HomeMy WebLinkAbout264 G. & S. SERVICE STATION 9264 R0~e~ 2~5 .................. March 10, ..... Grg~po~rt, NY Page 13 ..... ~.P~A~.~ED_ per_~i~$_iQn ~o~_..a gasoline ser~ice ....... sta~tion, Route.. 25, ~G~eenport, ..sub.ject~to eTOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YOR.a APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL EXCEPTION P -cR...-tf74 1~- APPLICATION NO.,;:lt 'f DATE..~..f.-t't 0 TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, SOUTHOLD, N. Y. r' - ..... -, Claudio G1ovanell1 and I, (We) . .Fr.ederlck. .L....Schul.tza... .d/b./af as. ..!G.. .and.. S~. .'se.rY.1ce... Statt.1OXl...... Name Street and Number .............. .It.o.~~. .1l?5-.1.. ..(}~~:t:l.PC).~... ..~~ .,Iork Municipality State hereby apply to l:HE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS for 0 SP~!:IAL EXCEPTION in accordance with the ZONING ORDINANCE ARTICLE IV . SECTION 400 SUBSECTION 9 - for the operation of a service station for automobiles, trucks and motor driven products THE SPECIAL EXCEPTION IS REQUESTED BECAUSE the zoning ordinance of the Town of Southold requires it. :'.'The property, as. described and sketched 1n the-accompany1ng application for a public garage, is located 1n a .B~ bus1ness district. The applicants will comply with the restr1ot1ons of the zon1Dg board as to the method of the operation of the serv10e station, and as to the placing of the equipment neoess1tated by the nature of the business. STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss COUNTY OF Suffolk ) .......................................y:.~ Signature Attorney for appl10ants Sworn to this ....19........day of.;-)'.e~~ua;rJ-................19.60.. ..............~1:1~.S?/I;/?.~......... FREDERIC P. RIGH Notiry Public, St:.'J12 of New York ResidIng in ~:I;'ioH( County No. 52.b:61450 ~ f; .5:~mm;SSIO" Expl,., /Aa,'ch 30, 1960 ~ FORM ZB2 :L"EGAL . NOTICE . I, . .. NOTICE OF HEARING i' PurSU8.nt to Section 267 of the Town I.: Law; and the provisions of the "Amended !" Building Zone Ordinance of ' the Town ' of SOuthold, Suffolk County, New York, I, public hearings will' be" held by the I Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town : of Southold at the Town - Clerk Office. 1 Main Road, Southold, New York, on March 3, 1960, on the following appeals:' 7:30 P. 1M. (E.S.TJ, upon application I of Ralph L. and Una Belle Glover; East Main Street, Southold. New York, I 'for recognition of access -in accordance with State of New York Town Law, 1 Section 280A. Location of property:, . south side North Sea Drive, SOuthold, I New York, bounded. north by other lands of the applicant, south by Mar- gery Burns, east by Donald Hauck, and w:est by Blanche Siebert and others. 7:40 P. M. (E.S.TJ, upon appllcatlon of Marion S._La4g~. N~au.Point Road, Cutchogue, New York, for - a special exception in accordance with the Zon- . Ing Ordinance, Article ill, Section 306, ' for permission to reduce front yard setback on a. comer lot. Location of property: southwest corner of Nassau Point Road and Carpenter Road, Cut- 'chQgue, New York, Lot No. 150 on map of Nassau Point Club '.Propertles, Inc. 8:00 P. M. (E.S.TJ, upon application of Claudio Glovaneill, and Frederick L. SChultze, d/b/a G. & S. Service Station, Route 25, Greenport, New York, for a special exception m ac- cordance wIth the Zoning Ordinance, Article IV, Section 400, Subsection I, I for permission to er.ect and maintain a public garage