HomeMy WebLinkAboutSolid Waste Management & .. ~J~~&~ood 6'7Y1'aII./ma:k CYc...6 ICCCS t RECEIVED October 3, 2003 OCT 2 0 2003 The Town Board of the Town of South old, in the County of Suffolk, New York Soulhold Town Clef' Ladies and Gentlemen: We have examined a record of proceedings relating to the issuance of the $4,680,000 Bond Anticipation Note for Solid Waste Management District-2oo3 of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, a municipal corporation of the State of New York. Said Note is dated October 3, 2003, matures October I, 2004, subject to prior redemption, is numbered 2R- 1, bears interest at the rate of one and nineteen hundredths per centum (1.19%) per annum, is payable to bearer without coupons and registrable as to both principal and interest, and is issued pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law, constituting Chapter 33-a of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York, the bond resolution adopted by the Town Board on November 25, 1997 and amended March 13,2001, authorizing the issuance of $7,800,000 serial bonds for the increase and improvement of facilities of the Southold Solid Waste Management District, in said Town, and the Certificate of Determination executed by the Supervisor on October 4, 2003. Said bond anticipation note is temporary obligations issued in anticipation of the sale of permanent serial bonds. In our opinion, the Note is a valid and legally binding general obligation of the Town for which the Town has validly pledged its faith and credit and, unless paid from other sources, all the taxable real property within the Town is subject to the levy of ad valorem real estate taxes to pay the Note and interest thereon without limitation of rate or amount. The enforceability of rights or remedies with respect to such Note may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, or other laws affecting creditors' rights or remedies heretofore or hereafter enacted. The Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), establishes certain requirements that must be met subsequent to the issuance and delivery of the Note in order that interest on the Note be and remain excludable from gross income under Section 103 of the Code. The Supervisor of the Town, in executing the Arbitrage and Use of Proceeds Certificate, has certified to the effect that the Town will comply with the provisions and procedures set forth therein and that it will do and perform all acts and things necessary or desirable to assure that interest paid on the Note is excludable from gross income under Section 103 of the Code. We , . . have examined such Arbitrage and Use of Proceeds Certificate of the Town delivered concurrently with the delivery of the Note and, in our opinion, such certificate contains provisions and procedures under which such requirements can be met. In our opinion, the interest on said Note is excludable under existing statutes and court decisions from the gross income of the recipients thereof for federal income tax purposes pursuant to Section 103 of the Code, and under existing statutes interest on the Note will not be treated as a preference item in calculating the alternative minimum tax that may be imposed under the Code with respect to individuals and corporations. In rendering the foregoing opinion we have assumed the Town's compliance with the Arbitrage and Use of Proceeds Certificate. Further, in our opinion, under existing statutes, interest on the Note is exempt from New York State and New York City personal income taxes. Other than such record of proceedings, we have not been requested to examine or review and have not examined or reviewed the accuracy or sufficiency of any additional proceedings, reports, correspondence, financial statements or other documents, containing financial or other information relative to the Town, which have been or may hereafter be furnished or disclosed to purchasers of said Note and we express no opinion with respect to any such financial or other information or the accuracy or sufficiency thereof. The form of said Note is prescribed by Schedule B, 2 of the Local Finance Law of the State of New York, but we have not examined the executed Note. Very truly yours, ~~d.kJ/1Pd . ,. . . ~)9~&~~ 6'7Y1'aII./~JYe;., ?Y~ Im(}$' September 12,2003 The Town Board of the Town of South old, in the County of Suffolk, New York Ladies and Gentlemen: We have examined a record of proceedings relating to the issuance of the $3,000,000 Bond Anticipation Notes for Fishers Island Ferry District-2003 of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, a municipal corporation of the State of New York. Said Notes are dated September 12,2003, mature September 10, 2004, subject to prior redemption, are 2 in number, bear interest at the rates per annum set opposite the following numbers and denominations: Numbers Denominations Interest Rates (inclusive ) (each) (per annum) 2R-1 $2,000,000 1.1 0% 2R-2 $1,000,000 1.22% are issued pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law, constituting Chapter 33-a of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York, the bond resolution adopted by the Town Board on July 31, 2001, authorizing the issuance of $4,800,000 serial bonds for the increase and improvement of facilities of the Fishers Island Ferry District, in said Town, and the Certificate of Determination executed by the Supervisor on September 12, 2003. Said bond anticipation notes are temporary obligations issued in anticipation of the sale of permanent serial bonds. In our opinion, the Notes are valid and legally binding general obligation of the Town for which the Town has validly pledged its faith and credit and, unless paid from other sources, all the taxable real property within the Town is subject to the levy of ad valorem real estate taxes to pay the Notes and interest thereon without limitation of rate or amount. The euforceability of rights or remedies with respect to such Notes may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, or other laws affecting creditors' rights or remedies heretofore or hereafter enacted. The Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), establishes certain requirements that must be met subsequent to the issuance and delivery of the Notes in order that 432959.1 019513 CERT . ~ . . interest on the Notes be and remain excludable from gross income under Section 103 of the Code. The Supervisor of the Town, in executing the Arbitrage and Use of Proceeds Certificate, has certified to the effect that the Town will comply with the provisions and procedures set forth therein and that it will do and perform all acts and things necessary or desirable to assure that interest paid on the Notes is excludable from gross income under Section 103 of the Code. We have examined such Arbitrage and Use of Proceeds Certificate of the Town delivered concurrently with the delivery of the Notes, and, in our opinion, such certificate contains provisions and procedures under which such requirements can be met. In our opinion, the interest on said Notes is excludable under existing statutes and court decisions from the gross income of the recipients thereof for federal income tax purposes pursuant to Section 103 of the Code, and under existing statutes interest on the Notes will not be treated as a preference item in calculating the alternative minimum tax that may be imposed under the Code with respect to individuals and corporations. In rendering the foregoing opinion we have assumed the Town's compliance with the Arbitrage and Use of Proceeds Certificate. Further, in our opinion, under existing statutes, interest on the Notes is exempt from New York State and New York City personal income taxes. Other than such record of proceedings, we have not been requested to examine or review and have not examined or reviewed the accuracy or sufficiency of any additional proceedings, reports, correspondence, financial statements or other documents, containing financial or other information relative to the Town, which have been or may hereafter be furnished or disclosed to purchasers of said Notes and we express no opinion with respect to any such financial or other information or the accuracy or sufficiency thereof. The form of said Notes is prescribed by Schedule B, 2 of the Local Finance Law of the State of New York, but we have not examined the executed Notes. Very truly yours, 4~~;kI 432959.1019513 CERT $4,680,000 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOND ANTICIPATION NOTE FOR SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT -2003 The Town of Southold, in tJle County of SutTolk, a municipal corporation of the State of New York, hereby acknowledges itself indebted and for value received promises to pay to the bearer of this Note, or if it be registered. to the registered holder, the sum of FOUR MILLION SIX HUNDRED EIGHTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($4,680,000) on the 1st day of October. 