HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12494 P 2530,5'0 THIS INDENTURE, made the 26~h day of Janucry in the year 2007 BItTWEEN Jnmes Higdon, residing at 975 Anderson Road. Southold NY 11971 party ot'the lest part, and James R. Hisdon, residing at 975 Anderson Pond. $outhold NY 11971 party ot'lhe second pan, WI'I'~ESSETH, that the party of the fiat pail in considn'atJon of Ten Dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the party of t~ second pan, does hereby remise, release and quitelaim unto the p~ty of the part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel otr land. with the buildln~s and impmvemems ~.reon erected, situate, lying and being in the SEE ATFACHED DF..SCRIPTION Intended to be the same ns the premises set forth in deed dated 7114105 and recorded at Liher 12377 at page 794 TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, it' any, of the party of the lust part o~ in and to any. seects and roads abusing the above-deserlhed premises to the canter'lines thercol~ TOGETHER with the appu~enanucs and all the estate and righls of the parly of' the £nt pan in and to said pi-~u~ses; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the pron~-s herein granted unto the pany ot' the second past, the hei~ or successors and assigns or' the pray of the second pan £orever. AND the party ot' the f'mt pan. in complianse with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party oF the first patt will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such con- siderstion as n uust fund to he applied tim t'or the pmpnse of payin~ the cost ot' the improvement and will apply the same lust to the payment o1' the cost of the improvement bet'ore using any pan of the total of the same for any other propose. The word "party" si]all he construed as if il rend "panics" whenever the sense ot'thls indenture so requires. IN WITNIgS.S WHEREOIr, the patty of the lust pan has duly executed this dced the day and year first above written. I'N PRESENCE OF: Point. nMr Ihe ~lEe ef W b lira Tmon M 8mdlmkj. CouMy M W and mlt~ M Nm/Y(xk. Ixmmkd IM dm~bld i fnM~ RUNNING THENCE ~Jo~ MkJ kind M ~lher~on. no(ih 67 degre~ 05 minutes 30 sec~md,, ~ 235.00 feet; THENCE along land of the ~ of Ibc rust pair nodh 21 degrees 07 mlautM 20 seconds easL 12.5.09 feel Io saki land of NetJage; THENCE along .aid lind of Ne~. soullt 67 degree~ (]5 mlr,~m ~O seconds easl, 235.00 Met b) Ihe WM' plBre id'BEGINNING. TOGETHER udO~ a ~Ohl o~ way over said 20 ~aot dOht al, way from the --'0 "-- --'~"'r/m'~"ma"/memm oO011t lOOO feel ind ihen C ACIC~OWLEDGEMENT TAKEN IN NEW YORK STATE Stale of New York, Co~.' ur Suffolk , ss: On the 2Mb day of Jnnua~/ in thc ysar 2007. I~l'or~ nm. the unclersi~, pe~onally appcarnd James HJsdon , personally known 1o me m proved to me on thc b~J.*~ of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) vdmee name(s) is (are) subscrthnd to the within instrument and nchnowledf~-d to mc that he/~hdth~ exconlnd the same in his/her/their uapncity(iesl, and that by kis/t~r signn_m*~'(s! on the ins~ument, the individ;miisL or thc pczson upon belml fpf which thc individual(s) acted, executnd thc TAKKN IN Nr.W YORK STATE State of New York, Count~ of , ss: On the dey of in thc )'cm' , bcfm'e mc, thc undcrsignnd, u No~ Public in and For said S~c, Ix'rso;mlly , thc subscribing witness to the foregoing instrument, with whom I nm ix'rsonnll],* ncq;mintccL who. hain8 by' mc duly sworn, did depose ;md say dmt he/sba/thcT reside(s) in that he/sh~ know(s) to he the individual described in and who executed the forgoing