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HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12492 P 636THIS INDENTURI~ made the 6th BETWEEN 0ay of February , in the year 2007 Jasepb Sadove a/k/n Joseph IL hdove, residing at S28 Third S~reet, Brooldyn~ New York, appointed by. SufFolk Count~ Surroptte Court undeF File number 1120 P 2006 te ant &s execmor (exccmfix J of thc last will a~d les~ncmof Aaron S. hdove e/k/a Aron S. Sedove, Int~or Greouport, NY, hvins died April 28, 2006, u resident of Suffolk County, dcc*casnd, puffy orlhc first pm% and Tboman ~urBe, residing at 63 New Mill Road, Smlthtown NY 11787 and Steven Sommer, residin~ mt 423 New Rochelle Road, Bronx~ille NY 10708 p~fly of thc sccofld WFfNESSi~I*Ii, ~hat the th~ hund~ ~dby t~ ~y ort~ ~ ~s~by ~ ~ ~ unto ~ ALL thai ccflain plot, plcc~ m' pmcel of land, wilh thc boildin~s and impmvemmxLs ~ e~ected, situate, lying ~ bcin~ in thc nar the Village of Gresnport,'Town of Southold, Count}, of Suffolk and State of New York, . bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the comer formed by the intersection olive northerly side of Ivlanhaset Avenue with thc westerly side of Fiddler Lane: THENCE North 68 degrees 35 minutes 50 seeonds West along the northerly side of Mnnhaset Avenue a distance of 80.60 fec~ TLIENCE North 5 degrees 38 minutes 20 seconds West along the lands of St. Agnes Cemetery n distance of 379.$8 feet; THENCE North 84 degrees 50 minutes 50 seconds ~_~-_q a di~nce of 20.97 feet; THENCE South 5 degress 09 minutes 10 seconds East a distance of 280 feet; THENCE North 84 degrees 50 minutes:SO seconds l~st a distance of 100 feet to thc westerly side of Fiddler Lane; THENCE ~lof18 the westerly side of Fiddler Lane the following two courses-' 1. $,: .~5deSz~es09minutes lOsecondsgA~tadismn~of44.29 2. ~, ,outh 21 degrees 24 minutes 10 seconds West a distance of , 11 fee to the point or place of BECHNNING. Being and intemtm~ to oe the same premises as described in deed made by Aron S. Sadove dated June IS, 1977 recorded Jme 27,197'7 bt Libor 82~ cp ~ TO(; E'I'HIg~R wiih all tight, title and imcresL il'any, cd'the party of the tim pan of. in and to any su'ncL~ and roads abulting thc above described ~mLqes to thc tenter line's thereof: TOG~rI.I£R with the appurtenances, a~d also all the eatale which the '~id decedent had at thc ~ime ofdocedent's death in uid p~nlise.~ and also the cslatc then:ia, which thc pa~ty cfi ~hc first pan has or has power to coavey or dispose of, whether individually, er by virtue of mid will or othenviae: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD I premlscs herein gnmtnd unto thc party of the second putt, Ihe heirs or successors and assigns ol. the piuly of de secoad part forever. AND the ixuty of the first ~ coveannLq ~ (he party ol' the fi ~ prat has no~ done or so ffered anytbolg whcteby the said peemi.qes have hccn incumbered in Any way whatever, except as al'on:mid, AND the puny of the first pa~. in complimce with Scctioa 13 of de Lien I..~w, cavenants Omi. de puny oftbo firs~ pan will receive the con~ideratinn R~r thi.~ conveyance ami will bold the risht to rm.'eive such c~sideration as a Into fund to be applied first for the porpme of paying the eo~t of the improvement and will apply thc same I-tm to de payment of the cast of de improvement bol'oro asing any pan. of the total of O~c same for any other purpose. The word "pmly" .~nall bo conmued as if it ~cad "p~tJas" whcnever the sen~ of this indenture ~o requi~"s. IN W ITNE, S~ WIIEREOF, thc pa.rty of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year firs~ above written. e Slate ~'New Yin'k, Cmmty of Suffolk On thc 6 day of February in before me, the unde~i~mxl, pm.,mmlly J~h ~ou ~e J~h ~ h~ve , ~ ~ ~ hi~ ~s~ ~ ~ by ~r IK~'ARY PUBU~, ~TATE OF NY ~]~KACISVOW~Fd~TFORMmooww[HtlNN~YO~'TAixO, w.i:. . State.New York. County of )ss.: Onlhe day ~M' in the year before me, [he undendgrgd, pev,~oally pmY~aHy known to mc or proved to me on d~.. hasi~ of mdst'ac~o~ evklencc to be the individual(s) wht~e name(s) is (me,) aubscfibed m the ~ ~ m h'..t.