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OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO. 69 Willillll1S0n law Book Co., Viclor, NY 14564
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!!Count!' of_~j;J~ ~ ~~,
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I, .,,1 e r,./1-..J .Jtf~ (})Jd '--' , do solemnly swear that
I wili support the Constitution of the United States and tile Constitution of the State of New York
and that I will faithfuliy discharge the duties of -4~~
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according to the best of my ability,
(Signed) ~&-'_~tJ,
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
/ 40{-(... day of -:jU4 ' ,20 ~
(Signed) l1$r/frl ~
f)'flu.:!! \ j~euL Qt",)_
OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO, 69 WiIIlam50n Law Book Co., Vlelor, NY 14564
~tnte of ~e\n !\lorll )
!!COUllt!' of S,,~ \'y )
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I, ~Q(\ t\. ~"'\1Qrd , do solemnly swear that
\ I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York,
and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of _~~ ~\)D< S eQJul'\
according to the best of my ability,
(Signed) /~..... ,~-*J/!. ' Office,
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
\> day of --W\)~L ,/'
(Signed) ~ d<.. 9 ~
0<.~~ -t,Wf\ C,~r~ litle
OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO, 69 WilliamSllfllaw Book Co., Viclor, NY 14564
~tnte of ~e\n !\lorh )
!!Count!' of 40/ /-&L,~ )
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$~./ ~J. of ~.u-/d'~ )
I, , xl/ /"'7' J '777 J/ A Y '" v<.. ' do solemnly swear that
I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York,
and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of
~/?,r/.a-t:/ ~06 ~'''n'/J'''Y'A../
according to the best of my abiiity,
(Signed) ,LA./'A-, (J~Dr2- Officer
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
/~ day of O~ ,20~
(Signed) f4.,--:7;Y- :;? eLi'. .r;J "-' ,
~A7'/'V ~''''/ ~