HomeMy WebLinkAbout134 ~ ;27 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEA~ING " I. Pur~nt to'Secti0!1.267 Of. ,the Town ! La \V and the provisiQns of the Amended I Building -Zone 'Orctl:ni:mce of the Town of 8outl1Qld;.Suffolk c.ounty, ~ew,..york. PUblic hearing'-;.-Wm-Be'1ieTIIby the ,Zoning l;loard of-, ApPeals of the Town II of 'Southold at; 'the Town Clerk's Of- fice' Main Street, Southold, New York: on Ja~uRry" 29; 1959 on t,he following i appeal':," . '. ,.' I 1:30 P. M; (E.S:TJ u,pon application. of Jame~ .and Claudia: Darden for '8 variance ,irom the Building" Zone Or~: dinance Sections' 303, 304, ~ 307- 'and 308,: and recognition or" access under-. Sec- I ltian ',280A ,Qf. the Town La,w. Property ,located north' side ~of Main 'Road, :bounded on north f;)y land of -Junius; Hubbard; east by land of Herman Hub- , bard. south by land ',of ~Herman Hub~ i bard; ~nd west by land of Maston.' : I Any, person desiring to be heard on I the above application should appear at, ithe time 'and. place abO,ve sPeclfieq.....~ ~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK I ss. Frederick C. Hawkins, being duly swam, says that he is the owner and publisher of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; ond that the notice of which the annexed is 0 printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for .....&~..(I/ weT successively, commencing on the ..........;;r...d...~;.<<.... doy of .J;ad<C.h:........... 19.;).7 _ ~~._(,,;;kC-lLL-t.~.~~ ...............-.<:......"........................................................... /Lei. Sworn to before me this h........d..::3..... day of ..~d4...h......h. 1967 c2~~~~hhhh~~Lhh hh" ..... . N~tary PUbl!'C?j ADELE PAYNf. .. Notary Public, State ~f New Vetil: Res""nfl in ~u:lol.( CLlunty "'!jN~, 52-3.A!U:JJ ,"," CommissIon EXi"ires ~r.arch 30, A".. ~ l< /7 ~//'1tJ./' TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. NEW YORK r.v ((V ~./' APPEAL FROM DECISION OF BUILDING INSPECTOR APPEAL NO. I 31 DATtJ~..I.~"'!./'f7 TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, TOVv'N OF SOUTHOLl), N. Y. , ."" -. - , - . I, (We) ..~~.~. .~.. .9;j..1!-~~.~.~.1!: .!?~.~~...... .... .~...o{ .... .!1!?#:1;!!-J*.. .~@:r-!.~.... ............... .::.~.\:.:::::~ ...... Name of Appellant Street and Number Bridgehampton . Mun icipa I ity N~,!..~!?!,~........... HEREBY APPEAL TO State ............................................................................................. THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FROM THE ~CISION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR ON APPLICATION FOR PERMIT NO..;:!;~'...~I:...'... DATED .................................................... WHEREBY THE BUILDING . INSPECTOR DENIED TO James aDd Claudia Darden of Name of Applicant for permit (x) .( J ( ) ..~~~!*...!!*g~'!~.....................~;~~.~~~~~......... ...........~f;lJ.!l: .X9.:-.l:r.............. Street and Number Municipality State PERMIT TO USE P~RMIT FOR OC~UPANCY. . . ,., 'I North side oi: Main Road, . 1. LOCATION OF THE PROPERTY.....~~.~;.~~~,\l:,...~...J............................~s.:':?-Ell!-~~~................ Street Use District on Zoning Map ................................................................................. Map No. Lot No. 2. PROVISION (S) OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE .APPEALED (Indicate the Article Section, Sub- section and Paragraph of the ZOJ?ilJ,\J Ordinance by number. Do not quote the Orginance.) . / ~ :IICrJfffi4-. A_4'Ad...,,/ '/~'1 1'tr '''clv<1'~ Seotion 303 Artiole Ii Seo~ion 2ilOA Subseotion 3 ~",<-p:--_.