HomeMy WebLinkAboutUsed Vehicle - Dump Truck Town of Southold - Letter Board Meeting of April 10, 2007 RESOLUTION 2007-364 Item # 27 ADOPTED DOC ID: 2786 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2007-364 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON APRIL 10,2007: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the bid of Donald Grim, PO Box 300, Cutchol.!ue, NY in the amount of$129. for a used, 1988 Dodge 3 yard Dump Truck, Fleet #PW3. ~.~,qQ~..JL Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Thomas H. Wickham, Councilman SECONDER: Louisa P. Evans, Justice AYES: Evans, Wickham, Ross, Edwards, Russell, Krupski Jr. Generated April 11, 2007 Page 37 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK 'c/:;~~f;FO;;!;:... i,(! .....\,:JM~ C'a.....; fj~ ~.; ~! J..;:;: -y~ " i{;';::) '2 ", & c .. ::; " en ;;e: '> .~~ ~;! .,~ 4'. .. '" /! '~:. ."l~~(;/ .'~'.~';::~:;7'^:)'/' REGISTRAR OF VITAL ST A TISnCS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMA nON OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FAX TRANSMITTAL To: Highway Department From: Linda J. Cooper, Deputy Town Clerk Dated: April 13, 2007 Re: Grim payed for truck Number of Pages (including cover):3 If total transmittal is not received, please call 631-765-1800, Ext 210 COMMENTS: Donald Grim will be in sometime next week to pick up the dump truck. Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 Town Of Southold P.O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 * * * RECEIPT * * * Date: 04/13/07 Transaction(s): 1 1 Cash Used Equipment - Part Town Reference 2007-36 Total Paid: Subtotal $129.00 $129.00 Name: Grim, Donald P.o. Box 300 Cutchogue, NY 11935 Clerk 10: L1NDAC Internal 10: 2007-364 #8267 STATE OF NEW YORK) ) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) Candice Schott of Mattituck, in said county, being duly sworn, says that he/she is Principal clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a weekly newspaper, published at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly published in said Newspaper once each week for 1 week(s), successively, commencing on the .8th daY.ffi ~.C..h 2007. (2~U' .~/ ~ Principal Clerk Sworn to before me this 2007 q Llrc~ I fSil Let Uo (Ufvl CH STlNA VOLlNSKI NOTARY PUBLIC-STATE OF NEW YORK No.Ol-V06105050 Qualified In Suffolk County CommissIon ExpIres February 28. 2008 RECEIVd) MPR j 2007 . LEGAL NOTlCE-- . NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thaI the Town Board of the Town of Southold is offering for sale the following USED HIGHWAY VEHICLES in "as is" con- dition: Asset: PW3 Year:. 1988 Make: Dodge Model: 3 yard Dump Truck ID #, lB6MD345XJS651997 Sealed bids, together with a Non-Col. lusive Bid Certificate and bank draft or <<rtiBed t::heck in the amount of $100.00, will be received by the Town Clerk at the Soutbold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, until 10:00 8.m.., TItursday, March 15, 2007, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any and all infor- malities in ~nl bid should it be dee~ in the best interest of the Town of South- old to do so. All bids must be signed and seal~d in envelopes plainly marked "Bid on High- way Departmen,t Dump Truck," and submitted to the. Town Clerk. The bid price shall not include any tax, federal, state, or local, from which the Town of Southold is exempt. Dated; February 27, 2007 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK 8267-1T3/8 SOU~~i0~J !(,\.;n Clerk ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Only one bid submitted. Donald Grimm PO Box 300 Cutchogue, NY 11935 631-921-1037 . . OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BID OPENING Used Vehicle (Hil!hwav) Bid Bid Opening 3/15/07 10:00 A.M. $129.00 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 sou tholdtown. northfor k. net . . . NON-COLLUSIVE BID CERTIFICATE & BID FORM The undersigned bidder certifies that this bid has been arrived at by the bidder independently and has been submitted without collusion with any other vendor of materials, supplies or equipment of the type described in the invitation for bids, and the contents of this bid have not been communicated by the bidder, nor, to its best knowledge and belief, by any of its employees or agents, to any person not an employee or agent of the bidder or its surety on any bond furnished herewith prior to the official opening of the bid. )~ Signed:. ; J Printname~~ Corporate Title (if any) Company Name ""Hing Add",,, tf%;::2 Phone NumberBI C;:V-jCo/) ;/Z, Bid Amount: ;P7:u () BID ON Dodge Dump Truck #651997 PAY TO THE ORDER OF '?./ n7 . II.: II' ~OObB 71,11' .:0 2 ~I,O Sl,bl,l: ~I, 00000 ~ 911' "110-;" 1!I1J1HElI\ij1mlD~~ffiT!~~"''l'~;IEEl\'l'~E!!~~ilJ!I!f_1ID!!~'M,JIlB!!l[EilD:16'Nr~NG,"iTQ'J'jE\'I~\'!.HE1!ll>NECKIIIJlIitIlE1E!!DO)lSEMEN;,,'z:ll'~~";;;:jf*'?;1i One Hundred Dollars and Zero Cents s $100.00 L CHECK C!: 10wn of $wthold , nEno Grt VV\ / . " . . LEGAL NOTICE . NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Southold is offering for sale the following USED HIGHWAY VEHICLES in "as is" condition: Asset Year Make Model ID # PW3 1988 Dodge 3 yard Dump Truck IB6MD345XJS65 1997 Sealed bids, together with a Non-Collusive Bid Certificate and bank draft or certified check in the amount of $100.00, will be received by the Town Clerk at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, until 10:00 A.M., Thursday, March 15,2007, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Town Board of the Town of South old reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any and all informalities in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked "Bid on Highway Department Dump Truck," and submitted to the Town Clerk. The bid price shall not include any tax, federal, state, or local, from which the Town of Southold is exempt. Dated: February 27, 2007 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK * * * PLEASE PUBLISH ON MARCH 8, 2007 AND FORWARD ONE (I) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO ELIZABETH NEVILLE, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, PO BOX 1179, SOUTHOLD, NY 11971. Copies to the following: The Suffolk Times Town Attorney Data Construction Brown's Letters Town Clerk's Bulletin Board Town Board Members Highway Dodge Reports Burrelle's Information Services . . STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, Town Clerk ofthe Town of South old, New York being duly sworn, says that on the.....1...- day of ~o.... ,.!~ ,2007, she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of South old, Suffolk County, New York, to wit: Town Clerk's Bulletin Board, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York. Used Dump Truck 3/15/0710:00 am ~hd$~Q ()~~U;~ Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk Sworn before me this 1 day of '{Y\n.uL ,2007. ~i~ D\ ~D otary Public LYNDA M. BOHN NOTARY PUBLIC. State of NewYOIt No. 01 B06020932 Qualified in Suffolk County Term Expires March 8, 201L. Town of Southold - Lette. ~ Board .ting of February 27, 2007 RESOLUTION 2007-215 ADOPTED Item # II DOC ID: 2632 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2007-215 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON FEBRUARY 27, 2007: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby declares the followinl!: equipment to be sUl'Dlus equipment: 1988 Dodge 3 yard Dump Truck Vin # I B6MD345XJS651997 Fleet # PW3 Be it further RESOLVED that the Town Board authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to advertise for the sale of same in "as in" condition. ~Qe-/P.' Elizabeth A. Neville South old Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Louisa P. Evans, Justice SECONDER: Thomas H. Wickham, Councilman AYES: Evans, Wickham, Ross, Edwards, Russell, Krupski Jr. Generated March I, 2007 Page 17