2004, together with interest thereon from the date hereof at the rate of one and nineteen hundredths per centum (1.190/0) per annum, payable at maturity. Both principal orand interest on this Note will be paid in lawful money of the United States of America, at the Office oflhe Town Clerk, Town of Southold, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York. At the request of the holder, the Town Clerk shall convert this Note into a registered Note by registering it in the name of the holder in the books of the Town kept in the office of such TOWIl Clerk and endorsing a certificate of such registration hereon, after which both principal of and interest on tlus Note shall he payable only to the registered holder, his legal representatives, successors or transferees. This Note shnll then be transferable only upon presentation to such Town Clerk with a written transfer oftitle and such Town Clerk shall thereupon register this Note in the name ofthe transferee in Ius books and shall endorse a certificate of such registration hereon. Such transfer shall be dated, and signed by the registered holder, or his legal representatives, and it shall be duly acknowledged or proved, or in the altemative the signature thereto shall be certified as to its genuineness by an officer of a bank or trust company located and authorized to do business in this State. This Note is the only note of an nuthorized issue, the principal mnount of which is $4,680,000. This Note may be called for redemption, after the giving of at least five (5) days' written notice of the date of redemption by mailing of written notice to the original purchaser, or if this Note he registered to the registered holder, and interest shall cease to be paid hereon after such date of redemption. This Note is issued pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law, constituting Chapter 33-a of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York. the bond resolution ndopled by the Town Board on November 25, 1997 and amended March 13. 2001. authorizing the issuance of $7,800,000 serial bonds for the increase and improvement of facilities of the Southold Solid Waste Management District., in said Town, and the Certiticate of Detennination executed by the Supervisor on October, 3, 2003. This Note has been desig.nated by the TO\\'11 as a qualitied L.'lx-exempt oblig.ation pursuant to the provisions of Section 265 of the Intemal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. The faith and credit of such To"" of South old are herehy irrevocably pledged for the plUlctnal payment of the principal of and interest on this Note according to its tenns. It is hereby certified and recited that all conditions, acts and tlungs required by the Constitution and statutes of the State of New York to exist. to have happened and to have been perfonned precedent to and in the issuance of this Note. exist:. have happened and have been perfonned. and that this Note, together with all other indebtedness of such Town of Southold, is within every debt and other limit prescribed by the Constitution and laws of such State. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Town of Southold has caused this Note to he signed by its Supervisor, and its corporate seal (or a facsimile thereat) to be allixed, imprinted, impressed or otherwise reproduced hereon and attested by its Town Clerk and this Note to be dated as of the 3rd day of October, 2003. (SEAL) By ATTEST: [1t?~An'#2 Y)gjj/~ own Clerk . . . CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION BY THE SUPERVISOR RELATIVE TO AUTHORIZATION, SALE, ISSUANCE, FORM AND CONTENTS OF $4,680,000 BOND ANTICIPATION NOTE FOR SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT-20m OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK I, Joshua Y. Horton, Supervisor of the Town of Southold, New York (herein called the "Town"), HEREBY CERTIFY that pursuant to the powers and duties delegated to me, the chief fiscal officer of the Town, by the Town Board of the Town, pursuant to the resolution duly adopted and amended and as referred to in paragraph 1 hereof, and subject to the limitations prescribed in said resolution, I have made the following determinations: 1. A bond anticipation note (the "Note") ofthe Town in the principal amount of $4,680,000 shall be issued in anticipation of the sale of serial bonds authorized pursuant to the resolution entitled: "Bond Resolution of the Town of New Southold, New York, adopted November 25, 1997 and amended March 13, 2001, appropriating the amount of $7,800,000 for the increase and improvement of facilities of the Southold Solid Waste Management District, in said Town, and authorizing the issuance of $7,800,000 serial bonds for said Town to finance said appropriation," duly adopted and amended by the Town Board on the date therein referred to. 2. The terms, form and details of said Note shall be as follows: Amount and Title: $4,680,000 Bond Anticipation Note for Solid Waste Management District-2003 Dated October 3, 2003 Matures: October 1, 2004, subject to prior redemption Number Denomination Interest Rate (per annum) 2R-1 $4,680,000 1.19% Form of Note: Substantially in accordance with form prescribed by Schedule B, 2 of the Local Finance Law of the State of New York. 434255.1019064 CERT . . 3. The amount of bond anticipation notes originally issued in anticipation of the issuance of the serial bonds authorized pursuant to the resolution referred to in paragraph 1 hereof, including the Note, is $6,595,884.43, and the amount of bond anticipation notes which will be outstanding after the issuance ofthe Note, including said Note, will be $4,680,000. 4. The serial bonds authorized pursuant to the resolution referred to in paragraph 1 hereof are for improvements which are assessable. 5. Pursuant to said powers and duties delegated to me, I DO HEREBY AWARD AND SELL said Note to Fleet National Bank, Southold, New York, for the purchase price of $4,680,000, plus accrued interest, if any, from the date of said Note to the date of delivery thereof, and I FURTHER DETERMINE that said Note shall be payable as to both principal and interest at the office of the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, and shall bear interest at the rate of one and nineteen hundredths per centum (1.19%) per annum, payable at maturity or prior redemption. 6. Said Note shall be executed in the name of the Town by its Supervisor and the corporate seal of the Town shall be affixed thereto and attested by its Town Clerk. I HEREBY FURTHER CERTIFY that the powers and duties delegated to me to issue and sell the Note hereinabove referred to are in full force and effect and have not been modified, amended or revoked. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, have hereunto set my hand this 3rd day of October, 2003. 434255.\ 0\9064 CERT . . CLERK'S CERTIFICATE I, Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, New York, HEREBY CERTIFY that I have compared the foregoing copy of the Certificate of Determination executed by the Supervisor and the same is a true and complete copy of the Certificate filed with said Town in the office of the Town Clerk on the 3rd day of October, 2003; and I FURTHER CERTIFY that no resolution electing to reassume any of the powers or duties mentioned in said Certificate and delegated to the Supervisor by the resolution cited in said Certificate has been adopted by said Town Board. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said Town this 3rd day of October, 2003. (SEAL) r!P~h4'2 Q~N;-& Town Cler 434255.1019064 CERT . . ARBITRAGE AND USE OF PROCEEDS CERTIFICATE I, Joshua Y. Horton, Supervisor of the Town of Southold (the "Issuer"), in the County of Suffolk, New York, HEREBY CERTIFY and reasonably expect with respect to the Issuer's $4,680,000 Bond Anticipation Note for Solid Waste Management District-20m (herein referred to as the "Note"), dated and issued on October 3,2003, as follows: Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, all capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings set forth in Article II hereof or in the Resolutions, the Code or the Regulations (each as defined below). ARTICLE I GENERAL 1.1. Authority of Signatory. I am an officer of the Issuer charged with the responsibility for the execution, delivery, and issuance of the Note and am acting for and on behalf of the Issuer in signing this Arbitrage and Use of Proceeds Certificate (the "Certificate"). 1.2. Description of Note. The Issuer represents that the Note is sold at the aggregate Issue Price and are further described as set forth in the Certificate of Determination of the Issuer and on the cover ofthe Official Statement. 1.3. Purpose of Certificate. This Certificate is made for the purpose of establishing evidence of the expectations of the Issuer as of the Issue Date as to future events regarding the amount and use of proceeds of the Note. It is intended and may be relied upon for purposes of Sections 103 and 141 through 150 of the Code, and as a certification described in Section 1.I48-2(b)(2) of the Regulations. This Certificate is executed and delivered as part of the record of proceedings in connection with the issuance of the Note. The provisions of this Certificate constitute a contractual obligation of the Issuer in consideration for the purchase of and payment for the Note by the purchaser(s) thereof. 1.4. No Hedge Bonds. The Issuer reasonably expects that 85% of the Spendable Proceeds of the Note will be expended for governmental purposes within 3 years of the Issue Date. In addition, not more than 50% of the Proceeds of the Note is being invested in investments not acquired to carry out the governmental purposes of the issue at a guaranteed yield for 4 years or more. With respect to the Prior Issue, the Issuer reasonably expected as of the issue date of the Prior Issue that 85% of the spendable proceeds of the Prior Issue would be expended for governmental purposes within 3 years of such issue date, and, in addition, not more than 50% of the proceeds of the Prior Issue were invested in investments not acquired to carry out the governmental purposes of the issue at a guaranteed yield for 4 years or more. I. 5. Reasonable Expectations. This Certificate sets forth the facts, estimates and circumstances now in existence which form the basis for the Issuer's expectation that the . . proceeds of the Note will not be used in a manner that would cause the Note to be Arbitrage Bonds under Section 148 of the Code or Private Activity Bonds under Sections 103 and 141 of the Code. To the best of my knowledge and belief, such expectation is reasonable and there are no other facts, estimates or circumstances that would materially change that expectation. 