HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12490 P 571 BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION) FORM 8007 CAUTION: Tfll~ AGREI~4ENT SHOLLD nE I~EPA~ED nY AN A'fl'ORNEY AND REVIEWED BY A'l"rol~nY~ FOR SELLER AND FURCHASER J TIIISINDENFVRE, madcthe .~t~4 dayo. fNov~mber, 2006 between Aaflmny ~ and Pal&ia A. C. hrisg Tmsteez. or tl~ir Suco~sors ia Tru~t. ua~r fig Christ Living Trust dated September 9, 1998, 2400 South Oce*n Drive, b~212~.., R. Pie~ .FL 34949 party of the firat part, and Gino P. Menchini and Carol A1 Menchini, husband and wife, both residing at 537 3'd. Street, Brooklyn, New York 11215 pa~y of the second part. WITNE$$E{'H, that the party of thc first p~. in c~i~ti~ ofT~ DO~ ~-~ ($10.~), lawful ~y of ~ Uni~ S~tes, ~ by ~ p~y of t~ ~ ~, ~ ~ ~nt ~ ~u~d, ~ty of Surfak ~ State of New York, ~wn ~ ~i~ ~ ~p of P~onic Bay ~m~ ~ Map A, filed in ~e Suffolk County ~e~'s ~ee ~ Map ~11~ u ~t B~G at n ~nt on the N~y si~ of Bay S~ R~ di~ 1~5.30 fret N~w~y ~ ~ alongN~y side of Bay S~ R~d from Isled V~w Aven~; RUNN~G T~ N~ 61 ~s 11 ~nu~ ~0 ~o~s W~ along N~rly side · of Bay S~ R~, 52.38 f~t m a ~nu~nt; T~ No~ 45 ~ 47 minu~ 20 ~& ~ 2~.0 f~ to ~ high wa~r ~ by ~ ~u& 45 ~ 39 ~nu~ 50 ~ds ~t 50,01 fret m a ~ TH~ ~u~ 45 ~g~ 47 ~inut~ ~ ~onds W~ 28~ f~t Io a ~u~nt ~ ~ No~ly side of Hay Sh~ R~, at t~ ~int o~ pl~e o~ B~G. T~HER with all fi~t, title nnd inle~L' if any, of ~ ~y of I~ tim ~ in and to any ~ ItO~ t~ p~ ~min ~ unto ~ p~y of~ ~ond pa~ the ~o ~of&e f~t ~ coypu t~t t~ ~y or~e fi~t ~ ~ not d~ or ~~t t, ~ive such ~ons~i~ ~ a ~ust fund to ~ apgh~ ~ f& ~ ~'~ of ~ng ~e co~ of ~ i~m~at ~ will apply ~ ~ fi~t ~o t~ p~y~t of ~ ~st of ~ Thc word ~'party" shall be construed as if it read Up~tie~'l whan~ver thc sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the fi~st part has duly executed this 0~ thc day and year f'u'st above written. I ~C~ A. Christ $Cf-~nULE "A" ,a!_~. that certain plot, piec~ or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate., lying and being at Atahamomaque, in tbe Town of $outhold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated on map of Peconic Bay Estates, Amended Map A., filed in Suffolk County Clerk's Office as Map NO. 1124, as Lot 40. SS: On the day of November in the yeni'.200~, before me, the undersigned, personally appeared Anthony Christ nnd Patriein A.~Cht~st, personally known to me or proved to me on the b~is of satisfncto~ evidence to he thc individuals whose nnme are subscribed to the within instrument nnd ncknowledged to me thc they executed the same in their capacities, thnt by their signntures on the instrument, thc individunl, or the person upon behnlf of which the individual ncted, executed the'instmmefit;'~ad that such individual mnde such appenmnee before the undersigned in the city of and the sta~ of ~umT~.r ur~s~STORR£~.S, m \ 200? Feb 02 ~:4~::r~ ~ ..,\. Judith fl. Pascale · .. · CLE~ OF SUFFOLK CCUNTY L D00012490 P ~71 DT# 06-21987 Deed I Moflpla In#turn,in D~d I Morlple Tax Stamp 4 ~ES Pa~ I Filin, F~ ~ Handlin~ ~ TP-584 Notation EA-5217 (County} Sub Total EA-$217 (State) Corem. of Ed. ~ 00 Amdavit Certified Copy Reg. Copy Sub Total Other [~__ GRAND TOTAL ~~ Real PFoper~_Taz Sen'ice Aient7 Veriflcn. tion )7001489 ~ooo 05300 0400 016000 Inidnl: Rec~drmR I Filing $lam~ · Amt. I. Ua.