~ ::3"'~ :<S"''7. :;J",P . /T? 3. TYPE OF APPEAL Appeal is made herewith for . y;t'Y5~ (X) A VARIANCE to the Zoning Ordinance or Zoning Map (X) A VARIANCE due to lack of access (State of New York Town Law Chap. 62 Cons. Laws Art. 16 Sec. 280A Subsection 3 4. PREVIOUS APPEAL A previous appeal JlfiIIIlDK: (has not) been mode with respect to this decision of the Building Inspector or with respect to this property. Such appeal was ) request for a sp.ecial permit ( ) request for a variance and was made in Appeal No. ................................Dated ...................................................................... ,~~~ '::.:...- ..,.... .- ,,:-- . - . . REASON FOR APPEAL ( x) A Variance to Section 280A Subsection 3. ( x) A Variance to the Zoning Ordinance ( ) is requested far the reason that (Continue an other side) Form ZB! ~. ~ . REASON. FOR APPEAL Continued 1. . STRICT APPLICATION OF THE ORDINANCE would produce UNDUE HARDSHIP because this particU'lar section only has small cottages on it although the lots extend from the Main Road north to the railroad-a 'distance of tVll1'.700 feet~d Q<? :9.thEtP use can be:inade. of.-1frledots. 0 '. - '~J_ ! ,J' . _,,' ........:.'i 2. The hardship created is UNIQUE and is not shored by .?~I properti~solike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in this use district ,6e10a~e~,;"ld t'!lin 'Iiei'ghboring sections only have a reasonable depth so'~hat the whole ~ot ~ay pe used for residence purposes. '-' ~.:.. l . -'-" ._.1 ..........' : .~O_ '.:. ~- ,c;, " . _--: .)~:.'..: 3. The Variance would observe the spirit of the Ordinance and WOULD NOT CHANGE THE CHARACTER OF THE DISTRICT because applicants would place on the premises a 29 x 40 building and improve it so that it would be comparable or better than the remaining residences in this particular section . and improve the appearance .01' the section. . (..J 0 . _ L',' -':0 .L.: . ''':0 1. -= ": J. _~~ _ ~ - ~. '- .....:.~. ;;', -'--.0.-.- ~~~ _-__~ ~- ." ..;_...., .' - -.- , ",-- "- -.... . . . -"-. - .". ~. : J.'" (. I U::; _ ::L:.O _' ,.=..:i -::.;.~_:-.".~ ..:. '- 1 o':':.~'a:..;""" ~- .' STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) ~\, fiJ . I -,,yj~ d .' R . .' /. . ~) <'A0C'th">' jf.: (Ii. .' .. , fl . \,J$ .. . ~:'~~A-("~.~~:""~~",,,,h2~ Signture Sworn to this"""....""0.~"."..""".."".,,day of..---M~>~"'''''''''''''19.58 . ~ . .... t'ary' P~b'''''''''''''''''''''''''---'''' ,';1ER. TYNDAll Notary Public in the State of New York Suffolk County No. 52.4047400 Commission Expires March 30, ~/q.s-1 . FORM NO.1. , , . TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. Examined...8~..!....L........19~J... . Application No. ...F..F.?........... Approved......................!':................19........Permit No. ....~.?.~J...... Disapproved a/c ....~~..M......:&..~....~..~.,?.........~.flcA: i =-c.--~ jJ~i~;,;ct;;i APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Date.....~.~.~~~.~.r.......... ........ .............. .......19.?.~.~.... '_ - i'lf.. ,:. f"'"jq . INSTRUCTIONS a. This application must be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted in duplicate to the Building Inspector. b. Plat plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises, relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, and giving 0 detailed description of layout of property must be drown on the diagram which is part of this location. c. The work cO'l'ered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon approval of this application, the Building Inspector will issue 0 Building Permit to the applicant. Such permit sholl be i<ept on the premises available for inspe,ction throughout the progress of the work. - . e. No I5Liilding shall'be occupied or used in whole or in p art for any purpose whcifever unfi I a Certificate of Occupancy sholl have been granted by the Building Inspector. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuanoe of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions or 0 Iterations, or for removal or demolition, as herein described. The applicant agrees to comply with all app~c~Vble laws, or~~:~c.~s~q;;:~t:~7J...oo.ckn.................................. ~~ature of applicant, or name, if a corporation) 1/', 'r1/J A ,. . ~~...........;a~...,...........................,. (Ati.tdI:~t) Bridgehampton, New York. State whether applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician, plumber or builder. Purchasers under contract. .................................................................................................................................................................................................. Name of owner of premises...l!;\WJ~:f.l... .$,mL~.~r.):?~.ff.I;1;t>,lHl..r.g.I......... ........ .................... ........ ......... ...:... .............. .......... If applicant is a corporate, signature of duly authorized officer. ................................................................................................. (Nome and title of corporate officer) 1. Location of land on which proposed work will be done. Map No: ............................................ Lot No: .................... Street and Number ..... ....!?:~!.:~~...~.~.?:.':'.. .!'.l.~~!?:. .!:t.?~?:.l...~.~!:: .~.g!:':!:!!:.I... .~~:':':. X?!:.~................ ................... ........ Municipality 2. State existing use and occupancy of pr,emises and intended' use and occupancy of proposed construction: a. Existing use' and occupancy....... ..y.!'!-.'?~!?: ~.:.... ...... :........ ...... ........................ ........................................ ................... b. Intended use' and occupancy.....ftll.f.lJ.Q.!nJ..~lI.,.... .............................................................;.................................. 1 \. , ./ 5. N,,",. of wo,k k'~k w"," *'OObl'" N~ '"'Id ,",................Ad!" ..... ..... .....A,,"''''O" .................... Repair ....................Removal ....................Demolition............ ........Other Work (Describe) ~...:.l!1~.~~!:'l;g' building to location. Esti mated Cost...................... ............................... ......... Fee ......... .......................................................... ....................... I (to be paid on filing this application) If dwelling, number of dwelling units.............C?~.l?.............Number of dwelling units On each floor............................ I f garage, number of cqrs................. .................................................................................................. ..................... ..... 6. If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, spec ify nature and extent of each type of use.............................. 7. Dimensions of existing structures, if any: Front.........~9.......;....... Rear ..........:?P............. Depth .....49................... Height ....................... ..... Number of Stories ..... .?~.~.......... ....................................................................................... 3. 4. Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front ................................ Rear ................................ 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Depth .............................. Height .............................. Number of Stories ................................ 8 D. .. f . . F 20 R 20 D h ..4...0....................... . Imen~:'iIons 0 entire new construction: ront....';-.-....-.................. ear ............................ ept Height ............................ Number of Stories ....ems.. ................ Size of lot: Front ........4/:1................ Rear ..........49.............. Depth ..........+.Q'O............ Date of ~=e~~......}.???..................................Name of Former Owner }1J!l.tg.S...!l.Ilci...13El.~l).~.a..~ll.b.~.ard Zone or use district in which premises are situated.....~.~~.~.ci.e.Il~.~.~J................................................................. Does proposed construction.. violate any zonil')9 law, ordinance or regulation? ..Y.'.l?s,........................................... Nome of Owner of premises~.~.~:t?~F.t~~~.~~.~~ddress .~ll.:t;.1<;i"t:~.((.\l;~...N.....x,.....Phone NO. .................... Name of Architect.................. ...................................... Address .................. ................... ..... ..Phone NO. Nome of Contractor.................................................... Address ................. ...........................Phone NO. PLOT DIAGRAM Locate clearly and distinctly 011 buildings, whether ex isting or proposed, and indicate 011 set-bock dimensions from property I ines. Give street and block numbers or descriptio n occording to deed, ond show street nomes and indicate whether interior or corner lot. ~1~TJT$F O~E~U~~~~........J S S. ...........~~~.~...~~~...~~~1J.?!.~..!?~~P~~............................ being duly sworn, deposes and says thot~I.9\Jl.feeopplicant s (Nome of indiviaual signingoppli~ation) '. .. . ..', obove named~sc:t.~~...... ...... ... ...~~.::.~~.~~.~.~.~... ~ci.'?~. ..'??!!-.~.~!l.~ !?.. .... ........ ..... ... ............... ..... ........ .... ...... ....... ......... dre (Contractor, agent, corporate officer, etc.l ~~~, ond :is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this opplication; that 011 stotements c:ontained in this appli ca!ion are tr,:,e~o th~ best oft~nowledge and belief; ond that, the work will be performed In the, manner set fO~, h '; ;i ,appl. tlon flied therew h. Sworn to before me this ~.l~A\\Il~roN TYNDALQ. . . .' r. _ __ , A ~ ~i<.,l:l~la;y'l1ffii1~in the st~t.or Vi VV Y,L.VcJ d v-...: ,"..- .,.0. , /1 # Igno ure 0 N.............p... b'I':'" ay ......... ........!It I~,: ~.:.~'" . ;, ' I~IU-t //>.t ~ otary u IC, ......... . ...... .. .................. 'r Alk- ~ '- ...... . lq~ .~" " '~ .' FORM NO. 3 . TOWN. OF SOUTH OLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. .....---' ,. r 'J '- : I, ~ ~~<\I '. 'i), .,"1, ','.._1 .,~ ';j, I A:; , , '0:;~~-". ,>, ~~.*, ,.,' . . .. I " . .. . . '-.'I..r, \(;t: :."f\:U" ~\,(-Yr~c~: t ~");i:'~_ 't' ':>1;1, .'~l-1ay 15,1958 .;pp,-;;: .; '''^_=~~L ,:~",-. ..~'::'~;~~;-<'. . ,C pr('!nis.:!:30!, .-;-;-:d c:- j" .C'..,' - "\ 1~; .->~ I 'Mr:;; l111Uai.!1,J'l1c~.p!Ull Mattftuck," N.Y."'!'" j;;b ~' (> '1'\: " j....... ,...".,1_ ",-"7'--" .:." , . " "q '-J 'pea:r,~Jx: h,; . ~ ~:ppru .'~J :'(j!~1.'_':,; ; ,;,e, _ ;:.J,..(.'_''''), ;,':1.([:;_ <:-' "'fJ51.r?': ,.1 0 REf'YO\1r. inquir1Ai'C'JBl'}T~llamlin:;'9f,~'BI2idge,llE'!!lpt91}\ab9ut a.}+Ot. X-1QO~ I_ot west of Bergens Gas station, Mattituck, I 'would", . need: mor.e 'irifOrmation before I could issue an opinion. ......"..... ." ...n_,.",." . ,.Wou1d t):1is have been a single lot prior to .l~st April 33rd or ,.ould it be taken out of an apparently largc~rpplll:!eU? Is the 1rIhole parcel under one ownership or are there more than one owner ? ! On the face of what is sho\~ on the blueprint enclosed with the letter I would seriously doubt that, the Board;would go along with it. " '- />:/.:> ;...~\... ..):?~<~^"...:.~:~.'. 'j If you can furnish any further inform1ftlcirlJ!::'wi-ll see' '.nat 'they think of it. Yours truly I I I 0 Ii"" ,\ 0v" ~ I ....\"\T~'-) , Bu~lding Inspector. I V'j\, ---:.