HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrillo, Joseph "S:~7A,;.J , 12D~OOIP~JO" 7'.7;:;" B~t.1 2b IO~ '~.Jo5~ ~ NY.si~::. t6.lnddent Type JNs.i>eCTiw 17. Business Name '3",ld.",Add'mtff_~~~~, 4~ ~i9 15_ Case NO,/, ...JZ 16.ln<ident No o Supp ~3~ ~6:. 13. Oily 14.03te I I 18. Weapon(s) 120_CitY'L~~V) ',,"':r " 11LO(,3ti~':.C~ @"~ , l'T 23. NO. of Victims 1 , 3 24. No. of Suspects l~t,""i~~i,'Pl\~~,~~~",,~'l(i\lf!l!1I~~ .J "Victim"'~ '" ,~.;,~' '" ,'/ ',/ ./~sr.t,. UP ~; -r.:;.~., -'d.uc.,~~ f)DI::'._ ~~"V~ 1./-'-1oJ4J .Pi-//c'" z.... ;" ,. /, . II' ... . 27. Date of Birth I !28.Age B Residence Status 0 Temp Res.. Foreign Nat 8 ReSident 8Tourist o Student o Other Commuter Military 0 Homeleu 0 Unk 37. Apparent COndition o Impaired Drugs 0 MentalDis 0 Unk. o Impaired Alea 0 Inj I 111 0 App Norm 30. Race 31. Ethnic , In.Handicap o White 0 Black 0 Other 0 Hi~nic 0 Unk. 0 Yes o Indian 0 Asian 0 Unk. 0 Non-HispaniC 0 No 36, Alias/Nickname/Maiden N<lme (l<lst. First. Middle) 29. Se~ I~~ D f I 34.Type1NO 35. Name (last First. Middle) ',., , 41. Date of 8irth I 1 42. Age 49. Weight ISOH<lir I 39,PhoneNo. D Home D Work 44. Race 145. Ethnic T46.Skin o White 0 81ack D Other 0 Hispanic DUnk. 0 light OOark 0 Unk. o Indian 0 Asian 0 Unk. 0 Non-HispaniC 0 Medium 0 Other 52. Glasses 53. BUild, 154. Employer/School 55, Address DYes 0 Contacts DSmall Olarge o No 0 Medium 47. Occupation 38. Address (Street No., Street Name, Bldg. No, Apt, No" City, State, Zip) 40. Social Security No. 48. Height. , " 43. Sex OM 0 F ou 1 51-Eyes 56. Scars! MarksfTattoos (Describe) 57 Misc f. ~'n~ l~~ti~Y , . Model Pf9~rty r"M ~~~~~t .' O~ua"k~"O~,,; Description Serial No. Value 59. Vehicle Status , 162 Exp Yr 163. Plate Type 64 value 68, Style 169. VIN ______._ I n. Vehicle Notes 60. license Plate No FullD 61. State Partial 0 65. Veh. Yr 66. Make 67 Model 70. (olor(s) 171 Towed By:___ To: 73. n. ., ~~:.; i!A-{... .T a"...... ... c. ,..., A1 ~'~~,v ~A.C oj.. .~ .zk ~- .. J ,t-I 'rK...L p,,,- I , x '71"" <-rL. Ac..71V/ "'" tMl ~.../ ....~ C!. l\ PtJ rDA- ..t. ..c-... a'"""" I 1.uP.. , ;4..r a...,'.- I_A ., o u 74. Inquiries ((heck all that apply) o DMV 0 WantIWarrant 0 Scofflaw o Crim. History 0 Stolen Property 0 Other Y2r:go,~ 7/~I?)!:') 75. NYSPIN Message No 76. Complainant Signature 1781D~ 7'1 Super"'SOr"s Signature (Indude Rilnk) 180 10 No 18]. NotlfiediTOT 81. Status 0 0 Open o Viet. Refused to Coop oCBI DJuII. .No Custody I" o Closed (If Closed, check box below) o Arrest 0 Pros Oeclined o Arrest -Juv 0 Offellder Dead DUllfounded DWarralltAdvlsed o btrild Deelm 0 Unknown StatusOilte DUS-3205 12/97) *FALSE STA TEMENTS ARE PUNISHABLE AS A CRIME, PURSUANT TO THE NEW YORK STATE PENAL LAW I "",m. A c ~ f G H, K, M N ill GJ [J ~s~:' J~::i 7 " ;:zz:::ZJ4 , 8 9 ~1 10 - " = " 13 " -----..-age-~.. of Pages BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 To: Don Dzenkowski Fax: 765-2715 From: Lauren Date: 4/20/05 Re: 365 Mesrobian Dr., Laurel Pages: 5 CC: o Urgent o For Review o Please Comment o Please Reply o Please Recycle . . . . . . . . 77-1050 made a complaint that the above-referenced constructed a new bulkhead approx. 36' beyond the Ikhead and filled the property with sand, blocking tact Ms. Gurley at the above phone number if you have s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L ..l~'. ~: "" ." ..,. ,. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Replace (within 18") 412 l.f. of existing timber bulkhead and add two (2) 10' returns. New bulkheads will be l' higher than existing. Approximately 275 c.y. of clean sand backfill will be trucked in from an upland source. Relocate a seasonal 12 I X 20' wood platform which overhangs waterway by 6'; 3' X 14' hinged ramp; 6' X 18' float secured by two (2) pilings to a point ~ in from property line. /~) _ .~L;d;,'<]i""13'g. . ----~-~ I .! .':1 ','" .~ "I. ;,.. .: -,l <;';-. ';,;,: ",,' --I":. -( -" :;J::" ~;..~~,., '-if" :j.: 't'JF .,'. ,i' i.',l{:" :;"'--- ., t_"' -~ ..u.-,. 'N , {l. , ~. $; ._ >O~I' ',1.>- '~" " t,.~ ,:'$. . :'4:, ,,,(Z' . ",,' "l t: 'r" .. , "'-"""""~"'.'., J~ " " '" ,,'.~;.-,~";.,:.:,.-~,~,~'r ; ~ ~, H;~,i . ~::,.:, ',:'r ~. '1 ::l. ,."~,,,-; -':~-' -,- ~{,,:::' ~~, r-o-'~:>;-::' I "-~ ,.- ,''x ."" ~it~~~:i~:~'.") tw~:'" ~;; ; ,..-.~.... ~~lF,: " ~ t.~;~:., :.~~~~;1}:;\~1: i:~L' . ,'~: . . " ". ~ :.. fjE.:(~:rrsn,c Sl'y,.. ,~ULEYAI-2D , '.~-"_. 1""<. ,.""..", ,'\, )7" .1\ l' .of "~'_ .,,'~-""""" ,...... .~ 't "''[ .::...._ :...~__' >_:.. ..~~"-,~.. - -- f"""" -{ -~\"I'--.;:~. ',:-'" ~" '''\-''r''- i;J.. >'."."." ".', . .",~,..". 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