instrument; that sam e,,tm~,ibin~ witness vms pm~stt and saw said execute the same: and dmt said wimess at thc st;me time subsaribnd hb/ber/thcir ;mine(s) ns a wimcss thc~to Quitclaim Deed ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TAKEN IN NEW YORK STATE State of New York.County of . ss: On thc da.v of in thc y.car undersigned, pcrso;mlly np~ · but'om me. ~e , pcr~onal[y known to mc or proved to mc on the is~sis of ~tL~racto~' evide;me m he the individunlts) whose n~me(s) is (arc) subscribed to the within instrument and ;mknowledgnd to me that he/she/th,.'y executed the sume in his/her/their ;~;city~ k's). ;md that by his/her/their signature(s) on thc instnunenL the indiYidonlts), or thc pe~on upon behalf of which the individual(s} acted, executed d~ in,.~umct~L ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TAKF, N OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE *State ut' , County of , ss: *(Or insert District of Colombia, 'reffitory, Possc~inn or foreign County) On the da), of in the year undcraignnd pe~onnlly appom.ed · 5cf'orc mc thc Personally known to mc or pro*,'cd to mc on the krs~s of'efl!!erKlory evidence to be the indib'fdunl(s) whosc ;mine(s) is (re.c) subscribed to the vrithin iuamm~.'nt and acknowlndSnd to mc that he/she*lhcy executed the ~ in hb,/her/thch' cnpncit~i=s), thai by his/her/their signature(s) on thc instrum~tn, the individ;mt(s) or the person upon behalf of which thc individual(s) acted, c'.w:cted thc instmmcnt. '.md that such indivkinal nnd;e sach nppom';mee before the undcrslgncd in the (~id thc ci~ or political subdivision and thc s~tc or cotmt~' or other )lace thc ncknowlecl~'mcnt v,~ token). Title No. WSBC-1412S Iligdon TO Ri~clon DISTRIBUTED BY YOUR TITLE EXPERTS The Judicial Ti~e llmumn~ Agency LLC 800-2el.TITLE (848S) FAX: 8004:AX-0396 SECTION: 050 BLOCK: OI I.OT: 015 COUNTY OR TOWN: Suffolk RETURN BY MAIL TO: Jam= R. tli~an 975 Ander]on Rood ~thMd NY 11971 N~umb~r ofpag~ / ~t~ORREN$ S~iai # Prior Cfi. RE~I~ED 2007 Feb 28 01::16:54 ?~ Svdi~h R, Pascale $1JF~' ~UHTY L DO0012¢.°4 DT# '; "*' ~:Addifi. omllT~x. C.:-': · TP-$84 $1ib Total. : :' . . - Notation · · . pis:. / EA-$2t7 (Coim~y). . Sub Tot~l, .S. pe~..! Add. · ~-~47 ~s~) io~..~m r~" _-- ' ~ --... . .He!.d for. Appoin~cnt.~ Affidavit ~ Pml~rt~ cov~kl by.rials motgag, is CettifiedCopy _ .... ~.r.wll ~ imt~ved"bl~ a one or two -- famil~"dw~lli6g:i~ly;. ' .-' Reg. Copy - Sub Total _ '.~ on.'. ~t Rea' r Pr, ~,~ ,.lion l~nd i'ml 07005922 X000'05000 0100 015000 '' '' ",''..; .' ... ~;S' C~ r~, s,~o /'P-~'~\ c~ ~," :.'. ~ ....... ^~.~..I~"~ ^) ~ ..:.; .~....' v.~c~o. ~'~*. ~.7/ ii~prov.a _ ~ Saiisfaction~Discha~o~l~le~se L si Propert~ Ow~ Mailing Address Vac~:Land Title Compline, Suffolk C~ & Endorsement This page £orms p~ or' the'.~ttached (si,~cn~ ~a~.E OF uvs~tu,vifu~r) . made ~'~ 0~,~...~ ~rl ~.?~,1~ The premisis herein is sRualed irt SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. In the VILLAGE ~o~ ~ ~ouos ~m~ .~ ~ o~ ~ .~c ........... 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D#d Name I I of I~rc*ll OR [~ hrt of a Pm~l I I I I 7. ChiCk th~ ben IMow wtlbh mMI IceJltdy d#atb# the UM d Ihs ~)ltt'y It ~q liml of #Ii: I I /~'~- /o7 I B Sale Baween Relaed Compi~l# m' I~ Iff Budnea~ C One of Ute Buye~ la MlO a ~d~' D BUyM or Sellir i. GoVamlmenI AOIney ~ Lin(ar, g IMli~tlon S~1~Cll Chilli ~ I~l~lly ~llWllfl Tlllldl SlilL1 lnd ~l~ Dl Olher U ,,,_~,_~ I Fl~lO~l ~ ~ ~ ~ Bolow) Z~ Tix Mep kbld~M~ l Rd W M mme b'la foar, et~ch M w~h edd~end iM~&~ilr~) I ~ELLER I BUYER'S A~rORNEY I NEW YORK STATE COPY