1.6. No Composite Issue. No other tax-exempt governmental obligations have been sold fewer than 15 days prior to, or will be sold fewer than 15 days after, the sale date of the Note, pursuant to the same plan of financing which are expected to be paid from substantially the same source of funds as the Note. 1.7. Registration. The Note will be issued in registered form. 1.8. No Federal Guarantee. The Issuer represents and covenants that, except for the gross proceeds of the Note which are: (a) invested during the temporary period referred to in Article III, (b) held in any refunding escrow or (c) invested in obligations of the United States Treasury or in obligations issued pursuant to Section 2IB(d)(3) of the Federal Home Loan Bank Act, as amended by Section 511(a) of the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act of 1989, or any successor provision to Section 21B(d)(3) of the Federal Home Loan Bank Act, as amended: (i) No portion of the payment of principal or interest with respect to the Note is or will be guaranteed directly or indirectly by the United States or any agency or instrumentality thereof (in this Certificate "federally guaranteed"); and (ii) No portion of the Gross Proceeds of the Note in excess of five percent of such Gross Proceeds is or will be (A) used in making loans the payment of principal or interest with respect to which is to be federally guaranteed, or (B) invested directly or indirectly in federally insured deposits or accounts. 1.9. Tax Representation. The Issuer expects to be able to and will comply with all the procedures and provisions set forth in this Certificate, and will do and perform all acts and things necessary and desirable within its reasonable control in order to assure that interest paid on the Note will be excluded from gross income of the owners of the Note for the purpose of federal income taxation. 1.10. Noncompliance. The Issuer shall perform each of the obligations undertaken by it in this Certificate unless, in the written opinion of Bond Counsel, noncompliance with such obligations will not cause interest on the Note to be included in gross income for purposes of Federal income taxation. 1.11. Reliance by Bond Counsel. The representations of the Issuer expressed in this Certificate may be relied upon by Bond Counsel in connection with the rendering of any opinion with respect to the Note. . . 1.12. IRS Form 8038-G. The Issuer will file IRS Form 8038-G, included as part of the record of proceedings for the issuance of the Note, by the 15th day of the second month after the calendar quarter in which the Note is issued. ARTICLE II USE OF PROJECT AND PROCEEDS 2.1. Authorization. (a) The Note is authorized to be issued pursuant to applicable provisions of the laws of the State of New York and the bond resolution duly adopted by the Town Board on November 25, 1997 and amended March 13, 2001 (the "Resolution"), as referred to in the Certificate of Determination (the "Certificate of Determination") executed by the Supervisor as of October 3, 2003. (b) For purposes of this Article II, the term "Original Proceeds" means the Sale Proceeds received (or deemed to be received) by the Issuer from the sale of the Note net of the amount used or to be used for the payment of all costs and expenses associated with issuing the Note, and excluding accrued interest. 2.2. Purpose of Issue. The Note is being issued for the increase and improvement offacilities ofthe Southold Solid Waste Management District, in said Town. 2.3. Use of Original Proceeds. The proceeds of sale of the Note in the amount of $4,680,000 (the "Note") and $310,000 in available funds will be used to redeem a prior issue of bond anticipation notes currently outstanding in the principal amount of $4,990,000, which matures on October 3, 2003 (the "Prior Issue"), heretofore issued to finance the Project. 2.4. Ownership/Lease/Sale. The Project will be owned by the Issuer and will not be leased to any person who is not a state or local governmental unit. It will not be sold or otherwise disposed of, in whole or in part, except for incidental sales of surplus items the proceeds of which will not constitute net operating profits or net capital profits to the Issuer, prior to the last maturity date of the Note. 2.5. Private Loans. Not more than the lesser of 5 percent or $5,000,000 of the Proceeds of the Note will be used directly or indirectly to make loans to persons other than a state or local governmental unit. 2.6. Private Use. Either (a) the aggregate amount of the Proceeds of the Note used directly or indirectly in a trade or business carried on by a person other than a state or local governmental unit ("Private Use") will not exceed 10% of such Proceeds or (b) not more than 10% of the principal and interest due on the Note during the term of the Note, under the terms of the Note or any underlying arrangement, directly or indirectly, (i) will be secured by any interest in property used or to be used for a Private Use or in payments in respect of property used or to be used for a Private Use, or (ii) will be derived from payments, whether or not to the Issuer, in respect of property or borrowed money used or to be used for a Private Use. . . 2.7. Unrelated/Related Disproportionate Use. None of the Proceeds of the Note will be used directly or indirectly in the trade or business of a person other than a state or local governmental unit that is unrelated or related and disproportionate to the governmental use of the property being financed, including any private loan financing described in Section 2.5 above which meets this test. For purposes of this Certificate, Proceeds of the Note is allocable to an unrelated Private Use if such use is neither directly nor operationally related to a governmental use and Proceeds of the Note is allocable to a disproportionate related Private Use to the extent that the Proceeds of the Note which are to be used to finance property used by a person other than a state or local governmental unit in a trade or business which is related to the governmental use of the property referred to in Section 2.6 above, exceeds the Proceeds of the Note which are to be used for the governmental use to which such Private Use relates. 2.8. Private Use Defined. For purposes of Sections 2.6 and 2.7 above, unless otherwise provided in this Certificate, a Private Use consists of any contract or other arrangement including, without limitation, leases, management contracts, guarantee contracts, take or pay contracts, or put or pay contracts, which provides for a use of the Project or any portion of the Project by a person or persons who are not state or local governmental units on a basis different than the general public. The Issuer has not and will not enter into any such contract or arrangement without first consulting with Bond Counsel. 2.9. Reimbursement. Proceeds of the Note used to reimburse the Issuer for amounts expended in anticipation of the issuance of the Note is considered expended on the date of the reimbursement but only if (i) a declaration of intent to reimburse such expenditure is made prior to or within 60 days after the date of the original expenditure (except for certain preliminary expenditures described in Section 1.150-2(f)(2)) of the Regulations), and (ii) the reimbursement is made within 18 months of the later of the placed-in-service date of the Project or the date of the original expenditure (but in no event more than three years after the original expenditure was paid). The expenditures to be reimbursed are Capital Expenditures. The Issuer will not use any Proceeds of the Note for any reimbursement purpose that does not otherwise qualify as an expenditure pursuant to Section 1.150-2 of the Regulations or prior law, as applicable. ARTICLE III ARBITRAGE 3.1. Temporary Period-Refunding. With respect to the Current Refunding Note and the Prior Issue: (a) All of the proceeds of the Prior Issue have been expended, or any such proceeds which have not been expended will be treated as Transferred Proceeds of the Current Refunding Note as of the date the Prior Issue is redeemed. Such Transferred Proceeds may be invested without restriction as to Yield until three years after the date of original issuance of the Prior Issue. If any Transferred Proceeds remain unexpended after three years after the date of original issuance of the Prior Issue, such proceeds will be invested at a Yield not in excess of the Yield on the Note. . . (b) Allor a portion of the Proceeds of the Current Refunding Note will be used to refund the Prior Issue within 90 days of the Issue Date. Such Proceeds and any related Investment Proceeds may be invested during such time without restriction as to Yield. The balance, if any, of the Proceeds of the Current Refunding Note will be used to pay cost of issuance of the Current Refunding Note. Such Proceed and any related Investment Proceeds may be invested for a period of thirteen months after the Issue Date without restriction as to Yield. 3.3. No Overissuance. The Sale Proceeds of the Note do not exceed the total cost of the New Project, the amount required to refund the Prior Issue and the amount required to pay costs of issuance of the Note. 3.4. Source of Repayment Funds. The Note will be paid from taxes and other revenues of the Issuer. 