~ic Tax 2. Additimml Tax SubTotal Spcc JAssit. Spcc./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual County Held for Appoflionmenl __ TransrL-r Tax ~ -" Mansion Tax The Mop·ny covered by this mortgage is or will be impmvcd by a one or Iwo family dwcllin$ only. yr's or If'NO. see appropriate tax cluus~ on page # of'~is instrumcm. I 6 Communie,' Preservation Fund ConsidcrationAmount $ ~ Id"'~ . CPF Tax D~" Impmved / Va·am Land TD TD TD Title Company Information 9 I SUFFOI..~ COUNTY RECORDING & ENDORSF. MEI~F PAGE · - ' ' (SPECI~ ~'PE OF INS~UME~) ~c p~mi~ h~in is sit.lcd in SUF~ COU~Y. NEW YO~. To |fl thc VILLAGE ut I'IAMLET or BOXES S THRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. made by: (OVER} · ( SUFFOLK COULTTYCLER]~ RECORDS 0FFICE RECORDZNG PAGE T3fpe of~ Znstrtuusnt: DEEDB/DDD bT',~m'l~ o£ Eases: 4 Rece4Dt Number s 07-0012491 TRANSFER TAX h~HBER: 06-21987 Districts 1000 Deed A~r~LUt: Recorded: LXBER: PA~E: Sections Block: 053.00 0&.00 EXAMZNEDAHDClIARGEDA~ FOLLOWS $800,000.00 ~ceSYed the Fo11~i~ Fees For~ Znstz~Jment Page/FAl~ug $12.00 NO HoJ~dlAng cee $5.00 HO NY8 SRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATB ?P-584 S5.00 ~ Ce~.Cop~es ~ $30.00 NO TreBle= t~ $3,200.00 ~ C~.~rel Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX ~MBER: 0E-21987 THZ8 PA~E X8 A PART OF THE ZMBTRUMENT THZ8 Z8 NOT A BZLL ~udith A. P&sc&le County Clerk, ~u££oXk County 02/02/2007 03:41:33 PH D00012490 571 Lot: 016.000 $5.oo NO $15.00 NO $75.00 NO $o.oo NO $o.oo NO $13,000.00 NO $16,352.00 PLEASE TYPE'OI~ PRESS FIRMLY WHG~'WR-IT1NG ON FORM ', INSTRU~IONS: h~p~/~.o~.state.ny, us or PHONE (518) 47~7222 FOR ~UN~ USE ONLY -- I C,..S~ I' b~ ~', ~ ~,~1 ~ ~ R~LPROPER~RRE~ ~ ~ A.~..~. ~,o~.~..,~ ~'~ ~' I~ RP - 5217 ~0~ INFOR~ ~ ' If a~hat Ihen iarfer ad¢~ {al bM~m a/[on~ J I r~,w I Ixl Io.I , I C~riS ¥ ~ R~idJntz-I I)L.J NmkR~idantlll Vacant I SALE INmWA~O. I Community SewJee A C D E F ,.~.,s. ~ , . .,' '~, O,O ITull Sele Price ~ tM tmal ~m~unt paid IM the I~'apertV Ir,¢luding I , ..... i~lJ~o , O I J AS~--~MENT INFORMATION - DII~ ~hould reflect the late~t Final Jmum~ment Roll end Tax Bill J ,,.,-,,,,:- ,,. --h., .., ,,-- Sci. BJw,len RJlmd C~nlxmM or Pmtner~ in B~in~ On~ of ~ Bu~ is JlJo a ~MIJ. Buyer or ~eller is Go~mmem ~.nmf or Lending InmimUon SIgn~,G~m Ctmngs in Properly BMween Tm,d~q St~ul ind Sub Dm Slle of BUS~IMS z. Im:Judld in 8~e Price Other Ur~luel FM:mm Affec~ng Sale Price ~,~__~y Bedowl NOn~ i BUYER'S ATTORNEY NEW YORKCOPY STATE