- (, " \jV"'J -. - ~~""",--------'--'----'r ',", . . LAW OFFICES WILLIAM WICKHAM MATTlTUCK, LONG ISLAND NEW YORK MATT. 9- 8331 June 11, 1958 Mr. Howard M. Terry, Building Inspector Town of South old Sou thold, New York Dear Mr. Terry: My delay in answering your letter of May 15, 1958, in regard to the lot 40 X 100 west of Bergen's Gas Station has been due to the fact that I have been trying to get the required information for you. Baok in 1955 Herman Hubbard, who owns the lot running from Main Road to the railroad track, agreed to sell to his in-laws, James Darden and wif~ this 40 X 100 lot with an 8 foot right of way to ~he Main Road. The lot was paid for in 1955 and the early part of 1956. Between the parties there was apparently no need for any speed in executing and delivering the deed. The Dardens had in mind purchasing a barracks or other structure to put on the property. Actually, such a building was purchased on April 20, 1957 and the Dardens then saw Bryan Hamlin regarding a deed. By that time, the zoning law went into effect and Hamlin then became curious as to the effects of this law. Tne Dardens have not moved the barracks on to the property, but would like to do so as soon as possible. Very cordially yours, WW:ij ~ . .. . > June 13, 1958 " ~ William Wickham, Attorney Mattituck, ~.Y~ .Dear.Sir; Your letter of June 11thRE: James Darden property west of Ber6ens Gas Station received. In view of the information in the above mentioned letter I believe that it would be possible to get a variance. and move the building on the lot -1!- the building were not too large. I would suggest that the owner make an application fora building permit, .giving exact dement ions of the building, and the exact measurment of it'.sloca:tion on the lot. Then I can'make a denial, and we will base an appeal on that. Recognition of access will also have to be applied for, and this can be done at the same ,time. " .' , ., .' . Enclosed pleaseflng a set or application forms, thef'eefor the building permit will be $ 10. and the fee for a variance would be an additional $15. , If' we have the papers all in before the 17th the matter could be hearddon the 26th.. ' i . Yours trUlY }\'4yc,.jC'~' ,~... }t,~. Building !nspector ------. . , L)j./L/'j lr ;/ i , , 1 . 1, 1.1,'. r,', :1 . .', 'i:..: . :,:;~ >' '!" > ,. '. ," j,t' ;>r' l' . ..... .'" . January. 13, . 1959 . Mr. WllliaIliWickham,. Attorney. .Main Road. . Matti tuck,: New . .York .Dear Sir: Enclosed please find notice otdisapproval of James and .Claudia Darden application .for building . permit. . The tees due are $15.00 for Appeal No. 13'+ ~ $lO.OO'torpermlt No. Z559, if the appeal is granted.' . '.. , .'l'heBoardwl11 meet ThurSdilY, January 15, 1959 tos~ta date tor, the hearing on this application and it. pli'obably will.be heard on Thursday, January '29, 1959. Very t:.rulyyours, /...-:- . . l~ C9:-~ ' Ho~d M.' Terry . Building Inspector- I. ".., . .. --/' \ .. " J\ll.y 27. 1960 W!lliam,WiCkham. Esq. Mattit\l~. New. York Dear ~. WiCkhl!llll: Acknowledgement is made of your letter Of J\lly .21. 1960 transmitting the application'of James Darden and Claitdia Darden for Modification of order dated January 30. .1959. 'J.Th!l.s appUcation was presented to the Board of Appeal.llI at their meeting on J\lly.21.1960 and I was inllltructedto forward to you the enclosed varianCe forma w.1th the. req\lest that James .Dardenand Claudia Parden :file for access in accordance W1th State of . New York Town Law.. Section 290A. (NO fee reqUired for access.). . The Board cannot reconl!!:l.der their appl1'" cation ifor.Mod~ficat1on of order pf January 30. 1960. Very trUlY yours. , , Judith T.'Boken. 'SecretatY, E!outhold TOwn' . Board of. Appeals . LI.' Enclo8\lre I ) . .'47-, . January '].7. 