3.5. Debt Service Fund. The taxes and revenues used to pay principal and interest on the Note, whether or not deposited in a debt service fund (the "Debt Service Fund"), will be expended within 13 months of the date of deposit in such fund, or the date of their accumulation, in the payment of debt service on the Note. Any amounts received from the investment of such deposit or accumulation will be expended within one year of receipt. The Debt Service Fund, if any, will be used to achieve a proper matching of revenues and debt service and will be depleted at least annually except for a reasonable carryover amount which will not exceed the greater of the earnings on such fund for the immediately preceding Bond Year or one-twelfth of the debt service on the Note for the immediately preceding Bond Year. 3.6. Sinking Funds. Except for the Debt Service Fund described in Section 3.5 above, the Issuer has not created or established, and does not expect to create or establish, any sinking fund, debt service reserve fund or other similar fund which the Issuer reasonably expects to use to pay principal or interest on the Note. 3.7. Universal Cap. On each Valuation Date, the Issuer will value the Universal Cap and the Nonpurpose Investments allocable to the Note under the Universal Cap. Nonpurpose Investments in a bona fide debt service fund such as the Debt Service Fund described in Section 3.5 above do not reduce the aggregate value of Nonpurpose Investments that may be allocated to the Note under the Universal Cap. Nonpurpose Investments cease to be allocated to the Note to the extent such Nonpurpose Investments have been expended for the governmental purpose of the Note, or to the extent the Value of such investments exceeds the value permitted to be allocated to the Note under the Universal Cap. To the extent Nonpurpose Investments cease to be allocated to the Note and the Value of the Universal Cap exceeds the Value of the remaining Nonpurpose Investment allocated to the Note, other Nonpurpose Investments may become allocated to the Note, provided that such Nonpurpose Investments are not already properly allocated to another bond issue and provided that such allocation does not cause the Value of Nonpurpose Investments allocated to the Note to exceed the Universal Cap. . . Generally, if Gross Proceeds of the Note invested in Nonpurpose Investments exceed the Universal Cap on a Valuation Date, such Nonpurpose Investments cease to be allocated to the Note in the following order: (i) amounts allocable to Replacement Proceeds, (ii) amounts allocable to Transferred Proceeds, (iii) amounts allocable to Sale Proceeds and Investment Proceeds of the Note. Where a Nonpurpose Investment ceases to be allocated to the Note, such Nonpurpose Investment may be reallocated under the Universal Cap calculated with respect to another bond issue. A Nonpurpose Investment which is reallocated to another bond issue may be valued under the same valuation method pursuant to which it was valued for purposes of applying the Universal Cap with respect to the Note. Notwithstanding anything in this Certificate to the contrary, the failure to perform the determination of Nonpurpose Investments allocable to the Note as of a Valuation Date will not be considered a violation of this provision if the Value of Nonpurpose Investments allocated to the Note did not exceed the Value of the Note outstanding on such date. 3.8. Yield. When used in this Certificate, the term Yield is computed as described in the Regulations and, in connection with the Note or any investment acquired with the Gross Proceeds of the Note, refers to the Yield computed by the actuarial or present worth method using a 360-day year and semiannual compounding, and means that discount rate which, when used in computing the Present Value of all payments of principal and interest to be paid on an obligation, produces an amount equal to, in the case of the Note, the Issue Price of the Note with certain adjustments as required by the Regulations, and in the case of an Investment, the purchase price of such Investment. The underwriters of the Note have made certain representations regarding the Issue Price of the Note, which representations are included as part of the record of legal proceedings relating to the Note. The Yield on the Note is as shown in Form 8038-G. The Issuer will not enter into any hedge, contract to sell call right options or other arrangement with respect to the Note without first consulting with Bond Counsel. 3.9. Yield Reduction Payments. The Issuer may make Yield Reduction Payments, as such term is defined in the Regulations, to the Internal Revenue Service for the purpose of reducing the Yield on investments under certain circumstances. The Issuer will consult with Bond Counsel prior to making any such payments. 3.10. No Replacement Proceeds. The weighted average maturity of the Note, as set forth in the Form 8038-G, does not exceed 120 percent of the average reasonably expected useful life ofthe Project. . . 3.11. Investments at Fair Market Value. The Issuer has not entered and will not enter into any transaction to reduce the Yield on the investment of the Gross Proceeds of the Note in such a manner that the amount to be rebated to the Federal government pursuant to Article IV below is less than it would have been had the transaction been at arm's length and the Yield of the Note not been relevant to either party to the transaction. All investments of Gross Proceeds ofthe Note will be made on an arms' length, Fair Market Value basis. ARTICLE IV REBATE 4.1. Rebate Compliance. The Issuer understands that the continued non-inclusion of interest on the Note for purposes offederal income taxation depends, in part, upon compliance with the arbitrage limitations imposed by Section 148 of the Code, including the rebate requirements described in Sections 4.3 and 4.5 below with respect to the Note (and the Prior Issue) unless the Issuer complies with Sections 4.2(a) and 4.2(b) below or qualifies for one or more of the rebate exceptions described in Section 4.4 below. 4.2. Rebate Options. With respect to the investment of the Proceeds of the Note, the Issuer will: (a) invest all Gross Proceeds of the Note at all times from the Issue Date until expended in Investments not constituting Investment Property for purposes of Section 148 of the Code such as obligations of a state or of a political subdivision of a state, the interest on which is excluded from gross income for purposes of Federal income taxation under Section 103 of the Code and is not a preference item for purposes ofthe alternative minimum tax imposed by Section 55 of the Code, (b) invest all Gross Proceeds of the Note in obligations having a Yield that does not exceed the Yield on the Note, or (c) comply with the provisions regarding rebate or qualify for one or more of the exceptions to rebate as described in this Article IV. 4.3. Rebate Requirement for the Note. Section 148(f) of the Code requires the payment to the United States of the excess of the amount earned on the investment of Gross Proceeds in Nonpurpose Investments over the amount that would have been earned had the amount so invested been invested at a rate equal to the Yield on the Note, together with any income attributable to such excess. Except as provided in Section 4.4 below, all Gross Proceeds of the Note is subject to this requirement. In order to meet the rebate requirement of the Code, the Issuer will take the following actions: (a) Record ofInvestments. The Issuer will record the date of receipt, amount and source of any Gross Proceeds, e.g., Proceeds from the sale of the Note, loan repayments, investment earnings and Transferred Proceeds. For each Nonpurpose Investment acquired with or allocated to Gross Proceeds of the Note, the Issuer will . . record the purchase date or allocation date of such investment, its purchase price (excluding any broker or dealer's commission or discount), or, if not acquired directly with Gross Proceeds, its value on the date the Nonpurpose Investment is allocated to Gross Proceeds, accrued interest due on its purchase date or allocation date, its face amount, its coupon rate, its Yield, the frequency of its interest payment, its disposition price (excluding any broker or dealer's commission or discount), the accrued interest due on its disposition date and its disposition date. In addition, the Issuer will record the date and amount of all expenditures of Gross Proceeds of the Note, including expenditures for rebate, other than expenditures to acquire Investments. (b) Computation of Rebate Amount. Subject to the special rules set forth in Section 4.4 below, the Issuer will determine the Rebate Amount on each Computation Date. The Rebate Amount as of any Computation Date is the excess of the Future Value of all receipts with respect to Nonpurpose Investments over the Future Value of all payments with respect to the purchase of Nonpurpose Investments or the allocation of such investments to the Gross Proceeds of the Note, determined as of each Computation Date. To the extent amounts received from Investments are reinvested, these amounts may be netted against each other and not taken into account in the Computation of Rebate Amount. The Issuer will determine the nonpurpose receipts and nonpurpose payments as described below. (i) Receipts. Receipts with respect to Nonpurpose Investments include (A) amounts actually or constructively received from a Nonpurpose Investment (including amounts treated as received from a commingled fund), such as earnings and return of principal; (B) for a Nonpurpose Investment that ceases to be allocated to the Note before its disposition or redemption date (e.g., an Investment that becomes allocable to transferred proceeds of another issue or that ceases to be allocable to the Note pursuant to the Universal Cap under Section 1.148-6 of the Regulations) or that ceases to be subject to the rebate requirement on a date earlier than its disposition or redemption date (e.g., an investment allocated to a fund initially subject to the rebate requirement but that subsequently qualifies as a bona fide debt service fund), the Value of that Nonpurpose Investment on that date; (C) for a Nonpurpose Investment that is held at the end of a Computation Period, the Value of that Investment at the end of that period; and (0) any recovery of an overpayment of rebate. (ii) Payments. Payments with respect to Nonpurpose Investments include: (A) amounts actually