~lr capabLy(m), and that by his~edlheir ngm~u~s) cm Om msttumem, dm individual(s), or dm pavan upon · bclmlf of wh~h thc in~idua~(s! a~d, executed the (linen V~ ci~ or odwr lx;litimi suhdh.lslon and dae stow ur co~nt~, or T~TI.A' NO. EX~CUTOa'S DIeD · Joseph SmJove as Executor of the Estate of AaFon S. Sadove, a/Wa Aron S. Sadove Thomas Spurge and Stev~n Sommer FIDF, LITY NATIONAL TITLE OI N.q UR~N;CECOMPANY D]S'mICT I000 Bix~ot 2 LOT 7.1 Cou.,,r:~ oa TOW~ Southold Town RF~ORDED A T'RI.:OUEST uF O m Number of pages' Serial # Certificate # Prior Ctf. # TORRENS Deed I Mortgage Instrument P-age I Filing Fee Handling TP-58~ Notation EA-52 17 ICounty) [Xed / Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES -- This document will be public record, Ptease remove all 80cia Secudty Numbers · pdor ~o recordin9. ,'Sub Total EA-5217 (State} R.RT.S.A. Comm. of Ed. Affidavit Certified Copy NYS Surcharge Other 15. iR) Sub Total Grand Total Ii0o o 4 [Dist. [ O.~G,.oo I oa.. oo Section I Block [ L~ o '7. o Real Property 07~05095 1000 03600 0200 007001 Tax Sen'icc / ~. Agency (RD.FY -~ Verification I Satislhcti0n's/Discharges/Relcases List Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO-' REC0~E0 2007 Feb 20 08:08:15 Judith R. Pascale SUFFOLK COUNTV L I)00012492 P6~6 DT# 06.-2;~. NARIE ONGIONI. E.s ~.. Recording / Filing Stamps Mortgage Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Spec./As.qit. or S~.'c./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town __ Dual County __ Held for Ap~fintment Transfer 'lhxf he ]?R~perty coven:d by this mortgage is r/~ill he improved by a one or two &fil.v dwelling only. YES or NO · NO..~x appropriate mx cluuse on ~#-- °f this 7rumenc [ 5. t~omm~ity Pre~[rutton P'und Consideration/t, $ CPF Tax Due $ Improvud Vacant Land __ ./T~_ TD / 300 Pant;iago Place, $ a; Sast; Ealapt;on ~ 11937 TD . 7 Titb C~ ~ [y~~ . Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This oaee forms nun of the attached Execut;or ' s Deed .~-~/~.~r .,~f~_'a~)V~-. a/~/~ ~ ($PECI~ ~PE OF INSTRUMENT) ~~,. ~ ~X~u~ . ~ Bstage of Raron Sadove T~ p~mi~ hc~in is ~it~tcdin ~/~ ~O~ ~. Sadovef ~~UR~LKCOU~Y, NEWYORK. TO Thomas Spurge & Steven Sommer In the Township or In the VIU.AGE or HAMLET of Soubhold Greenport; nrade by: BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR 'FO RECORDING OR FILING. (over) 8U'FFOZ,K COu='-'z' C:I,~MC I~COZU:)80Z'Z'ZC~ RmCORDZNG PAG~ ~ o£ Znstz'umemt8 DE~DS/DDD ~,'*t~r of Pages 8 4 lt~ce~pt Number 8 07-0016740 ~N$~It TAX NU~BF~= 06-23606 1000 De. Amount8 Recoz'de48 LIB,E~: PAGE: 8ectLo~z Block8 036.00 02.00 EZ&MZNEDi~E) C]~3tG]~DA8 FOLLOWS $385,000.00 02/20/2007 08808815 A~ ~ceiv~ t~ Follow~ng Fees F~ Above Page/Fll:Lng $12.00 NO Handling COS $5.00 NO Zl~8 8ZCHG RA-CTY $5.00 NO F,A-HTATR ~-584 $5.00 NO Co~t.Coi)~es K~T $30.00 NO BCT~ T=nnB£O~ tax $X,540.00 NO Foes ~&~d TRANSFER TAX NUMBRR8 06-23606 · EZS PAG~ Z8 A ~AR? OF '~m; ZNS'Z'RUMBN'F THZB ZS NOT A BZLL D00012492 636 County CZerk, ~u££olk County lot: 007.001 $5.00 $15.oo $75.00 $o,oo $o.oo $4,700.00 S6,392.00 NO NO NO NO NO NO .' ......... :- ' PLEASE'TYpE OR'PRi=~;S FIRMLY WHEN WRITinG bN i=ORM~ ' -' INSTRUCTIONS: http:/! www.orps.state, or PHONE (518) 473-7222 IFOR COUNTY USE ONLY ,, , -- ~ Cl. swls coda ~ ~ REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT I c~..k, I'~/~ .~_~'~,..~, ~(z~ . ,I ~. RP 5217 "~"~. I 95 [FIDDLER LANE I I SOUTHOLD I OREENPORT [ 11944 I ~s~-~ I SOMHER I ~M~N~ STEVEN i aon pa,M~ ~mdm.,.M M~ the dNd I ) THOHAS , I J aof Parceb 01~ ['--'] Partof. Pa,T,M EXECUTOR'S DEED IL Dm d Sab I T~'indii' I 2/ 6 / 071 385,000 13. Fule'lel~ee I . , ; 3. ,8 . 5.00, O. 0 ] I) I 14'l'a""lh~lluedl~elenel I .... , O, 0 , 0 I fu~lusad in tSa ~ i [11 · INFORMATION - Data ~hould reflect the latest Final A~essmant Roll and Tax Bill Mdd~;..;.,..;~l~he. · , l~.TaulMMmidVMuelddpin:daln~.mdm, ll . . , . , . 4.2 ,0 0 ,.. ,,..,, ~- I A 1, ol-g~ ,,.,~,..o...... ~ 4~3810 / G-~,~,~_,/~...7"'" Tea k IdlMIlle~i I Roll Ide~tllfueitl tlf rome the. feet. ettadt .heat with .d~t~al.l 1000 - 036.00 - 02.00 - 007.001 I I I I I I CERTIFICATION I I ceflir~ that aJi oi' the iieim d'ird~mn.iJp, n ea~temd on thk f(mn iz~ Lrue nmi ~ ilo ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ [ ~ ~ ~ m~ d nn~ ,dlrul rn~ ml.m~m ~ mmPI ht~ ]m~4n wUI ~ubJm n~ m ~h~ t~' w rdath'e fu "- m,i,k]K and flanl4 ~ G, ke fMn,mmth. BUYER ~ [ BUYER'S ATTORNEY -"-"'--" "-'~-'"-'~ I '~" ' I / NEW YORK STATE