1961 MJ'. anel Mrs. James Darden, Montauk Highway Brldqeh;mpt.on,' Ne~ York Dear Mr. and Mrs. Dardenl ~is is to' advise that your appl1cation for recognition of access to your lot on ,the north si~e of Main Road, Matt1tuck, ,New York wasg'ranted on January 26, 1961 at a meeting oft.he Soard of Appeals. ~e formal Action of the BOard and other necessary papers covering your' approval of access will be mailed to you1n the near future; Very truly ~urs, Judith T. Boken, secretary louthold Town Board of App.als ,/~. ) Ii 1,1 1,,1 1'" I" II . . ," { ;' LEGAL lilO'1'ICB , lilot1ce of a..ring, , ~ I, , i . (, :1 li II 'Ii i:!1 " Purs\l&nt to Iteetion 267 of the Town Law and the provi8ions :'I! ~I! . 11}1 ~: of the AlnendedBulld1l1q ~one Ord,inance, of the '1'Own of, Southold, ~I l~ t :1 I,i il , , . ,". . sutfolk,Q)'unty, New York, ~l1c hearinqs.w1l1 be held by the ZOn~9'~Ollrd of Appeals of the '1'oWn of ,Southold. at the Town :\ Clerk Office" Ma,in ROllel, Southold, New York, on January 26, Ii 11~ I" I 1961. on thefollowlngappea18:" ; ii, :'1 7:30 P.M., (B.S.'1'.). upon appliC.tionof N~l Alb~ech1:. liP . . "":',' ,. : - ri:1 MiltUtuCk; Hew York. a/CJohn LOPer~ .II'. . Ma.t:t.1tUCK. New York. 1"1 ' " , ' I!!I " " '1'' for a 'rilr1.aJ'l~ in acci)rdan<:e with the toning OrdiMnc:e. 1,:, i: ArtiCle, II1.SeCtlon3Q3. and Art:ie:;ie' :Je, Section lOOOA, for oj II pe~ill.lon to ~duee ,lot: area andu.e as a .ingle lot, !,II " properqr1.ocat.ed on the west II1de Wells Road. Laurel. New '!II I:: ::1 York. ~\lDded nOrth))Y' Dtheri.De Tuthill. east; by wella :.-1 ,I 'i Road, lOUth by I<ather1rie Tuthill. and WfUlt by J<athedne 'l'uth1l1. Ie II ~j ", I 11 ~f ' ,ii New SU:&; olk tane. CutchOgue. Bew York, fo~ a ape "cJa1 exception 1'1 ' ' , "" '"" /1, 1naccCiJ:4ancewlth the Zoning- o!:'d1nanc:e. Art.1cl. 111. Section .J .' :)1 300. Sql)8ec:Uon 11. for pem1sdon to .reet: and _1nt.ain iJ ," COIIlIMlrc,1al advext:is1ng .i9n em prope!:,t;y ofWi1liu M. Beue. :::1 ,I "I II south IU.de Eugene 1\oa4. cuteh09ue. New York. boUnded ,north t:! _;1, Ii by Eugene RoId. east by William M. Beebe and others. 80uth ! , I I I I 1 I' i , "; I I , 8100P.N.(S.S.T.). upon application of William K. ae.'tle, i'j 'r~ " ,,' and others. il ~I -;i~ Ilil 'I', 1" . ~! ~, 1'.1 I, !d ~i! li;1 , "I 1:,1 I, !l ~. ,~~ ',i \ 'il I' "I' i' " i! ;'j .' , ' '."'" co' ' . /'. i',' ,} ~: PaC;. 2'... Legal Botie.. BoUce of Hearing , il ;,;, II,j :1 II ~ ~ [I Iii Da.r~, J(ol'&taUk Highway, BridgehaJllpton,New York, forrecolp1it1on II of acce.. in accordance with lITew Yor'kState, Town Law, Section "i '\ 2$0A. J.ocation of propertYI , I, , 8.'30 P.M. (.. S.T. ). upon application of ~. and Claudia no~ s1~ MAin Road, Mattituck, bounde~ north 'by land Of .;JUq1us nIa'b'bard, eaet 'by land of , II , il HeJ:'llllln Hubbard, r~ " '. IlOUth by lanilof Herman HUbbard, and "..t 'by 1',1 land ot Mallton. , ~ ", I " I , ' ~i Afty pe.-SOn dedrinqto ba" hear~ on the above llppUcation8' ~ " ','" " 1:1 ahould appear .t the time ~uld place ~..pec1fied. ~ ' ' :) DAftD. . Jlln\uu:y.l7, 19&1. :By order, Of' , '''1 . :1~ ~ ~i! ~~ :"i !\ I" I' : ~ i illl I I) I II i! (4) APJ':.tDAVI'rS OJ' PV81.ZCA'1'I01l'ro'1'Hl!l :BOARD OJ' APPEALS. ''1'owN I" I! CLIN< O'l'lCE, WlW ROAn, SOO~OLD, $!:W 'YOItK. " ' Ii ,Iii: l! i!~ . r~ '. 'i ',l'lte Southold 'tQwn BoaX'd of Appeal.. -(.'* - PUAS~ PUBLISH 0fiCE, ~y 19. 1961. AND POJOWm POtlJl , ' - . . j! )'1 i,l 11 11 ,. ti 1:1 :1 , "I " .' , 111 ::H I' ,I" ,I '1 II " I'! I, " ill' '{ " , I, Ij il CO~1e1ll .118d to th" followinll I)n Jal:\UA~Y G. 1961. Th" Long' Island TrliVlIler-Ma.Utllc:k Watchlllan N~l Albreebt.