HomeMy WebLinkAboutGuide to Permit ProceduresPROPERTY IMPROVEMENTS IN SOUTHOLD TOWN A GUIDE TO PERMIT PROCEDURES Page Keviewing Agencies 2 Permits and Approvals 4 Homes 4 Additions 5 Demolition 5 Fences, Walls and Berms 5 Wetlands 6 Setbacks 6 Clearing Land 7 Bed and Breakfasts 7 Apartments in Homes 8 Working at Home 8 Signs 8 Commercial Buildings 9 Subdivisions 10 Zoning Changes 11 Glossa~ 12 Tips 13 JUN 1 g 2000 Southold Town Planning Board Febmary, 1996 PREFACE ;'The N'or-dq Fork doesn't seem to belong on Long Island. Somehow 'dais tiny wedge of land, one of ~'wo [or!cs thor jut into the oca?-n on Long !siand's end, has remained unscawed by ',.he urban clutter ro the west ..... On stormy days, whoa the sic/turns silver-gay and the wind blows hard our of the northeast, the place is of tach beauty and isolation ttmr it is hard to be!love that ir is just 90 miles fi-om Mantmrran" Unomas .r. l<~.udson New Yor.'< Tunes Travel Sec'don, Page 19 September 7, I986 P.-ese,'wmg the char-acer of rh/s spe~dal place ~so se.,-v-es ro protein the inves~-nent you have made in your prope.~/. Uais pamphie: is intended to wilde you throug_k the pe.,-mk process when you decide ,.rn=ruve your proper-c!. It lists abe ~endes with which you may a~d ro have conrac:.. A vane.w, of pe.,-mim and approvals will be required to meet {awe that have be*.n enact, ed to prore~ your health ,-ad sa-few, the euv/ronmeat and the chara~er of the Town. T'ne pamphies is o _rg-~nized ~ by a brief description of ~e differen~ deparunents of Towu gore.inmont and tho~e ~gende~ az County, Stare and Federal [eve;.s tha~ approve building applicadou~. T'ae ~ex't sec-don cournin~ a list of the more common types of applica- tions r. hat people make together with the submiss/on requh-emenr, s of each. Ap, plicasion ~qtpes are indexed co the cover. Finatly, some deiiuitious are provided aloug_ with. alps and mgges- tions to make the pro'~;uxs move smoothly. The contents are in ac way a substitute for the Town Code which governs in every. icnse, nor for the requir~ment~ o£ other relevant agencies. In fact these requirements will change periodie'~lly as laws and regulations evolve to meez new circumstance. { However. this summary, will help you unde.'m:and how the {~e..-rnirting proems REVIEWING AGENCIES I. DEPARTMENTS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTE[OLD Post O~ce Box i 179, 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 1197I Genernl Telephone: 516-765-1800 General Fax: 516-765-1823 B UILDI~G D EPz~r~TMENT 765-1802 No erection, alteration, demolition, or relocation cfa building, residential or commercial, may begin w/thout a building permit issued by the Building Department. Th/s assures that the structure will confo~ m to the regulations of Town, County, State and Federal governments. The Building'l,3eparrment inspects construction at key points to be sure that the work meets code requirements before ii is covered up and, finally, it approves the building for use or occupancy by issuing a Certificate of Occupancy after all requirements have been met. ZO~-NG BOARD OF APPEALS 765~1809 This Board, a quasi-judicial body, hears appeals of applications that have been der~ed by the written action of a Building Inspector. Upon that de,q/al the Board can consider an appeal. It also inteCrets the Town's Zoaing Code. It has the power to issue approvals for an apartment in a home and proposals to operate Bed and Breakfast establishments. Further, the Board may ~ant, ,special exception perm/ts for, among other things, two farrdly homes, schools, and libraries, which are not routinely permitted in a zoning classification. BOARD OF TRUSTEES 765- 1892 The Andros Patent empowers the Board of Trustees to "Manage, lease and convey" the under water lands in Southold Town. The Town's Wetland Code, Chapter 97, gives the Board jurisdiction on any activity within 75' of all flesh and salt water wedands. The Board also administers the N.Y.S. Coastal Erosion Pla~rd Act along Long Island Sound. From building and grading to erosion control structures and improved access to the water, the Trustees require permits. Additionally, the CONSERVATION' ADVISORY COUNCIL an advisory committee to the Board, will inspect each property and make recommendations to the Trust,s as to the environmental consequences of the proposed improvement. PLANNING BOARD ~....