HomeMy WebLinkAbout164 , set Shores, East Marion, New York, for a specla] exception in B.ccord- I ance with the Zoning Ordinance I Ar.tlc]e X, Section ]007, subsectlo'; IE, for perm!sslon to replace a non- <1<>n.formirlg ,business bulldlng.Lo- . I cation of property: north. side' I Main. ~ad {Route 25>, East Mar- . ; !Qn, New York, bounded north by ~ A. Qumtana, east by P. Van Va.l-" , kenburg, sou1lh ,by Ma.ln Road, and ; west by A. Quln1lana. 0 8:S0 P. M. {E.D.s.T.>, upon appli- cation of Elizabeth T. King, for LeJa T.ucker, Orient, New York, for' a va;rtance In accordance with the' Zoning Ordinance, Article' IV, Sec- tion 400, as It refers 110 Artic]e III, Section SOS, and Article X, Section lOOOA, for permission to !reduce fron1lage and lIBe as a slng]e lot !property located on the west side of Youngs Road, Orient, New York bounded north by E. H. King east by Youngs Road, south 'liy E. H. KIng, and west by E. H. King. 8:45 P. M. {ED.S.T.>, upon aJi- pllcatlon of A. HaIsey' Brown, Main' Road, (Route'25>, East Marion, New York, for a speclwl exception in ac- cordance .with .the Zon1IlgOrdln- ance, Artic]e IV, Section 408 Sub- I section A, for permission td erect' I:m.m.... · ,," ..moo .,~,- .' tlslng sign on the northeasterly 35 f~~tof~~:Y-~~R~:~'l';r:[.;1 Road, Gr:eenport, New York. I I. 9:00 P. M. (ED.s.T), upon a.p-. 1 !plication of Haro]d R. Reeve & i ~ ss: ,Sons, for Clarence Tuthill, Mattl-' j I tuok, New York, for, a varlan<>e in. . I accordAanrtcle]wl~the Zotn!Ug Ordln-~______________ being duly Sworn, j-anc.e, c e ~"'J See ion 307, for rm..........--........... I !permission to reduce west' side yard rinter and Publisher o>f the SID'I!'OLK ,on property located on the south, . Notice of Hearing side of Main Road, Mattltuck, New)1ished at Greenport in said county' Pursuant 110 Section 267 of the' York, bounded north by Main ' , Town Law and the provIsions of Road, east by F. Sidor, south byC. hich the annexed is a printed copy, the Amended Building ZoneOrdln- Melot, and west by G. Filla, ': ance of the Town of Southo]d, sur.! 9:1~ P. M. {E.D.s.T.', up~m ap- 1e said Suffolk Times once in each folk County New York public' !plicatIOn of Pa.ui's ServlCenter,' hearings will be held by the Zon-' North Roa;d, Peconic, New York, for ________________._____________iJ:::J:l.&______.______._________ weekS. Ing Boa,rd of .Appeals of the Town' a specla] exception In accordance r of Southo]d at the Town Clerk's with the Zoning Ordinance, Artlc]e on the --------------- .-------------------------.-----. -----.. Office MaIn Road' Southo]d New III, Section SOO, Subsection 11, for I York, 'on May 7, 1959, on ,th~ to]-1 permission 110 erect and maintain'm.. n.n__n. 19_mm m' ~ ]o~~~~ :.P~~"t;;:D.S.'E.>, upon appli. : ~~v:rr:~t~~i~ g: s~~~~ ~~:~.5:;::.~nn-----.---- -- --.. .... cation of Costas sta,rs, Ma.ln Road, of the North Road ('Route; 27Al. (A;t , , East Marlon, New York, for ,a spe- property bounded north by North __...n__......_...... , cla:l exception In accordance with Road, (Rt. 27), east by K. Case, 19{]' . ' ,the ZOning Ordmance, ArtW]e :LII south by RaNroad, and west by ..--..--. ....; I (J k! _ ./ ~=~ S::, :r~~ec~':f~~~er~ ~y person desiring 110 be heard f?.<~.~n~.____m________.n::..~I..m...-- ~~=~r~~=~~~~n e~~ ~~p:: a~~;: U:~~-:I~~e ~~~~ ....___....._____.........._._..__n________...____________..__...______.... ~Ide of MaIn Road Arshamo~ specified. KEOGH New Y""k' ue, Dated: Aprll 28, 1959, CORNELIA C. , f NeW yor\< . ,"-:' NOTARY PU3L1C, st,te 0 8.15 r:.:,M. (E.DB.T.