HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12493 P 133r Dhtr~t Seett.o~ 83 Block I NY 0US - Bur~in ~m~ ~ D~L'd with Cmen3m ~imeGra~or's Acz~ IMi~du~l ~'CoqxJ~fl ($i~ Sh~co tNYB'rU ~02. t (.~)~L~ULT YOUR LAW%~-:R nl~.'oni.: SIGK1,NG '11115 Ih~'~l'KUMkT~'r - TIILq I~TRUMK~T ~K)UIJ) ~K L~E~D BV LAWVEI4S ONI.Y THIS INDENTURE. made BETWEEN New York 11935 day of .~ptm~ber . in the year 2006 ,IOANNE M. BRYAN, residing at 255 Glen Court, Cutchogue, pany of the tim pan, and JOANNE M. BRYAN, residing at 255 Glen Court. Cutchngue. New Yurk I 1935 and MARCUS iL BRYAN. residing at 25:5 Glen Cour~ Curchogue, New York I 1935, as TruMees of the JOANNE M. BRYAN REVOCABI,E TRUST dated Septemlx'r I~', 200& with respect to · 49 ½ % interest: .~NIARCUS iL BRYAN, residing at 255 Glen Court, Cutchogae. New York 11935 end JOANNK M. BRYAN. residing al 255 Glen Gnarl Cutchogue. New Yurk 11935, as Trostees of the MARCUS R. BRYAN REVOCABLE TRUST dated September I~-. 2006. with respeel to a 49 ~ 3to interest; and SEAN A. BRYAN, residing at 465 Noah Spaulding Avenue. Apt. 1, I.os Angeles, Cnlilbmia 90036, with respect to n 1% interest pany oflhe ~:ond W ITN kLSSE'I'H, thai ~ patly of the ting pm. in consideration ofTen Doliar~ and Giber val~le Ct'lp. sideralion paid by the pally of the second pan. does hereby granl and rehtase anto the party of the second p.'ut, the hei~ or auccesson and assigns of the pan). of the second pan forever, ALL, ~ celia ploL piece or parcel of 'land, with the buildiass and improvements Ihereo~ em'ted, situale, lying and being in the Town of Southold, Counly of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designaled as Lot numbered 3 on a certain map entitled "Map of Birch Hill· at Cutchogue, Town of Somhold, Suffolk County, New York", and filed in the Office oflhe Clerk of Suffolk County on July 19. 1967 as Map No. 4908. SUBJECT to covenants, restrictions and cascmcnts of record, if=ny. SAID premises being known as 255 (lien Court. Catchogoe. NLnv York 11935. BEI NC AND INTENDED 'ro BE 'n I E same premises couveycd to the party of Ibc fir~'~ pan by deed dated A ugura 30. 1972. recorded in Lihor 7233 Page 427 on Septcmbor 5. 1972. in thc Office ofthe Clerk ot'the County of Suffolk. TOG, ETH E R with all riehl tille and i mere~.'L if '.my. nf the party of the fir~ part of. in and to any greets and roads '.~uning the above-described premiss 1o ~he center lines then:of; TOG ICrBER with the appunemmces and all the esul~e and tights of the party of the first pan in and In aaid premig.i: TO HAVE AND TO ROLO the premL.;es herein gsamed unlo the pany of the secoud pan. Ihe heirs or ~u(.'ces~ors and a~signs of the party of the ~,ennd pan forever. AND the party of the ting pa, c~wcnants th:u the party of Ihe first pan has nm done or seffemd an)thing whereby Ihe said pre]nises have haen incumb~ ~cd in any way whatever, excepl ns aforesaid. ANI) the parly of the fi~.: x. in oumpliance wilh Section 13 of the Lien Law. covenunt:s that the patty or ihe ting p..a.i will · n.~:e~ve Iha consideralioa; ~is ounveyam:e and will hold Ihe righ! to receive such considomfion as a au.st fund m he applied ting for the puq~ose of · ,i; the cog of the improvemem and will apply the same ting to the payment of the cos! of impv0ve~nem before u~: .y pan of the tolid of the same for any other parpose. The ward "pony' shall I,~ . ~,nsuued as if it read "parties" whenever the .,ancse of this indenture so requires. IN wr'rNESS WB ERt;~ ~ ',he party of ~ first pan has duly executed this dend the day and ye~ first above written. Slate of New York, Onunly of Suffolk I*~: On d~e ~.k'da¥ of September in the year before me. the undersigned, peru*rally Ju~.,ua H. Bryan personally known m me or proved Io me on the ~sis ~ ~ali~ucto~' evidence to ~ the indiv~.~(s) whose nmne(s) is (me) ~lr, cribed to ~be within instrument and acknmvk(~ed to me that be/Mw. Abey dm same in hi,~q,,e~be~ cai'~cityf'msX ami th~ by hs'dher/thdr ~ilpmtu~(s) on thc in~,~.mmcnt, thc individualtsl, or thc pcmm behalf of whk'h the individuultsJ uck, d. executed the insuun~ut. Nol~l. ry ~bX~Z~ ('~TE~RY CiPRIANi Norm ~ub~,_._S~_ of Nme Vo~ NO. QuaJHied In Suffolk Oon_rdy CommJa~m Expires Feb. 17, ~ Ac*rdfowm~.