or constructively paid to acquire a Nonpurpose Investment (or treated as paid to a commingled fund); (B) for a Nonpurpose Investment that is first allocated to the Note on a date after it is actually acquired (e.g., an investment that becomes allocable to Transferred Proceeds or to Replacement Proceeds) or that becomes subject to the rebate requirement on a date after it is actually acquired (e.g., an Investment allocated to a reasonably required reserve or replacement fund for a Construction Issue at the end of the 2-year spending period), the Value of that Investment on that date; (C) for a . . Nonpurpose Investment that was allocated to the Note at the end of the preceding Computation Period, the Value of that Investment at the beginning of the Computation Period; (D) on the last day of each Bond Year during which there are amounts allocated to Gross Proceeds of the Note that are subject to the rebate requirement, and on the final maturity date, a Computation Credit of $1,000; (E) Yield Reduction Payments on Nonpurpose Investments made pursuant to Section I.I48-5(c) of the Regulations; and (F) payments of rebate amounts when made. 4.4. Exceptions to Rebate Requirement. Notwithstanding anything in Section 4.3 above to the contrary, some or all of the Gross Proceeds of the Note is not subject to the rebate requirement if the conditions described below are satisfied. (a) Exception for Gross Proceeds Entirely Spent Within Six Months. If all of the Gross Proceeds of the New Money Note or the Current Refunding Note (other than amounts in the Debt Service Fund and proceeds of the P~ior Issue that become Transferred Proceeds of the Current Refunding Note), as the case may be, including investment earnings received with respect to all funds and accounts established with respect to the Note except the Debt Service Fund, have been expended for the governmental purpose of the New Money Note or the Current Refunding Note, as the case may be, within six months (or alternatively with respect to the Gross Proceeds of the New Money Note, 95% within six months and 100% within one year) after the Issue Date, then the only Nonpurpose Investments to be taken into account in the calculation of the Rebate Amount with respect to the New Money Note or the Current Refunding Note, as the case may be, are any Gross Proceeds of the New Money Note or the Current Refunding Note, as the case may be, arising after such six months which were not reasonably anticipated as of the Issue Date and proceeds of the Prior Issue that become Transferred Proceeds of the Current Refunding Note unless such Transferred Proceeds qualify for one or more of the rebate exceptions applicable to the Prior Issue. The existence of sinking fund or pledged fund proceeds or the expectation that such proceeds will arise within six months of the Issue Date will make the six-month expenditure exception to rebate inapplicable. For purposes of this exception, Gross Proceeds used to pay principal of the Note is not treated as expended for the governmental purpose of the Note. (b) Exception for Gross Proceeds Entirely Spent Within Eighteen Months. If all of the Gross Proceeds of the New Money Note (other than amounts in the Debt Service Fund), including investment earnings received with respect to all funds and accounts established with respect to the New Money Note except the Debt Service Fund, have been expended for the governmental purpose ofthe New Money Note in accordance with the following schedule measured from the Issue Date: (a) at least IS percent within 6 months (the "first spending period"); (b) at least 60 percent within 12 months (the "second spending period"); and (c) 100 percent within 18 months (the "third spending period"); then the only Nonpurpose Investments to be taken into account in the calculation of the Rebate Amount with respect to the New Money Note is any Gross . . Proceeds arising after such 18 months which were not reasonably anticipated as of the Issue Date. The existence of sinking fund or pledged fund proceeds or the expectation that such proceeds will arise within eighteen months of the Issue Date will make the eighteen-month expenditure exception to rebate inapplicable. For purposes of this exception, Gross Proceeds used to pay principal of the Note is not treated as expended on the governmental purpose of the issue. For purposes of determining compliance with the first two spending periods, the amount of Investment Proceeds included in Gross Proceeds of the New Money Note is determined based on the Issuers's reasonable expectations on the Issue Date. The spending requirement for the third spending period is, nevertheless, satisfied if the unspent amount is a result of a Reasonable Retainage as defined in Section I.I48-7(h) of the Regulations as modified by Section I.I48-7(d)(2) of the Regulations and such unspent amount is expended within 30 months of the Issue Date. The spending requirement for the third spending period is also, nevertheless, satisfied if the Issuer exercises due diligence to complete the New Project and the unspent amount does not exceed the lesser of3% of the Issue Price of the New Money Note or an amount equal to the product of $250,000 times the ratio of the Issue Price of the New Money Note over the Issue Price of the Note. (c) Exception for Gross Proceeds Entirely Spent Within Twenty-Four Months. The Issuer reasonably expects the New Money Note to qualify as Construction Bonds because at least seventy-five percent (75%) of the Available Construction Proceeds are to be used for expenditures of construction, reconstruction or rehabilitation of property which is owned by the Issuer. If all of the Available Construction Proceeds of the New Money Note have been expended for the governmental purpose of the the New Money Note in accordance with the following schedule measured from the Issue Date: 10% within 6 months (the "first spending period"), 45% within 12 months (the "second spending period"), 75% within 18 months (the "third spending period") and 100% within 24 months (the "fourth spending period"), then no Nonpurpose Investments are to be taken into account in the calculation of the Rebate Amount with respect to the New Money Note. For purposes of this exception, Available Construction Proceeds used to pay principal of bonds are not treated as expended on the governmental purpose of the New Money Note. For purposes of determining compliance with the first three spending periods, the amount ofInvestment Proceeds included in Available Construction Proceeds of the New Money Note is determined based on the Issuers's reasonable expectations on the Issue Date. The spending requirement for the fourth spending period is, nevertheless, satisfied if the unspent amount is a result of a Reasonable Retainage as defined in Section 1. 148-7(h) of the Regulations and such unspent amount is expended within 36 months of the Issue Date. The spending requirement for the fourth spending period is also, nevertheless, satisfied if the Issuer exercises due diligence to complete the New Project and the unspent amount does not exceed the lesser of3% of the Issue Price of the New Money Note or an amount equal to the product of $250,000 times the ratio of the Issue Price of the New Money Note over the Issue Price of the Note. In connection with this rebate exception, the Issuer elects to pay the Rebate Amount calculated for the period starting from the Issue Date in the event of noncompliance with the two (2) year phased expenditure requirement. . . (d) Debt Service Fund Exception. If the average maturity of the Note is at least 5 years and the rates of interest do not vary during the term of the Note, then any amount earned on the Debt Service Fund (including amounts representing accrued interest but excluding amounts representing capitalized interest) will not be taken into account in determining the Rebate Amount. 4.5. Payment to United States. (a) If the Issuer is required to make a rebate payment to the United States. Unless the Note is redeemed prior to such time, the Issuer will pay to the United States, not later than 60 days after each Installment Computation Date, an amount which, when added to previous rebate payments made with respect to the Note, is equal to not less than 90 percent of the Rebate Amount, less the Computation Date Credit. The Issuer will pay to the United States, not later than 60 days after the Note is fully paid or redeemed, 100 percent of the Rebate Amount, less the Computation Date Credit. If the final rebate payment is made within 60 days after the Final Computation Date, interest on the Rebate Amount will be deemed to accrue at the underpayment rate under Section 6201 of the Code, beginning on the date the Rebate Amount is due and ending on the date 10 days before it is paid. (b) The Issuer will mail each payment to the appropriate Internal Revenue Service Center. Each payment shall be accompanied by the copy of the Form 8038-T and the Form 8038-G or 8038-GC filed with respect to the Note issue and a statement identifying the Issuer and the Note, including the CUSIP number for the Note with the latest maturity for which there is a CUSIP number. 4.6. Recordkeeping. In connection with rebate requirement, the Issuer will maintain the following records: (a) The Issuer will retain records of the determinations made pursuant to Section 4.3 until six years after the retirement of the last obligation of the issue. (b) The Issuer will record all amounts paid to the United States pursuant to Section 4.5. 4.7. Rebate Regarding Prior Issues. The Issuer understands that it must make a final rebate accounting and submit a Form 8038-T, if applicable, to the Internal Revenue Service with any required rebate or penalty payments within 60 days of the final redemption date of the Prior Issue with respect to the Prior Issue being refunded with Proceeds of the Current Refunding Note. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of the Town of Southold, as of the 3rd day of October, 2003. (SEAL) . . Exhibit A Definitions (This exhibit includes definitions of certain terms which may not be used in the Issuer's Arbitrage and Use of Proceeds Certificate. The terms "Bond" and "Bonds," as used in the following definitions, shall also refer to the Note, where appropriate.) "Available Construction Proceeds" means the Issue Price of the Construction Bonds (i) plus earnings on the Issue Price and on amounts in any reserve fund not funded from bond proceeds, and earnings on such earnings and (ii) less the amount of the Issue Price representing a reasonably required reserve or replacement fund and costs of issuance funded with proceeds received from the sale of the Note. For purposes of this definition earnings include earnings on any tax-exempt bond. If only a portion of the Note constitute Construction Bonds, a pro-rata portion of the above-described amount will constitute available construction proceeds. Pre-issuance accrued interest and earnings thereon may be disregarded. "Bona Fide Debt Service Fund" means a fund, which may include proceeds of an issue, that is used primarily to achieve a proper matching of revenues with principal and interest payments within each Bond Year and is depleted at least once each Bond Year except for a reasonable carry over amount (not in excess of the earnings on the fund for the immediately preceding Bond Year or one-twelfth of the principal and interest payments on the issue for the immediately preceding Bond Year). "Bond Counsel" means any nationally recognized attorney or firm of attorneys, knowledgeable in the requirements of the Code, and the Regulations, and retained by the Issuer. "Bond Year" means each one-year period (or shorter period) from the date of issue that ends at the close of business on the day in the calendar year selected by the Issuer which day is no later than the last day within one year of the issue date of the Bonds. "Capital Expenditure" means any costs of a type that is properly chargeable to capital account (or would be so chargeable with a proper election or by virtue, based on all the facts and circumstances, of a facility having reached a degree of completion which would permit its operation at substantially its design level and the facility is, in fact, in operation at such level) under general federal income tax principles, e.g., costs incurred to acquire, construct or improve land, buildings, and equipment are generally capital expenditures. Whether an expenditure is a capital expenditure is determined at the time the expenditure is paid with respect to the property. Future changes in law do not affect whether an expenditure is a capital expenditure. "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. "Computation Date" means any Installment Computation Date or the Final Computation Date. . . "Computation Date Credit" means, for any issue of obligations, an amount equal to the Future Value of $1,000 for each Bond Year during which there are gross proceeds of the Note on a Computation Date other than the Final Computation Date, and $1,000 on the Final Computation Date. "Computation Period" means the period beginning on the day following a Computation Date (or in the case of the first period, the date of issuance of the Note) and ending on the next succeeding Computation Date. "Construction Bonds" means an issue in which all of the bonds are either (i) Governmental Bonds; (ii) Qualified 501(c)(3) bonds or (iii) Private Activity Bonds to finance property owned by a governmental unit or a 501(c)(3) organization, if at least 75 percent of the Available Construction Proceeds of the issue are to be used, or are expected to be used for Construction Expenditures for property which is owned by a governmental entity or a 501(c)(3) organization. "Construction Expenditures" means Capital Expenditures which are properly chargeable to or may be capitalized as part of the basis of (a) real property other than expenditures for the acquisition of any interest in land or any interest in real property other than land, (b) Constructed Personal Property; or (c) specially developed computer software that is functionally related and subordinate to real property or Constructed Personal Property. Construction Costs may include the acquisition of an interest in real property (other than land) if such acquisition is pursuant to a contract which requires the seller to build or install the property (e.g., a "turnkey" contract) and the property has not been built or installed at the time the parties enter into the contract. For purposes of this definition, real property means land improvements, buildings, other inherently permanent structures, including items that are structural components of such buildings or structures, wiring in a building, plumbing systems, central heating or central air -conditioning systems, pipes or ducts, elevators or escalators installed in a building, paving parking areas, roads, wharves and docks, bridges, and sewage lines. "Fair Market Value" of an Investment shall have the following meanings: (a) In General. Except as elsewhere specifically stated below, the Fair Market Value of an Investment is the price at which a willing buyer would purchase the Investment from a willing seller in a bona fide, arm's -length transaction. (b) United States Treasury Obligation. The Fair Market Value ofa United States Treasury Obligation that is purchased directly from the United States Treasury is its purchase price. (c) Certificate of Deposit. The Fair Market Value of a certificate of deposit with a fixed interest rate, a fixed payment schedule, and a substantial penalty for early withdrawal is its purchase price provided, the Yield on the certificate of deposit is not less than (i) the Yield on reasonably comparable direct obligations of the United States and (ii) the highest Yield published by the provider and currently available from the provider on reasonably comparable certificates of deposit offered to the public. . . (d) Guaranteed Investment Contracts. The Fair Market Value of a guaranteed investment contract is its purchase price, provided (i) the Issuer makes a bona fide solicitation for such contract and receives at least three bona fide bids from providers with no material interest in the issue; (ii) the Issuer purchases the highest-yielding guaranteed investment contract for which a qualifying bid is made (determined net of broker' s fees); (iii) the Yield on such contract (determined net of broker' s fees) is not less than the Yield then available from the provider on reasonably comparable investment contracts, if any, offered to other persons from a source of funds other than gross proceeds of tax-exempt bonds; (iv) the determination of the terms of a guaranteed investment contract takes into account as a significant factor the Issuer's reasonably expected drawdown schedule for amounts to be invested, exclusive of float and reserves, (v) the terms of the contract, including collateral security requirements are reasonable, and (vi) the obligor certifies the administrative costs it is paying to third parties in connection with the contract. To the extent that the administrative cost does not exceed the lesser of a reasonable amount based on what would be charged for the same or comparable investment acquired with a source of funds other than Gross Proceeds of tax exempt bonds or the Present Value of annual payments equal to five one-hundredths of one percent (0.05%) of the weighted average amount reasonably expected to be invested each year of the contract, it may be taken into account in determining Yield, with the effect that it will increase the payments for, or decrease the receipts from, Investments. For this purpose, Present Value is to be computed using the taxable discount rate used by the parties to compute the commission or, if not readily ascertainable, a reasonable taxable discount rate. "Final Computation Date" means the day the last Bond that is part ofthe Bonds is discharged. "Future Value" or "FV" of a payment or receipt means the amount, determined by using the economic accrual method (the method of computing yield based on the compounding of interest at the end of each compounding period), equal to the value of such payment or receipt at the time it is paid or received (or treated as paid or received), plus interest assumed to be earned and compounded over the period at a rate equal to the yield on the issue, using the same compounding interval and financial conventions used to compute yield. "Governmental Bonds" means bonds which are not Private Activity Bonds. "Gross Proceeds" means Sale Proceeds, Transferred Proceeds, Investment Proceeds and Replacement Proceeds. "Issue Date" means October 3, 2003, the date on which the Note is delivered to the underwriters and payment of the purchase price of the Note is received by the Issuer. "Issue Price" when used in connection with an issue of publicly offered obligations (determined separately for obligations included in the issue that are not substantially identical) is the first price at which at least ten percent of each maturity of each series of the obligations are sold to the public. Bond house, brokers, or similar persons or organizations . . acting in the capacity of underwriters or wholesalers are not included in the definition of "public" for purposes of the preceding sentence. If the obligations are privately placed, the Issue Price is the price paid for them by the first buyer. The Issue Price of obligations that are publicly offered in a bona fide public offering is determined on the basis of actual facts and reasonable circumstances existing on the sale date unadjusted for subsequent occurrences. "Installment Computation Date" means the last day of the fifth Bond Year and the last day of each succeeding fifth Bond Year (until and excluding the Final Computation Date) and, if the Issuer so elects, the last day of any Bond Year. "Investment" means (i) any security (within the meaning of Section 165(g)(2)(A) or (8) of the Code, (ii) any obligation (other than tax-exempt obligations which are not "specified private activity bonds" within the meaning of Section 57(a)(5)(C) of the Code), (iii) any annuity contract within the meaning of Section 72 of the Code, (iv) any residential real property for family units not located within the jurisdiction of the Issuer and which is not required to implement a court-ordered or approved housing desegregation plan or (v) any investment-type property that is held as a passive vehicle for the production of income, including any prepayment for property or services if a principal purpose of prepayment is to receive an investment return from the time the prepayment is made until the time payment would otherwise have been made. "Investment Proceeds" means any amounts actually or constructively received from investing proceeds ofthe Note. "Issuer" means Town of South old, in the County of Suffolk, New York. "Multipurpose Issue" means an issue the proceeds of which are used for two or more separate purposes determined in accordance with Section 1. 