HomeMy WebLinkAboutVolinski, William J OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO. 69 Williamson Law Book Co.. Victor. NY 14564 $tate of jle\n !\lorn ) !!Count!' of:- 9 .. ;(7:",d ~ 55. ~ of ~9f'~lh/A ) I, (A .J ,,; /'/...;;.~:;3) V D-IJ:_~': , do solemnly swear that I wiii support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, c:...-,..., . _ and that 1 wiil faithfully discharge the duties of , J\ according to the best of my ability, (Signed)~~:p ~' Officer Subscribed and sworn to before rne this /f'i:J\ dayof U,peo..."..,'/LL/f ,200~ (Signed) ~::::K~rc~ ~...., ~ TItle