HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-110.-1-1COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ROBERT J. GAFFNEY SUFFOL.K COUNTY EXECUTIVE ROBERT ..J. CIMINO COUNTY A'T'i'OR NEY DEPARTMENT OF LAW DIVIEION OF REAL EETATE ADDRESS ALL COMMtJNICATIONE January 10, 1994 Thomas J. Fisher~ Building Inspector P.O. Box 1179 Main Road Southold, N.Y. 11971 SHO-719 John Wickham, et al. Tax MaD NO. 1000-110~01-001 suffolk County Farmland Preservazion Dear Mr. Fisher: We encl3se herewith the following: Program. Phase IIi CCDV cf deed for Development Riohts~ recorde~ ill Liber !1~48, Page 723. - Survey c~ propertv by Young & Young, Land Surveyors, date~ Mar~h ~4, _,91. for w~ich De~eloument ricnu~ ar_ owned by Suffolk County. Copy cf County Local Law 16-81. Please take notice of the enclosures. Inasmuch as the County is now the owner of the development rights tc the prope{t~ identified in the survey enclosed, we ~trongly request~ respectfu,ly~ that no building permits be issued for any development whatsoever except and only af~e~ the Su_folk County~sel._ct committee cn Agriculture has consented to the application in advance. DPF:DMK:ma Enclosures ~V_ery truly yours~ David P. Fis~be~~ - -' ~ ~n. Eureau chief Division of Real Estate pc: ~t_phen ~ones, Dlz_C~OI~ P±annlng Depa=tment Wayne R. Thompsgn, Rental/Inventory Unit Richa_d ~. LaVa±l_. ~hi_f Encineer. DP~ w/Deed Judith T. Terrv, Town Clerk Scott A. Russell, Chairman. Board of Assessors ~/Richard G. Ward~ Chairman~ Pianning Boar~ PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman George Ritchie Latham, Jr. Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SCOTt L. HARRIS Supervisor Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York I 1971 Fax (516) 765-1823 March 10, 1993 Abigail wickham wickham, Wickham and Bressler P.O. Box 1424 Main Road, Mattituck 11952 RE: Property owned by John Wickham and Others SCTM9 1000-110-1-1 Dear Ms. Wickham: This letter is in confirmation of the decision made at the Planning Board's March 8, 1993 work session which was attended by both John Wickham and yourself. At the work session you asked the Planning Board whether they would considered the dike area of the property as part of the buildable area of the lot. In this case, the Planning Board would consider the dike area as part of the buildable portion of the property because if the dike were to be removed, the remaining area would be no different than the buildable land to the landward side of the dike. Please contact this office if you require any additional information. Sincerely, Richard G. Ward Chairman SUFFOLK COUNTY FARMLAND PRESERVATION PROGRAM AT CUTCHOGUE SECTION I10 BLOCK I S.D. ~ 9 ZONING TAX MAP: DISTRICT lO00 TOWNSHIP: SOUTHOLD OWNER: JOHN WICKHAM. ET AL BOX 928, MAiN ROAD CUTCHOGUE, N Y 11955 LOT I "AC" AGRICULTURAL CONSERVATION DEED: LIBER PAGE TOTAL AREA AREA TO BE RETAINED BY OWNER AREA TO BE ACQUIRED AREA OF TOTAL UPLAND WOODS CROPLAND (ORCHARD) PONDS OTHER(DIKE, BRUSH & PHRAGMITIS) 23,84t6 ACRES 5,6429 ACRES 18. 1987 ACRES 18.0000 ACRES 0.3 -+ ACRE 16. I ACRES 0.2 + ACRE I .6 -* ACRES POINT OF BEGINt Retained p~3rcel ArGO = 5.647-9 Acres 0 = tS. 1987 Acres [200,48' now or formerly Thomas [Subject To Suffolk 'County H. Wickham, et al Development R~ghts] now or formerly Thomas H. Wiekham,etal AT SURVEY OF PROPERTY FOR COUNTY OF SUFFOLK FARMLAND DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS ACQUISTION PROGRAM PHASE ITl CUTCHOGUE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK SCALE IN FEET I" = I00' CERTIFIED TO: SUFFOLK ALDEN W. YOUNG, N.Y.S, P.E. 8, L,S, LIC. NO. 12845 HOWARD W. YOUNG, N.Y.C.L.S. LIC. NO. 4589;~ THOMAS C. WOLPERT, N.Y.S.P.E. LIC. NO, 61483 DATE NO, MAR, 14,1991 90 - 523