148-9(h) of the Regulations. "Net Sale Proceeds" means sale proceeds less the portion of those sale proceeds invested in a reasonably required reserve or replacement fund or as part of a minor portion. "Nonpurpose Investment" meal)S any Investment in which Gross Proceeds are invested and which is not acquired to carry out the governmental purpose of the issue. "Note" means the $4,680,000 Bond Anticipation Note for Solid Waste Management District-2003, dated October 3, 2003. "Official Statement" means the Official Statement of the Issuer relating to the Note. "Person" means any individual, corporation, partnership, joint venture, associatiOn, joint stock company, trust, unincorporated organization or government or any agency or political subdivision thereof . . "Plain Par Note" means a qualified tender bond or a bond that (i) is issued with original issue discount equal to not more than 2 percent of the stated redemption price at maturity plus the amount of original issue premium attributable exclusively to underwriters' compensation, (ii) is issued for a price that does not include Pre-Issuance Accrued Interest, (iii) bears interest from the issue date at a single stated fixed rate or is a variable rate obligation under Section 1275 of the Code, in either case, that pays interest unconditionally payable at least annually, and (iv) has a lowest stated redemption price not less than its outstanding stated principal amount. "Plain Par Investment" means an investment that is an obligation that (i) is issued with original issue discount (or if acquired on a date other than the issue date, acquired with market discount or premium) equal to not more than 2 percent of the stated redemption price at maturity, (ii) is issued for a price that does not include Pre-Issuance Accrued Interest, (iii) bears interest from the issue date at a single stated fixed rate or is a variable rate obligation under Section 1275 of the Code that pays interest unconditionally payable at least annually, and (iv) has a lowest stated redemption price not less than its outstanding stated principal amount. formula: "Present Value" or "PV" means the amount determined by using the following FV PV= (Hi)" where i equals the discount rate divided by the number of compounding intervals in a year and n equals the sum of (i) the number of whole compounding intervals for the period beginning on the date as of which Present Value is computed and ending on the date the amount is to be received or paid or on a Computation Date and (ii) a fraction the numerator of which is the length of any short compounding interval during such period and the denominator of which is the length of a whole compounding interval. "Private Activity Bonds" means bonds which meet the definition contained in Section 141(a) of the Code and that are not "qualified bonds" as defined in Section 141(e) of the Code. by the Note. "Project" means the project referred to in the Resolution, which is being financed "Qualified SOl(c)(3) Bonds" means bonds which meet the definition contained in Section 145 of the Code. "Qualified Guarantee" means, with respect to a bond, an unconditional transfer, in any form, of substantially all of the credit risk for all or part of the payments, such as payments for principal and interest, redemption prices or tender prices, on the guaranteed bonds. The guarantor must not expect to make any payments other than those pursuant to a direct-pay letter of credit or similar arrangement for which the guarantor will be immediately reimbursed. Reasonable procedural or administrative requirements or, in the case of a guarantee against . . failure to remarket a qualified tender bond, commercially reasonable limitations based on credit risk, will not cause the guarantee to be conditional. The guarantor may not be a co-obligor, nor may the obligor and any related parties combined use more than 10 percent of proceeds of the guaranteed portion of the bonds. The guarantee fee must not exceed a reasonable arm's-length charge solely for the transfer ofthe credit risk. A guarantee will not be qualified unless, as of the date the guarantee is obtained, the issuer reasonably expects that the present value of all fees for the guarantee will be less than the present value of the expected interest savings on the issue as a result of the guarantee. For this purpose, present value is computed using the yield on the issue, determined with regard to the guarantee fees, as the discount rate. "Rebate Amount" means with respect to the Note, the amount computed as described in Section 4.3 ofthe Certificate. "Regulations" means the Income Tax Regulations promulgated under Sections 103 and 141 to 150 of the Code by the Department of the Treasury from time to time, including the Regulations published on June 18, 1993 in the Federal Register, as they may be amended from time to time. "Replacement Proceeds" means amounts with a sufficiently direct nexus to the Note or Project to conclude that such amounts would have been used for the Project if the proceeds of the Note were not so used to the extent held by or derived from the Issuer or a controlled entity of the Issuer, including: sinking funds, pledged funds (including negative pledges), certain other amounts if the term of the issue is longer than necessary for the governmental purposes of the Note, and a bond-funded working capital reserve unless the Note qualify for one of the exceptions provided in the Regulations. "Resolution" or "Resolutions" means the bond resolutions of the Issuer, as referred to in the Certificate. "Sale Proceeds" means any amounts actually or constructively received from the sale of an issue, including amounts used to pay underwriters' discount or compensation, accrued interest other than Pre-Issuance Accrued Interest, or derived from the sale of a right associated with a bond as further described in Section 1. I 48-4(b)(4) of the Regulations. "SLG" means a U.S. Treasury Book Entry Security, State and Local Government Series. "Spendable Proceeds" means sale proceeds, less the portion of those sale proceeds invested in a reasonably required reserve or replacement fund under Section 148(d) of the Code and as part of a minor portion under Section 148( e) of the Code. "Transferred Proceeds" means unexpended original or investment proceeds of a refunded issue which transfer and become proceeds of the refunding issue when proceeds of the refunding issue are applied to pay principal of the refunded issue. "Treasury" means the United States Department of Treasury. . . "Universal Cap" means the maximum value of Nonpurpose Investments which may be allocated to the Note and is determined by reference to the Value of all outstanding Note of the issue. Nonpurpose Investments shall be taken into account as Nonpurpose Receipts at their Value on a Valuation Date. "Valuation Date" means the date on which the value of the Universal Cap and the Nonpurpose Investments allocable to the Note thereunder are determined. With respect to new money issues, the first Valuation Date shall be the second year anniversary date of the date of issuance of the Note; thereafter, the first day of each Note Year shall constitute a Valuation Date. With respect to a refunding issue, each date on which proceeds of the refunded issue would become transferred proceeds of the refunding issue, e.g. each date on which principal of the refunded issue is paid with proceeds of the refunding bonds, shall constitute a Valuation Date. In addition, the first date of each Note Year shall also be a Valuation Date. "Value" means, in the case of a Note, the Value of a Note and in the case of an Investment, the Value ofan Investment. "Value of a Note" means, in the case of a Plain Par Note, its outstanding stated principal amount, plus. accrued unpaid interest or in the case of a Plain Par Note actually redeemed, or treated as redeemed, its stated redemption price on the redemption date plus accrued unpaid interest. In the case of a bond other than a Plain Par Note, the value on a date of such a bond is its Present Value on that date, using the yield on the issue of which the bonds are a part as the discount factor. In determining the Present Value of a variable rate bond, the initial interest rate on the bond established by the index or other rate setting mechanism is used to determine the interest payments on that bond. "Value of an Investment" means, as of any date, unless the Investment is required invested as a restricted yield, for any Investment, Fair Market Value as of that date; for any fixed rate investment, Present