on property Ioc3ted on the south side of Route 25, Greenport, New York, bounded north by Ma4> Road, east by Robert Brown, south by I Railroad, and west by E. E. Johnson. { 8:10 P. M. (E.S.T.l, upon application! of Claudio Giovanelli, a:nd Frederick i L. Schultze, d/b/a G. & S. Service Station, Route 25, Greenport, New York, '; for a special exception in accordance i with the Zoning Ordinance, Article. IV,;' Section 400, Subsection 9, for permis- sion to erect and maintain a. gasoline I service station on property located on I the south side of Route 26, Greenport, i New York, bounded north by Main Road, east by Robert Brown, south by \ Railroad, and w~st by ~ E. Johnson. 8:20 P. M. (E.S.T.l, upon application onl:. J. !MItchell, Front Street, Green- port, New York, for a. special exceptton in accordance with. the Zoning or- dinance, Article IV, Beetion 408 for permission to erect and maintain a directional advertising sign on the land '1'. of JuUa Wickham Estate, located on i the north side of Route 25, Arshamoma-I' que, bounded north by Albertsop Lane, I southeasterly by Route 25, and west by Cassidy Farm. ' 8:30 P. M. CE.S.TJ, upon application I of Louis Komarek, ale First National: Bank, Greenport, New _York; for a i special exception in accordance with I' the Zoning Ordinance; Article m" Section 300, Subsectlon 11, for permls-\ sian to erect and mainta1n a directional advertising sign on t~e northwest side of land of Edwin H. King, south side I. of Route 27A, Greenport, New York. _ Any person desiring to be heard on the above applications should a.ppear I at the time and place above specified. DATED: February 18, 1960, By Order' of the Southold Town Board of AP-! peals. ' COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK 155. Frederick C. Hawkins, being duly swarn, says that he is the awner and publisher of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Isla;'d Tra~eler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ....&d.~....CU~eeky successively, commencing on the ........d..O.................... day of ....'5?!?....ek:::.... 19..0:..~ ...............~~.:'..~.!..C:f!...:..:~f~.~~............... ~ Sworn to before me this .......d.c.?....... day of .....*-~...... 19..6...9 ......{2~....f~................ Notary Public /I ... . ADELE PAYNE Notary Public, State of New York Residing in S;ullolk County No. 52.3041000 /' / Commission Expires March 30. 19f 10 -'-- I I \ " I \ \ \ I . . I' l-!,l:GAL 1l0l..l;.QR I Jotic. ot Hearlna ' I I I I Pur.uant to Sectlon 267 of thei'ow;n Law and the provlsions ot the Amended Bullding Zone ord1na:l1ce or the ToWl'l ot Southold, I suttolk County, Ifew York, publ1C1, bearini. wUl be held by the I Zonina Board ot Appeab ot the Town I)t 8outhold at the'1'oVn Clerk OUlce, Main }load, Southold, Ht!w York, on Maroh 3, 1960, on the tollowing, appeal.. 1.30 P.". (E.S.T.),upon applicat10n ot RalPh L. and ~a Bell. Glover, East }1Ii.ln street, 80uthold, He", fork, tor J, reoogn1t1on of' ailee'S,in accordance with State ot Je" York Town Law, Section 280A. ' Location or property'louth dde North I ',/!I.ea ])r1ve, Southold, lIfew York, bClunded no~.th W other lands ot the appUcal1t, south by Marger, BUms, eallt by Donald Hauck, I . .' .,' I. and west 'by Blanche Siebert and others." f . I I , . . . 7.'