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HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12492 P 678CORRECTION DEED NY tl~ · gar~in nad S.~ Deed q~lh C~ '~:n~! ~ Groan's AL'b Indivkl~l w Caq~r,i~on ISingk .~'ct! (NYBrU 8002) THL.q INDENTURE, made the day of BETWEEN December , in the year 2006 TEOHAS SOSNOWSKI, es Executor of the Estate of Peter Sosnowski, residtnS at 2 Meeting Lane, Btcksville, New York 11801 ~uXy of thc t'u'st fi, m. and --., ..*- .".., THOHAS SOSNOWSKI, residing at 2 Meeting Lane, Hicksvllle, NY 11801 rdfly of'the second part. WITNEb'SETI[, ~mt the pafly of the tim parl, in considerdtiofl often Dolha,~ and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the seco~l part, dons hereby grant and mlen.~ unto the party of the ~.cond pan, the hein~ or successms ',md u.~igns or the party of~e ~ond part forever, ALLthatcertain~m~eceorpa~f~and.withthcbui~d~impawemcnmthc~ean~rc~t~uam~yi~g.`mdhei~i~b~: at East ~arinn, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follower Beginning at a point on the easterly line of Shipyard Lane about 118t feet southerly along said easterly line from the Hain Read, said point of beginning being the northwesterly corner of land conveyed ot about to be conveyed by the party of the first part to the party of the second part; from said point of beginning running along said easterly line of Shipyard Lane North 24 degrees 55minutes 30 seconds ~est, 100 feet; thence along land of the party of the first ~art, NOrth 65 degrees 39 minutes iO seconds East, 167.&8 feet to land of Czerpowice thence along said land of Czetpo~icz, South 21 degrees 56 minutes 30 seconds East 100 feet; Thence along said land conveyed or about to be conveyed to the party of th second part, South. 65 deErees 39 minutes tO seconds West, 167.50 feet to the point or place of beginning. THIS IS A CORRECTION DEED whereinDeed ~ade 'from Peter Sosnowski to Thomas Sosnovskl dated .2/23/89, recorded 4/20/89 in Libor 10839 Page t23 is in error and should have only conveyed Ta~ Lot 12. Tax Lot 13 had already been conveyed out to Walter and Josephine Sosnowski by virtue of a Deed dated 3/7/59, recorded 5/1/59 in Libor 4619 pa8e 37l. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE pert of the premises conveyed to the grantor herein by Deed dated 10/25/58, recorded 10/28/58 in Libor 453~ page ! TOGKTIIER with ull riEhL title and interesL ifany, of the pafly of thc first Pan of, in and to anY s~'eeLs and r'>~ ubutling the above-de.qc~bed put mLr, as to the centor lines Ihcrcof: TOGETI IER with the appuflanance~ and all the ar4atc and fights of the pafly of the fit'at pan in and t6 said premiss; TO IIAVE AND TO HOLD thc premises he,tin granted untu the party of the ~tcond part. the hein~ or ~;.'~or~ and m4~gms of the party of the second parr forever. AND the piny of~e firrd pan cuvanan~ thru the piny of thc first pan has not done or suffered anything whereby ibc said prmtdses have been incumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. . AND the party of the fir~ parL in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law. covcnants that the pafly of flu: fir*at pan will receive the corkqidcration for thLs ccmveyanco and will huld the fight to receive such co~siderndon as a tm.~t fund to be applicd fi~t i'm' thc purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply th~ same time to the payment of thc cost of the improvement before ~ing any part of the toad of the ~xne fro' any oO~r purpoan. The word "party" shall he con.~uund as if it read "ponies" whenever the of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESSWIIEREOF, t~ partyofthefi~.~paflh~qdulyex~tedthis~thedayandyc~ first'dbo~writtcn. [NPR~F~CEOF: ~~~d~~/ Thomas Sosnomski, as Executor o~ the Estate of Peter Sosnowski Onthc~ dayof December inthcyc~ 2006 ~r~c me, ac und~ismd, pem:mUy per. yogas Sosno~skt ......... ' satisf~'t ' Known m me or pm~val to me on .u~. mm m . evidalce to be thc indivH--'~Rs} whine mine(s) ts (u~) su~ to me wi~n irmmnm~ ond acknowledged, to m~ dmt .hal .si~.. _ .e_e_e_e_e_e_e_e_~.. signalu~(s) on Ibc immnnmt, Ibc indivldtml(s), re. lbo pc?o, n upon bcimir or' which thc individual~) _,~__~. executed thc mstnnne~ No[ary Public CAPOL Notary Pu~,*c. · ko. Ou a.q..*.,d in Commls~;on E~pire* A ct~rOWLEJ~MEA~r FORM ~ ~.~ WIZTIIN ,¥EW ¥ORE ~i'AT~ ONLY: sure or New York, County ~' - }~: Onthe day~ before me, dte undee:dg~d, pemmally apimmal pcr:,e~lly ~ml,,..