~Vc John L<>per, Jr. ., WUUa. H~ seebe ~. a!ld' ClaudLa DUden ' c, "I., I ~ .l ( " I . r I I i I ! , I' i ) , i ! I -~> ,t WILLIAM W.HAM May 14,1958 HOr'ard: , This matter was referred to me by Bryan Hamlin of Bridgehampton for an oplnion. Do yo~ think there would be any chance of a building permit variance being issued for the property shaded in red on the enclosed map? This property is just west of Bob Bergen's , gas station. Cordially, 7Jt?C1 . . LAW OFFICES WILLIAM WICKHAM MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND NEW YORK MATT. 9-833] July 20, 1960 Board of Appeals Southold Town Southold, New York , I He: James Darden and Claudia Darden Gentlemen: I i I enclose I Application for modification of Order dated January 1959 of James Darden and Claudia Darden. 30, Very cordially yours, WW:mav Encl. . . , i I ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD i I I WE, ,JAMES DARDEN and CLAUDIA DARDEN, ofBrid@ehampton, , I SUffolk qounty, New York, hereby make, application for modifioation I I of Order ~dated January 30. 1959~-Appeal No.l34. The labove Order was granted to us an the ba~is of a~r being I able to lIljecure a 16.70 foot right of way from said premises to the Main Roadl. We have been unable to secure a right of way 8.3.5 feet I over adjolining land of Herman Hubbard and ask that we be permitted to use a light of way 8.35 feet in width from our premises over 1 I land of J:unius Hubbard and that the Order of the Board dated i January 3P. 1959 be modified accordingly. I I ~./1Q" ~- I I I , before (J~~, D~ Claudia arden I I iWILLIAM WICKHAM NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF NEW YORK ~ No. 52-4259000 Q~alified in Stlffoll, County Te~m expires March 30", 196/ I " I ,', Rf>,-'''-.-Ro/>.0 ~I . , J vvl\~~ Q'j I I I 0: \('Ii --' ko-o I- I , I , , --J\ It.! i ' , I I , !-~ I WI 1~tiP ~ I rY1 O. , ~V' . j)~ , <l :r '~r v , - o ...:.0 I '\ -- : IV'} 0Vv\ 1 i ~vhk{ -" ..t 3 >- d. +n \l--..... o J '.L o I I I I oVP(j I I IV I -If t1/ . . . LItGAL NOTICE . . . Notice or Hearing . ' f'\n'suant to Section 267 of' ..the Tow Law and theprovls!ons or the . Amended Building .Zone Ordinance of the Town of' Southold, Suffolk Oounty, New York, public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board ot Appeals of the Town ot Southold at the Town Clerk's Office! Main Street, SouthOld, New ;Yorkon January 29. 1959 on the fonOw. ing appeal: 7=30 P.M. (E.S.T. ) upon appl1catlonof James and Claudia Darden tor a variance trom the Bu11dinS Zone Ordinance Sections 303, 3~, 307 and 308, and recognition of access / under Section ZoOA of the 'I'own !.a.w. . Property located north side of Ma1,n Road, bounded. on north bj land .01' Junius Hubbard;. . east by land of' Herman Hubbard, south by land of Herman Hubbard; and west by land of Maston. ANY PERSON DE.sIR!NO. TO BE HEARD ON THE ABOVE APPLICNnONSHOULD APPEAR AT THE TIME AND PLACE ABOVE SPECIFIED ..."'... PLEASE .PUl3LISH QNCELJA1fUARY 22, 19,9, AND FORWARD A,FFIDXV:r:r OF PUBLICATION IMl1EDIATELYTO THE BOARD OF APFEAI,S,. c/aBUILDING . INS PE:C TOR , TOWN CLERK'SOFFrCE, MAtN ROAD, SOUTHOLD; NEW YORK. . . Copy l'lle.11ed to L.I~ Trave:"er"'Matt1.tuokWatohman. Copy mailed to William Wickham On January 16, 195'9. .,'/ .'': ,. . " " ," ,. .' ,;," . . LAW OFFICES WILLIAM WICKHAM MATTfTUCK, LONG ISLAND NEW YORK' MATT. 9.S331 January 14. 1959. Town Of Southold Office Of Build~ Inspector Town Clerk's Office Southold. N. Y. . Dear Sir: I , Enclosed herewith is check for $15.00 for AppeaJ. No. 134 James and Claudia Darden. . AJC Very truly yours, "UI.Ga.~ 't<J~~;" R I ~ tI!....~cP... . WILLIAM WICKHAM . January 13, 1959. Howard: I Please let me know haw DlIlch the check should be for. Very cordially yours, I ~ -, 'l\,..'~ '<<' -' ): o "f" . ~~. \) 2 " ,.- '>. ".''i, . ." .~ .:;, , ~ r ~.~ I" , I ; ~ I' l~ ,/?.~ . .'j'.':" '.. , .--. . .' f "\ I ' /4<:>/ I I \\ I . ::,/ ." I . , ..> . ~.~-CJi~ ire,,.,, i . --",,'- .. i . ,,/"..,,,/" ~"': i c', /.' . - cti'j '1." ''i' ,'- ",\}; ,~--. ,to' <'t ",~ I ", ! \1 .SJ.. f . i "t, 'j" .1, "I ' 1\'41 '.",,1 -" -'"'I J J'......,. \1 . .." 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