+0 P.M. <E.!.f.). \Qlonappl:l.cat1on ot ~lon 8.' Ladda, Nauau Point Road,~tchoCue, New York,rcra.pee1al exoept1on ,I' .in accordance with the Zoning Ord1naric~t Article ItI, section "306, tor perJlba19n tt:l reduce t'ront Yatd 8et~ck on a corner I I, "I II I I lot. Location ot property_ .outhwest oorner ot Nauau Point and Oarptlnter ROf.d, CUtchogue, .I.w York, Lot No. 1,0 on Road UP ot Nauau Point Club.Propert1el,' Inc. 8.00 P.M. (W.s.'r.). upon appl:l.ca1>1on ot Claudio Giovanelli, and !'red.rick L., SchUltze, dlb/aG.&: S~ Serv1ce 6tat!c)tl., } Route 2" G1'eenport, .."'York, for a special exception in I. accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Art1cle IV, Section '+00, Ii Subjection 9, tor permisS10n to erect and Jla1nta1n a public 'I Cl!l1'age on property locaud on the, south Si:!e o~ Route 25. Ii GNenport, New York, bounded riorth br Main ROad, east 'by i. .. I Robert Brown, south by Rdlroad, and west by E. E. JOMson. I , I I I i I , II I -, ! I -- , .- . j I 'j 1 ~.se2"Leg"Otie. I. II' \1 .~.lOP.Mt (E.S.T. ),upon appl1eaUcn ot Claudi.O G.io.antll1. I and l're4er10k1!.chul t1l8, dfb/"G. &. S .Sentoe StatIon. . ! . . .'. " t " 1\011t. 2S'. Greenport. .R..... Yopk. tor a $:p8cie.1 exoeption in I aCoordance w1th tlulZoninC Ctrdinanc...ArticleIV. Section 400. I Sublectlon 9. !orpermis$lcm. to erect and lIlaintdn a gasoline .\. service. etation on propertY' located. on the . sO'l1th aide ot Route. , 2S', Greenport. Hew tork, bo\Ulded north by )(ain Road. east by , . 'Robert Brovn, lIo\lth by Rallroad,andw.st by il. Z. JobnJon. .1 ..... .11 8120 P... (E.....>. __ .pp11..tl..... .. J. 111<01>011, r lJ:'ont. Street, Gr.,aport, ltJev YOrk', tor alipec1al exception in I II accordance .'''1th thia Zoning' Ordinance, bticleIV, Section lj,08 I ' ' ~ !i tor pe1'1d,:$don to ltl'ect and utntatnad:l.l"t!ictional ad"tertIeinl I 'I s1m oli th~ land ot Julia Wickhalll Es~te, located en tbe north I . .11 dde ot Route2S', ArSham... omaque.boutlded.' northb:r ALBe1!'tson Lane, I i SO\1thenterlyb1' Rout. 2" ana ..t by Cassidy ftrJI. . . I I .! I. . .I! fh30 P.M. (B.6.'1'.), uPOn applicat1onot Lolli. xaurek. ! I ale lI'ir.t Hationl!l1 Bank. . Gr..nport, .Hew YQrk, tor lIL spec1al . \ .1 ....~len '" .eeor<ion.. .1 th tho Zo.'" """1......, Art!el. I . i. XU, .....en 300, .ub...tlon 11, t.. ,,_'.1" to ....t ... ('maintain . directional adnl'Using_:i.cn on tlul northwe.t _ide of: land of: Edwin H. King, south dele .of RO'l1te 27A, Gre.np<>rt, I l f I ;i ! I I I \ I , ~ , I I I Bo~d of: ,Appeal.. , - , I I I. I I I I ! i ! ! .. . . ~ . . Ii PL'EASE P'DBLISH. ONCE PEBiU1A1W 25'. 1960, AlID i'GtwAiID II AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLIC^TIQl('IMMEJ;lIAnLY .TO l3OA$OF APPEALS, !' c/o TOWN CLERK OFFliE, M!l.lNROA,D .SOUTHOLDf~1IW YORK. I .. ... ... .. . )l ..'. . . .' 11.1 Copies IIdled t.o t. he '~911. ow1nC<;nh'bruarY 19. 1960. I RalPht... Glove, ... .1.1 Robert Dart, alo KarionS. IA4d.. . II L. Ec1.on, aI. c. c.. G10vandl1.t -P'. SchULtze i H. J. Mitohell -, .1 Louis Komarek, ale Firat lfat10nal Bank . I The L()1!g Island franler..Mattituck Watehman ,SOMEONESHOUID APPEAR AT THE: HEARING. ~~ ~ S t.I /(oUtr g 1.r= .... J' . ~ .<E . 7'>- '" - r:~ J Sf,lA) r $/'uf-:7 of ... ' ...... ~o ~ . ,-;I IS-.JS B<<" U/ )'J , 3"'0 I --1.[' II &- ..,... S ,I, Se ~...J l <:. -E- STA-rl ~ ,..} -+ - S \, ... p. fl IS'.~ I IS+O FH E' .(,:,'" I , ..:$00 < iff!:t " ;:/I1.J r,l/Jf .J 7""'1:1 ,R e.. or :1'c I, AI.f 6 1J ~, . ,I J(JD -~ ....60 ~,1 &viood P'01tIl . ~tr~ o&,&b . 6..