Value on that date; and for any Plain Par Investment, the outstanding stated principal amount, plus accrued unpaid interest, as of that date. Yield restricted investments must be valued at Present Value, amounts allocated or that cease to be allocated to an issue must be allocated at Fair Market Value, except in cases in which such Nonpurpose Investments are allocated as a result of the Universal Cap or Transferred Proceeds rules in which case they may be valued at Present Value, and amounts allocated to Transferred Proceeds may not be valued in excess of the value used for arbitrage restrictions applicable to the Refunded Issue. "Working Capital Expenditure" means any cost of a type that does not constitute a Capital Expenditure. "Yield" means, as of any Computation Date, that discount rate that, when used in computing the Present Value of (i) all unconditionally payable payments of principal and interest of or on the bonds included in such fixed yield issue, (ii) all unconditionally payable fees for Qualified Guarantees and Qualified Hedges on such bonds and (iii) all fees expected to be paid for Qualified Guarantees and Qualified Hedges, produces an amount equal to the sum of the Present Value of the aggregate Issue Prices of the bonds comprising the issue (determined using . . the same discount rate used to determine the Present Value of payments for principal, interest and Qualified Hedges and Qualified Guarantees). The Yield is computed as of the issue date of the fixed yield issue by treating each bond included in the issue that is either subject to mandatory or contingent early redemption or to certain optional redemption provisions as being redeemed on its expected early redemption date for an amount equal to its Value on that date. If a fixed yield bond (i) is subj ect to optional redemptions within 5 years of its issue date and the Yield not taking into account the optional redemption is more than 1/8 of 1 % above its Yield assuming the early redemption, (ii) is issued at an Issue Price that exceeds the stated redemption price at maturity by more than 1/4 of 1% multiplied by the product of the stated redemption price to maturity and the number of complete years to the first optional redemption date for the bond, or (iii) bears interest at increasing interest rates, the Yield on the issue including such fixed yield bond is computed by treating the fixed yield bond as redeemed at its stated redemption price on the optional redemption date that produces the lowest Yield on the issue. No adjustment will be made on any Computation Date to the Yield on a fixed yield issue as computed on its issue date unless redemption rights are subsequently transferred to a third party or termination payments are received with respect to Qualified Hedges. The Yield on a fixed yield bond is calculated in the same manner as Yield on a fixed yield issue. i . . AFFIDAVIT AS TO NO CONFLICT OF INTEREST STATE OF NEW YORK ) :ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) Elizabeth A. Neville, being duly sworn upon her oath deposes and says: 1. I am the duly appointed, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, New York (herein and in Schedule A annexed hereto called "Town"); 2. That with respect to the contract of sale of the Note of the Town described in the Certificate of Determination executed by the Supervisor on the 3rd day of October, 2003, to the financial institution indicated in such Certificate, I have made a careful inquiry of each officer and employee of the Town having the power or duty to (a) negotiate, prepare, authorize or approve the contract or authorize or approve payment thereunder, (b) audit bills or claims under the contract, or (c) appoint an officer or employee who has any of the powers or duties set forth above, as to whether or not such officer or employee has an interest (as defined pursuant to Article 18 of the General Municipal Law) in such contract; 3. That upon information and belief, as a result of such inquiry, no such officer or employee has any such interest in said contract unless otherwise noted in Schedule A annexed hereto and by this reference made a part hereof ~rh"~ 0 -rrH/}; Town Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of October, 2003. ~~~;,~.~ NOTARY ~0~Pf'c M. aOHN N ,State otN 'l'l OUaliti~'(P.1806020932 ew ork Term Expjr~~ SMuttolk County arch B, 20 a::z. 434255.1019064 CERT , . . . SCHEDULE A 1. , is a stockholder of the Purchaser owning or controlling, directly or indirectly, less than five per centum (5%) of the outstanding stock thereof but no disclosure of such interest by said officer is required pursuant to said Law. 2. , has an interest in the Purchaser solely by reason of employment as an officer or employee thereof, but the remuneration of such employment will not be directly affected as a result of said contract and the duties of such employment do not directly involve the procurement, preparation or performance of any such part of such contract. 3. . has publicly disclosed the nature and extent of such interest in writing to the governing board of the Town. Such written disclosure has been made a part of and set forth in the official record of proceedings of the Town. 434255.1019064 CERT , . . CERTIFICATES AS TO SIGNATURES, LITIGATION, AND DELIVERY AND PAYMENT WE, the undersigned officers of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, a municipal corporation of the State of New York and herein referred to as the "Town", HEREBY CERTIFY that on October 3, 2003, we officially signed and properly executed by manual signatures $4,680,000 Bond Anticipation Note for Solid Waste Management District- 2003 (the "Note") of the Town, payable to bearer and otherwise described in Schedule A annexed hereto and by this reference made a part hereof, and that at the time of such signing and execution and on the date hereof we were and are the duly chosen, qualified and acting officers of the Town authorized to execute said Note and holding the respective offices indicated by the titles set opposite our signatures hereto for terms expiring on the respective dates set opposite such titles. WE FURTHER CERTIFY that no litigation of any nature is now pending or threatened restraining or enjoining the issuance or delivery of said Note or the levy or collection of any taxes to pay the interest on or principal of said Note, or in any manner questioning the authority or proceedings for the issuance of said Note or for the levy or collection of said taxes, or relating to said Note or affecting the validity thereof or the levy or collection of said taxes, that neither the corporate existence or boundaries of the Town nor the title of any of the present officers thereof to their respective offices is being contested, and that no authority or proceedings for the issuance of said Note has or have been repealed, revoked or rescinded. WE FURTHER CERTIFY that the seal which is impressed upon this certificate has been affixed, imprinted, impressed or otherwise reproduced upon said Note and is the legally adopted, proper and only official corporate seal of the Town. And, I, Joshua Y. Horton, Supervisor, HEREBY FURTHER CERTIFY that on October 3, 2003, I delivered or caused the delivery of said Note to Fleet National Bank, Southold, New York, the purchaser thereof, and that at the time of such delivery of said Note, the Town received from said purchaser the amount hereinbelow stated, in full payment for said Note, computed as follows: Price ......... .......... $4,680,000 Interest on said Note accrued to the date of such delivery ................................ 0.00 Amount Received... ......................... ................................... $4,680,000 434255.] 019064 CERT . . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and said corporate seal has hereunto been affixed this 3rd day of October, 2003. Term of Office Expires Title December 31, 2003 Supervisor December 31, 2005 Town Clerk I HEREBY CERTIFY that the signatures of the officers of the above named Town which appear above, are true and genuine and that I know said officers and know them to hold the re ective offices set opposite their several signatures. ~Of (Title) rM~~ (Name of Bank) (SEAL) 434255.1019064 CERT . . ATTORNEY'S CERTIFICATE I, Gregory F. Yakaboski, HEREBY CERTIFY that I am a licensed attorney at law of the State of New York, having offices at 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, and am the duly chosen, qualified and acting Town Attorney of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, a municipal corporation of the State of New York and herein referred to as the "Town", that no litigation of any nature is now pending or threatened restraining or enjoining the issuance or delivery of the Note of the Town, payable to bearer and otherwise described as set forth in Schedule A annexed hereto and by this reference made a part hereof or the levy or collection of any taxes to pay the interest on or principal of said Note, or in any manner questioning the authority or proceedings for the issuance of said Note or for the levy or collection of said taxes, or relating to said Note or affecting the validity thereof or the levy or collection of said taxes, that neither the corporate existence or boundaries of the Town nor the title of any of the present officers thereof to their respective offices is being contested, and that no authority or proceedings for the issuance of said Note has or have been repealed, revoked or rescinded. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 3rd day of October, 2003. T ttorney 434255.10]9064 CERT Amount and Title: Dated: Matures: Number 2R-I . SCHEDULE A . $4,680,000 Bond Anticipation Note for Solid Waste Management District-20OJ October 3, 2003 October I, 2004, subject to prior redemption Denomination $4,680,000 Interest Rate (per annum) 1.19% 434255.1019064 CERT