HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12490 P 682DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 104.00 BLOCK 09.00 LOT 013.000 COR~ULT YOUR LAWYER BEF~ WNING TI~ Ik~TRUMENT. T}~I~ IN~TRUMEk'T ~HOULD BE LI~ED BY LA~/ER~ ONLY THIS INDENTURE, made the) ~.'-/-s'e- dayof ~ BETWEEN HOWARD R. MEINKE, as sole distributes and as devisee under the Last Will and Testament of Howard G. Meinke, deceased, Residing at 2130 Broadwaters Road, P.O. Box 78, Cutchogue, New York 11935 party of ff~e flint part, and SPIRO GEROUI~S, residing at 1323 85th Street, Brooklyn, New York 11228 pald by the party of the ~econd pa~ does hereby grant and relBEse unto Ihe pan'y of the ~ ~ ~ ~im or succeasom and assigns of the party of the _ __,~ecc~_ d part forever, ~ngsadb~ngat Nassau ~int or Little H~Neck, Suffolk Cowry, New York, being all of plo~ ~264 ~d the northerly part of plot ~265 as sho~ on ~p ~t~led ~ed ~p A of Nassau ~tn=, ~ed by Nassau ~int C1~ Properties, Inc., situate tn ~he T~ of Southold, ~ng Isled, New York, s~eyed J~e 28=h 1922, ~ O=~o W. V~ ~yl, C.E. Su~r, Gre~por~, N.Y.,· ~d f~l~ tn =he Office of the C~=y 'Clerk of Suffolk Cowry, New York, Auks= 16th, 1922 ~der file No. 156, more particularly described on Schedule ~~ hereto ~d ~de a ~rt hereof. BgI~ ~d intended to be ~he s~ praises c~y~ ~o Howard G. Metre w~ d~ed Sept~r 2, 1981, ~ ~r~ C. Melee who died ~ly 16, 1964, by deed ~ted Octo~r 27, 1934 and recorded ~o~r 29, 1934, in Liber 1786, page 412 at the Suffolk Cowry Clerk's Office. TOGETHER w~th all ~ight, title and inlerast of the party of the fl.'si part In and to any .l~'BEts ,=nd roms abutling the above described pmm'_~,~__ to ~e confer lines thereof, TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the astale and rights of I~ party of the r~t part in and to said pmmlass. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises hereth granted AND the pa~y of the r.~4 prat convent~ ~ the pan'y of the first par has not done or suffered anything wh~ · e i h~ve ~ encumbered In any way whatever, exc~ as aformmicl. AND the pmty of the rust part, in compltanco with _Sec_~on__.. 13 of the Lien Law, covenm~t~ that the pm, ty of the flint IPart v411 racoive the consiclemtlon for this =onveyanco and roll hold the rigltt lo mcoive such cgmslderab~ as a trust fund to be appaed for the pu ~_r,~,e__ of paying the cost of the improvement and w~ll apply the same tim a3 the p~yment of the cost of the improvement before using nay. part of the total of the asme for any other pu~. The word 'party" shall be construed as if it read 'pmlJas' whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNE-~.~J WHEREOF, the part of the first part has duly executed this dasd the day and year flint above wfltten. IN PRESENCE OF Title No: ST-S-8118 Stewart l tle Insurance Company Schedule & Descnption (AMENDED 12/I 1/06) · ALL tint plot or parcel of land situat~ at Nassau Point or Little Hog Neck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, being part ofplot No. 264 and the Ner~berly pm of Plot No. 265 as shown on map entitled, "Amended Map A of Nassau Point, owned by Na,~u Point Club Pmperfias, Inc., situate in Town of Southold, Long ~sland, New York, sm'veyed June 28e', 1922, by OEo W. Van Tuyl, C.E. and Surveyor, GreenpoR, N.Y.", and filed in the Office of the County Clerk of Suffolk County, New York, August 16, 1922 under file No. 156, more particularly descn'bed as follows: BEGINNING at a concrete monument set on the Westerly line of Brondwaters Road; RUNNING THENCE North 72 degrees 17 minutes 30 seconds West tlu~e hundred seventy-five (353.70) feet, to the average high mark of Haywaters Cove on 11/30/06; THENCE Northeasterly along tie lines which mark the average high water mark: I) North 66 degrees 49 minutes 35 seconds East 102.70 fecg 2) North 37 degrees 32 minutes 19 seconds East 92.22 feet to the Southerly side of Crabger's Road (not open) THENCE South 53 degrees 26 minutes 40 seconds ~-q~ along said Southerly sid eof O'atd~r's Road 185.62 feet to a rebar which marks a tie line along an irregular curve; THENCE South 36 degrees 24 minutes 37 seconds East along said tie line 45.93 feet to a rcbar;, THENCE South 07 degrees 43 minutes 20 seconds East along another tie line which nuuks inegular curves 74.28 fec~ te the monument set in the West side of Bmedwaters