~_ne--=~- 765-1938 The Pl~g Bo~d co~iders proposes to di~de or alter prope~es other~ sm~e ~ly residencm, ~d ism~ ske pl~ approves for comerdfl propemes. ~e Bored ~so approves ~y mbdi~sion of residenfi~ l~d into smiler [ors. The ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CONEV[ITTEE, an advisory group, rev/ews com- mercial site plan applications and makes recommendations to the Planning Board as to the appropriateness of the e.,crerior design and appearance of the structure. LANDMARK PRESERVATION COMNIISSION 765-1800 This ~oup takes up the desi~maadon of certain historical buildings, and considers the effect that a building permit will have on the exterior of a structure that has been designated a land- mark. This desig:nation is generally made with the agreement of the owner of the property.. Houses listed on Town, State or Federal re~sters of historical properties may be e!ig/ble for property tax credits. Tiffs re~stry is available at the office of the Town Clerk. IL ~,OUNTY, STATE AND FEDERAL REVIEWI2N'G AGENCIES ~NEW YORK STATE DEP'T. OF ENVIROblB~LENTAL CONSERVATION [DEC) Building 40, Room 259, State University of New York, Stony Brook, N-Y 11790 Telephone: '!q d-0365 The DEC must approve all construction activities within 300 feet of salt water wetlands or surface water. Fresh water jurisdiction is within 100 feet of ponds, lakes, streams and wet- lands. Processing an application requires several weeks. SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF m~.ALT]~ SERVICES Wast'dwarer Serv/ces, County Center, Room S238, Riverhead, ,.N-Y' 11901 Telephone: 852-2100 The SCDHS has the respons£oility to review and act upon applications that involve building or modifying water supply systems and wastewater (septic) systems. The Town cannot issue building and related permits until SCDHS approvals for the water and wastewater systems have been issued. Six to eight weeks are usually required for SCDHS reviews. In certain cases the SCDHS may deny a permit request, which can be appealed before the Board of Health. An appeal can take several months to pursue. UNITED STATES ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS 26 Federal Plaza, New York, bpi' 10278-0090 Telephone: 212-264-0184 The Corps is concerned with activities, e.g. piers or jetties, or work such as dredg/ng or filling along the aavigable waters of the United States. A joint application may be made to the Corps and the DEC through the latter organization. NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Permits Section, State Office Building, Veteran's Memorial Highway, Hauppauge, t"Pf' 11787 Telephone: 962-6025 The perrmts Section approves curb cuts for propeaies located on State hmhwavs. These ~re a prerequisite for site plan or subdiv/sion approvals by the Town's planmng-Boar'd. SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPART,,'V[ENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 335 Yaphank Avenue, Yaphank, N-Y 11980 Telephone: 852-4099 The Highway Permits Section approves curb curs for properties located on County, roads. These are a prerequisite for site plan or subdivision approvals. PERMITS .&ND APPROVALS This section is organized according to the perm/ts and approvals considered by the Building Department, Board of Trustees, Zoning Board of Appeals and Planning Board. Note that a glossary of te~ns and tips to expedite approvals then tbllows. Bb'-iLDIgqG A NEW 'I:!rOME (Building Permit Required) ' INTTIAL CONTACT: Building Department (765-1802) AVERAGE ThM~ TO CONSIDER A COMYLETE APPLICATION: 10 business days TYPICAL SUBMISSION REQUIREM:ENTS: t. APPLICATION Form. 2. Application FEE. WATER SUPPLY AN-D SEPTIC approvals fi-om the Suffolk County Department of Health Services. 4. CESSPOOL pem'dt fi-om the Southold Town Clerk 5. P L,&.N'S. 6. Plot Plan or SURVEY. 7. If the property is adjacent to fi-esh or saltwater WETLANDS or SURFACE WATER: a. Approval of the New York State Depm m~ent of Environmental Conservation (DEC). b. Approval of the Board of Trustees (S~ Building on Property Adjacent to Wetlands). 