- P17.ZJ ' '-a.. . ;;i , ~ ';; ~~cjd~~~~~~~in=J ort 'll'lKllI1ID A<I\nI]j~rnm, =~ tOO Oi3l':l clby iii l?ob>~ , nineteen hundred Q!l!d sixty ~~ Robert R. Brown, residing at Greenport, New York, ~~ ~ Q!) @::J d!oi?, ~ Claudio G10vlilmlelli and Fr<ad(1Jrick Lo SGhul'Y;ze, cl '';'0':;0'00'.';,. '0. Q. ,o~{m""~'on0'o;'o.s of 300 Front Street, GE'o0E!lporio He" York, 0>-<0?l:r-. <l..?D \$O@Q,[lj:;o 2!.Q @01:!:::300 ~~ODt\Th1G~~=, ~ @;n~ (ili(l) ~ ~ ~ G>ll! ornl ~lil\1'QY, ~ t\Th1o ~ ~ ~ ~ alii &~ ~ ~ @l?~ rM? ~ ~~ & ~ ooili ~~QlilW ~~ ~ !]]~~ ~ ~ ~~~ Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, . bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING ata concrete monument set on the southerly line of. the Main Road (Stat@ Ri. 25) at the northwesterly corner of lahd of the s&ller ~d the northeasterly corner ot land now or formerly of Johnson; r~1~ thenoe Qlong the southerly line of said Main Road, north 77 ~Q~r(l)Gs 54 oinutes 40 ~eoonds easto 200 feet; thence &long other land of the oelle~, too courses, ae fgllows8 (1) south 1 degreo 20 minutes 30 weoo~ds weste 300 feet. thence (2) south 77 degrees 54 minutes 40 seconds wss'Y;, 2 0 feet to said land of Johnson; thenc<2 a1o~ ~~id land of Johnson, north 1 degree 20 minutes 30 seconds east, 300 feet to the point O~ plaoe of DGginm1ngo 8UBJEC~ to any Gtate of fects an aocur&t~ survey might mho~. SUBJEC~ to Govsnamts. ro~trictions, easements, agreements and zoning reQtrictio~w of record, it &nY. 3UBJEC~ to the purchaser obtaining from the Southo1d TO\7n Bo~d of Zon- ing Appeals permission to use the premises for a public garage, gasoline service station and automobile show room. Purchaser agrees to make proIDpt application for the re~uired special exception, In the event pemhsion is denied or no decision is made.n or before 90 days from the d@te h~r@of, thim ~re@ment shall be vOidD the down payment returned forthQit~,whGreupon all rights hereunder shall cease and t?iermin~~. SUBJECT to the restriction that no commercial building or structure shall be er@cted on said premises within 75 feet of the southerly line of the illain Road; no ~jor repair work shall be performed in the open; no auto- wobile(s) or automobile parts, dismantled or damaged vehicles or similar ~ticle8 shall be stored in the open in front of building(s) or G1;ructure( s) ~ OBOOlP~ ~C oooolJJJ.oo pt:J:::@o o~JOl<' iol=d J1!L:lC:? ioo~nll.]P O~2!.CClOD ooc;a O~'i701?~2!.ojl,l2l(J olicp9p alliinU. O@l~ lilo oooo!!.<!ftolfOd no o(l[?oolltl1?OO ao~jo@ll llO ~~0 ab0'i70 oo~~oe~ 1?o~~1?i@t!~o EBING and intend~d to be part of the premises conveyed to the seller by deed made by Michael W. Santacroce dated Februar~' 29, 1952 and re~ corded in the Suffolk County Clerk's office March 60 1952, liber 3327 of conveyances, page 109. . Th.Io ooIQl illeludw illl ri/lllt, titlla M(l!] 11l!~. i2 cill17. oi tile SQlIIQlIi' il! ood to MY land lying il! & ~ of ony oU'C<lt, rooo Oli' 01T<allIllllll CI~<SllI OJ? !ll1'O~, ill fl101l!~ of Oli' edjoinin8 soid ilF'ilWiOOlJ. to tala CIlIDYlIi' Ime thel'rof, IIDlIl 011 rialM, U~e mull m~~ oil ~lw ~QIi' in end ~Cl any sw&lli'd !iiOdIe Oli' to ~ iiliOiIIle llil Moo thllffi)f and in OIl!d to aImS' l!~ o~ ilGIi' ~e 1:0 ooid ~li'elIl1iGOO by Ii'eSl!)ClI! oi e~ of ~ IDil any Gt~~; OIid the oo!ltall' 'Will eEllll:ute ~ <j.'GlMWG1l' to tile Jll~, on cloolnff of title, Oli' tliilllli'OOl1t<a1i', ClEil ~":"I"1r! "",.(r.p~~ lnotrumenta ffll? ~ 6llliW;YO!r.oo ~ Gucl1 tl~b Ol'ull thQl =igiiment Ollllli ~1:i(J5l IDil ;".0(" -.:"'.:' ;\.; -r..