HomeMy WebLinkAbout431 Law and the provisions of the Amer. ,d Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold, at the Town Clerk Office, i land of Zebroski. ~ial excel~ti~o~ in accordance with the north by Village of Greenport property, east by Krupski, south by Herzog and of Colonial-Hlte~ Company of New,i New York City 3, New York, for a Greenport, New York. property hotrod- ed north by Village of Gresnport prop- erty, east by Krupski, south by Herzog ~ and Kalin and west by Moore's Lane. S:30 P. M. (E~S.T.), upon application Ordinance, Article III, Section S08, for of-way on the east side of Rocky Point erty bounded north by Stamos, east l~y Aquaview Realty Corp., south by of-way. New York, bounded north by Village of Greenport property, east by Krupski, south by Herzog and Kalin and west by Moore's Lane. the above applications should appear at the time and place above specified. DATED: March I and 5, By Order of the Southold Town Board of Appeals. - --- COONTY O~ SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK ~ Walter B. Gagen, being duly sworn, soys thor he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a punic news- paper printed at Southo[d, in Suffolk Coumy; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, hos bcen published in said Long Island Zraveler-Mattituck Wotch- man once each week for ..................... .....' ........... ,.. weeks successively, commencing on the ...................................... Sworn to before me this ........................ day e ............ ...:'....~...:...f ...... 19_'; ..... Notary Public Page 2 - Legal Notice to erect and maintain wall sign on Greenport Falcaro Lanes, east side Moore's Lane, Greenport, NeW York. Pro~erty bounded north by Village of Greenport property, east by Krupeki, south by Herzog and Kalin and west by Moore*s Lane. 8~15 P.M. (E.$.T.), upon application of Colonial-Hires COmpany of New York, Inc., 225 Park Avenue South, New York City 3, New York, for a special exception ~/~ accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article IV, Sectian 408, for permission to erect and maintain wall sign on Greenport Falcaro Lanes, east sl~e MOOre's Lane, ~reenport, New York. Property bounded north by village of Greanport property, east by Krupski, south by Herzog and Kalin and west byMoore's Lane. 8c30 PM. (E.S.T.), upon applic&tion of Rose A. Caputo, 2130 Harmon Street, Rldgewood 27, New York, for a v~riance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 308, for permission to reduce rear yard setback on property located on private right-of-way on the east side of Rocky Point Road, East Marion, New York. Property boundad north by Stamos, east by Aq~aview Realty Corp., south by Rose~berg, and west by private right-of-way. 8:45 P.M. (~.S.T.), upon application of Moore's Lane Co~poration, 69 F~ther Lane, Xiverhead, New York, for a variancei in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article IV, Section 404, for permission to reduce front yard setback on property located on the east side of Moore's Lane, Greenport, New York, bounded north by Village of Greenport property, east by Krupeki, south by Herzog and Kalin and west by Moore~s Lane. Page 3, Legal Notice Any person desiring to be heard on the above applications should appear at the time and place above specified. DATED~ March 1 & 5, By Order of the Southold Town Board of Appeals. PLEASE Pb~LIBH ONCE, MARCH 8, 1962 AND FORWARD SEVEN (7) AFFIDAVITS OF P~BLICATION TO THE BOARD OF APPEALS, TOWN CLEPd( OFFICE, MAIN ROAD, $(K,'T~OLD, NEW Copies mailed to the following on March 6, 1962~ The Long Island Travelar-Mattituck Watchman Joseph Snellenburg, a/c Julius Zebroskl Richard J. Cron, a/c William & Clara Hall Colonial-Hires Co. of New York, Inc. Rose A. Caputo Moore's Lane Corporation TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW Y~ APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL EXCEPTION APPLICATION NO. DATE 1~, ,e, ,b..?.,. i ,2. ,~. ~, z962 TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, SOUTHOLD, N. Y. Name Street and Number ...~.e...w....z...o.~.....c..t.~z..~ ................................................ ~j.~.w....Z.~k .................................. Municipality State hereby apply to THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION in accordance with the ZONING ORDINANCE ARTICLE _L~ SECTION 408 SUBSECTION THE SPECIAL EXCEPTION IS REQUESTED BECAUSE This sidewall sign is required by "Brunswick" at any alley using their equipment. It is the owners request that ~u ex- ception be allowed in order to co~ply with their contract. (Sign #3 on our drawings) STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss COUNTY OF ) Febuary 27, 1962 Colonial Hites Co Inc 225 ~ark Ave So. New York 3, N.~. Attn: Thomas F. Schade Dear Sir; Received your applicati~n and drawings for the signs on the Falcaro bowling alley building at Greenport, L.I. Please be advised that sign #1 and sign #2 for the front wall of the building are 0.K. and the permit fee for them will be $ 9.50. Sign # 3 is a side wall sign and will require a special exception from the Board of Appeals and if approved the fee for sign #3 will be $ 1.8% (Article IV, ~ectlon $0~ of ordinance). Sign gA+ . a ground sign will require a special exception from the Board of Appeals as it is over 12'-6" long and over 1%'-6" high~ the fee for this s~gn if approved will be $ $.75 (article IV, section $08). I am enclosing the necessary application forms to make application to the Board of Appeals for the emceptions. These should be filled out in duplicate - citing section ~O8 of the ordinance - and giving reasons for needing the w~]~ sign on side of building on one applicstion ad the reasons for the extra heigth & length on the ground sign to gether with any other pertinent reasoning and fects which you wish to put before the Board. Someone should al>pear at the scheduled hesring - notice will be sen to you of time, place & date - so as to answer any q%estions the Board may haveS This can be anyone who is directly connected with the project- the owner, builder, engineer, attorney or from your office. A receipt is enclosed for the ordinance fee of 2%¢. ~eperate checks for sign peru~it fees and for board of Appeals should be made out to the Town of $outhold. The fee for special exception application, s are 9 l~.00 each. The Board of Appels will meet March 1st to set hearing dates for all applicat~!cns received by then, these hearings will normaly be held two weeks from that date. Trustin~ the above will be helpful to you. Yours truly QUANT. L ~U~ ~L~×, DSSCRIFTION ' STUDS ' HUTS FURNITURE LAGS WASHERS I I QUANT. HARDWARE SCHEDULE QUANT. DESCRIPTION ' RAWLTAPESS DESCRIPTION ' · "S'RJD5 LAG __~' · '" SCREWS MACHINE · ,' BOLTS V.- V /% fLo - o L~-ouT - 228 PARSON ST. -- WEST COLUMBIA, ==. C. PHONE AL 6-0606 ;_~_r!~N~' To)~ '~CRI~D;, DALE: ~E~, T/ ~ N~ M E T A L & P L A S T I C L E T T E R S & S I G N S o~ K DOODWi,~ CHKB BYz .i, II II II 1 III I II , , _ _ ,,, , '"'' ': '", ' ~ " ~.i ~o b lA ~ ~ ! I FUINnUU ~ ~G ALU~NUM 228 PA~N ST. -- WEST COLUMBIA, S. C.' - PHONE AL 6~606 {&iI~l. To --~CH ~D.~ . DA~ :~; 7 ~/ ~ -- - - '- "x "~Os "x .I "scR~s --." x "s~s '/~; _ . . ~ ~cH~NE ~ E T A L · P L A S T I c L ET T E R S · S I G H S,~ D~lt= ~o~oxwu .cHKBIY, . L 0 0