~F. VT FOR~t FOR USE WInI~ Nt:W Y~'5~a~ OXL~:. Sm~ ~ New ~ ~n~ ~ J On ~e ~y o~ iff ~mlly ~n~, ~ ~ by ~ duly s~. ~y ~t ~ ~s) in ~y. the~; thru ~ k~s) m ~ ~ iMivi~l ~ in ~d who e~t~ bill.ir ~s) ~ a ~t~ ~. U.~IIACKN~)#7.~IK~IF, NT~YY, OI#bIDWWmlI,¥NI~YOEKSTATPJONLY: S 'ta~of NewYoek, Courtly of ] ss.: On Ibe da)' of in the )'gar before me, the undersigned, pen~onaIly appeu~d pcm.~dly known m mc or proved m mc on the ~nis of evida~ce to be the individual(si whose namct s) Lq (n~) sob~:14bed m die within in.,~mmen~ and acknowledged to mc that hc/'~eAbey executed dw sm~ in hi~er/~eh' capacit~(~L and that by hLOberAheir ~dgnama.'¢sl on thc in.~runmnL the iedividlml(sL or thc Lm~m up.,n ~nulf of which dzc individuaJ(sl acted, executed dm in.,&"u nm nt. ( huert the ci~. or other political ~ubdidsion and the state or country or other pl~ce trw ac~m'ledgment ~zts taken). BARGAIN & SALE TO FIDEI,fIT NATIONAl, TFTLE INSURANCE OC(hMPANY 01" NEW YORK SECTION BLOCK L¢~r COUNTY OR TOWN R£CORDED AT R£QOI~f OF Fidelity Natiooni Title I~ ~y of N~ Davidow Davidow One Suffolk Square Suite 330 I ~1 Veterans Memo~al Highway Islandia, New York ] 1749 t'lem'e be advised tltis document will be public record. Remove Soaial Security lVumber(s9 prior to record#t .3 Number of pag~ ' 'f'ORR]3~$ Sudi~ Gl. Pa, scale L 0~01249~ Prior Cfi. ~ D~d / Mo~ l~t ~ / Mo~ge ~ Stump ] R~ng / Fil~ S~ps 3 Pa~ / ~l~g F~ Mortg~e H~g ' 5. 00 !. B~ic TP-5~ ~ 2. Addition~ Sub S~JA~iL Sp~./Add. R.ET.S,A. D~ Town =,, D~I County Held f~ Ap~in~t Con~ of ~. 5. ' A~vit M~i~ T~ .. ~fied ~py ., · ~ w~l ~ imbed by a one or two NYSS=~ 15. O0 SubTo~ ] ~00 ~lydwel~ngo~y. Y~ or NO ~d , ............ . , ~ /~ ~ I~ "0700~792 ~ooo o8~oo o~oo oo~ooo I /~ , ~ ~ ~ { R~p A ~ 'Con~d~a~n ~ount ~ - 0 - A~x : ~"~7 ,~.~,~. g ~"~=~-~ ~ -ok ...... 6 ~ Sa~o~~el~s ~st ~y O~ea M~l~g A~s Vast L~d Davidow Davidow Sieoel & Stern, LLP TD One Suffolk Square - Suite 330 1601 Veterans Memogal Hioh~y Islandia, New Yo~ 11749 7 [ ~tle Company l~ormafion [ ~fle ~ ' s[ Suffo~ Count~ Recording & Endorsement Page ~is ~ge fo~ ~ of ~ ($PEC~ ~PE OF ~STR~ ~de by: J~--e ~. ~an ~e g~s~ h~in ~ si~t~ in TO In ih¢ Township of Southold JOiHliK N. BRYAIq:~nd MARCUS R. BRYAIq. aa Truatees · 9/ IZ/06~ uSth respect' to a 49 l/IX ~nteres&'HAMLETof. CIlt"hnT~' e~O~ 6 THRU $ MUS. T BE ~ OR p~ ~ B~ ' - SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument~ DEEDS/DDD N,--~er of Pages: 3 Receipt ~,-~er z 07-0017851 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 06-23997 District~ 1000 DeodAmountJ Recorded= AtJ LIBER.' PAGE: Section ~ Block ~ 083.00 01.00 EXA D CanOeD aS $o.oo Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handltn~ COE $5.00 NO NYB SRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Coptes RPT $30.00 NO BCTM Tr&nsfer tax $0.00 NO Co~a. Pree Fees Paid TRANSPER TAX NUMBE~ 06-23997 THIS PA~E IS A PART OF TH~ INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Judith A. Pascals County Clerk, Suffolk County 02/22/2007 09~57~07 AM D00012493 133 Lot~ 003.000 Exempt $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $75.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $149.00 - -- ' P-~E~.SE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING (~N F~R'M .... INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.state.ny, us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 Ir-OR COUNTY USE .ONLY ~- I · . ,'"'. ~" '"' _ RP - 5217 ~. P.pmy 255 [ glen Cou~t J. Loemlm I I ~t:c~ I 11935 I ~'~b., I ~ryan, T~unt~ I Jonne H. I I ~,s~?__~,~,,,, I Sean A, I · !l f~rcels ~ ~ Pon ofaParml I Jo-,-,e #. B j~j z M 3 Fam/Jy I~sJdential C ~.J I~mi~emlal Vacml Land DI I Nen-~Mi~ntial VKam Land I S~LE ,.~.~o. I 11. SMI ~oMriet DI~ I Entertainment/AmuImir4 Iol ~ F~om / u/' / I D E F Sdo 8IMeen RdMid CMnpinli M PMme~ in Iusmms Oeed Ty~e nM Watt, my o~ brgsM md SM (Sped~ BMowl 1,, ~ ca~ I 2.1 O I-J I lO. r~.-.,~ ~ ~ I HattitueE Sab of 8usineu is Included in Sab Prfm (~Mr Uflus~l FI AIII~Iti~ ~ ~ ~ bl0w) . Hone tolerance to I:~USI:B ½ , ~ , ,8 ,0 ,0 .0 I ! mere II I~r, I 1000 83 t 3 I t j I I ~,,iiri~TION I BUYER 255 I G~ Co~t 1935 Cipriau:l. I Ter~ 631 I