HomeMy WebLinkAboutBeixedon Estates Association (2) BeixeJon ESt<ltC3 Associrition, Inc. SoutllOlJ, Long I.I..nJ, New York 11971 September 8, 2001 Mr. Albert 1. Krupski, Jr. President, Board of Trustees Town of South old 83095 Route 25 Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Krupski: Thank you for YOUT letter of September 6, 2001 (addressed to Ms. Joan Latham, Secretary, Beixedon Estates Association). We look forward to YOUT field visit on Wednesday, September 12 in the AM. We shall contact YOUT office early next week to get an estimate of YOUT arrival time. It is OUT intention to have representatives of both Beixedon Estates Association and the Beixedon Canal Beach Committee present during YOUT inspection. It has been the intention of the 48 homeowners in the Beixedon Estates Association to have some competent authority advise us as to how to stop the massive beach erosion, which seems to have accelerated in recent years. In addition, we seek a more permanent solution to the recurring stagnation in Hippodrome Pond and a way to reduce the closures from sand drift at the opening to tire cana1 that feeds Petty's Pond. It would be most helpful it: after YOUT review, the Trustees could issue a letter of invitation to Agencies (such as DEC, Corps of Engineers) to visit the site and offer suggestions, which could alleviate some or all the problems, which weigh upon the Association Members. Thank you in advance for your consideration, we remain, Very truly yours, c;;o Thomas Petrosino President, Beixedon Estates Association , Alh<!rt J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Henry Smith Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda A.AI\J '" ,....,/ v ryvv..J. ,-,1.'/: _ N '~./ !fown Hall .i:.J U ,; , "'- r L 53095 Route 25 of" V P.O. Box 1179 ,..IpJ6uthold, New York 11971-0959 )/\L \ I , Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD September 6. 2001 Mrs. Joan Latham Beixedon Association, Inc. Southo1d, NY 11971 Dear Mrs. Latham: The Trustees will review this matter of the bulkhead, jetty, maintenance dredging and spoIl site on our September 12'h field inspection. We will be happy to meet with anyone on that day to discuss or explain the situation to the board. Thank you. Very truly yours, /.J "!. ,j /) ::1, .' y,t;.. ~_. [.(._,_.......y '.. ;........(,;'0--"..- . I t Albert J. Krupski, Jr. President, Board of Trusrees AJF...:hns - J;A1l\~ wzd ti-f ~ ex. w~ ?~ jJfrl ( . .... ~ Jt-ixcJon Esl<tlC:, l\ssociiition, lnc. SoulholJ, Long IsLnJ, New York 11971 Mr. Albert Krupski, Presic41nt Board of Trustees Town ofSouthpld Main Road Soodiofd, New York 11971 (~f/' It 0 I August 13,2001 Dear Mr. Kru~i: I :", , AUG I 3 2001 I .... (E"" . C':- Yteviousry this spring, Beixeoon EStates Association carne l5efore tlie .BOard requesting two separate Permits for keeping the creeks in our area open. We have contacted the Army Corps ofEngineers andtliey are willing to come to our lIfea and give us their help and advise for a solution to our on-going problem. However, they wilrnot come without a retter ff(Jm tli.e lOcal muniCipality inviting them to ~. Therefore, I am requesting a letter from the Board of Trustees to the Army Corps of Engineers inviting them to SOutli.ororor their assistance. T\'ie letter shouJQl5e aditfe~ ~ . Mr. Stephen COtJCh U.S. ArIllY Corps of Engineers, Planning Division 26 Federal Plaztl New York, NY 10278 IIyou let me Know when it is reaay, I'ttpicK it up andmairit with our letter to th/lm. , Thank you very much for helping us. Si~, /) , ~/ ( ~.0 CLa t1---71A../ Joan Latham secretary . ----- ._~._- ...----------.--- ""1 I ,7,-- I i I \ t i" '. -''-'' , """'~-, I 'k ~'. " 19\1:1 ;~-- 'oJ? ":--':;=".'>., '~'l>:~ Gel ~:~'" I ,-, ,,<, '. ~ ' I~':'<. o.~-_______/ \ l'?""'if:j-~ '''" ;i , j: , I \ Ii! ! " i,', , I , I ol" ; I O.q" "'1:::>.\ , ~~ e '"I I , I' I , 'f '""J ,i) mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmTITmmmmrm1TIT\ ",.' g ~ l,'~ '. ~ t , S'Q 1/..' 0-Q '.0 ~u; 0; I ^ "' m '[ ^ , p ~ I · ;1 I . ^' I <r~!il ~ ~ p '1" c ~ ~ I ~ I """",, J" ,,~ ~ ..... ~ ,/ O>~ I z/ I .~ L .,t~J,J<t!I I"~' ,..'i' , ~.\, ~;\:;. " i;':1H~'~ ,.q" r' ,'"i 1'/ 'j!,: '~.I' ,;}: ' :i>:1'",- i,~,;'~ iii/V 'i;>~ I'" "';- 'i:'~- i~ ,- I,' ,i.l ;r';:ii'i:~ 'Ill' '!I"" :~ I: jl ~ ii' ~: r ~ . m~ ~ l~~_ 'I'~~~ ,!,I,i~ "1!1~ i~,~l~ ~;~.:I~ "1'\'1'- I.').....' HUe I,t!:.e , ~ F 'I!!= 1"1'" ~: ';- i:(~ '1 f ,'1..": l r- :t : . !:ii I ~; ; j; . ~f ):~- IT Iii ,'11 if :f ~; \. ~';- J ;j ,i. ,',. '1"; !"I. l~- " ,ii I~ ,:;!- :;~- -~- J 'I, -- 'f--- t i; -= ,,!'-~ ,,/1 ' , r--- ,::vj.; ;J"',,~i'f .~ :i