HomeMy WebLinkAboutKeith, Robert W I I w BoOk Co_ Victor. NY 14564 OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO. 69 ,'/on,amson La . $tate of JllelD !lork ) ((ountp of J",~I ~ ~ 55. ,1(jUM/ 01 ~tf.d/ ) I, l2dN-1. r- ,)f. I/; I ~ ' do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithluiiy discharge the duties 01 /Y)';;/h' ! M/____ /0-: J.t '" ,i&<.'Jt-!u./fP - ""i.hU./U ~Au.JN~.j} ~I~ c:j_//rL-?r...<~ - according to the best 01 my ability. (Signed) ~J)l1LJt~i oific€i Subscribed and sworn to before me this JJ~ day of 9U/U_"h"7 .20--<23- (Signed) ~ 9- ~ DJt'~1 ~(VP41_ Title