Road, the point or place of BEGINNING. TOGETHER WITH all right, title and interest of the Seller to land now or formerly under the present or former ordinary hight water map of Pe¢onic Bay (Haywater's ~ove). TO BE UBED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWI.ED~MI:NT 18 MADE IN NEW yQRK ~I*AT~ b'Mte of New Yonv., Coumy of Suf folk aa: StYe of New YOdL Coun~ of TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 18 MADE OUTS_I_n~_ NEW YORK STATF Slate (or Dl~trk~ of CohJmbia. TerSely. m' Foreign Counby) of On,he d~yof inlhe ye~ persona~ knovm ~o me or pmvecI to me on ~e h==~ of &~f'dC~O~/evidence to be the ind~cl~s) whose nama(s) is (m subKdbed to t~e w~in Instrument ired ac:kno~ to me l~at he/she/Ihey e__,,~,cuMcI the same in his/'ne~h capac~y(is8), ~ that by his/her/their signature(,,) on I~e instrument, the ind~dL~(S), or the person upon behalf o~ whi the individual(a) acted, executed the instrument, and that suc~ individual made such appeanmce before the undemigned BARGAIN AND ~ DEED No.T $ TO SPI~O (]EROULANO~ TO: SAFE HARBOR TITLE AGENCY 1529 M~ Street Port Jegmo., m' i 1777 8EGTION ,/P ~.a o BLOCK LOT ~)/ cOUmYOaTOWN .-~u~ I/< RETURN BY MAIL u.,'~ cM.H~ fn, 8 p.L,~SL,(K~ G 0 ~D OW ~- G.~J:L5 fi 9. O. BOX *H.:2~* ~eMtve thi spaco rot rocomblg omw) .Number of pages TORRENS Prior Qr. # Deed / Mofl~gg hum2ment 41 Deed / MortgaSo Tax Stamp 200? Feb 05 12:~8-'21 Judith ~1, Pascale O.F..RK OF ~UFFOJ..K COUHTV* L D00012490 P 6~2 DT# 06-22071 I~.~ontin~ / Filing Slamps Pnse I FilinS Fee Notation EA-SZ I? (County) 'F.A-521 ? (State) ILP.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. Affidavit Sub Total Sub T~tni ORAND TOTAL I. hsiG Tax 2. Addiflonni Tax Sub Total Or TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual County. Ileld for Apportionment __ -- Transfer Tax ~ OO The propmy cove~l by this moflgage is or will be improved by a one or two faroily · dwelling only. YF_~ or NO~ lfNO, son appropriate tax clause on pagn # ofihb inslmmenC Real Pmpmy Tnx Service Asmcy Vedficatim ·. _Dist S~ctlon B lock 07003731 xooo xo4oo ogoo o=sooo Dale Initials Lot Communil Conaider-tion Ami CPF Tax Due Fund S 16,990.00 Improved x ~/acant Land TD -Po , . . .,. _~.-_t., ...... I 8 I Title Company Information Deed Thispaf~nmpm'l. offllen,n,q~ed Howard Meinke SUFFOLK COLIAfI'Y, NEW YORk. made by: TO spiro Geroulanos In the Town~ip of Southold In ~1~ VILLAGE or ltAMLETof BOXF-q $ THRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR HLING. SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK I~ECOItD80FFZCE RECORDZNG PAGE Tyge of Znstrument: D~.~.DS/DDD Receipt l~,~er ~ 07-0012763 TRANSFER ?AX NOMBER: 06-22071 1000 PAGE= Section: Blook~ 104.00 09.00 EXAMINED ANDCNARGEDASFOLLOW8 $999,500.00 02/05/2007 12=58=21 PM D00012490 682 013.000 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt P&ge/F41ing $12.00 NO Nandllng COE $5.00 NO NY8 81tCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA- STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert. Cop4e.s RPT S30.00 NO ~ Transfer tax $3,998.00 NO Coeza. Pres Fees P&4d TRANSFER T~X NUI4BER: 05-220~1 THIS PAGE IH A PART OF THE ZNHTRU~ENT THIS Z8 NOT A BILL $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $75.00 NO $o.oo NO $o.o0 NO $16,990.00 NO $21,140.00 Judith A. P&nc&le County Clerk, 8uE£olk County PLEASE' TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: httpW www. orps.atate, ny.us..or PHONE (515) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY uSE ONLY · 1' ~'~ I 2130 I Broadwaters Road ~, rum. s'~ .~e ~U'r. Ctl. ogue / [ SouthoZd [ Nassau Point (Not inc.) I 1193~ z ~ [ GEROU~OS [ SPI~ I I I I BIJIna ~ ~ ~ bu~ ~d~M M Ix~om M fo=n) I I ~.8 . O[ [ Howard R. I e. ~ [ Meinke I 7. Chec~ the b~ bllme wMGh mu~ ~u~M d~wibm1~ u~ d the ~l~Dl m tl~ tM~ M--j~ E[~ Agrfm~uril I [] C~mmun~ F I--J Comm.~[ J I--I HI I Eptwtilnmettl*mtuum.nt LU Forint I i0 126 /06 [ One Fandly Rmkf~mlM 2 ar 3 r-~mIW R~ddlmid Redd~ VlMnt Lind 12 / 15 /06 I Mum t~/ ~ ~0~ U ~mal F~:l~t Afb=lng ~d~ I~r,~ (~ fy Bd, owl INFORMATION. Dam lhould mflm tl~ lete~t flMI ~t Roll end Tax Bill tt~ ~-I I lt~~ I Matt/tuck-Cutchogue-Laurel I 1000-104~00-09.00-013.000 ) I I · ' /,Z ~06 J I i BUYER BUYER'8 ATTORNtY Tstsmenakis I Georgia A. 1323 I 85th Street Brooklyn I NY I 11228 SELLER 718 I 375-9065 NEW YORK STATE COPY