HomeMy WebLinkAbout80 ...... ".' .~.~~ - _. . -,... '"......~..~:-". .~~~ _,;" ~".-4 .-. Transcript from minutes of December 23, 1959, bottom page 6, top page 7 Upon resolution offered by Mr. Rosenberg, seconded by Mr. Grigonis, WHEREAS the following application No. 80 ~ 8-5-58 Applicant Reason for Withdrawal Edward Speeches Unable to receive Soundview Restaurant permission from land O1:mer to erect directional sign. has been incomp1eted for the stated reasons. Nowt therefore permission is granted to withdraw the application without prejudice. . Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Mr. Gillispie, Mr. Rosenberg, and Mr. Grigonis. . LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING Pursuant to section 267 of the 'r6wn law and the provisions of the amended Building Zone Ordinance of the TO~ of Southold, Suffolk County. N. Y. .. public hearing will be held by the Zon- ing iBoard of Alppeals . of the Town of Southold at the Town Clerlt.:s office, Main street, Southold. N. Y. on' Au- gust 14th, 1958 ..t 7:45 P.M. (ED.8.T.) upon the application of Sound View ,Restaurant for a special exception to orelocate an existing advertising sign, Article III, section 300. sub 11, of or... dinance. Location jOf this sign v:tclnlty of Albertsons Lane, Greenport.N. Y. Any person desirIng to' belieard on the above application should appear at the time and place above .specified. . Dated August 5. 1958 by order of the '"Zoning Board of Appeals of.Town of Southold. ,. l, __ A . COUNTY OF SUFFOLK I STATE OF NEW YORK ss. Frederick C. Hawkins, being duly sworn, says that he is the owner and publisher of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ....CD~~.. weekj successively, commencing on the .........7....................... '/; ()c---- day of ....L~fi-..'...... 19......0 .. cg;)/;.~..,? ('~ 4_c.-4:~~,. .................................................................................... r~ Sworn to before me this .........9........... day of ~m 19.,lV ..........o~......~. Notary Public f Notary Pu~DELE PAYNE R. .Ie, St;:Jfe of "I eS1ding if! ::.~ ;, ",:ew York IV - - U. ,O"r COunty Commission ~. .52-3Jl/lOOQ xPlres March 3D . 19S9 . . August 16, 1958, IIr ~ Edward W. Speeches Scundview Restaurant. Ine.' North Road Qreenport. N. Y. , Dear Sir: At a meeting of the Zoning Board of: Appeals. Held on AlIgust 14. 1958, your applioation fora speeialexeeption,' to relOCate a directional sign was considered., . TheB~rd will adhere to your request and'action'on this application Will. bape.stponed. until furtb.er notice troll you regarding tb.e exact placement of th~ sign, in question. / Veiy truly yours, SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS , , ,/ Grace B. lIl.'yer , , ~{} "~ ,- ." Secretary, , tftI~ .'" J" tel' fJ I~J':;,7 .' ~J'C:;rtJ~; :17: '" , ~'-", 11,.-,~,j ((fr~!I ..' .'? ';,,-{-if., "i '!/V~' 1.,,\ /i{.-~'" r'. '1" /1 P , , JlP V~hJ1f J ~,7 "[vJ ," 1v- gbm \ \ \ " .. . $(\iU\tuc~\lllie\Wl JituflhtU\tltJ!1lUCk. ~U\tIe". TEL. GPT. 1134 ~",u"l"od, ~"'.~ :?JI..t....b, ~. 't. ~ /~, /7'S-Y- ~~/-=n #<kU/f~.. ~~:h.t. " 4~ ~P-;aAc/~ /~;~~~ ~-cf~ ~ ~ :z4 ~~~ ~~r-~~~~~ ~~/ /ULe a--d ~ ~ /0 ~ t?1- /~~ ~~ ~ ~r-~. ~ /a-ue~~ . ~ J~~~~~7 - ~~ ~ /;tar.k~~~~ ~~~~j-~ ~. ~~/~~~~ ~ /?Zer ~ ~ 7/?Ul~ ~ k ~dU~' tI jJ t . . - ~~/ r7~,- -2dU/aA-dA? ~ck~~~~ . / . Ii" Augus~ '5, 19'58 . Sound View Restaurant North Road Greenport, N.y..' Attn: Edward Speeches Dear Sir; Your applicat~onto.relocate an existing directional and advertiz;l.ngsign has been received by this Board, with $1'5. fee. . . The application is incomplete as to the new location of said sign. Will you kindly send or bring to this Board before the 14th a l.tear of consent or a copy ora land lease agreement with the land owner on whose land you will relocate this sign, gi~ing distance back from highway propertY..line and any other helpful ~nformation ? ' . . . The Board of Appeals will hold a public h~aring on your appl1cat~on for a special exception, oll.Aligust l\t, lSl'58.intheTo\'.n Clerk's Office, Main street, Southold, N.Y., !it 7:4'5PM (E. D.S. T.). Your s truly .I , /") . , ,/ 'p, , /./. , U ~/'d,/CY .\- . \ ._,'._._J , ) I~ 'A '. il,f" r' 1)'.1. " . ~~\:,.-;;- ~...' .\,.,'_.J'._.........~ (' .. , I-!,,~' Chairman, Board of Appeals." 'I , { , RWG/ht ENe. .' I ,. , " , ,; ~I ii,,: .1 if /., . .' \ \, \ /'r " i' . , : -' ".. ....-. 'i . fWL15 rc-.:;c~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORKe APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL EXCEPTION APPLICATION NO. ~ DA TE..... ...... ......... C0v..-& 5' I'? S"? TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, SOUTH OLD, N. Y. , 'W"S7~4&:2f~~N(;f:;~:-<: ...................~~~........... ................~t:~..~.......... hereby apply to THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS far a SPECIAL 'EXCEPTION in accordance with the ZONING ORDINANCE ARTICLr;:zo: SECTION ;&,0 SUBSECTION II THE SPECIAL EXCEPTION IS REQUESTED BECAUSE , ~~ ;h>~ ~~~ ~ ~ ----... ~ ~CZAAA . ~~~ a..- STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF~ ) ) ss ) -~~<6< Sworn to this ...I:t.~...day Of......~..............19.~.. .............~...f...~:.............. ANNA"letg~J'ou.D~k'i . ~ota.rY Public, Stale of New York R"'dlng.. Suffolk Co. Off. No. 52')52605;j COmm....on Exp"" March 3D, ~~ j FORM ZB2 . . \ \/ LEGAL NOTICE Noitqe .of Hearing Pursuant to section 267 of the Town law and the provisions of the ammended Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of South old, Suffolk County, N.Y.. a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of appeals of the Town of South old at the Town clerk's . office, Main Street, Southold N.Y. on August 14th 1958 at 7:45 PM (E.U.S.T.) upon the appl1cat:1,on of Sound View tlestaurant for a special exception to relocate an existing advertizing sign, Articl 1 III, section 300, sub 11, of ordinance.. . I Location of this sign vicinity. of Albertsons Lane, Greenport,N Y. 'I Any person desiring. to be heard on the above application ! should appear at the time and place above specified. i Dated August 5, .1958 of Town of Southold by order of. the Zoning Board of Appeals I Please pUblish Once Aug. 7, 1958imdforward the affidavit j of publication immediately to the Building Inspector. I I. I ~ , I '\ .\ . . ~ ,J, . ',\1'1 " I . , , \\ . .~ . ' , .t' .~. " \ '\ I I . I ]