>, upon ap- By Order of the SOutho]d Town No. ..2.lC9.890 plication of Oha;I']es M. KIng, Sun- Board of APpea1s.. - ItMlj Qualified in Suffolk Cou~~61 Term Expires March 30, . ---~~- IJEGAL NOTICE .. .~~S~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK <Pc"': ci.. APPEAL FROM DECISION OF BUILDING INSPECTOR APPEAL NO. I u '1 . ~......{ '- e S1 DATE .......fJ.:..:..~.........:.:> TO THE ZON.lNG BOARD qF APPthLS, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD, N. Y. ..... : Ehzabeth T. KlIlg Ate I, ~.. .L.ela...'.t'uckex......... ....... ......... ....... ...... ... of . ...... ~::.~.~~~..!!.~ !:.~...: ......... ................ ............ ...... Nome of Appellant Street and Number ............................................................................................. '" Municipality .....:.................. HEREBY APPEAL TO State THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FROM THE DECISION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR ON APPLICATION FOR PERMIT NO....Z..61.7..............:........ DATED .......!!-P.~.p......?4.,.....:J,9.?9............. WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED TO Lela Tucker ........................................................................................ of Nome of Applicant for permit (X) (. ) (. ) ...... ....... Qrien.t.,.. ..N..Y......... ... ........ ................ .......... ..... .......................... ........ ...... Street and Number Municipality State PERMIT TO USE and build PERMIT FOR OCCUPANCY 1. LOCATION OF TH E PROPERTY... .W/S ....YQlUlgs....A >Ce........... ....... !~E!!.. ai.s.tx.ic.t........ ......... ...... Street Use District on Zoning Map Orient, N.Y. ..~~~.. ~r. ..~.~ ~.~~.i~.€?............ ............................. ..... Map No. Lot No. 2. PROVISION (S) OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE APPEALED (Indicate the Article Section, Sub- section and Paragraph of the Zoning Ordinance by number. Do not quote the Ordinance.) Article JI\l: section!f, and Art X section lOaOA u 3. TYPE OF APPEAL Appeal is made herewith for (X) A VARIANCE to the Zoning Ordinance or Zoning Map ( ) A VARIANCE due to lack of access (State of New York Town Law Chop. 62 Cons. Laws Art. 16 Sec. 280A Subsection 3 4. PREVIOUS APPEAL A previous appeal xtrelSI (has not) been made with respect to this decision of the Building Inspector or with respect to this properly. Such appeal was ) request for a special permit (. ) request for a variance and was made in Appeal No. ................................Dated ...................................................................... REASON FOR APPEAL ( ) . A Variance to Section 280A Subsection 3 (X) A Variance to the ..Zoning Ordinance ( ) is requested for the reason that: I VJish to build a dwelling on the lot deecri bed in application (Continue on other side) Form ZBl . . REASON FOR APPEAL Continued 1. STRICT APPLICATION OF THE ORDINANCE would produce UNDUE HARDSHIP because: This lot is the northerly lot of three equal size lots on west side of Youngs Ave, Orient, N.Y.. These lots are surrounded by a right of way leading from Youngs Ave in to a commercial potato grading and loading station in the rear. These lots were laid out prior to the encatment of the zoning ordinance, .and met. the requirements of residences in "B" district. at that time. The ordinance has been ammended to require lots of 100 ft frontage and 12,500 sq ft area in "B" district. It is impossible to enlarge the three lots in any way, and as presently laid out they are of 9~ X 120' size and all equal. 