo~ ,N:lmoMedgmeni Fora1 3290 ALL r~at certa~L plot. IxLoce o~ l~Lrcel c~ l.ud..~tuate. lyLAg ired being a~ Sou~aold. Tmr~' c~ ScurJ~td. Caunt¥ ot ' 0£ d'eilt;e3;, 2.S0.00 £ae~' lc) ZlUXl nov 03: 4'(mm,cly 0£ i(bUL"d ~ NOECA 82 d~Tees 37' 'tOe bt;:, id. Gag BaLd la:nd, lIS.00 £oec co ~_n~ nov oz' f'ozuo,cly o£ )/:iAI:Lan r. The~'e~a Kodg:LB; South 07 d~nea 2~' SO' Ba~C, a3.ong _e~4_~ land o~ 3,50.00 tee*' co a~.Oe ~ ~ ½0' Vest:, along elm narchezly · al:L'aeC, 119.00 zeet: CO elm lmJaU; ~ l),l,~e of BMKNT BY RUBSCRInlN~ ~ TAKEN IN NEW YORK Shit= of New York, Com~ of On the day of in the year before me. the ~8ned. fa Not~ Public in end for said State pe~onnliy &~caz~ed . the sub,'ri'bin8 witness to the fo~'BoJn8 imimment, wid~ whom I am pemonally acquainted, vflto, bein~ by me duly sworn, n'kJ depose and to be the indivMml deac~bed in and who executed tho fme~olng inmn-nent; that said I~bsc~in8 witness was ptmegt and saw said execute tlr rune; nd dui said wimca at the same lime nhmtl~d hi~er/the/r name(R) ACKNOWJ~D(;EMI~NT TAKEN rig NEW YORK STATE State ot New Yolk, County of O~ thc day of in the year before me, the unde~sKd, pmomlly Ippea~ pmmmlly known to nm or ixowl b) me on the bR.,ds or nfisfKtm~ ' evh]encc lo be dw indivMuiks) whose name(s) is (&'~) sub,bed to the wifhin huf~nnem and ecknowleds~d to rne that he/she/they executed the same in his/herhheir capm:[t~(iea), and that by Id sfller/t heh' d grdlmt~s) off the [n~. thc individuaJ(s), orfhe peraon ~q~ofl bebaifofwh~ch the individual(s) acted, executed the im~3u~em. ACKNOWLKDGEM b~NT TAKEN OU~IDE NEW YORK STATIC %qtato of . Count,/of , ss: *(Or insm Distficl of Columbia. Tefl'itmT, Ftxueuion or Foreign Onthe de/of in the year bet'om me, the undmigned, pe~onnl]y appea~l Personally known to me or proved to me mlthe basis of mdsfat~of~ evidmco to be the individual(a} whine tame(s) Ls (a~) suba~J'bed to the within insIJ~tenl' and aclmowledsed to me that IF./she/they . executed tho mme in hia/~heh'capaelt~(im), thor by hh/twr/thelr siBnatun~s) on dm inatmrnmt, the individual(s) or the pmlon up(m b,h~ror ~ me indiv~mqs) acted, executed the immnext, md that zeh individual nuke m:h ~ befo~ Ihe tmdeflilned in (add thc city oF political mihdivision and the smte m. eounu, ym. other )lace the ac~nowledBcment wu taken). Bargain and Sale Deed with Covenant Title No. MARY ANN GIAMBRONE TO NElL GIAMB~ONE AND MARY ANN ClAMBRONE7 YOUR TITLE EXPERTS The JudlrJel Title ImumnGe Agency LLC 800-26I.TmJE (8486') FAX: SECT1ON: '~ .BLOCK: 10 LOT: M COUNTY OR TOWN: S[~7OLK RETURN BY MAIL TO: Number of pages L This document will be public record. Please remove all Social Security Numbers prior to recording. Deed / Mortgage Instrument 3 Page I Filing Fee Handling 5. 00 TP-$8-¢ ~'~ Notation EA-52 17 (County EA-$217 (State) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. Deed I Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES 5. O0 NYS Surcharge 15. 00 SubTotal /'~ ~ Other 2007 ~r i[~ 04:28:42 Judi/~t ~1. Pescale O. ERg OF SUFFOLK L 000012495o P 222 DT# 06-2r---~26 Rneording / Filing Stamps Mortgage Amt. 1. Basic Tax 2, Additional Tax Sub Total SpecJAssic or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual Count)' __ Held for Appointment Tramfcr Tax ~ Mansion Tax The property covered by this mor~ag¢ is or will be improved by a one or two family dwcUing only. or NO If NO, see appropriate tax clause' on page # ~ of this instrument. 4 C01Tlfflz!11~W Preservatfon Fund Real Propc~. Tax Service Agency CPP Tax Due Verification, ~tl~)ndDischnrgas/Releasas L~st t"mperty uwncrs ~vza.,.l~ r~ldruas § ] RECORD & RETURN TO: $ I Improved !Vacant Land __ 310 Center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901 . Name www. suffolkcountyny.gov/clerk ] Title # (SPECIFY TYPE OF I~,,TSTRUMEi',rT) The premises herein is situated in SumFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument; DEEDB/DDD ~,--~er o£ Pages: 4 Receipt Number : 07-0022781 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER= 06-25626 Districts 1000 Deed Amount= Recorded= At= LIBER: PAGE: Section: Block= 070.00 10.00 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $o.oo Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies RPT $30.00 NO SCTM Transfer tax $0.00 NO Comn. Pres Fees ~aid TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 06-25626 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Judith A. Pascals County Clerk, Suffolk County o /o6/2oo? 04s28:42 PM D00012495 222 Lot = 006.000 $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $75.00 NO $5.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $157.00 PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.state.ny, us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 IFOR C~)UNTY USE ONLY -- ~ / ") I RP- 5217 I [ IOnly I Put d a hnd) Chink u ~h~y q~ [ [ [ [ #of Patois O~ PMtOfiP~M tPl~nin~B~rdt q,,MivMonAzj~Exil~ [] t..op..., L Ixl DI INon4~k~,t~V~tL,~d HI I Emm~memlAmu~mem LI I r-or~ I s~ ~.r-o.,~'r,o. I 11. ~ c,,,.,~-, o.~ I / / I ltMSm~k. [ , ,~, 0, 0 I ! · · ~4. k~..t~t~*~k~M~o,~ I ....... 0 , 0 I ~,y I,mmM ~ ~ W~ ? ? . [ ~ME~ INF~MA~N - ~ sh~ mfl~ the le~t fi~l ~m~t Rdl ~ Tax Bill 1tYwd~hm[ , I · )[ ~t -~ ~t ~ ~ s~ I . m. T= IM~ idlatbl,I I M Mla~(,I (If mit ~ki~ f==. wJd~ W with id~nll Will) [ CERTIFICATION I ~ f. HI' 1~1179! I BUYER'S ATTORNEY 631 I 958,64.~0 · / NEW YORKcopySTA.-TE