HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12494 P 2911 Estate Transfer Tan $520.00 Form ~ (~V~9) - 20M -- Bmlu~n ind ~ Decd. w~h Cov~ ~m Gilmo~'s Acm--bl~vidud ~r C~ (Bi.bp dl~Q ~OIIBIJLT ~llll I,AIF/Nli BIFOIII IIMIINe 11111 INBIBIIIIIIff -- INI~ IlIBIBI/llEl~' INOIJI.B BI UIIIB' BT LAllYBIB oNI,Y. THIS INDENTURE, ma~ t~X~h day of ~ebruary 2007 ~ BETWEEN KING T. WILSON, residins at 45 Lumur Drive, Sayville, New York 11782 puny of thc tim pan. and New York 11957 KAREN E. WILSON, residing at 160 Cedar Birch Lane, Orient, party of the second pa~. WITNESSETH, that the puny of ~c tim par~ in considamio~ of mn d~la~ and mher valuable c~ms~d~ldon paid by the pray of the second part. does he.by grant and ~l~ase unto the p~rty of the ~cond park the hein M stw. cesaovs and assigns of the y of the seco~ foreve . .un~nv~ded. one t~nrd.(/~).~n~erg~g tn r~at '*n and ALI, tha~r~in ~. piece ~ parcel ottar~, wtln ~e ~uflmn~ a~ lmpro~me~ls ~lereo~ erotica. being l,, tl~ at Orient, Town oi Sou~hold~ County o£ Suffolk and S~ace of New York, being more particularly bounded and described as iollows: ~ uuGIl~INO at a poin~ on ~he southerly line of ~he Main Road which point marks the northeasterly corner of land now o~ formerly oi N. Chapman and ~hich point also marks the northwesterly corner oi ~he premises herein described; running ~hence along ~he southerly line oi Main Road, North 70° 49' 40· Eas~, 108.87 ieee ~o ~he westerly line oia private road known as Cedar Birch Road; running ~hence :following ~wocouraes alc~g~hesaid westerly llne of said privateroad: (1) ~o~h 7o 38, 20" Eas~, 82.05 fee~; (2) Sou~h 29° 08t 50" Rss~ 14~.5~ fee~; running ~henee alon~ land formerly of B.N. ling, now or formerly of W. Taylor, $ou~h 79o 43' 40" !~est~ 150.0 fee~ Co said land now or formerly al N. Chapman; running ~hence along said las~ men~ioned land North 10° 16' 20~ West, 200.0 fee~ to the southerly line of Main Road a~ ~he poin~ of BEGINNING. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed by deed dated December 22, 2006 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's 0f~ftce on February 1, 2007 in Liber 12490 Page TOGETHER with ail right, title and interest, it' any. of the party of the first purl, in and to any street.,, und roads abutting the above-de~ribed premises to the center lines thereof: TOGETHER with the appurtenances and nil the estate and rights of the puny of Ihs hrht part in and 1o said premises: TO HAVE A ND TO HOLD the premises herein grnuted unto the puny et' the .~cond puff, thc heirs or successors and u.~signs of the puny of the second pun forever. AND the party of the first pan covenants that the party of thc first part has not done ur s~ffemd anything whereby the said premi.~cs have been encumbered in any way whalever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of Iht I'~rsl part. in compliance with Seclion 1.3 of thc Lien Law. covcnanis that the party of the first part will receive the coniideratlon for this conveyance attd will hold the right to receive such consider- ation ns a trust fund tu be applied first for the purpose of paying Ihs cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any pan of the total of the same for any other purpn~e. The word "puny" shall be construed ax il' it read "purtles' whenever the.