2. The hordship creoted is UNIQUE ond is not shored by 011 properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this p>roperty and in this use district because: There are only three lots in a "B" district in this area, surrounding area is "A" residential where lots can comply with ordinance requirements. 3. The Variance would observe the spirit of the Ordinance and WOULD NOT CHANGE THE CHARACTER OF THE DISTRICT because: There is business in rear of this property, . and residences on the South of the three lot parcel and on the Noeth of the parcel. The proposed use is residential, and would not change the area in any way. Lela Tucker By STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF Suffolk ) ) ) ss J:!11 - Ii. ...-/f;:; j J . ..........UO.a..~~~~...:... ..~1......... Sworn to this.....................~~.......................day of ..........................apriL..............19 59 ............~i.~.;;;~~.. . JUDITH T. BOKEN t',ofarv Public State of N y N 52' ew ork Co o. :0344963, Suffolk Cc -Ih} mmlsslon Wires March 3.0& l;! &./ . FORM NO. 3 . ~ TOWN OF SOUTH OLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL File No. .....;;c.~?!,Z..........................................Dote .........................~..~19~.:9. To :...4...~.......................... . .......~......77.~..~..:..................... .......................................................................... PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that your opplicotion doted ...~....~.~.......... 19.:5.;9 far permit to c02struct .....~~............at the premises located ~...~/ ..............~/..y~..,............... Street Map ..~ ............................. Block .................... ........................ Lot ............................................ IS ....'""'..eel ~..rg'''i\~ 8"d.disa~pro::z the following grounds. .~~. ..........~.~...;I........... ........~t!:P.......~..d~4t................... ............~ /7T..t...~....3'.f?.d"~~''''?::;I....~</..~d, ................................................................................................................................................................ ~ - ~. . FORM NO. 1 . TOWN OF SOUTH OLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. Examined ............~#r.:;9...~ Approved ..................';;1.....:..-.:z 19........Permit No. ....;:z;.;.};Z....... Disapproved alc ..q~~.'02l..~.~....~.,.........3...... Application No. ...4?f(?............... ........................................."............................................................................. .............~~~~... APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Date......,.....................~cY~ 19":;/ INSTRUCTIONS a. This application must be campietely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted in dupiicate to the Building Inspector. b. Plat plan showing location of lot and of buildings an premises. relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, and giving a detailed description of layout of prope.rty must be drawn on the diagram which is part of this location. c. The work covered by this application may not be commenced be,fore issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon approval of this application, the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such permit shall be 'kept on the premises available for inspe,ction throughout the progress of the work. e. No building shall be occupied or used in whole, or in part for any purpose whatever until a Certificate of Occupancy shall have been granted by the Building Inspector. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions or a Iterations, or for removal Or demolition. os herein described. The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ord inances and regulations. . ~ ~~ appl ica~t ;.;;. ~~~: 'if' ~'~;;p?pti~~)"'"'''' ..........,..~d~~~.~~~~~ti............................... State whether applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician, plumber or builde,r, ~~~::f:;^:::f;,:~r4~ I f applicant is a corporate, signature of duly authorized officer. ................................................................................................. (Name and title of corporate. officer) 1. Location of land on which proposed work will be done. Map No: .....................:-:..................... Lot No:.................... Street and Number .........~.~.......~...7.7c:z..:;-.................................... 2. State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy of proposed construction: a. Existing use and occupancy .........~."......................................."....................................................... b. Intended use and occupancy ........~..~......~...........................................:.. Nature of work (check which _icable): New Building .......,~..". A.ion...................,Alteration.................... Repair ....................~oval ....:............... Demolition...........~.... ~er Work (Describe) ',................... Estimated Cost .... ,...~..,~... ,..."" .....", ,....... ...Fee ,.,...,2?!,...".......,.......,.. ,...,...,....,......,.......,....,.., ",.".. ..., ,... (to be paid on filing this application) If dwelling, number of dwelling units..........~..Number of dwelling units on eoch f1oor.........~........ . If garage, number of cars.,....,..,...".........~...C~............"....".,.,..,"""..,..........."...,.,.......,..... If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, specify noture and extent of each type of use................................ D' . f' t' 'f FR' ImenSlons 0 eXls mg structures, I any: ron!...................,........ ear ............................ Depth ................................ Height ............................ Number of Stories ............................................................................................................. Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front ................................ Rear ...................:............ Depth ................................ Height ................................ Number of Stories ................................ 2/ / -- / D. . ft". . F ..s- R 6-7 D h .,.....-:::;>..., ImenSlons 0 en Ire new construction: ront ............... ............ ear ............................ ept ......~............. Height ......./ii./........ Number of Stories................................ '. -: / C -:- ' A' " ~..9 ?? I . Size of lot. Front ....7"'.3....0.......... Rear .......<:;.,$.....?/u.... Depth ..............07.,...~ . ...p/ Date of Purchase ....~....;Zf../~~?(..........Name ,?~ormer O~~r ...~.;''>.f!':'9'"'''' Zone or use distric'l in which premises are situated.............,y......~......~.................................. Does proposed constructi~n viol~t':)fy ZO~i~ or~~nc~ or regul~tion? ...,~.................................. . Name of Owner of premlses.