~A~S by me duly sv, om, m. ,,.p~ n~ my thai h~be/~h~y rc~dc(s) m ( i.[ rAe place of r~.ddence i.c in ~ c i~ include the :treet and a ren n~n~aer, Lr~ny, #~em~J'J: that hc/eae/they know(s) to be the iadividual ~bcd in 0nU who executed d~o fcr~.,oin~ insmmmm; shat said subsc~bin~ wimess vms p~senc and sawmu hL.q~cr/d~ir mime(s) ns it wimess d~'~to. 'rmz No. COIULECTTON BARGAIN l ~ DEF'~ Thomas Sosnovsk1, ~s Executor of the Es~a~e of Peter $osnowskt Thomas Sosnovskt FIDEIJTY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE OCOMPANY OF NEW YORK · MILLER Lat-~ of Hew York t.I;olk County Febn.:ary 23, sq OI 0 A ClmlOWl, gBC~El~t Foml ~0~ O~ ~ N~ Y~ ~A ~ Ou~: ( ~ V~ ~ ~, C~ P~ ~ ~ec ~ (Insert tlw c~y or o~er poli~al ~/~d~vi~.i~,. ar.d ~ ~ or co~r~ or od~er p~e tl~ ocknowled~me~ wa~ DISTRIC~ Sacno~ County o~ TOWN RECORDED ATP. E~U~b'f OF Fiddity Natiomd Tille lmmm~ Compony og New York RudoLph H. Bruer, Esq. P,O. Box 1&66 Southold, N~ 11971 Number 6f pages TORRENS Serial # Certificate # Prior Cfi. # Deed. Mortgage Instrument 3 Page / Filing Fee Handling TP-S84 Notation EA-$217 (County) EA-5217 (State) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. Affidavit Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp RECOR~ED 2007 Feb 20 10:23:15 Judith R. Pascale CLE*R~ SUFFOLK C~UUTY L P 678 PT# 0~=2,%44 Recordin~ I Filing Stamps Monpge Amt. !. Basic Tax _'5_ O0 2. Additional Tax '~ Sub Total ,~ Spec. I Assit. ~' Sub Total ~ q §O or Spec. / Add.  ~ TOT. M"I~. TAX __ ~ Dual Town Dual County __ "-'-- Held for Appointment..~ Transfer Tax ~t 00 Mansion Tax The properly covered by this motgagn  .~' A.__. ~ or will be improved by a one or family dwelling only. Reg. Copy Sub Total,,~ ~ O YES or NO __ ~' .$~ If NO. see appropriate tax clause on I 07005622 1000 03800 03.00 012000 ' /I ~ ~ 5 Communl Preservation Fund I ,i, .,ion ^mou., s., Tax Service ~ ~ $ Agency Improved · Verification Satisfaction/Diseharges/Ralecse List Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: TD / Rudolph Il. Bruer, Esq. TI) P.O. BOx 1466 Southold, NY 11971 TD 8 Title Company Information Co. Name · ritl~ # Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms part of the attached CORRECTION DEED made by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) Thomas Sosnowski, aa Executor of the The premisls herein is simazed in Estate of PEter Sosnmmki SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO In the Townahip of ~homas Sosnowskt In the VII_!.AGE or HAMLET of East Narlon BOXES 6 THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRIN'I'eO IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument~ CORRECTZON/DEED/DCO ~her o£ Pages~ 3 Receipt Number ~ 07-0016831 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 06-23644 D/strict: 1000 Deed Amount: Recorded~ At~ LIBER PAGE Section ~ Block: 030.00 01.00 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AH FOLLOWS $0.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 NO NYB SRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Notation Cert. Copies $5.00 NO RPT SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax Cmm. Pres $0.00 NO Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 06-23644 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Judith A. Pascals County Clerk, Suffolk County 02/20/2007 10~23=15 AM D00012492 678 Lot ~ 012.000 Exempt $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $165.00 NO $0.50 NO $30.00 NO $0.00 NO $244.50 PL~.ASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http~/ or PHONE (518) 473-7222 ] FOR'COUntrY USE ONLY ~ ~, ~ I c~..w= co,. "~/, ~, ~, ~, ~', % I ~ ~,.~L P.OP~m · " ~- RP - 5217 Southnld I Shipyard Lane J Sosnowski, Estate o£ I I ~mJv ~l l)efl M m PmMJ Chm~ ~ '~ly ~. I I I Commercial Ifldut?]iii Aponmen( Publk: ~wlM / / I 1~. I~ of Gib I Tmn~Re' Mmdh D~I YOM 13. ~11 $11e PHu L_~ ~SSESSME~ INFORMA~ , .... o9 ! ! .e a Ownenhip Typl b Ccmdomlrl~n R & Nm,v ConmnxlJm~ o. Vman~ Land · that the propMly it ~ in ~g~'tJltu~l D~trlef A B C D E F G H I J! S~o BeeA, een Rebt~es m Formm Rela~K~ I Dmd TW)e na~ ~nlv m B~pln m~d ~ (~p~cify Relow) CORRECT tON DEED .... no .,0,01 i ~ * ~ll should rollecl the latest Rnal Assessment Roll and Tax Bill I ~-.,c!~-.~ $7. To~I ANiMed Vduls !dd pe?k in 'btnd~ I . c,-- I~./.~J-I I u.M, odmW. rk,~. I OyeCerponde ~0. Tn IM~ k~ld I Rd b~. ,dj) III roms Ih~t lout..l~d~ d~ td~ .d~l.nd I~1 I tOOO-O38.~O-O/.OO-O12J I I I J I I C~RTIFICATION I BUYER BUYER'S ATrORNEY 2 [ Heettn$ Xtckev:Llle I ~ I 11801 /~. SELLER NEW YORK STATE COPY