8. If the lot is not of appropriate S17~., approval of the Zoning Board of Appeals (See Building Structures Too Near Lot Lines) or a waiver (an action to restore merged lot lines). 9. CURB CUT approval if the lot is located on a State or County, highway. 10. An ALAiLM SYSTEM requires a permit fi-om the Town Clerk (renewable annually). The contents are in no wa}, a substitute for the Town Code which governs in every case, nor for the requirements of other relevant agencies. In fact, these requirements will change periodically as laws and regulations evolve to meet new circumstances. !ltowever. this summary, will help yon understand how the permitting process works. ADDI~rG A ROOM, DECK, SW~'~h~II~G POOL, TENNIS COURT, ETC. (Building Permit Required) ~N'ITIAL CONTACT, Building Department (765-1802) AVERAGE T~'vfE TO CONSIDER A COMYLETE 'APPLICATION: 10 business days TYPICAL SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: 1. APPLICATION Form. 2. Application FEE. 3. PLA?qS. 4. Plot Plan or SURVEY. 5.If the property is adjacent to saltwater WETLANDS or SURFACE WATER: a. Approval of the New York State DEC. b. Approval of the Board of Trust,s (See Building on Property Adjacent to Wetlands). 6. If the lot is not of appropriate SIZE, approval of the Zoning Board of Appeals (See Building Structures Too Near Lot Lines). 7. HISTORIC STRUCTUXES will be referred to the Landmark Preservation Commission for review. DEMOLISFITNG OR RELOCATING A BUII.BhN'G (Building Permit Required) ~NTTIAL CONTACT: Building Department (765-1802) AVERAGE TI!MF. TO CONSIDER A COMPLETE APPLICATION: I0 business days TYPICAL SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: 1. APPLICATION Form. 2. Application FEE. 3. Plot Plan or SURVEY showing the structures on the property, and their dimensions. 4. HISTORIC STRUCTURES will be referred to ,_he Landmark Preservation Commission for review. BUll.DING FENCES, WALLS AND BERMS (Building Permit Required) rNITIAL CONTACT: Building Department (765-1802) AVERAGE TI1ME TO CONSIIDER A COMPLETE APPLICATION: 10 business days TYPICAL SUBMISSION REQUTREMENTS: 2. 4. APPLICATION Form. Application FEE. Plot Plan or SURtVEY showing the proposed structure. Ir'adjacent to fresh or saltwater WETLA~NT)S or SUtLFACE WATER. a. Approval of the New York State DEC. b. Approval of the Board of Trustees (See Building on ?ropercy 'Adjacent to gZetlan~). The Board will permit only open fences, e.g. split rah but not chain fink. (The height of residential fences may not exceed 4 feet in the front yard; 6~A feet in the side and rear yards.) BUTLDI2N'G ON PROPERTY ADJACENT TO FRESE[ OR SALTWATER .-MND 7T~ER WETI_~S _ DOCKS, BULKI:FE. ADS, HOUSES (DEC, Trustees and Building Permits Required) These requirements apply to all activ/ties within 75 feet of fresh or salt surface water or wetlands, or w/thin 100 feet of the Coastal Erosion Hazard line, or the bluff; if alon~ the Sound. - [N1TIAL CONTACT: Board of Tmsteas (765-1892) AVERAGE T'fiM]E TO CONSIDER A COMPLETE -APPLICATION: 1 to 3 months TYPICAL SUBMISSION REQUTREaMENTS: 1. APPLICATION Form. 2. Application FEE. SURVEY not more than one year old. 4. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Form. 5. Approval of the New York State DEC (need not be obtained prior to the application to the Trustees). 6. PLANS, ifa marine structure. Note that local law requires a buffer zone of at least 20 feet in the rear yards of properties · adjacent to creeks. This area must not be in lawn nor may it be fert/li;-ed. The purpose is to prevent rainwater mn-off mixed w/th fertilizer fi.om contaminating the creeks, thus contribu- ting to algae bloom and the closing of shellfish beds. BUTLDI2N'G STRUCTIYRES TOO NEAR LOT LINES (Building Permit Required) The Zoning Code requires buildings to be set back minimum distances fi.om the fi-onr, rear and sides ora lot; the number of feet depending upon the size of the lot. For example, on a one acre lot a structure must be at least 50 feet from the front and rear lines; 15 feet from one side line and 35 feet from the total of both side lines. h-N'ITL°,L CONTACT: Building Department (765-1802) which