~...g../~ ~......A1.,J:":" Phone NO&1q-?//.:1.R.'~..-e.-: ~::: :: C::t~~t::r :~~::Z;~::::::::::: ~~::;Pj:::: ~~A:2:~~?7 PLOT DIAGRAM Locate clearly and distinctly all buildings,. whether existing or proposed, and indicate all set-back dimensions from property lines. Give street and block numbers or description according to deed, and show street names and indicate whether interior or corne,r lot. .:.::- r:: 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. .j;J / R. /,/f 4- t~, "- ~ .. J , I ~I la,' 'f/ f- 0-/ t{ ~ oJdJ' A .7 1f5' IV ,t2-re /I ve above named. He is the I.~~;::~~~.i~.;;.~g~~i;'~~;p~;~i~,.~f'fi~.~~....~t~".'i......................,......,......... of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or hove performed the said work and to make and file this application; that all statements contained in this application ore true to the best of his knowledge and belief; and that the, work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application filed therewith, Sworn to befod'e this _ . . . ..........~.c~y of ..............~..?j.l~.~ ~) Notary PUbhC/.y:.~..,.%..~ ~ /;Y~~~ (Signature of applicant) , 'LEGAL NO'flcE . Notice of Hearing I j :'} . ,.\ \ ., i -. , ~ -~ r "'.-. [! "l 1\ , II ~i il I' . t~, ,I , . " ~.1 " . , i , . , "i: . III! , ", ft :~ ! ' ~:. . Pu1'$'WUlt to Section 267 of the Town Law and the :provisions j ~1 or the AilI8~ed :BuUding Zone Ord1l1anoe. ofth,foW!1 of Soutb,old, " II S'Uf'tolk CountYt N~w York" pUbl10 hea.r1ngs will be held by the' , ! !1 Zoning :Board Of' A.ppeallS of the 'fown ot'Soutbo14at the 'l'own. . ' .~ "I Clerk's Offiee, Main Road, Fiouthold,. New York, on May 7..19,9,' I :1 onthfll'i:)llow1ng appeals. ' ' II 'I ' - . , -;:1\ ,.",' ' "" ". ~i 7#30 P.11:.(E.D.S.T.), upon applioa.tlon ot CQsta. rttU's, 'f Ii Main ROed, East Marion, New York, fer a.$peoial exception 1n1 ,,&ceorl.'lancew:t;th tMiZoning Ordinance, Art1.:;le nI, Section 300, i1 !iSubsectlon III lo~p'rmla&lon to ~.et'andma1nta1n .. directional! . ;l advel'tiSing s. gn on ~ JI,l"operty or, Adam PekUnka, east sid.. 01', ,i: H1<<ainR9ad, Arshazsomaque, Bill. York. ". . ...... I 1! '~l; P.M. (E.D.S.T.), upon applioation otChal'19sM. KIOI, ! it I sunset ShoreS, East 1I~;t'1on, New York, fo7:' .. special e~eept1on in 1 .:, aocordanco v1thtbe ~on:1ng Ordinanc'lA1tUci;te 1, S.ct1on 1007, .' ill SubSection E, ror perllllas10n wl'eplace a non~cQnro~ bus.1i1elils iif buU<11nC. Location of propertn llOrthlJide Main noad,.: (Route 2;)" il Eut . Harton, . New York,. bQund.-d north. by A.Qu1!lt.na, east by . ;, ii!P. Van Valkenburg, south by Ka1n Road" and west by A. Q$tatU\,. .,' .~ ! . . 1 II "8;.30 P~)l. (S.D.SoT.). upon ap;;l1oat1@ otE11zaooth:r.-~~i . ~jtor LIla XilQker, orient,NfilW York, tor a vulanof in. accordance- ,Ii II with the Zoning Ordinanee, Artiole IV ,Section400, as 1 trer.:ars '; t::to Al'tlcle lU, Sect10n 303, and ArtioleX, Seotion l~, tor '; ii.~1'il1iulon to' redUQ& trontl\ge and u~e8. as, a s1ngle lot property ; jIloeatedon the west $ ide or Youngs 1l0~, Orient, New York,bounded , l!north~;r iI... ~t.. _~t east by lOUDCS Road,.outh by' E. H. Kinlt, .', ' 'II r1U1d Wl/ilt by .l!i. H., lUng., . ' " .... '.' ' 'i, \1 ".' ... . _ il !'I '. , _ '.' .' '. ~ 'I t:hlf,. l?M~ (E.n.n.'!'