~nse of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the puny of ihs first part has duly executed thi,~ deed the :day 9nd year first abeve written. .inS T. Wilson . Aelmowtadgemertt taken bt I'MwT~,.k State Grate of NewYork, County of Suffolk Onthell~ dayof Februaryin~heyeer2007, befomme. the unl:~eralgnec~,, personally appeared KING T. WILSON personally known to me or proved to mo on Ihs basis of satisfactory evklenee to be Ihs Indlvlclual(a) (ere). subecn'oed to the wtthln In~tnmmm end ~dmoMndged to me that he/~e~ executed the ~ame In capacity(h=;, an(] that by hls/kM41~Mr-algnature(e) on the inst~unrsnt, the indNJduof(I) or the pemon upofl beheff of v/niGh the Ind~dualM) acted, executnd the instaJme~t Not:sty Public EILEEN M. WOOU.EY, Notary Public State of New York Qualified in Suffolk County Re]. No. 01WO4929991 .,.-, My Commission Expires June 20. 20/U State of New Yo.~, County of On the day el , in the year , before me, the undersigned: personally.appeared the aubo~ibing wltrwss to the fMegoing Instrumem. with whom I am personally acquainted, who being by me duly sworn, did depose end say, that he/~e~'~y realde(s) in that he/she/they know(s) to bo tho individual deaL, fi'bed in and who executed the fo, v,,ju~nO Instrument; that said m/sscflbkYj witness wes present and saw said execute the name; and that said witness et the same time su~c,~hed his/her/their name(s) as a wilflesa thereto. A~monttadgemmM ~ In ~ ~ ~ State of New*toW, County of On the day of , In the year the undersigned, pemonally a~x~-red personally known to me or proved to me on the basis oi ~ evidence to bo the IndMdu~l(s) whose name(s) M (am) sulw:dbod to tbo within Inotmmem end eW to me that he/she/they axe=utad the .,-,me in hid/her/their capacity(bsa), and that by hb/hM/thMr signature(e) mt the me IndlvkluWs) .otad. aw)rated the I~.. ·Smte of , County of ' (or Insert [Xstrlct of Columbia, Terfitmy, Pommsalon or Foreign Country) On the day of , In the year the undersigned, personally appea~d · before me, personally known to me or proved to me on the bsala of satisfactory ev~lence Io be the Indlvldual(s) wh(~e name(e) Is (are) suW to the v, Mhin instrument and a~nov~<lg~ to me that he/aha/they executed the same in h~s/her/theb capacity(ice), that by hi,/her/their signature(e) on the in~Uumont, the Indlv~l~l(s) or 'dm pemon w~.~ be~d ol M~ch the Ind~dual(s) acted, executad the Ixelmment. and ~ such inGtvtdual made such appe~mnna before the u~ In the (add tho city or political sube'l~qsJon and the Mofo or counW or other place the acknoMndgement was taken). KInG T. ~iLSON KAREN ~. t~]~LSON Distributed by Cldcago Title Insurance Company SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN RETURN BY MAILTO: LARK & FOLTS ESQS PO BOX 973 CUTCHOGUE N~/ 11935 ZIp No. Number of pages Serial # Certificate # Prior Ctf. # Do:d / Mortgage lnstrumcnt Page / Filing ~¢ Handling TP-584 Notation EA-52 17 (County) EA-5217 (State} R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. Affidavit Deed I Mortgage Tax Stamp This Oocument will be public .~. oo record. Please remove all ~' ~- Social Security Numbers NY-q Surcha~c Other Grand Total ~-'~1~) 4 [ Dist. 1000 ~ :1.~O00:l.5Ob- Om00- 0190~O Real Property Tax Service Agency Verification 6 I Satisfaction'dDischarges/Rcleases List Property Owners Mailing Addrer..,~ RECORD & RETURN TO: LARK & POLT$ ESQS PO BOX 973 CUTCHOGUE NY 11935 RECO~ 2007 Feb 2'~ 02:~5:16 J,.,di~ fl. Pa~cale CLER~ O~ ~.IFFOU~ CO~TV L P 291 DT# 06-24911 Recnnling I Filing Stamps Mortgage Amt. 1. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Tolal SpecJAssit. or Sl~n:./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual C(mnty Ileld fur Appointmenl Transfer Tax Mansion Tax The property covered by this mortgage is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO if NO, .~ appropriate mx cl-,use on p~ge # __ of this instrument. 5 ~on~nunity Pr~a~rvation Fnnd Consideration Amount $ 130,000.00 CPF T~uc Due . $ !.600;'00' . Vacant 'Land TD TI) Ch. Name N/A Title # N A Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page titans pan of the attached Deed made by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) KI~G T. ~ILSON The prenfises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO In the Township of Sou'thold KAREN E. I,/ILS0N In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of Orient BOXF~q 6 TIIRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. Page I of 3 (over) SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECOI~DS OFFICE REC01~DINO PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD ~m~er of Pages: 3 Receipt Number = 07-0020579 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER= 06-24911 District= 1000 Deed Amount: Recorded: At~ LIBER: PAGE: Section: Block: 015.00 08.00 EXAMINED AND CKARGED AS FOLLOWS $130,000.00 Received the. Following Fees For Above Instrmnent Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG EA-CTY $S.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Cop~es RPT $30.00 NO SCTM Transfer tax $520.00 NO Cctv. Pres Fees Paid TItANSFER TAX NUMBER: 06-24911 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Judith A. Pascals County Clerk, Suffolk County 02/28/2007 02:35:16 PM D00012494 291 Lot ~ 019.000 $5.00 HO $15.00 NO $75.00 $5.00 NO $0.00 HO Sl,600.00 NO $2,274.00 PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: hep://www, orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 I,FOR (;OUNT~ USE ONLY ,,.~, A .."; I Cl SWlS Cod~ I'Y, '7, ~-~, ~, ~ ~l I REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPOKr "' RP - 5217 ,./, / 1. pr~W~o~l ~mr.o~160 [ Cedar, v~r,~eBirch Road /Lane a/k/a 39100 ~uCe 25 [ Southold [ Orient [ 11957 I Biilng Ife~herthanbu~'ad~mWbal~nMfam~ I L4ST~elCOUe*h7 I Roi pmsds W on the dmd ] , t~ [ I~ilson I Kia8 T. I ~ ?. ~hldds em box bdow whl~ moot leeurli~j, dle~b~ the USe OI the pI~QO~y It t~ time ~ i: I ..s~,cm~om I 2 / 2& / 07 I lZGmdSm/T,~b~ I 2 / 17 /07 I l~.r.~s.,-pm. I , , ,1 ~ 3, O. 0.0 . 0.0.01 ! ! .o A B C D E F 0I I 14. IndJMtl eli vdul d paIMItd I , , , I , ,O.OI p,wedv k,aud, d k e,..m p [, ASSESSMENT INFC~IVlAIION - Data ehould reflect the leteai Rrml AHA,-~ent Roll and Tax Bill I l&YwdA~emmmnlMlmm I 0 6 I l?.ToMAam~Vdm(Mmglm~, imbtrmmlw)l '~LF, op,dvCh,, I~, l, 0 I-I I ~LSd,~DL, V, dN*,~ I Oysterponds 1. One-third interest 5 4 0 2a TiI b kilfltiilffd I Ri~ kbMi~ll~ll f moff thM~ four, IRich Ihllt wflh M kJlllb~li~d! I X5 - 8 - 19 ] I I I I I I CERTIFICATION I t~fy thai a~ d the imm ei'id~rnm~l~n en~red ,nn tMI f~ art tree wd cm'r~t ilo [he hem d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ed'any wHIrat hist. m d ~ hcl Jk-':dn WHI snbJed ,,.~ tD IIBe pm'hb)m d b Beml kw H'latlve to b ~ ~ ~ ~l ~ BUYER BUYER'S AI'rORNEY 160 j Cedar Birch Lane .Tm,. ~vm, rrm, ~ w,,n ,*m Urient I 6El I ETI I 11957 631 734-6807 I NEW YORK STATE COPY