will deny approval if code requirements are not met. Subsequent consideration is in the jurisdiction of the Zoning Board of Appeals. Ax/TRAGE TINGE TO CONS[DER A CON~LETE VA_,q2.A.N'CE .APPLICATION: 3 to 6 weeks TYPICAL SUBMISSION REQUTREMENTS: 1 Notarized ,APPLICATION Form. 2. Filing FEE. 3. ENVERONNflENTAL ASSESSM:ENT Form. 4. Notice to ADJOI2'4h~G LtUNDOWNERS Form. SURVEY or plot plan showing present and proposed structures. CLEAi:LD~G VACA.NT LAND INITIAL CONTACT: Planning Board (765=1938) Property. (except for a lot fer a sin~e family residence) may not be cleared e, xcept in accordance with an approved ske plan by the Planning Board. Property adjacent to salt or freshwater wetlands or surface water may not be disturbed without permits fi.om the New York State DEC and the Board of Town Trustees. You may not excavate sand or other materials fi-om your property without a soil removal permit fi.om the Town Board. ST.4~RTING A BED ,-MNT} BREA_K~AST (B&B permit and Special Exception Required) Ttus procedure applies to a proposed Bed and Breakfast renting not more than 3 rooms. The building must be owner-occupied. INITL&L CONTACT: Zoning Board of Appeals (765-1809) AVERAGE Tllvll!i TO CONS1DER A COMPLETE .APPLICATION: 3 to 6 weeks TYPICAL SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: i. 'APPLICATION Forrm 2. Filing FEE. 3. B & B Permit from the Building Depm intent (renewable annually). 4. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Form. 5. ZBA Questionnaire. 6. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUP.~NCY. 7. DEED. $. SKETCH o£the building and floor plans showing the uses of each room, exits and 9. SURVEY to include proposed parking spaces for 5 cars (10 feet by 20 feet for each car). If appropriate, the Zoning Board of Appeals will allow a Special Exception for the duration of the use and the owner's resident,. RENTfiNG OUT AN APART~MENT ~N YOUR HO~It; (ZBA Approval Required) The house must be built before I984, occupied by the owner and at [east 2050 square r%et in area. The apartment must be at least 450 square i:~eet in area and may occupy no more than 40% of the house. Only one apartment may be located on the lot. D,rlTIAL CONTACT: Zoning Board of Appeals (765-1809) AVERAGE Th'vfl7 TO CONSII)ER A COM2PLETE APPLICATION: 3 to 6 weeks TYPICAL SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: I. APPLICATION Form. 2. Application FEE. 3. Forfn to notify ADJOINING LOT OWNERS. 4. ENV[R. ONM~NTAL ASSESSM~'NT Form. 5. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. 6. PLANS or sketch showing both units. 7. SURVEY showing parking for at least 3 cars (10 feet by 20 feet for each car). WORK]2NG AT ]~O~E (No Permits Required if Conditions are Met) CON~TACT FOR QUESTIONS: Building Deparunent (765-1802) The ~I'own provides two mechardsms for working at home. Neither requires a permit provided conditions established in the Town Code are met. Permissible activities vary by zone. For example, in residential zones of one acre,or more, these are permissible: FIOM~E PROFESSIONAL OFFICES for a dentist, doctor, teacher, architect, lawyer and other professions named in the Town Code. HOME OccLrPATIONS such as those connected with agriculture, fishing and the construction trades (ones that will not alter the character of the neighborhood) have these requirements, among others. · No retail sales, displays or inventory. · Employment of only one person not living in'the house. · The use of only 25% of the house for the occupation. · No noise, smoke, fumes, odors or dust. · No alteration of the appearance of the house. · Off-street parking for at least 3 cars plus 2 for the residence. ERECTING SIGNS (Sign Pemit Required) This statute applies to permanent, outdoor signs used by businesses. (Other regulations apply to temporary business signs and those that may be placed in resident/al zones.) 