.), u)on appJ.:1.Qat1ono1' A. ,l1a!sey Brown,.. I- !1ii KIdn)1l,oad,(Route 25'),E&ilt M&i'J.Qn, New- Yot'k,ror a .pec1a1 exeeptiQp '111n ll~coX'dariG. wi th lihe Zoninr; ordinanoe, .Artiel$ IV, Section 408,:' . '. Ili8ubse~t1on A,'Eor P~rm1st,1on to ereat andIlW.1nt<~ a :l;'eal. estate .1. '. Ii ~vert1tJl:tlt den on the nortMiasterly ~ornerQt property c>t. .'. I I Ror-u' :(oner, 35'feet SOQth. ot the Main State J{()&.d,' Or\l~nport.;. :: l'few York, ' . . :1 ' !! ' ':1 G .. 9.00 .P.fI. (E.D.a.T.), uPon appl1oatl0,D,Qrl1arold R. R.....e . ! . ;~:& l;lQn$, tor ClareneeTuth1ll, Mattituck, ~iew~k, toraVal'1-.nee il !i1naecord~ce w1ththfl Zoning Ordinanco,.Article nr1Section307, \' kt'ol' P~'1'1ll1!1S10n to reduce west side yard. on proll11rty ;Located on . ~ ;!tbe ,ClUtl:1 'side of Main Road, ~ttituck, New 'Iork,. boUhdednorth" . ; :~'; by Main Roa4, ....t by F. Sidor, south 'by C. Melot, and weat by .~. ~;G. F111a. .. '1 1"1 if .. 911~ P.M. (E.D.S.T.>, uponll.ppl;\.eatlonof PaUl'.Serv1center, i:Rorth. Bead, PeClon1c,. N~w Yo:dt, for a 'S'P04~a1:: exoeption 1naoco1'l1~ anee w1th the Zon1nc ord,~C.?A1't'icle IU,Section 300, Sub... I i,Sectton 11, f97! pel'lIi..lon ~ .r<<!ct..1lCl J!la1l);tain an adV81'tl$1nc I ,:a1gn 125 1'e&t; east ot the $e,vi~enteJ'on t...'1i! s01ltusi-de or the : lorth ReM (Route 27AfI, property bounded nortbbY. NO:L'th Roe.4 . (RouW ;i27A). eutby 'It. Case, #outh b>J .itailroad, ~d..stb;r l'oad~ . ~, , ~ . .' ' . 11 ~';' , . .' rl~' '.~ .':, . :1 . ~ J 'I', 1\ ;'l ',' ,!"II ~l " , j i i ., ., I I,' 1. ,., '~. II ' " I' _J , . :~J .' .' ',' , ~,:' P',', ,', .-< .. ' , IiI L8{l~ >>OT!cE, lIQt1<t, - of $!artnt -- I, " , ,,- " , , -, ,,' I:! - -, ' C -,III , ::11' . !iir . :!~ .~j . d -C";;: '~,:r" \,..... ":1." , :, '11 ,', ~: 1'1 111" I' II, II '1'1 1,1 Ill. '::11 i;11 ::i 'I :1' . 'Ii . "1,' I! "I II! li:1 I',: !"' 'I~ 1111 ::iii 'I' . i'll' 1,1 i i ~ ! ill, I'Jc i~1 IIIi - -1" , I' ", Il - li:1 I" 11[,. . 1',- . . ~J' i;~ - ~i i"1 . I'" "I, .,II ~,: I:: ," . , i~ , J;~- , II~: I :/ j:~. . 1,1 ii- t. . 'i.' ': ~'i, " :'~ fir {i . i\~ :i~ II i"1 11 ,~I " :1 iiii , y!1 :'1 im .'1,' ,,( JI~ ":'1 1,,[ ~, - . 'I~', '. ' )i~ - - I . I:", I'j It. Ji 'jl;t Ilj 1'1' i! , )JI~ e- ;p-qe a.". . . -~ ,..- /_.1 ". . _ _" "':"'. -':. . _ ,', ,,\. -, :,".:', ," .. :' '- . .ArJ:t ,~relo!l_d..tN.Qg to _ l'Je) h...-rd' Ot);,- tlie. '-, al;lOYft appll,ca tionso ' $hOtlld appe~atth. t1m.e andplaC,e ab?vesl.lec:1t1ed. ' , , ' j " " , ,Dated.';.prU ~8,1~!i9, 'B1:' ~r~e:r ,C)t:,theCoutbOld' Tow ao&!'lt of' APpeal.,.- .' -/., _ PLEASE F'UbLISE ONCr~, MAY 1, 19'9, AND FCWA.':l.P AFrIDA-VI?: OF Pt1ELIC.o\1'IOI'l IMME;)IA'l'F.t Y TO THE BOARD OF 1PPE.AI,S,e/c DUXWIlill', IJSPECTOR" TOWNCLF.:RltI$OFF!CE,MAINIDAP;SOUXHQLD, ..Ni1W );'ORJt. ~()pi.$!lldl.d" to the f'ollow1iig on.4pril 29, 195'~h " Coatas Btara " Ch~le.K~ ,Jmlg',- . The Stttftillt times" Matt1tUQk vatchJqn ,_ ., EJ.babethf .K;lng, a/cL.:La '1'uoker 'A. Hal".~ 111'own.. '.,C .:, .' ' .', , _ Harol11a~ Reeve & ~on't ale Clarence ~tlUU Paull. Ser'Vicentel" ' /- ':., ',\ ' , ,.; , . , c, ' , "'. , c> ... ,~. .. ., ", ' '" ., ,-,. r "i "",.-,' ',.. :':, .~ .-, -',- ,.), .," 4"" I - "1 ',; 11 . ~ t " ,. i J J. I . ," 11 H' i: I' f ,J,\ . )! , " i :1 N ,..i!, . ;-11. " '. ,( I II' I , " ~ '. -~ ., , ~'. . , / i:, , ' . '-t.,. I ! t. . ~~ I i ,:1 I' I " i:' " , f I I ~ " I H I 11-.' ! \ !~ ". ' j ":/', ., " I ',t., . -l ( ! ,i . , i I " " .l! .~ - .?~;f'-4' k ~uz/ h ~~cJ-rU- ~ o-r/~", ~~~.~~ ~~~,t?<A?, Jr~ ~U/~ ~cuV*CU1J )?U<t. <<--;J- . ~, ~~~k~~~ .e(}{# aAw~~#-J~~~. : ~~~~cu~. ..A~edI~_~~~ . ft.-<Uc.-~~~7.:?~~ , #/a~Y-~Q/~r7 ~P7 d/cvv