8 Four types ofsigans are perm/ned: freestanding, direc:ory, window, and either wall or roo£ Internally lit signs are limited ro buildings in shopping centers and hamlet business districts. No new neon signs or off-premise signs are perrmrted. ~aere are ;'grandfather" provisions applying to signs erected before 1994. [NITI?,_L CONTACT: Building Department (765-1802) )although the Building Department issues the permits, the design and color of the signs are reviewed by the Planning Board. A'v~EtL~.GE T'flVfE TO CONSIDER A COM:PLETE APPLICATION: 10 business days TYPIC AL SUBMIS SION REQUIREM:ENTS: 1. APPLICATION Form. 2. Applil:ation FEE. 3. DRAWhNG or phoro~aph of the sigmas with dimensions. BUILDhNG COM2M:ERCIAL BIYI3LDENGS (Building Permit and Site Plan Approval Required) Et,~TIAL CONTACT: Plamning Board (765-1938) AVERAGE ~M~ TO CONSIDER A COMlaLETE .APPLICATION: 2 to 3. months TYPIC,'&L SUBMISSION REQUTREME2N'TS: 1. A pre-submission MEETING with the staff of the Planning Board (optional, but recommended). 2. Site Development APPLICATION (This may be made simultaneously with a Spec/al Exception or vmance application to the Zoning Board of Appeals if needed). 3. Application FEE. 4. W~I J. and SEPTIC approval fi.om the Suffolk Counw, Department of Health Services. 5. CURB CUT approval if the property is located on a County or Stat? highway. 6. PLANS bearing the seal of an architect or engine~r registered by the State of New York and other requirements that may be set at the pre-mbmission hearing. 7. SU~R. VEY. 8. If the lot is not of appropriate SIZE OR ZON-hNG a variance fi.om the Zoning Board of Appeals (lots in use before April 9, 1957 may be "grandfathered"). 9. If the lot is adjacent to FRESH OR SALTWATER. WETLANDS or surface water: a. Approval of the New York State DEC. b. Approval of the Board of Trustees (See l~uilding on Property Adjacent to t~retlands). During the review, the Planning Board will coordinate its activities with those of the other agencies involved as we~ as the appropriate Fire Commissioner. Ihe Building Permit will be issued by the Building Department. 9 .¥L-kK~G CHANGES TO A COMaM~ERCLaZ, B~II, DING (Building Permit and Site Plan Approval Required) 12'4ITIAL CONTACT: Planning Board (765-I938) Before undertaldng the change, the applicant should consult the PlmUnng Board sraif to dere,nn/ne wh/ch approvals, Zany, Mil be required. The Board will be concerned with matters of public health, safety and welfare, such as traffic, parking, water supply, sewage, drainage, open space and utilities. These arise from a new type of occupant, use of the space, number of employees, etc. If the new or cffanged use is the same or less intensive, the Board may issue a waiver of the Site Plan Rev/ew. No FEE is charged for a waiver request. AVERAGE ~ TO CONSIDER A COMPLETE APPLICATION: Ifa waiver is issued, I to 2 weeks. TYPICAL SU-BNffSSION REQUIREMiENTS: l. MEEThNG with the Site Plan Reviewer. 2. LETTER requesting a waiver along with any documentation specified by the Sire Plan Reviewer. The Building be.,-mit will be issued by the Building Department after a review to assure compliance of the structure with fire, safety and construction codes. SUBDIVIDING YOUR LAND (Subdivision Permit Required) I/'FiTIAL CONTACT: planmng Board (765-1938) ~ TO CONSIDER A COlVIPLETE APPLICATION: 6 to 12 months for a bfl/qOK SUBDMSION (2 to 4 lots); 4 to 6 months for a SET-OFF (2 lots); 2 to 6 months for a LOT-LIBIE (re-configuration of exi~ng lots; approximately 1 year or longer for a MAJOR SUBDMSION (5 or more lots) TYPICAL REQ~S: 1. APPLICATION from the Planning Board. 2. FEES: a. Application FEE. b. Environmental review FEE (required before environmental review is completed). c. Park and Playground FEE for each vacant lot created if suitable land is not reserved for park and playground use (payable at the final stage of subdivision review). 3 Stages of Reviews: to a. Minor Subdivision and Set-off: b. Major Subdivision: c. Lot Line: Remew at work session Sketch determination Final hearing Final determination Revie;v at work session Sketch determination Preliminary determination Final hearing Final determination Review at work session Final hearing Final determination 4. Referrals and Reviews conducted by Planning Board: a. tEnvironmental Review. b. Coordination with the Board of Trustees if wetlands are located on or adjacent to site. c. Referral to Suffolk County Planning Commission. d. Referral to Engineering Inspector. e. Referral to Fire Department. 5. Permits or Approvals to be obtained by subdivider: a. Approvals from Suffolk County Health Department. b. Approval for public water, where applicable. c. Curb cut permit if the property is located on a County or State highway. CtlANGIIN'G A ZONING CLASSIFICATION (Town Board Approval Required) INITIAL CONTACT: Town Clerk (765~ 1800) AVERAGE TI1VI]~ TO CONSIDER A COMPLETE .APPLICATION: Several months TYPICAL SUBMISSION KEQUIREMENTS: 1. APPLICATION Form. 2. Application FEE. 3. SURVEY. 4. Notice to ADJOINING LANT) OWNERS FOPM. 5. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Form. The contents are in no way a substitute for the Town Code which governs in every case, nor for the requirements of other relevant agencies. In fact, these requirements will change periodically as laws and regulations evolve to meet new circumstances. However, this summary will help you understand how the permitting process works. ii GLOSSARY Certificate of Occupancy - Written permission issued by the Building Department to allow occupancy or use ora newly erected or altered structure, and for a change in the type of occupancy, e.g. from a dwelling to retail sales. Curb Cut Permit - Permission from the State or County to access a State or County road. This permit is required whether or not a curb is involved. Plans and Specifications - Drawings and, if needed, written descriptions of materials and standards of sufficient detail to allow the Building Inspector to determ/ae if the proposed structure will ra~t building electrical, and fire codes. Ifa new residence or addition is complex or exceeds 1500 square feet in habitable area (excluding garage and decks), the plan must bear the seal of an architect or professional eng/neer re~stered by the State of New York. Plans for commercial structures always require the seal of an architect or professional engineer. Plot Plans and Surveys - Both provide dimensions 'of structures, distances, lot lines and topograpkical lines. A plot plan is informal; a survey is made by a surveyor licensed by New York State. Site Plan Approval - This approval ~-ssures that the land has the parking, drainage, Ii.ting and o~fier features necessary to protect the public. It is required for every land use except sin~e family homes, accessory apartments, bed and breakfasts, two-family dwellings and some agr/cultural activities. The approval is granted by the Planning Board. Special Exception - This is a permit issued by the Zoning Board. It puts conditions on certain kinds of business uses which assure that those uses fit into the neighborhood without problems. Variance - This approval is issued by the Zoning Board of Appeals when practical difficulties or unnecessary hardship will result from implementing ~on/ng regulations. Wetlands - ,&teas that are suffic/ently saturated by surface or groundwater to support vegetation that ,typically grows in swamps, marshes, and bogs. ~2 TIPS [<Lnow the Tax .¥1[ap number of?ur prope.,cry,' when zsking quesaop, s. ft's on your :mx and looks !ike chis: 1000-125-1 [-8 tZ)(szr, ct-Semion-B[ock-Lo~) Before going ve.~/far, have a talk ,~th the Town Depa.m-nent :hat ,~,4ii he your initial contac:. You may !earn shortcuts and -Aso avoid pitfalls. Call ahead to se.' ,ap an appointment and bring along any prior Nstop/o£applications. approvals, denials, variances. Many projec:s require pe,'~nits ~-om several agencies. Each agency [004 at ks own areas o/'conce.m, and approval by one agenc7 does ao~ guarantee approval of another agenc7 Furthermore, sometimes you need to ge: the pe,q'mts m a ceaam order. Ask the initial Contac: department for suggestions on getaing other aecessary, permits. · Be sure'that your application is complete when first submitted. Telephone in advance if you are uncertain about a requirement and make a aote o£ the names o£ the people with whom you speak. Lm~rovements can add to your properw, taxes. You might want to ask the Assessor's Office to estimate the tax impam for you. Keep co pies of ail your applications and artaclmuents. Stakes or flags ,-nay be required to be placed at the outside cornea of the structure you 9rol~ose to build, to facilitate on-nm inspe~--UOnS.